Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, December 13, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tuesday, December 13. 192 1
Seeding Time
Hand-Made Decorations Favored
by Paris Dressmakers.
We Help Make the
Wor d ftROWRnilN
When people get so they patronize our store regularly,
they grow plump and good natured and free from care. It
isnt only because we carry a line of groceries that is unbeat
able, but it is also because patrons get the kind of service
they expect to get at an up-to-the-minute store.
I Every day is a "special day" with us. We keep our
I stock complete and our prices are m keeping with the times. 8Bl,
f you are not now a "steady" customer come in and let us ? rS f I
get right with you. Hi A l
r helps 'Grocery.
j ' Company "
"Designers Are In Strong Competition
to Produce Most Unusual Ideas
in Ornamentation.
Designers appear to be competing
with one another in an effort to crente
unusiiiil trimmings, writes a I'uris fash
ion correspondent.
Hence, who has always excelled In
hand-made decorations, Is offering
many suggestions, particularly In self
mateiials. She makes considerable
use of the talis of the same material
as the garment, usually massing them
at the side or front in panel effect.
Another effective method of orna
mentation popular with this designer
is lenflikke points and narrow strips
of silk or cloth pasted together and
then massed to form a design.
She gains an unusual effect by
making flowers of the material used
for the dress and tipping the points of
the petals with gold sealing wax. This
sort of trimming fieqently Is used on
velvet frocks. Renee also treats tiny
ribbon loops and short fringes In this
way, using for these a sealing wax
slightly darker than the fabric.
Lanvln Is lavish with trimmings. She
makes unstinting use of applique de
signs of monkey fur In either black or
brpwn. She Is quite as prodigal In her
V i Sir 2Lt m UrtarteruHi a! (He tine mount ' li W'tUI tl tltilWV iHljltiX eUlTV
J 1 I"" Iha (bmns playground o( tta ' Y 1 T JlSjTjft ff ' lilt
a rukowl ton, throunb ua Kmoe. the UrrwMt y . ll'K fj t
V Circk Toor thraurt Smi Frmm ) Srt ! 1 1 I" B VIITIMII
,.rKr;WSJCV U Qtr. i ti o( u wn b otru, tr. , 'I PI NJUIIIIlJ
toliaStO.O&nT N,un,rfmttml-Amrx J ' sW FI il l "
Call on or Address
C. DARBEE, Agent, Heppner, Oregon
WM. McMURRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon,
Frock Trimmed Uniquely With White
Silk Rope Braid.
use of trimming on garments of fur as
on those of cloth. For Instance, a
model In Tibet lamb may be trimmed
with bands of white rabbit.
An original Idea In embroidery done
with tiny shells has been launched by
this designer. So diminutive are these
shells that they present an appear
ance of pearl embroidery. I.anvln uses
tills type of trimming on evening
(owns and headdresses.
Embroideries, particularly those In
spired by the Polish Renaissance, are
of prime importance in all of the fall
collections. They are most effective
on plain dresses, the sleeves of which
carry the trimming.
Llv en Chestnuts.
In the mountainous districts of Ao
vergne, the Cevennes, and Corsica the
Inhabitants have rarely any other fare
bat chestnuts; these mpply the ab
sence of cereals or tfce deficiency of
(rain. Crushed into .seel, tbey make
nutritive porrtdg with mlU, or sp
petisl&c calces, or ere prepared as
tisca ttM tMsU coouisi flotao.
8upenrt:?ion Protects Spider.
There are traditions that hold th
spider sacred. The French have a
motto pres."ilii( bad luck for him who
kills s spider In the morning; and
there are old rhymes and warnings
that those wbe wish to live and pros
per will spsre the life of this animal
It la not an Insect as most of as need
to believe until entomologists Informed
as to the coatrsry.
Human Weights.
A woman, forty-three years old. five
feet five inches tall, should weight 14H
l-Minds. and a man forty-eight years
old, whose height Is five feet seven
Inches, should weigh l.VJ pounds, sc
cording to a tshle compiled by (he
Association of Life Insurance Med!:al
Directors and the Actuary Society of
Peltry Is Applied in Unusual Ways en
Many of the More Attractive
The fall tailored costumes Id many
Instances show large pieces of fur
trimming applied In unusual ways.
For Instance, a distinctive gown Is
made of old green velours, tho sides
of the peplum being trimmed with
large patches of fur. Its wide bell
sleeves ure bordered with a deep band
of fur and the high collar la formed
of the same peltry. The body of the
Jacket Is setni-litted and Is made with
a long waist line. Accompanying the
costume Is a wide-hrlmmed black vel
vet hat, ornamented with a black
Another tailored costume recently
noted also In velours of lovely blue
green tone had the skirts of Its Jacket
widened at the sides by outstanding
shaped pieces of skunk. The fur ap
plications were wide at the upper
part, gradually narrowing toward the
lower edge. The collar was also of
the fur. The wide bell sleeves were
trimmed with ball buttons attached by
cord. ,
The use of wide fur trimmings has
extended even to the dinner costume,
where It Is UKi'd for effect only,
warmth not being necessary, as In the
case of outdoor garments.
Seeding time is here again and to get the
best results you will need the best you can get in
the way of
Drills and Harrows
We will supply you yith these or any other
implements you may need at
Prices that arc Right
Every thing in Hardware
and Implements
Gilliam & Bisbee
"We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made."
Commencing To
Many people have commenced to wonder what they are go
ing to prepare during the holiday season, and the "Do Your
Christmas Shopping Early," is going to have laore followers
than ever this year.
We do not anticipate, an earlyrush, but we are prepared
for it, and to those who expect to serve a number of friends
and relatives during the holiday season, we wish to say that
anything in the GUOCHRY line is available hero at prices that
pleaso you.
Sam Hughes Co.
Is practically the only sure way to keep
funds available and at the same time make
them work for you.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
Fringed, Embroidered Shawls,
There are shawls of white Chinese
silks with long hand-knotted fringe,
embroidered with large floral designs
In white or gfly colors. There are
Mack crepe de chine ones, embroidered
In black and white, also heavily
fringed. Even the wraps for evening
are dominated by this bias line which
these shawls form when draped across
the figure. Cut on the blss, when cor
rectly adjusted, these silken wrapt are
astlDetlve, tadeeU.
Adage Has Been Twisted.
There huv been vHrlous explana
tions of the phrase, "Nine tailors make
a man," but the second word Is a cor
ruption of tellers. A "teller" was In
ancient days a stroke of the "passing
bell" of the parish church. Three
tellers gave notice of the death of a
child, six of a woman and nine of a
man. When tha parishioners would
count the maximum number ot
strokes, their natural remark would
be "Nine tellers make a man."
This May Net Be a Discovery,
Egotism Is like money. We alwsye
think sotneene alt has toe uracil of It.
Wool of Australia.
The great superiority of Australian
wool Is supposed to b due muliily to
climatic conditions; but no little cred
it Is also due to the grasses and herb
age upon which the sheep feed. The
native grasses of Australia are looked
upon as superior for pasture to exotic
grasses; experience has Inclined the
opinion that way. They possess great
er reproductive powers, and there la
very little necessity for reseedlng.
Wanted to Knew.
Willie Say, nia, do the U.Tflh
et their Jelly fro,,, ,he oci0
rents ) 11 osten Transcript.