THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 27, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PAGE TWO Commencing To Wonder? Many people have commenced to wonder what they ar co lng to prepare during the holiday season, and the "Do Your Christmas Shopping Early," is going to hare more followers than ever this year. We do not anticipate an earlyrush, but we are prepared for it, and to those who expect to serve a number of friends and relatives during the holiday season, we wish to say that anything in the GROCERY line is available here at prices that please you. Sam Hughes Co. Boxing- - Wrestling Under Auspices American Legion S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW Old Man Nineteen Twenty-one passes down the trail and around the bend that hides him from view and carries him into the land of Yesterdays. The old fellow's brow is wrinkled, his hair is thin and gray, his steps are slow and feeble and he probably gladly yields his place to the saucy, young imp who is just coming in sight over the brow of the hill 1 hat overlooks the world. The old man has had a checkered career the past twelve months. He has reigned, as best he might, over a world not yet recovered from the waste of war. He has witnessed much monetary loss many privations, in our land and a degree of poverty, famine and suffering, the awful import of which we can scarcely grasp, in other sections of the earth, ile has seen Ihe truth of the old adage,, "Wilful waste makes woeful want," forcibly demonstrated both in the affairs of nations and individuals, lie has truly brought much that seemed jiot good to the peoples of the earth but he has also gi promise of better things in store. The financial maze through which a weary world has been wondering these past twelve months is only a logical result of Ihe blood lust and money madness that ruled the world through foujr destructive years. War profits, big wages, high prices turned many hitherto level heads and the result, was that Wilful Waste went wild and when the pinnacle of prices and profits was reached the powers that be swiftly sprung the trap and sent the world hurtling to the bottom. Woeful Want then took his inning and what men have lost in wealth, let us hope they have gained in wisdom. Looking backward over the dismal desert just crossed, after attaining the hilltop beyond , is not very comforting, however, unless we arc able to rejoice in the hardships of Ihe journey because of the relief at getting out. Better it is to turn our gaze and view the pleasant valley ahead. There is yet a rough trail before us but there is promise of better things at its end. Hut. a few years ago men and women who wrote, or .spoke or agitated against war were looked upon as vision aries, dreamers, milksops a variety of spineless cactus of the human family while today a conference of the bright est minds of (he leading nations of the earth are in session at Washington devising plans for the limitation of arma ments which a war-wrecked world hopes and believes will prove to be the first step toward ending the reign of Mars and this planet. .Should we not be able to forget the little losses, the trivial trials of the past year and be truly grate ful for this great good the passing year gives promise of? Let us then wave a kind farewell to the tottering figure going out of sight around the bend and greet the smiling youngster on the hilltop with cheer and good will. Old Man Nineteen Twenty-one has paved the way for Youngster Nineteen Twenty two to make a name for himself during the next twelvemonth and we should all turn to and help him make good. All that is needed is plenty of courage, unbounded faith, undimmed hope and over all, sweet Charity which means love. ' farewell to the old year; hail to the new. The Poor Boy Must Still Be Able to Climb Upward Economically. n.V Pit. PA V II KIM.I'.Y, President I'nlMM-slry of Illinois. Boxing: Valentine vs. Lieuellan Wrestling: H. Baumanvs. Harry Turner Fair Pavilion Friday, Dec. 30 Adm. 25c 7:30 Belgian National Song, linibanconne is the national song of the I'elsrians, originally sung liy the insurgents during the revolution f September, 1S.'!(). A young French player of the name of Jenneval was the author of the song, which was set to music by a singer named Campen hout. Jenneval fell in a combat with the Dutch at Berchem. New Interna tional Encyclopedia. Wanted to Know Papa's Status. Little Freddy at the breakfast table, after having tucked away one piece of cake, turned to bis father and said, "May I take another piece of cake, papa?" Father, with years of training to his credit, answered, "You'll have to ask mamma about that, Freddie." Whereupon sonny piped up, "Haven't you anything to say at all, papa?" lution. ihe I ut ion we choose will iieicriuiue me poncy A new front ict lias risen before the American pcoi,', iar!u ulai'lv in ihe past leu or lit'tccii years. Il is a, frontier of prohlt ins of public policy. We have In fore us a lU'otip of problems, physical, economic, so- cial, pohlnal, educational, requirinj: kind of ami liv the character of ihe American pivpL for a hundred ears to conic. The ohl political problem was to establish a pv- ermuenl st ron;: enough to win obedience and di'si'rve recoiniilion ; to show the people the need for and the character of a political orpiniat ion able to exercise authority over mat ters of common interest which required regulation. This was a more dif ficult thim,' than at first might appear, for the individual on the frontier felt little need for government help, lie could take care of himself. The litical problem of the new era is different It is not merely to keep order hut to evolve national unity out of racial, economic and political diversity. True, this problem has boon present from the begin ning; but it lias not been the important phase of the political problem until our number grew so great. as to make mnvsstirv a wider and more intense recognition of the authority of the government. The new social problem is to preserve that .spirit of democracy, that spirit of equality of individuals, which marks the frontiersman. The newcomer in a frontier community was not askerl where he came from or who his ancestors were. The password of his admission was, "What can you do?" We must pivveut the establishment of caste. The new economic problem is so to consent ami utilize the resources that remain as to keen open to cverv individual in this democracy equality of oppoitnuity in the road to economic success. If democracy is to con iinue, we must make it possible for every individual newcomer into our democratic group to cum his living and to win his eixuiomic independence. Wf must still make it possible for the poor boy and thf poor girl to climb upward economically Hi a result of his honest efforts under conditions rec , agnized by th. lawn of a democratic people. If we do not, then we must i niakti up .Mir wiiiid that elajwes and caste will grow iul that across their line it will not he possible for individuals and citiwn U mov. That will be uif eud of demtX'jat'y. mm 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 Si 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m3 0 0 0 0 Home Always Helps Likewise our letter of introduction permits our customers to make selections from the largest Wholesale stocks in Portland. We carry the best stock ever shown in Mor row county but customers yisiting'the City can buy through our manufacturers and save money. OUR LETTER OF INTRODUCTION WILL HELP YOU December Sewing Machine Special $55.00 Now, High Grade Machine $55.00 Used machines at correspond ingly low Prices Our Exchange Department is always working. Come in and let us tell you about it. Case Furniture Co. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0