PAGE FOUR THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 13, 1921 f THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop Whether the United States and Canada Are Peopled by Incendiaries By W. F. MALLALIEU, National Fire Protective Association We must admit that the older nations of the world regard us in Xorth America with curious eyes. They cannot understand exactly how we do it. They have not made up their minds whether the United States and Can ada are peopled by incendiaries or if we are childish people who love to lay with mulches. Perhaps in the carelessness of the use of fire the United States and Canada are the greatest offenders in the world. Our citizens grew up with the smell of smoke in their nostrils and the clang of the lire gong in their ears. Jf the average citizen can be persuaded to stop and discuss the mat ter, he will admit that the results of the fire are deplorable, that the annual Joss of from 15,(100 to 20,000 lives is distressing, that the almost incredible destruction of property is at least unfortunate; but there his interest seems to end, and he turns his thoughts to more personal affairs, unless fire may happen to visit him as well, when for a time it acquires a personal flavor. "A More Brotherly Distribution of Wealth, Health, Joy and Freedom." Hy REV. JAMKS MKYEUS, Wapplrigers Fulls, N. Y. The mission of religion to the present disturbed social order is not so much a message to the poor to respect the sacredness of the property rights of the rich, although it is that also, as it is a message to the rich in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ to bring about a more brotherly distribution of wealth, health, joy and freedom in the world. This cannot be done by charity, nor can it be done by violence. The inequalities of the present economic order can be eliminated only by a more brotherly distribution of the profits of industry at the source of production. Wealth can be reapportioned in a brotherly way only where it is made, in the process of its production, by the granting of a truly living wage, by a voluntary decrease in the interest expected for the use of capi tal, and by a very material increase in the financial rewards paid to human beings for their labor of hand or brain. Is it brotherly that (lie financial burden. of life should bear down the hardest upon those who have the least? Is it brotherly that a poor fiDan should have to pay the highest prices for all of the necessities of life? in it brotherly that the day laborer's pay should stop the minute lie gets nick and has to stay at home, while the higher-paid officials of the coin jiany, although better able to stand the financial drain of sickness, have their salaries continued to them as long as they are ill? Is it brotherly thnt the highest profits in the real estate business should be commonly derived from tenement property, the least desirable accommodations in J he whole city, where the poorest people have to live? The question no longer is how does thi! other half live? The question lias now come to be how does the other 85 per cent live? Hence the nec essity fur a more brutherlv distribution of Drofits. Some of the girls in this world who insist on bobbing their hair make the , statement that many of the ladies of early biblical times wore their hair bobbed and they are imitating them. Wonder if they ever read about the clothes Eve wore the first time eho was on earth? Some of the fellows tthink we might as well have our arms taken away as Mr. Volstead made it inconvenient for us to get ammunition anyway. A few of we who are stomach-aching about the hard times should sill down some evening and let our dad dies or granddaddies tell us how they, in an early day, enjoyed getting out and hustling for something to them that there wasn't any such a thing. It might be that the bootlegger is n't entitled to any credit, but as far back into ancient history as we can remember the bootlegger has de manded his money when he deliver ed tihe goods. A lot of merchants have adopted the same plan. - A lew of the reformers who are praying and working that skirts will be made longer, are hoping that their prayers wont be answered and their labors will have been in vain. We're not tilling where we slam on the question. We just think that, times are hard. If it was really true it don't seem tlhat fur coats and dining room suites would be selling at 1000 bucits r. throw. A couple of generations ago the young men used to kid themselves in to believing that two could live as cheaply as one and the maturing generation don't seem to have learn ed much from the experience of their elders. Currier says it isn't bigamy when a married man runs away with another man's wife if de doesn't taKe his own wife with him and he gen eraally don't). With Santa Claus headed this way and coming at a rapid rate, means that father will soon be reminded that ill doesn't do any goon to m plee his check book as there are a lot more where the one he lost came from. Funny how soon Jess Willard de cided he'd recall thai challenge to .Tacit Dompsey after his almost de liiHimnt oil well tui'iird into a gush er. T Isn't very long until Christmas, but it's a long time afterward. What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter No'nci: i itovn sai.k Scaled bids will be received until the. hour of 11) o'clock A. M. llie 6th day of January 1H22, and Immedl nlcly Ihoreal'ler publicly opened by the I'ouuly Court of Morrow County, Oregon, at th" ol'I'ice of said Court In (lie Con'ill.' C. i t House ill the city of Heppner, ()rei;on. for I lie purchase of bonds of said county, Issued for I lie building ,nf permanent roads therein. One block of mill bonds he- Ins for sum "f TU'i0 "ii. "Number 2"1 wi"K lor the sum of $.1 , aeh, Num:" - Ml I " "H' ' ,01' 111.. sum el' t r.tiO 00 each. One block iif si.d bonds for tide sum of S til. 000 .I'll. same beins; ill ilonouiin iilions of $I.0:ili. t'O oil'".. Said l,on, Is U date of November, 1st :i'U'.i. and to mature absolutely with ,it option of prior redemption, November 1st 11129, said bonds bear interest all not to exceed 5 i per rent per annum, payable seinl-ar.mi-ally on May and November first, principal and interest payable In I'ulted States Gold Coin nt the office of the County Treasurer of Morrow County. Oregon, or aii the Fiscal ag ency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Said bills must be accompanied by a ceiiilied cheek for r per cent of the face value of the ho'lds bid for and must be unconditional. The approving opinion of Teal. Minor & Win free, of Poillatul. Olei'on. w U be luniisheil the successful bidder. Tli, i Colli ,! hold the re-:' -o reject ;;m or all bids. The assessed valu ,ii urn of l lie county is $ 1 r. fi . 0 : ! 00. J. A. WATKKS. .,. County Clevis. a . , ,e ' . WJ Christmas Candies BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY THE CASH VARIETY STORE CHARITY BA Under the auspices of Heppner Lodge No. 358 B. P. O. ELKS Monday, D ecember 26 uridine For Members of American Legion and Their Families as Well as All Elks The entire proceeds to be used to make a Merry Christmas for the needy of the community 9:00 P. M. Sharp Adm. $1.50 Tills Space Contributed by Minor & Co. and Thomson Bros. s - Maw Rays she knows a women trr Arlington who miskalkllated. She kalkilatevf she wood live to be 68 yeers old ami only salved munney enuff to kcap her that long. She is now 72 yeeiu old and wunderln tiott she can malt a llvln. The ladys arfe flnaly got the kwiltm maid for tier disabled youke:ay-y players an rhi"n found out It wassen: kwilU thay needed. What tncy neaded was longer skirts an bactn an eggs. Tlnty have started to maik the s-kurts. Teechcr say? the roal down stock ins can be made to hold as mutch Kriiiuus presence as the uther kind if you taik an ordynary hat. stretcher an start at the top an work down with it. An teechcr has tecched for a good mi nny turms. Paw si s be has rove tlie s-lvi in tear on his think factory so it will be iiup issilie, lor li i in to turn oavr :i ! new iivf on the furst of the voir. j l'nkel Ike sos the liminiiaslitni ol t M'tus l oin cnsluin put him in mind of an ild hmi' mkistry the lecler liddled around so mutch. Are teechcr listed Nic lleatry why dose the iiiissury river floe south an Nic ses it floes south heoawse the gulf of niecUsico is at the uiher end. ; 1 looked in the family record book the uther day and found out that 1 shood have graduated las june. Paw and maw are tryin to decide whitch one of thhem maid a nilstalk in ritin my burtti record down. Maw '11 win. Paw sed well annyway Kosko Ar- I buckle w ill never be the man ho was and tiuw she Hue up an se,l that wusscnt what they arrested him for The edditor of the Herald wrote to nie the uther da. and ast me why I spelled sum of my wurds wrong an I lift- down and I rote him a letter he wont forget for a Ion,: time. My biggest purcentaKc comes to ice from the fact thai siniph fide spellin is easy fur mo. I pess the edditor w ill let me uloan. Ant lucy got tashunable witliout poin to cniiy (Xpeiits. Week last dlic went to Tcrtland an she en MKeil a burth. Wlien the trains run together It noi'ke black mark on ant lucys bussum an she is us proud of her burth mark is ous ; sin alU'o Is of tier triplets. You will find that Xmas present suitable at a 15 to 25 per cent reduction below 1920 prices Yours for a Merry Xmas WM. HAYLOR