Tuesday, November 29, 1921 THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 1 1 Currier ses you have to read in an shient history about the man what maid the sun stand still but he ack tewly knows a man who maid the moonshine. Paw runned out of smokin tobacko yisteday and he reached intew the box whaire maw had paclced our bathin suits fer the winter she havin packed them in tobacko. Paw got a pipe full but it seams that a moth bawl was mixed up in the tobacko an I gess maw sune put an end to paws smoakin. Best Clothes New Snappy Styles LLOYD HUTCHINSON Where They Clean lothes lean ' V V I - : ' CECIL You Arc Not READY For CHRISTMAS Naw sir! Unless your car is running like a new one, you are not ready for the Christmas and New Year holidays. And if you'll bring the "makin's of Jawn D" in and let us tune id up, you can go anywhere you want to, and go as quickly as you care to. The regular cars aren't laid up for tine winter any more. There's nothing too difficult for us to attempt and we always do what we set out to do. Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATRICK & LaPl'SlRE, Trops. ' Thone 82 . v ? r v v v . s v v v November 20: Snowed in. No trians, no callers, no gossip; even Thanksgiving turkeys refused to sur vive the storm and several tables were minus turkey for Thanksgiving day. Wheai men are delighted with the cover. November 21, a covering of twenty inches of snow in Cecil. November 22 Krebs Bros took a trip to K'.la with hay for a large br.nd of ewes belonging to Smythe Bros., of Arlington, which arrived at Cecil after the neighbors had broken a road to Kreb Bros, ranch. The sheep are now enroute for Arlington. November 22nd news reached Ce cil tihat P. K. Duncan, who had left Friday the ISth with a truck load of honey for Condon, was snowed in near Clem and it would be several (lays before he could reach his home. The mayor and his deputies witlh several other men took hay to Mc Daid's canyon where siiecp belov.ing to Kinnney &-. Healey were storm bound on November 23rd. We hear the sheep arrived November 25th at Killarney, the ranch of J. J. McEn- itiie, near Cecil. Miss Violet Hynd and Miss Doris Logan arrived on the local November 2 4th to eat Thanksgiving dinner with their home folks. November 21th the barn at. Kock clifi'e belonging to Krebs Bros, fell in and to keep it company the barns of Hafferty Bros, at Shady Dell, and t?c barn of Everett Logan at Fairview, also collapsed. Mrs. T. H. Lowe wishes to thank every one who enrolled during the Tied Cross Roll Call. Thirty mem bers were enrolled in spite of the storm. November 2 5th and 2 6th: Snow molding fast, traveling bad. Geese and ducks seem to be the only things that are insight. Several bands passing over Cecil at time of writing. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all County Warrants drawn against the General Fund, registered up to and including May 31, 1921, will be paid upon presentation at this office. In terest ceases alter December 6, 1021. T. J. HUMPHREYS, County Treasurer. 31-32 Dated at. Heppner, Oregon, Nov,. ; ber 29, 1921. We Help Make the World GROW ROUND When people get so they patronize our store regularly, they grow plump a'nd good natured and free from care. It isnt only because we carry a line of groceries that is unbeat able, but it is also because patrons get the kind of service they expect to get at an up-to-the-minute store. Kvery day is a "special day" with us. We keep our stock complete and our prices are in keeping with the times. f you are not now a "steady" customer come in and let us get "right" with you. Where Your Taxes Go How Uncle Sam Spend9 Your Money in Conduct ing Your Business By EDWARD G. LOWRY Author "Waahinjrton CIowUps,' "Banks and Financial Systems." etc. Contributor Political and Iconomie Article to Leading Periodical! and a Writer of Recognized Authority oo tha National Government' buaineaa Methods. HOLIDAY GOODS Now On Display At THE CASH VARIETY STORE Where You Get BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY Phelps Grocery Company Cuyyrisbt, S eeUirn iewtpaper Union T. WHY YOU'RE INTERESTED I wish you would take what is written here as a personal report ad dressed directly to you from me about your business. Ion't think of it or read it as an article about "politics," or remote public alTalrs at Washing ton. It is not that at all. It Is what I ask you to think it, a personal business report to you relating to your ' individual concerns, your pocketbook j and your welfare. I have no other interest than to tell you the exact truth. j Assume that you have sent me to j Washington to find out for you what ; your agents are doing, how they are ! managing your affairs ami spending i your money. I call them your agents for that is all thoy are the President, the members of the cabinet, the , senators and all the members of the house of representatives. You hire j them, you pay them, and you can fire them. You may think of them In deference and awe as a group of eminent states men, or you may call them In flippancy and too hasty contempt "a lot of politicians." But whatever you call them, they are your hired men. They attend to your collective business, which Is called the public business. Query: Are they doing It efficiently and with n single-minded devotion to your interests? Perhaps the largest Item In the high cost of living Is the high cost of government. And far and away the largest item in the high cost of govern ment Is the high cost of armament; preparation for war. About !X) per cent of all government revenues, and that means the money taken from you as taxes, goes to pay for wars, past, present and future. P.efore I have concluded this series of articles I expect to show you con clusively that the impelling motive that induced President Harding to call the present conference in Washington to consider limitation of armaments was financial. The pressing need, of I considering a proposal for a reduc tion or limitation by agreement of war expenditure was not made entirely on the ground of morality or righteous ness, but as a plan for cutting down the operating expenses of the govern ment. If the United States government were an Individual we would say that It was broke, for Its expenses exceed Its Income. Your Interest Is simply this: that whatever decision Is made you will have to pay the hill. If today we didn't have these army and navy ex penses you would have to pay In taxes less than $1 ,000.000,000 a year Instead of $0,000,000,000. That means we would have about $4,000,000,000 more a year to spend on our private needs and pleasures. I frankly confess that I would enjoy having four-fifths of my taxes knocked off. Wouldn't you? Secretary Weeks of the War de partment gave public warning a lilt le while ago that the government woidd. require of us about .$17,000,000 in the next thirty months to meet cur- rent expenses and other obligations, j Persons who have given close study to that possibility sa.v that the need w be nearer S'JO.Oi 10,000, than $17,000,- (inn. The great hulk of that is for i pat and prospective war expenditures. ! 1'or this, you and cnngresN ami the Kxecutive departments at Washington are responsible. You more than any body else, for it Is your money that Is being spent and you can stop it. In Its simplest terms the procedure Is th's: You earn the money, congress takes It away from you In the form of taxes, and then congress and tlx? Kxecutive department;? spend It. A great part of It is wasted. This Is established, conceded, confessed, and acknowledged by congress, which authorizes the expenditures, and by the executive oflicers of the govern ment, who do the actual spending. It is your money that you have earned In your hus'ness, on your farm, or by the labor of your hands, that Is being expended and wasted at Washington. Kvery cent that Is extravagantly or needlessly expended by the govern ment you could have In your pocket to meet the Increased cost of food, lodg ing and clothing, doctors' bills and amusements, or to put away and save against a rainy day, If you only de manded determinedly and unitedly that governmental extravagance should cease. I can tell you some of the conditions of governmental spending and how your money Is chucked about, and I can tell you liow you can stop it. The power Is yours, and until you exer cise It waste and extravagance will not atop. tt Mb Jb Mb t W tt Mi A ife tf lfc Seeding time is here again and to get the best results you will need the best you can get in the way of a Wc will supply you villi these or any other implements you may need at Prices that are Right UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII Every thing in Hardware and Implements iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made." Commencing To Wonder? Many people have commenced to wonder what they are mo llis to prepare during the holiday season, and the "Do Your Christmas Shopping Early," is going to have more followers than ever this year. We do not. anticipate an earlyruBh, but wo are prepared for it, and to those who expect to serve a number of friends and relatives during the holiday Reason, we wish to say that, anything Irs the GltOCI-illY line Is available hero at prices that please you. Sam Hughes Co. BANKING SERVICE Your banking requirements may be en trusted to this bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Man Must Have Mustache. To be without a mustache Is a dis grace In many parts of North, or HlKh, Albania. The Albanian mother tell her child stories In which, un like our stage melodrama. It always Is tbe hairless man who figures as the villain. National Geographic Society Bulletin. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. I Ijj t