rr Tuesday, November 22, 192 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE 4, Why He Loses Control. There are two things a man cannot control. One Is the weather, and the other Is his wife. Cincinnati Knqulr He frets because he cannot con trol the first, and he is foolish enough to try to control the other. Canton (0.) News. Telling Age of Mistletoe. It Is a comparatively easy matter to learn the age of crowing mistletoe, as each shoot sends off two new shoots each year, and by counting the joints from the root to the tip of any branch the number of years the mistletoe has lived may be computed easily. Best Clothes New Snappy Styles LLOYD HUTCHINSON Clean lothes lean Let Us Be Your Screw Driver I there is anything we -would rather do than fix an auto mobile that acts like an unruly boy in Sunday school, wo can't think right now what it would be. Anything from the carbur etor to the "interpinktum" is easy for us and when we have overhauled your car the only thing you have to worry about Is steering it bo it will stay in the straight and narrow way. There may be better repair nien in the United States but none of them have happened along this way. And you don't have to take our word for it make us prove it. Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATRICK & TiiiDlTSIUE, Props. Phone 82 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE LEVYING HOAKD OF THE CITY OF HEI'PNEi; Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1921. at the hour of 7:30 o'cloclc p. m. of said day at the Council Chambers in the city of Heppner, Oregon, the levying board of said city of Heppner will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the foregoing tax budget of said city of Heppner for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1922, and any tax payer of said city of Heppner may at that time appear and be heard either In favor or in opposition to the tax levy as set forth herein, or any part thereof. IWTHiKT Estimated Expenditures Personal Service Chief of Police $1200.00 City Recorder ... 300.00 City Treasurer 240.00 City Attorney 300.00 Fire Chief 300.00 Health Officer 120.00 Water Superintendent 1200.00 Book keeper at water plant 420.00 Total.: Material and Supplies Lights 1980.00 Printing 75.00 Fuel 25.00 .$3080.00 HOLIDAY GOODS Now On Display At THE CASH VARIETY STORE Where You Get BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY I Total MaintciialiH'fc and Repairs Streets and Bridges 2500.00 Sidewalks 150.00 Water Supply 9600.00 .2080.00 Interest Total ; 122 50.00 Street Improvement Warrants 900.00 Bonded indebtedness interest Sinking Fund 5500.00 1020.00 Total 6400.00 Miscellaneous Rent 120.00 Incidentals 900.00 Total Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the year 1922 $24,830.00 Estimated Receipts Water Collections $10,800.00 Pastime License 180.00 Theatre License '. 50.00 Dog License 40.00 Dray License . 50.00 Fines , 150.00 Total Estimated Receipts $11,270.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expenditures for the year $24,830.00 Total estimated receipts for the year 1L27o!oO Amount to be raised by taxation $13,560.00 Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 15th day of November, 1921. LEVYING BOARD, By J. W. Beymer, Chairman. . j j j j j j ? j. 4 CECIL , .j. .j. J 4 I J 4 J Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor spent a day or two at The Last Camp on their return journey from Portland. George U. Krebs, who has been vis iting with his sons at the Last Camp, for several months left Saturday for his home in Portland. W. G. Hynd, who has ben visiting 1 friends in Cecil for a few days, retur- The BIG Event Of Thanksgiving Day Is Going To Be That BIG DINNER You have been thinHng about it for several days now. We have been planning it for you too. For several weeks we have been choosing- and ordering the most choice of those specials which no Thanksgiving dinner is complete without. Our stock is now complete for this occasion with those especially good things to eat for which this store has long been iamous. Phelps Grocery Company ned to his home at Sand Hollow Monday. "enncKsen, of Willow creek ranch left for Montana on a business trip Tuesday. tierD Hynd accompanied by Miss Eleanor Furney and Misses A. C. Hynd and A. C. Lowe, all of Cecil nonorea the Egg city with a visit Monday. JUiss Violet Hynd, of Butterby Flats left on the local for Heppner nunaay to resume her studies at Heppner high school. J. J. McEntire was a caller in Ce cil Tuesday. Leo Gorger, of lone, Roy Stemler of Seldomseen ranch and J. E. Crab tree of Dotheboys Hill, were in Ce cil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs spent Sunday and Monday at Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henrlcksen and daughter spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. A. Henricksen. Dwight Misncr has been the busi est man in Morrow county during the week airing out his new Oakland se Seeding Time Vb to 6 vb Uti to 4r VU tf fc fe tf Seeding time is here again and to get the best results you will need the best you can get in the way of niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii Drills and Harrows We will supply you yith these or any implements you may need at Prices that are Right other uiiiuiuuiuuiuiiniiB Every thing in Hardware and Implements lUIUIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI Gilliam & Bisbee 'We Have It. Will'Get It, or It is Not Made." dan and selling tickets for the Chau tauqua which wil be held in lone dur ing the week. J. W. Osborn and friend J. Corn best from Texas honored the county seat with a visit, during the week. Herbert Summerfeldt who has been visiting friends in Cecil for Bcveral weeks left Saturday for Prosser, Washington, where he will visit for sometime before going to his home in Portland. Jack Hynd sold his wool during the week and shipped a carloud out to Portland Thursday. a if Can You Beat Th ese 1 lUoai IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII General Auto Repair Work $1 per hour Ford Motor and Tran smission overhauled $20 Ford rear end over hauled $6.00 Ford front end over hauled $3.75 unnnuNHHum FELL BROS. Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Combest. and daughter, of Vnldastii, Texas, loft tor Portland Saturday after spending some time visiting with their cousin J. W. Osborn. Mr. Combest may de cide on returning to locate in Mor row county if he finds nothing suit able elsewhere. It. E. Duncan loft for Condon Thursday with a truck load of his famous honey. We hear that E. E. has started in the dairying business also. He has invested In a herd of Holstclns quite recently. Mr. and Mis. T. H. Lowe entertain ed a large party of ladies and gentle men at dinner Sunday evening Miss Ituth Van Vaetor, of Heppner. Mr. E. Wurstol, of Canby and Mr. Ed Rett man being the guests of honor. Oscar Lundellfl of Rhea, was doing business In lone Friday. Snow began lulling in Cecil Friday and by Saturday noon a heavy cover of snow was to be seen on all sidos. NOTICE I'Olt ITKMCATIO.V Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. November 12, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that Ruby A. Coxen, 'formerly Ruby A. Ayers, of Echo, Oregon, who, on AugiiHt 14, 1020. made Additional Homestead In try, No. 017700. for SWiNE4, .SW',NW'i Seel Ion. 20, REV4NE'4, E 'jSK 'i, Section 30, Township 3 South,, Range 20 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice, of Intention to make Final three- year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before United Slntes Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on, the 28th day of December 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Her man Young, of Echo, Oregon; Frank Perry, of Lena, Oregon; Ad Moore, of Lena, Oregon; Aulla Coxen, of Echo, Oregon. CAUL 0. HELM, Register. One Block East of Motel Patrick All Work Guaranteed NOTICE I'Olt Pl'HMCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, November 12, 1021. Notice Is hereby given that James Daly, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on October 23, 1018, mads Homestead Entry, No. 017021, for N 14 NE V4 . N Vi N W V , N W S W ',4 R W N W i Section 0, Township 2 South, Rangl) 28 East, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make Fi nal three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day of December, 1921. Claimant names as w Uneaten: J. C. Kliarpe, of Lena, Oregon; John Kll. kenny, John O'ltnurke and Jameii Kenny, of Heppner, Oregon. CALL G. H ELM, R. fcister I ooooooooooooeooooooooooooooeeo