Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 22, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, November 22, 192 1
J. v
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDevitt re
gistered at the Patrick Friday even
Dr. K. J. Vaughn left Saturday
inorniug for Baker on a short busi
ness trip.
Alex Brandcr, well known young
Scot of this city left for Portland
Saturday morning to spend Thanks
giving with friends.
Mrs. Cordelia LeTrace Kubat, who
has bf-en visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. LeTrace, left Saturday morning
for her home in Portland.
Mrs. W. L. Mallory, a former resi
dent of Heppner now residing at
Portland, left ior her home Saturday
morning after a visit with her sister,
Mrs. J. C. Pall.
Mrs. D. E. Oilman, president of
the Women's Relief Corps, announces
a meeting of that organization to
morrow, (Wednesday) at 2:30, in I.
O. O. F. hall. There will be regular
and special business and a social hour
will follow. All members are re
quested to bo present.
L. 13. Campbell and C. B. McCul
lough, of Salem, bridge engineers
connected with the state highway de
partment, were here Friday, inspect
ing the new bridges now being con
structed in this cily. The work is
well along and with another week or
ho of fine weathe Tohln & Pearce, the
contractors, would finish the work.
Miss Bunge, health nurse, and
Mrs. Lena Snell Sliurte, visited the
Lexington school last Thursday and
the lone school Friday. Miss Bunge
la making a survey of health condi
tions in the schools of the county.
She is visiting schools in the north
end of the county this week.
Mrs. Sam E. Van Vactor entertain
ed in honor of Mrs. Gilbert W. Phelps
of Fcndleton last Wednesday. Mrs.
Phelps was a former resident of
Heppner, and the affair was largely
in the nature of a gathering of her
old time friends and neighbors. Cards
were played during the afternoon and
dainty refreshments were served.
James Noland, a real estate denier
of Walla Walla, accompanied by D.
W. Ertlc, or Umapine, and J. D. Ertle
of Walla Walla, arrived Thursday to
look over wheat ranches for sale in
this district, Roy V. Wlutcis show
ed the gentlemen around the district
during their visit and they were well
impressed Willi Morrow county soil
and clmate.
Mrs. L. 0. llerreii In charge of the
Heppner Public Library, reports (hat
in response to the appeal for dona
tions of books, published In the Her
ald last week, 58 books hud been re
ceived up to last Saturday evening.
The library board expresses their ap
preciation for the gills and will be
Kind to rereivo further donations in
order that books may always be av
ailable for the constantly Increasing
patronago of the library.
A party of nimrods consisting of
Dr. A. I). McMurdo, Jim Thomson,
Mayor E. 0. Noble and former Ice
man Joe Snyder, drove over to "the
narrows," where Harney and Malheur
lakes Join, In Harney county last week '
and Ungged 50 One fat ducks and a
doaen gcesu, then drove home again
Tho trip wan madnln Doc's Franklin
in eight hours which Isn't bad going
for that mileage. The mayor lot It
be officially known that under the
laws of Orgeon and thellulted States
it was lawful to kill ducks and geese
at that particular time and place,
Jim Thomson led the onslaught on
the enemy, Doc held proper post mor
tem over the remains and Joe put
the bodies on Ice for the return trip.
This writer can testify that Doc's
ducks were fat and tender. Ben
Patterson and E. E. Clark also went
over to the narrows last week and
Ben reports that they brought back
80 ducks but we don't know we
don't know.
The Oregonian hotel reporter tells
the following rather good story on J.
W. Morrow, of the Union Pacific Tax
Department, who everybody in Hepp
ner calls "Billy," perhaps because he
was raised here. Last summer Mr.
Morrow went to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Rourke, former Portland friends
who are now conducting a store at
Crescent, about half way between
Bend and Klamath Falls. By way
of entertaing their visitor the
Rourk's planned a horseback hunt
ing trip to last several days. Morrow,
who is Ttnown to his Heppner friends
as a game sport, was unaccustomed
to the saddle, but spent two days on
a horse without complaint. Finally
one morning Mrs. Rourke, whose
woman's intuition probably sensed
that their guest was suffering in si
1' nee, declared that she believed that
she would put a pillow in Morrow's
saddle. "Thank the Lord for that
suggestion," declared Billy, "I never
would have said anything about It,
but I sure will appreciate a pillow."
Senator Robert N. Stanfield writes
the Herald that he has been alloted
a quantity of garden and flower seeds
for free distribution and requests that
the information be given publicity.
Inasmuch as the government has
spent good money for these seeds,
the senator does not want to see
them wasted as might be the case if
they were sent out indiscriminately.
He therefore requests that all per
sons wanting seeds for use will ad
vise him at once and he will be glad
to supply them... .
Requests for seed should be re
ceived by December 1st and they will
be mailed soon after January 1st.
In the County Court of the State o'
Oregon tor Morrow County.
In the Matter of the Guardianship
of the Person and Estate of Bessie
Wiglesworth, Gladys Wiglesworth
and Walter Wiglesworth, minor heirs
ol liitha Wiglesworth, deceased.
Petition having been presented by
W. E. Wiglesworth, Guardian of the
person and Estate of Bessie Wigles
worth, Gladys Wiglesworth and Wal
ter Wiglesworth, minor heirs of Bilha
Wiglesworth, deceased, from which it
appears lo the court that it Is neces
sary for tlie support and maintenance
of said minors that the real estate
hereinafter described be sold, and
that the same would be beneficial to
said minors.
It is therefore hereby ORDERED
that the next of kin of said minors
and all persona Interested in the es
tate aupear before this court at the
County Court room In the County
Court House In Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, at the hour of two
o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 27th
day of December, 1921, and show
cause If any there be, why a license
should not be granted said guardian
for the sale of all of the right, title
and interest of said minors in and to
the Southwest quarter of Northwest
quarter of Section 13; Southeast
quarter of Southwest quarter and
Northwest . quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 12, in Township 3,
South Range 28, E. W. M said sale
Program for Nov. 23 to Nov. 28 Inclusive
Wednesday and Thursday:
Marguerite Namara, Famous International Dramati c Celebrity in "STOLEN MOMENTS
Also Two Reel Comedy
Antonio Morena in "THREE SEVENS," a dandy
feature, and the thirteenth episode of "Fighting Fate.
An all star cast in the "MONEY CHANGERS." Very
thrilling. Here is a picture that will make you hang
on to the arms of your seat.
Also Pathe Review
Sunday and Monday:
A comedy drama of American married life.
A warning for wives and husbands as well as mot
orists. A road map of matrimony with all the bumps
grades and kinks sharply denned.
The Highway of Love is just one dangerous curve
after another. The story of' Phoebe and Harley, who
married and lived scrappily ever afterwards.
"DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD" is a picture of
life which, though it is unbelieveably light and bril
liantly clever, is fundementally real. Every man and
woman will see themselves in this remarkable picture.
General Admission 20c and 40c
Reserved Seats , 50c
Iai P-3 2 Col. i
Helene Chadwick and Richard Dix;
irv Rupert Hughes'
Ciu-ve Ahead
A CotwtJiy Dram of
Attu'tWAn H.ii-rird LtU'
being subject to the courtesy inter
est therein of said guardian.
Done and dated in open court this
18th day of November, 1921.
County Judge of Morrow County Ore
County of Morrow.
I, J. A. Waters, County Clerk of
Morrow County, Oregon, and ex-of-ncio
Clerk of the County Court of
said County and State, do hereby cer
tify that the above and foregoing is
a full, true and correct copy of the
original Order made and entered in
said matter.as appears by the record
of my office and. of said court.
hereunto set my hand and the seal of
said court, this 18th day of Novem
ber, 1921.
County Cleric of Morrow County
Will officially close the
Rupcit Hughe
Directed by
E. Mason Hopper
ft' f'',iMl
Reports thus far arc good for Morrow County
Join the Red Cross
and thus lend a helping hand
Sunday, Monday,
Nov. 27 and 28
Ail that is needed
cart and a Dollar
W. O. LIVINGSTONE, County Chairman
Another shipment of that beautiful hand
made and hand embroidered underwear
Made irotn the finest of materials ami embroidered in the daintiest patterns.
You will want them if you see them
They make most acceptable wedding and Christmas gifts.
We are now showing a large line of these beautiful garments. No ward
robe is complete without several of them.
Gowns come in sizes from 15 to 18
Chemise come in sizes from 36 to 44
Be sure and examine this line while you can obtain your choice in single
garments or in matched sets as vou choose.
The Prices Are Very Reasonable
jl !
Mlmr & Company