PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISOX, Kditor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postuffice as second-class Matter THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, November 29, 192 1 The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop Terms of Subscription One Year S2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.51 THE WALLULA "CUTOFF" Ever since Joshua commanded the ! fun to stand still and made good the thinking public has admitted that nothing is impossible. Of coursse all of us sometimes have a feeling that all is not going In a manner ex actly in accordance with our own ideas, but what's the use to holler? If you haven't got a dollar or two you are in a sore predicament, finan be inserted in the constitution of the ; United States and no one but a bank robber or a thug nil be allowed to carry fire arms. A school is going to be started fo , the purpose of teaching policeman i that tlhey must not in anv wav assist the nefarious practice of bootlegging and won't be but a short time until bonds are worth nearly as much as wr paid for them, freight rates have been reduced and about the only thing any of us have to worry about the coning winter is: "Are we goin to De able to eat every time the dinner bel' Paw ses the only differents be tween a kiropractor and medickle fississhun Is that the kiropractor ad mits that he knows how to do it. I have furgotten the name of are car but paw is bussily engaged in be ... . ... ou ar m a sore predicament, finan- A matter 1 hat is just now creating' more than ordinary ciaiiy, but nearly every one knows a interest in this section of eastern Oregon is the nronosal bootlegger, and it is said thev . roming from the Portland chamber of commerce to divert sti11 dins a flourishing business. The . . ,. - profiteers are p-nttino- tv d forest road-f j5 "e g?'ting more 8c- mi m'irat e 1.. . ' , 4 . L 4 1-.. I .. -I 1 . . .. i- . - . wii:i:n s 1 mm a ui uic leuciai nosi i oau aim loiesi i uau ,., .,, , , , ., . 1, . :i 1 , , , . ,u c leuerai government has be- y , miuii iu i: u tUi.uiL- aim u men .11 no an is in uic i- gun to issue pardons to the sptUtir,,, iw mu (,vj,i)uv, a ti 110111 me untiniJiLLLu Lauvt-j a v no nuiea to use a Max- highwnvs of the state and have it applied to the construe- im silenw. in the central states lion- of what is known as the "Wallula cutoff," a proposed rn is bein" ust'd for fei while i-i , ,1 1-1 -ii r n .i i-i i there are residents of every state kighway.not yet on the map, which w.d oilow the Colum- who ,v0;iId be glad rigu nJ 01a river I nun Umatilla, where it leaves the Columbia river the fUei off the Cobb. Cotton the highway, to Wallula, where it will connect with the Wash- law product has gone up and the fm- inglon state highwav system. ishp1 pr"duct has come down, it'll The ornposed highway is appropiatelv named the "cut- " ,, Put a cotton eEr- . ' . 11 : r, ,, mPnt n the Statue of Libei'tv riHn 11 hunt, it will, to start with, cutoii u ana nana the winter months - ravel route between spokane and other I Portland; nil oil Pendleton from the tn "-"k is loaning money . . ' . . . .... to tanners who own thai- o. it the use of the Oregon- ash- anrt it ,snt the fauIt of th; ;. m and llCIiliner unction ment that each of us rin 1 .1 f. a secKcrs "" rv U .1 : oon e in order to see the water flow down hill in the on their right hand and a waste of sand and rock the policemen will all resign to take up the profession of selling fusil oil without a prescription. The November ozone goes through our clothes faster than a prohibition officer goes through the effects cf an alleged woman bootlegger but this isn't a bad place to live. We don't need our geography to tell of 716 places in the world that have fewer things to be thankful for than we have. A republican president with the democrats right on their trail may help some, and then it mayn't. If wheat was selling for 2 5 cents a bushel and wool for a nickel a pound, we'd still keep right on living i skule room. anu the only dttlerence there would be was that we had more things ti 1 kick about. rings Ana most ot us will eat. even ! .- cj u- , " . L in tuuuiieu iu ins ruiiie inese days if we are not eating exactly what we I . . , . , . . a , an a iiiveiiun a parasoi mat can be wanted to eat at this particular meal. l-riQj k . . ; carried oaver the carbewrayter on a Pdrcftnallv urn dovo fntmA ..nrl nil r V,- l V, damp dny- He also rites t0 deroit thai if -n-a nm nKl l What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter oil, as, ll hui :irom the main ti noi l hern point s am same through route; cut o iii"1oii hi;!'hwa' between I'endh via. llei oner Irorn trie use ol tourists and home Irom tlie northern route and induce them to save 30 miles C'olumlii We are organizin a brass band up to skule an as soon as the yell You can't make us think this little 1 leeder has been choosed the dif old land of the free and the home of ! ferent 'karaktprs will be picked out ior tnair plaices. Jack Dcmpsey and Theda TSara is go ing to the ever lasting bowwows. No sir; we'll not believe it until we hear the bow-wows baying, or at least see the kennel where they should be and are not. The war debt is being paid at the rate of a billion .1 month T.iiw.rtv wUu, n c are ame io . e d or gQ siana me neat ot tne summer, we! . . , . , Are direckter of sience ses the ree- have been able to live through the , thair ,g 0 mutch dipthe following winter-and we are going j garlet feyer in t feunt to take .another shot at it this winter. I ,s bpcawse thai. hag been an 7 p stipplie of yelloe paiper sints the ar mistick was sined whitch must be j used up. ! Are techer got boxin gloves for . the debaiters to use in arbitratin questions of dispewt but she found a brick in 1 of the gloves yesterdy an . took them away from the debatin sossiety. She ses she may get swords for them now. The ladys ade met last wensdy an discus-ted the neer east releaf. Thay past a resolootion that the neer east was gittin nearer but the releaf was not. Paw ses about ever organization in the wurld has struck now ecksept the institushion whtieh was'organy sed for Uhe prevenshun of crueltie to members of the neaver sweat club. He thinks therell be an uprisin thaire sune. Are teecher beleeves in kaptile' punnishment or she woodent have made Gordon Bisset stayin thirty 5 minnits after Ekule with onli her an Gordon as sole ockypants of the Unkel Silas ses if it was possibel to cash the chears of the patryotic pub lic whitch was cheared when the Am merican Leagon boys marlwed by it woodent be neeessary fur congress to taik enny tnoar axshun on the bonus bill. n iiwihi im w.m.ummiuMajm.mmm.9Mur wStar Theatre To-night .v on ineir lelt. The cliief resaon advanced by Portland spokesmen for 1he building of this link is that it will save tourists 30 miles in distance which would mean one hour in time from points north and east to Portland, and no doubt their be lief is that the cutoff will divert a little more of the tourist 'ortland and away from western Washing- 0 0 th rails to California points and, incidentally re e development of a big territory in eastern Oregon is tributary to Portland and a supporter of Port- 1 ravel t owards ton noints. The road, if built, will also help divert travel from the J it route south from Pendleton via. Heppner, Spray, Bend and i i.-i 1. i,,ii,. i".,i;r, ..a i,,f., 11, , ' l 1.1 111:1111 I tl I I .1 LU V. cl 1 1 1 V ' I 1 1 1 l JMMJit.-i clUVi, 1 1 1. lue 1 1 I (11 I) lard the which i kind's business institutions thereby, eventually, causing her 1o repeat the painful and expensive operation, so often per formed by that city in the past, of cutting off her own nose to spite her face. Portland is a mighty fine, l'g city and it is destined to lucerne bigger ami liner as the years go by but it will not liecnjue bigger ami liner if it continues to listen to would be leaders, whether within or without the chamber of eoni- i have not vet discovered eastern )ret,n. That's ami's U ading cit iens. their own little affairs , u ho nave 1 g trout, iceni lo with Mime ot Portl ie so wrapped 1111 in ; o 0 0 0 0 & O O 0 Dropped? Just Imk At Our Stock Ami! Forget The Distressing Past thai thev have willt the d 1 Ik y can si never found out t iiie o! he Cascadt TI ev kick visii v. to ee over the ranj t here are people h tin at the w orld does not end , because that is as far as md thee need a neriscone They perhaps do not krmw that up this way that have produced a. ..,.,1 .Lj- II,..- 111... j'lV'VIllVVVl IL large proportion of the tonnage that has built up Portland's commerce and made thai line city what it is today. Another funny thing about a lot of Portland people is that they seem to know there is a country called eastern Wash in:; 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 remain in densest ignorance regarding ii:.tern (iregon. They seem to know that there is a Col umbia Kiwr highway that was built from, I mali'h.i ! r I he eoress nui'l oec i, connec Wallu'a eutoi'f winch, they hope, will tap some ter tiu ry in ea.stern -Washington. All that type of Portland mind thinks there is of eastern Oregon is the right of way for the Columbia river highway and south of that, to the California line is void -something like everything looked the mi eii'i.g beioi e the lii'.t day 'ol creation. What eastern Oregon wauls to see done share ol the federal 1 a.d iimicv bae il e-.leti.led where il will do ea.-lern Hn-i'im . jmmu'. N.' I twd to build a road lo tap trade terrioirv lor ' 111 anoilier slate hile helping to covert tourist imercial travel .:wa irom rich agricultural, fruit -hiel s t I1.1t wen Id be sure to give lour a favorable impression of Oregon. I hvgou's highwav svslem has been bui't kirgelv ortlaiut to g with the 0 0 0 0 . 0 with soon lo be available. ler to ome ;i owi us. mieseel ToMlai' and cm and - to it end So with a v iev ness for tin make a soi l ol spider lam &00000000O00OOa, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ' 0 0 ' 0' 0 0 0 0 Practical Holiday Gifts Trunks, Hanbags and Suitcases A large stock of well articles in this line. . We are have vou look them over. selected glad to heaters? Yes, and Ranges, Too (treat Western and Portland lines best. us tell you why. Knamelcd Ranges Blue white grav. are or 0 ol attracting touitst travel. Is it good busi state as a whole, including Portland, to trv to ler's web of the hi;:hvvav svstem that will every lly (tourist or homeseeker ) ) into the metrop-. i lv t u nai impression 01 (uegon, as a siaie, is likely to he gained by the tourist who follows the Columbia river all the way from Pendleton to Portland? Isn't he likelv to think that when he heard Prank llranch Riley talk about Oregon somewhere away back east that Prank llranch was guvini, him? Wouldn't it be better for Oregon and for Portland to have (he tourist see that wonderful country between Walla Walla and Pendleton and the almost equal ly rich country between Pendleton and Heppner and the country beyond? Pattern Oregon has a lot of uncompleted h'rjiwavs; (lie Oregon Trail, the Oregon-Washington, the John Pay The Dalh - California and the Ochoco. the e,.im,.t ,',. .0 1 " 1 "It 1 - t .... ' wnicn win mean womieriul development. 1 he state am the counties are broke- bonded to the limit ami these ro tds are unfinished, and it there is a way to induce the federal government to assit in completing these unfinished high ways Portland should have enough vision and good, horse sense to cut out the cutoff, forget eastern Washington for awhile and take her coat off to help eastern Oregon, the Pig rich empire that has. practically unaided, built herself to her present position while helping build Portland trade and commerce. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brass and Art Steel Beds A beautiful assortment of patterns at very reasonable prices. Hand Painted China A beautiful assortment, all bright, new decorations. Wm. Rogers 1847 Silverware Enough Said New Rugs Here; More in Transit 0 x 12 Tapestry Brussels, now $25.00 $85.00 Axmisters. now. $50.00 9 x i-i Seamless only $45.00 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rngs, Rockers, Dressing Tables, Fcotsccfs Way Down in Price and Quality Better Than Ever Do Your Christmas Shopping Now Case Furoilyre Company 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S M V 00