PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, December 6, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce aa second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop IRRIGON . .' A A A Secretary Glasgow of the l"arm J3ureau is in receipt of a leliter from 0. C. Calkins advising us ihat him elf and Mr. Mansfield, president of the State organization, will be with 11s on Tuesday, December 6th. Gen eral Biirveyo f the district will be jnade during the day and a meetlinf lias been arranged for the ..evem'ns; followed by an hour of social gather ing and refreshments will bn served. Mrs. Glasgow is at the head of the social committee, which is making the necesiry arrangements this "week. A vigorous campaign will be Jaunhced for members and various problems discussed during the meel', ing and throughout the day by dif ferent ones interested in farming and other tilings in connection wilh farms in this district We are in receipt of a letter from reliable authority thai we may feel reasonably assured of early oenst ruc tion of the Umatilla-Wallula cut-off. The person acknowledges that this road leads in importance of all others lis an asset to the State and to fhe Federal government. It is one of those missing links necessary to make use of the present road Bystems as they were originally Intended. Number of persons have been In quiring what eastern Oregon really consisted of? It appears the vicin ity of Pendleton, if we are to take some of our so-called eastern Oregon papers Idea of It, Is the whole of eastern Oregon. You little chaps should votle a special 5 or 6 mill tax to build your community roads like the rest of us do. You are of course In the only prosperous farming dis trict In the state, the rest is all sage brush and if the sage brush country farmers can afford to vote special taxes for a series of years to build their little community roads and not ask for any federal aid, the big far mers of i he Eastern Oregon fruit beltf and wheat section should be able to take care of themselves. We can not seethat the Umatilla-Wallula cut off will so greatly benefit this dis trict. We could look at it the same way as some of the others, who only , sec? their own community roads, in and outlets. The tourists that go through Pendleton, would pass through here too but we would like to benefit the whole state and the en tire Pacific Northwest. We want to make it more convenient to thos'e who may come our way, anyway. Let us look at. it from the other fellows ! standpoint. Let us be broad think- i ing men and women. Let us ask for only such things as are within rea son and when we stay within those j bounds, we may expect our requests ' considered. The rabbit poisoning campaign is progressing nicely although the I weather is very nice and the snow is fast leaving us. Mr. Fredrickson re ports results very good. Chas. Pow ell and John Beavert report some success in their district and are pla cing more bait out at this writing. Miss Bunge, county school nurse vibited the Irrlgun schools Wednes day and gave talks in the different depaitmcnts throughout the day. She went to Boardman the same evening. Mrs. Paul Dugal who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bentfiel, for the past month or so, returned to her home at Arlington Wednesday. Dell Ward thinks the nations are ready to scrap their navies because they know thai if another war is de clared it won't be fought on water anyway. The American dollar is convalese nlg and in another six months of careful nursing It will be able to do its usual days work in a days time. Kri3 Kringles mail order business is getting larger each year. Not on ly deos the amount of mail continue to increase, but the mail carries more thrills. None of the smaller junk dealers need fear the competition of Henry Ford. Mr. .F.ord won't buy any junk that does not run irto the mil lions of dollars and he seems to know what he is going to do with the material as soon as ho gets it. The world may be getting better butt it took a good many years tofind the crooked turn in base ball and sport? hove just begun to realize that wrestling isn't being done on the square and hanged if we aren't be ginning to fear tJhat some one is go ing to locate a crooked newspaper within the next few years. Judge Cornett declares that it is only (jhe women with a spavin, a ring bone or a wooden leg who refuses to fall In line on the short skirt ques tion. In spite of the "safety first" appli ances required by all railroads, the wrecks are more numerous than ever. Scarcely a train runs that does not carry a wreck generally caused by one of two things. The high salaries of 18 months ago, or not knowing who the manufacturer was of the hootch they drank. As soon-as corsets become fashion able again thousands of women outi of employment will go bade to their old jobs in the pafety pin factories. One of tfhe reasons the smaller tires do not get the decrease in price the larger tires get is because a lot of women are still using the smaller one for garters. Just anoUher case of supply versus demand. A lot of men who do not know that "jupiter pluvius" means "in ood we Trust," are running around tryinp to tell the rest! of the world how to run the government on something like a dollar eightty-five a day. Whenever we see a man selling stock we wonder why the reformers are always and forever trying to take their spite out on the bootlegger. There are several thousand differ ent ways of getting rich quick and there are just as many fellowswho hav e triedeac h and every way and are still working on a new plan that will eventually bring the kale in de sirable quantities. In spite of the fact that most news papers make the claim that they are located in the garden Bpot . of the world it is said that Hawaiin girls have quit wearing skirts made of hay probably because of the short age of that necessity and are wear ing turnip tops for a skira And the turnip tops wilt. What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter The effeckts of Thanksgivin is about 2 thirds over now and osme of us are gittin reddy for the Krismus feest in whitfch we may git fooled. Paw broke a shue string this morn in and took the ribben out of my tipe writer whitch is the heeson I had to rite these lokles by hand this week Are debatin sossiety has kinda been broke up in a row. A lady from Lexington was talun the affurmative side of tlhe kwestin, "resoalved that bewty is bettern branes" and when the judge seen her face they called the meetin off. The iadys ade sossiety is busy maikin Krismus presents for the children in the far east and Eddy Gontiy ses he lives as far east as he kin and still live in Heppner. Ant Lucy ses she has sean in the paper that the waste' line was goin down on the fashionable ladys an paw ses they are doin that sos tJiey can cut their low necked dresses lower. But paw alwais was raddicle. As is usual at this seeson of the yeer, are sundy skule class is gettin so big sum of tfhe skollers have t sit on the rosterm with the teecher. The pitcher thall goes offen to the well Ib at las broke ses paw as he looked up from the paper las nite af ter reedin about the weddin of Hal j. Pitcher to Miss Margaret Wells, both. of which don'i lire here. Maw got her new false teeth frum the catalog hous yesterdy but she says she thinks they red her age wrong as they don't tii so Terry good. I am writin a new set ofresoloo. shuns for next year subjec to the ap- pruvle of are teecher who says she is an expert on sutch like, havin rit a new set each year ever sints she was 15teen yeers of aige. Unkel Ike says he wonders if she ever gits rit ters cramp but I don't gess she does. Several of the churtches are goin to have Krismus tirees again this yeer if they can find the ones they used last year. They think wood is ex pensive now. Are athletick direcktor thinks it aint any worst! to show pursonal charms with hi dresses than it is to let artists try to make them show up in a piticher. He says the live mod el is the moast impressive in his no-shun. P. Peters and J. D. Bellinbroke, stockmen of the Spray country, were guests at the Patirick Friday night. XOTICK OK Slli:itll'l".S SALE liy virtue of an execution and or der of sale duly issued by I lie clerk of the Circuit Court of the State o Oregon, for the county of Morrow oi the 19th day of September, 11)21, li u certain suit in said County mid Htute, wherein, Missouri Jurilon, plaintiff recovered judgemen t ngainst U. N. Wade, and May M Wade, his wife, defendants, for the turn of 500.00 with interest there on at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the 8th day of November !!)!!), and the. further sum of $11.!)" with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 28th lay of February, 1021, and the fur ther sum of $75.00 attorney's fees nnd the further sum of $52.70 costs, together with all costs and accruing costs, which Judg'-metit was lender fd on the 14th day of June, in:' Notice Is hereby given that I will en Saturday'. Ilu 10th day of Decem ber, 10 21 at the hour o' 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day sell at pub lic nuiM on. at the front door of the County Court Iumiko, In Heppner Ore ron, for cash in hand, the following described real property to wit: t.pts three ('!) ;"i.l lour (1) In Block three (3) Chill's eighth addition ti tlie Town of lone. Oregon, and a err Mill piece or p ii .'el nf land. In c inn in;; at the Sunt liu o Corner of Lot lour (I) in l'lo, U it,,, e (::. Clu;i"; Lii'Jlth Add. lieu to the City of lone, Oregon, thence South 100 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 90 feet, thence West 100 feet, to the place of beginning, taken, levied upon as the property of the said defen dants It. N. Wade and May M. Wade, his wife, being the proper ty mortgaged by said defendants to secure the sums aforesaid, and ord ered sold by the Court to satisfy the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgement in favor of said Missouri Jordon, plaintiff against said defendants, B. N. Wade and May M. ..Wade, his wife, together with all costs that have accrued or may accrue in said matter. GEO. McnnFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon Dated this 24th day of October, 1921. First publication November 8th, 1-921. Last publication, December 6th, 1921. COVXTY TKEASl KKU'S XOTK'K Notice is hereby given that all j County Warrants drawn against the General Fund, registered up to and ' including May 31. 1921. will be paid upon presentation tit this office. In-i Iciest eeaxes niter December li, If 2 I. T. J. Hl'MlMlliKYS. County Treasurer. 3 I -52 D-i'ed at Heppner, Orcsoii, N her 29, 1921. : I i I i j i c !"K O 6 o o o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 r 0 0 Christmas Bargains LlllllllltlllHIItlllllllllllll I Have a Consignement of UP-TO-THE-MINUTE JEWELRY Rings, Dar Pins, Brooches I Which I am cloMtig out at a flat reduction of per cent from regular juices. These goods are new, popular patterns and of strictly high class. Come in and see them. You will find real worth while bargains in Gifts That Please Mrs. L. G. Herren o 0 c-ccooaoooooooooacooooccocooooocj 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 : ! ' 9 I 0 ! i I V." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 S. A Letter .From Home Always Helps Likewise our letter of introduction permits our customers to make selections from the largest Wholesale stocks in Portland. We carry the best stock ever shown in Mor row county but customers visiting the City can buy through our manufacturers and save money, OUR LETTER OF INTRODUCTION WILL HELP YOU December Sewing Machine Special $55.00 New, High Grade Machine $55.00 machines at correspond ingly (ow prices sed Our Exchange Department is working. Come in and let you about it. n alway us tell Case Fiirn lture Co.