Tuesday, November 15, 1921 THE mttppnrt? HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE M. B. Haines, mine host of the new Condon hotel, was a visitor in Heppner Sunday evening returning to the Summit city Monday morning. Mr. Haines -was formerly proprietor nf the Hotel lone where he made him-1 the self decidedly popular -with the j Heppner traveling public by his excellent ser vice. Mr. Haines says Condon is the best town in Oregon, which is to be expected, and he isn't so far wrong at that as we all know that Condon is' best town in Oregon next to Trouble and Triplets Come in Bunches We don't pretend to know any more about triplets than as mentioned above, and your tbis be and farther between if you will let us CLEAN, PRE&S and take care of your soiled garments. "Efficiency" is our first name and "Service" is our , middle name. You look, feel, act and ARE clean when you let us work on your clothes. LLOYD HUTCHINSON NOTICE OF MEKTIMi OF THE I.EVYIXG HOARD Ol OF HElU'XElt THE CITY Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 6.h day of December 19 21 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m. of saia a&y ai m i mu y,a,..u-. the eft, -of Heppner, Oregon, the levying board of said cay of Heppner will me cuy 01 nryyun, " . ,ifir n? tho foreeoine tax meet for the purpose or aiscussiu - ---- .... budget of said I city of Heppner for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, DUUgei Ol SdlU LIU " r; ,. ..... -uonnnur ,,1 n v at that 1 1 111 P annt".ir 1922. and any tax payer 01 saia cuy ui ""r'7i. and be heard either in favor or in opposition iu me ia .e a herein, or any part thereof. Ill linr.i Estimated Expenditures Personal Service , .,nnnn Chief ,of Police ""- City Recorder 3oiinn City Treasurer -40.00 City Attorney SOO.OO Fire Chief 300.00 Health Officer 1-0.00 Water Superintendent 1200.00 Book keeper at water plant 420.00 Total , J3080.00 Material and Supplies Lights 1980.00 I O il" 2 5.00 A FEW OF THE SPECIAL BARGAINS AT THE CASH VARIETY STORE Where You Get BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY Men's Overalls.... 79 cents Boys Shirts and Blouses 39 cents Wash Boilers, Copper bottom $2.75 ft Printing Fuel Total.. ..20S0.00 Miiintemiliicu and Repairs Streets and Bridges 2 5 00. 00 Sidewalks 150.00 Water Supply - 9600.00 Total 12250.00 Interest Street Improvement Warrants.. Bonded indebtedness interest Sinking Fund 900.00 500.00 Total 6400.00 Seeding Time VU Seeding time is here again and io get the best results you will need the best you can get m the way of iiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiii Miscellaneous Our Operating Room matter . ! rrinnled car, no ui v lot; " nr wr is ready to deliver 1Y udi jwu. perambulate. TT"q A GOOD TIME RIGHT NOW to have your hauled if you want it done this winter. THE OLD RELIABLE REPAIR SHOP it can be depended on to car over- Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATRICK & L.aDUSIUE, Props. Phone 82 Rent ?20-00 Incidentals . auu.uu Total Total estimated amount of - n t. 1 . O fn.- oil nui-noses during the year lw -i,o 1020.00 j 10.00 Drills and Harrows any Estimated Rk-ceipts $10,800.00 180.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 " 150.00 Total Estimated Receipts $11,270.00 Recapitulation fr.4i (i,v,oto,i ovnpnditnrcs for the year $24,830.00 ..:.q ,.tinoir.ta fnr the vear 11,270.00 lULill UOUUIMV" . . , Water Collections Pastime License . Theatre License .. Dog License Dray License Fines Vn will smmlv von villi these or implements you may need at Prices that arc Right other nttniuiiiHHiiiuuiniiiiii Amount to be raised by taxation 4- $13,560.00 mtPil at HonDner. Oregon, this 15th day of November, 1931. LEVYING BOARD, By J. V. Beymer, Chairman. Every thing in Hardware and Implements WALLA WALLA MEN BUY UAXCH NEAR HEPPNER Roy V. Whiteis reports the sale of the Hugh Berry ranch, lying just 0t, nf town, to G. W. Huliek and t c risiirpr of Walla Walla place contains 10 57 acres 3140.000. Mr cepted a small home place near Walla Walla as a part of the consideration. Possession is to be given the purch asers immediately. Mr. Davis is a HAYES-DAMS iiiininiiiiMiuiiiiuin The and the Berry ac- Mr. Anderson Hayes, well konwn Heppner young man, and Miss Edith Davis, of Portland, were united in marriaee. Thnrsrtnv. Nnvnnihpr 10 inyi. at (lip hnmp nf flip hvirlp'a nnr. ents in Portland. It is understood tnat, tor tin; present, the young couple will reside in Portland. n Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made." Coming A Carnival of Fun, Good Eats and Amusements Mrs. Farnsworth and daughter. Miss Mary Farnsworth, left for Port land Monday for a few days visit. Andy Rood jr. came in from Port land Sunday evening after spending several days taking in the sights at the stock show. Sheriff George McDuffe and his son were Portland visitors last week wneie Mr. McDuffee attended the meeting of Oregon sheriffs and they both took a look at the big stock show. Mrs. E. L. Christenson, of Lexing ton, was a visitor in Hennner Wed nesday and made this office a pleas ant call while in town. who has been in William Wilson poor health for several months, . . ... , -n,.nml tills morning where tanen w . he wil lgo under the care of a speci alist. His son James Wilson and accompany-" " James Iliggms NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un- Executor ot me n Kllcup, oe- account with the County Court of Morrow . County, Oregon and that said court lias fixed Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 1021, at 10 o'clock A. M. as the time and the County Court Room at the Court house in Hepp ner, Oregon, as the place for hoar ing said final account and any ob jections thereto, and the settlement of the estate of said deceased. WALTER KILCUP, 28-32 Executor. dersigned TPRtament of Emma ceased has tiled his final I. O. O. F. Hall Friday, Nov. 19 7:30 P. M. Admission Free Come when you wish, Go when you get ready. A Small Coin Will Pay Your Way at any Booth m9. This Space Donated By PHELPS GROCERY CO. Can You Beat NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE These P rices? iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii General Auto Repair Work $1 per hour Ford Motor and Tran smission overhauled $20 Ford rear end over hauled $6.00 Ford front end over hauled $3.75 MtlMlfllllllM PELL B RO One Block East of Hotel Patrick All Work Guaranteed 00000000000OGO0 P,y virtue of an execution and or der of sale duly issued by the cleric of the Circuit Court of the. State of Oregon, for the county of Morrow on the 19th day of September, 1921, in a certain Suit In said County and State, wherein, Missouri Jordon, plaintiff recovered judgemen t against R. N. Wade and May M. Wade, his wife, defendants, for tho sum of 1500.00 with interest there on at the rate of 8 per cent, per an num from the Slh day of November 1919, and the further sum of $14.9:! wllh Interest thereon at the rate of fi per cent per annum from the 2 K Hi day of February, 1921, and the fur ther sum of $75.00 attorney's fees uid Hie further sum of $52.70 costs, together Willi all cohIm and accruing costs, which judgement was render ed on the 14 111 day of June, 192' Notice Is hereby given that I will on Saturday the 2'1'h day of Novem ber, 1921 at the hour of 2 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day sell at pub lic auction, at the front door of the County Court house, In Heppner Ore gon, for cash in hand, the following described real property to wit: Lots threo (3) and four (4) In Iilork three (3) duff's eighth addition to the town of lone, Oregon, thence South 100 feet, thence East 100 feet, thence North 90 feet, thence West 100 feet, to the place of beginning, taken, levied upon as tho property of tho said defen dants It. N. Wade and May M. Wado, lila wife, being the proper ty mortgaged by Bald defendants to secure tho sunm aforesaid, and ord ered sold by the Court to satisfy tho same, or so much thereof ai may be necessary to fiatisfy said Judgement in favor of said Mlnsourl Jordon, plaintiff against said defendants, H. N. Wade and May M. ..Wade, his wife, together with nil costs that have accrued or may accrue In said matter. GKO. McDUFFKK. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon Dated this 24th day of October, 1921. First publication November 8th, 1921. Last publication, December 6th, 1321. , .