PAGE EIGHT THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 20, 1921 4 4 ! 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I.uke 2: II. 'Tor there Is born to you this day in tlie city of David, u huviour, who is Clnist the Ixird." Suggested by Rev. W. 0. Livingstone. Herbert Hynd came up from Cecil Monday evening to attend a reunion of the class of '2U of Heppner high school. An investing article on bees from a Iluardman corresnondent was un avoidably crowded o:li this week but will he printed next week. Dr. McMurdo reports the advent of a line 0-pound son at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, on upper Willow creek hiiit nighrt. Mrs. M. W. Hammer underwent the Oasareln section operation at the Heppner Surgical hospit: 1 Sr day evening and Dr. McMurdo repor I that both the mother and a f" nine-pound daughler are getting al ong nicely. Considerable local matl'er and cor respondence is unavoidably crowded out of this Issue on account of 11th hour demands of the Christmas busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Goodman end baby left for Portland Sunday morn ing where Idiey will spend the holi days with relatives and friends. John J. Kelly camei n from the nand country where he is wintering his sheep, Sunday evening reporting (hat lhe snow storm was general down that way. Mr. Kelly expected to go on to his home ranch on Uock creek Monday. While on her way to church Sun day morning Mrs. I,. G. Herren had the misfortune to slip and fall on the Hiiowy sidewalk, sustaining a fracture of the left forearm. Dr. McMurdo reduced the fracture andmade tin; lady as comfortabl as possible and it believed that) the injifred member will speedily heal. Heppner Is getting Itssecond touch of winter tills week with several in hC8 of snow on the ground and a temperature of 8 1-2 above this inor ning. The snow and stlorni is report ed general all over the Pacific north west. HM.K Purebred, registered Poland China hoar, two years old. Will sell or trade. JULIAN UA1IC1I Sl-Ufi pd l.exinglon Or. O. It. Daugherly, of Clackamas counll, prominent in farui bureau work, came in Sunday to assist the local bureau people in startinj off the membership drive in this county. Mr. DauL'herty reported this morn ing that he linds sentiment! generally favorable among the farmers and ex pects to see most of them si" as members within the next few weeks. C. A. Barnes, connected with the Oregon wheat) growers association, came in Sunday on a short business trip in the interest of that organiza tion. The Misses Helen Rarratt and Iteita Neil came in Friday evening from O. A. C. where they are attend in g school. Miss Violet Corrigal arrivedhomr from O. A. C. Friday evening to spend the holidays. Judge Thomas Hughes is spending a short vacation at home from Ore gon where he is stduying law. Elizabeth Phelps, I.eta and Roland Humpherys got home from Fugeni Saturday evening. Miss Ann Roberts has dismissed her school out at Lena for the holi days and is visiting in town for a few davs before leaving for Portland where.' she will spend the remainder of her vacation. Miss Georgia Shipley, who teaches the progeny of the Social Ridge dis triet is spending her vacation visit ing friends and relatives in The Misses Ktta Devin and Mar garet Dougherty arrived in tbwn to. day to attend the reunion of their high school class. The Madras Pioneer celebrated the holiday season by issuing a 16-page eilillion lasl week, a most creditable number and well patronized by the enterprising merchants of that enter prising town. All of which shows that getting married didn't interfere with George Pearce's afoili' to hustle for business. ....Tho Pilot Itock Record came out last week witli a 20-page Christmas edition carying about 7 5 columns of advertising pactically all of which represented the live business men of that lively Utile burg. If business is bad in Pilot Rock the merchants and other business men have either not yet found it out or else they are following the modern polic y of ad vertising most at the time they need business most. Jesse Barton who was here several days (luring llho week looking after business affairs left for Portland Monday morning. Mr. Barton is con nected with the Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Floyd and Ora Barlow were in town Wednesday from their Eight mile home which Ora has been op erating since his return from the war. Floyd is a senior ati O. A. C. where he is taking the regular agriultural ourse, majoring in animal husbandy. Announcement was reeived in Heppner last week of uhe birth of an eight-pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Al bert! lirunquist, of Parkdale, Oregon. The young man has been named Rob ert Louis. Mrs. Brunquist was for merly Miss Struk and had charge of the domestic science and art classe: in the Heppner schools. The American Legion will give an informal dance at the pavilion next Saturday evneing, Christmas eve. Every tlicket sold for this occasion will add a shingle or two to the com munity building, the legionaires pro pose to build in Heppnernext year. Mrs. H. C. Ashbaugh and her two little daughters left Monday morn big for Pendletbn where they will spend a month visiting relatives and friends. H. V. Gates, president of the Hepp ner Light & Water Co., drove in Fri day and spent the week end looking aftr his internist. Sunday Mr. Gates braved the snowstorm and made a trip tothe headwaters of Willow creek to make a record of the water flow in the creek at a point where he has been taking measurement for several years. "Some day," said Mr. Gates Monday morning, "when the city gets readyto go farther up the creek to get better water and more of it, we will cooperate in getting better water and developing water power for the power plant which will mean lower light and power rates and more ind better water for Heppner and a chance for the power plant to play even and make a little money, and that will benefit everybody concerned ed." Mr. Gales left lor Goiuenaaie Monday morning. Miss Bunge,, public health nurse for the county went to Lexington Monday morning. Harman & Gates, national evan gelists, who have been enr;agea oj the local Christian church to hold ev angelistic meetings for them, will not begin tlhe meetings, January 1st as was first announced, but will b delayed until about the 8th. This I rv strong team in their chosen work, and the church is anticipating a great meeting. ."3 STAR THE Program for Dec. 21 to Dec. 27 Inclusive Wednesday and Thursday: Jack Holt mid Heda Xova in THE MASK. A wayward feliow impersonates his twin brother to the extent of fooling even the man's wife, but "the Mapk didn'tl deceive his brother's child. Also the Skipper's Schemes Two reel side splinter. Friday: P.WGKIt AHEAD, featuring beautiful Mary Philbin. The story of a quaint little boarding house slavey in a summer resort; a perilous romance of land and sea. Also third episode of WINNERS OF THE WEST. Saturday: Hlanche Sweet in IIEIt UNWILLING HUSBAND. She had to have a husband. You could never guess why! She was young and fascinating but the lucky dog she chose didn't understand. It's a scream. Also Comedy and Pathe.. Review. Sunday Christmas night "THE RIVERS END," a smashing story of God's country, of love and wild adventure, by James Oliver Curwood. A remarkable cast, including Lewis Stone, Marjorie Daw, Jane Novate and J. Barney Sherry. THE RIVERS EXD is a story of the Royal Mounted Police a story of adventure and a stbry of a wonderful love. It is Mr. Curwood's finest novel. Just the sort of a Picture You Want to see on Christmas On the edge of civilazation there are no traditions. Men meet life with all the strength of soul within them. That is why all the greatest stories have been written, not of the atrophied emotions of so ciety, but of the virile people nearstl the great out doors. There men may be good, or bad, but what ever they are, they are strong. ' n 0 Featuring he Famous Beauty A UNIVERSAL PICTURE FRIDAY Monday and Tuesday: Sensible Gifts OUR STORE is Headquarters for Sensible Christmas Gifts. Gifts that are practical and useful in the every day life of the home. Gifts that will please every member of the family. Aluminum Ware Tor the Kitchen Beautiful, Sanitary, Economical. "It never wears cut." Com?, in and inspect the dif ferent articles and patterns COMMUNITY SILVERWARE for the dining room, Guaranteed for 50 years. ELECTRIC GOODS Klectric Lamps, Irons, Toasters. Chafing dishes Gillette Safety Razors, Flashlights, Pocket Cutlery. lXi von want to make your wife the happiest w,onum in Heppner this year? Then Buy Hera MAJESTIC RANGE Allene Ray in WEST OP THE RIO GRANDE. A thrilling western comedy drama, a sequel tto moon Ranch" 'Honey- 1 Th e o insimas oiore Reminds you the time is short Only a few more days and the opportunity to make some one happy on Christmas morning will be gone. DAINTY LINGERIE Philappine Hand Embroidered Gowns or Chemise, Singly or in matched sets, $2.50 to $4.50 each. Silk Blouses, Camisoles, Chemise BEAUTIFUL OREGON CITY Bathrobes for Men Blue, Brown, Gray, in Fancy Pat ternsOne of the Greatest gifts. IVORY WARE MAKES VERY Acceptable Gifts Brush and Combs, Hair Receivers Trays, Manicure Sets, Etc. MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS With both sides finished for outside wear. . . Bright new designs.. .A real gift for real men. GILLIAM BISBEE Do Your Shopping Now! moor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0