r - Hi V, PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as Becond-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2 00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, Tuesday. November 15, 1921 ; 1 1 What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter THANKSGIVING DAY Heppner Athletic Grounds lone Legion vs. Heppraer Post Good Fast Game. If you crave to see acition don't fail to be there at 2:30 Sharp Big Legion Dance in Fair Pavilion Same Evening I was up to the city the other day with ant Lucy and ant Lucy thinks she is offle poplar with the traffick pliepmen as ever time she come to a korner she sed the plicmen waived at her. As are fambly is goin down to lone to eat Thanksgivin dinner with ant Smanthy, paw an maw has bin givin us lessons in etyket. Paw ses men ny a good man has cut his throte while eatin peas, hoo wood have bin alive today hed he studdyd etyket an maw ses never to drink out of the finger boal as there is sope in it wiicri will form bubbles witch sometimes bust. A fue of the football boys is up in arms becawse the coach ses they are not to eat befoar the gaim next Thursday. They say they mite not be in good shaip for eatin after the gaim an they doant want to take ' enny chances. I Nelly Fittit.e got a new waste on the 80 sent counter the uther day an she- ses she is goin to give the top haf of it to her sister margery. I The ut her day rite after egsamun-' at ion are teecher sed to me she ses its a niitey good thing you are a girl an doant, play football cause there your plais. I gess she doant like me. They was a red hot finanshul ar gyment at are house Wensday nite. Paw an maw was the cheef debaters an it finished up this way, but maw, ses paw, munney is awful tight and maw ses to paw she ses it aint half as tite as your are. Paw sed he had ritten to Santy Claws an told him we had moved an he sed he dident give him are new addres as he dident think hed stop here anyhow. Paw pushed are car ahead a few feat the uther nite. He ses it's hard on the tires to let it stand to long in one plais. He thinks he wilLbe able to get some gasolean for it next weak sum time as his hoam brew is about ripe. Are stoar keeper was showin maw some changeable silk the uther day an he sed see how butifully the color changes. Maw ast him if than- was enny way for him to change the price as well as the color. Maw dident by it. I have to start huntin for all of my gum this weak as I doant spose thairell be enny at Ant Smanthys. The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .Beymer re turned from visiting the stock show Sunday evening. J. A. Waters returned from Port land Sunday evening after attending the annual meeting of County Clerks nml Sheriffs and also taking in the wood always be a substoot playing in stock show. Whenever we begin to think we feel like we are going to have an at tack of the "blues," we slip her over into reverse and pat ourself on the back for being able to keep out of jail and have nothing in common with the income tax man. A subscriber writes in that his son, is working his way through college. But the subscriber says that the son is going to lose his job because he is the one who is being worked, ill thp rnnse erer.se that isn't mixed into the gravy next week at. the Thanksgiving dinner, 'will be I available for croup, coughs, colds, ex posed knee caps, etc., after the big feed. Sometimes we think we'd like to be a little dab of goose grease if applied according to our direc tions. When money was plentiful, we could buv as much as we wanted. and whatever we wanted, and just give a knowing wink to the credit man. Now, when a dollar loo'ks as big as the Niagara Falls though it doesn't make as much noise they ask us to use the dollar before we cany the goods away. But death still has its sting. The railroad men struck out. Too much indivfdual playing, too little team work. They still contend that the owners are demanding too much for their share of the series and if the umpires would give them a square deal they'd win yet. Too many men want to hit a home run every time they go to bat. An Iowa officer who had a large number of teddy bears, claimed to have been stolen, let a few of them rot Hwav a few days ago and now he's asking for a search warrant that can be used anywhere in the state. Iowa women, beware. With uncle Sam finally admitting that beer could be used by the sick, some of the state officers agreeing that wine is a necessity, and with the hnntleesrers still enjoying a liberal patronage, Andy Volstead don't seem to be able to claim a decisive victory. Some people wont spend as much time getting ready forThanksgiving as they will spend getting over it. But it's spent for a good cause any way. Still and that word is mighty ex nressive it wont be as easy for the average bar hound to get his Christ mas cheer this season, as it was in the olden days when it sold for 50 cents a pint and you didn't have to go through seven back stairways to get it. At present prices a man can take his choice between a gallon o hard likker or a Ford. Heppner Herald Want. Ads ' . mw aX iy tit va '.it Q : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . BANKING SERVICE " Ycuir banking requirements may he en trusted in this hank with every confidence 111 ,1 eareiul and el'fteieut service will he rendered. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. ft o O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 ' - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it h n in w ii FIFTEEN DAYS SALE We will offer these sizes at the following cash prices; Every Tire Carrying a Standard Mileage Guarantee: KELLY SPRINGFIELD FIRESTONE Fabric 30x3 1 1 .6 1 30 x 3 1 34 1 p x V4 .21.87 31x4 25.29 3-' x 4 29.39 33 x 4 34 x 4 32 x 4' 33X4 3n x 4 30 x 4s 33 x 5 35 5 Cord 20.43 26.37 26.21 30.06 33.12 34- 29 35- 55 38.16 39.60 39-7 40.91 41.90 47.07 49.00 Fabric 30 x 3 S9.S5 30 x3!4 12.56 32 x zk 31x4 . 19.60 32 x 4 22.60 33 x 4 23.75 34 x 4 24-40 32 x 4H 30.28 33 'x 4 31-28 34 x 4 32.24 35 x 4 33-72 33 x 5 35x5 Cord $19.85 26.21 a 33- 12 34- 29 35- 55 38.16 39.60 39-87 40.91 47-07 , . 49.00 AFTER NOVEMBER 30th The regular reduced prices announced by the companies, as in effect November 8th, will prevail. BUY NOW AND MAKE EXTRA SAVING KELLY SPRINGFIELD FIRESTONE Fabric Cord 3u 3 x 31' M2.QO 14-90 'v'Xj 24.30 31 x 4 28.10 i.'xi . 32.65 V, x 4 38.10 34 x 4 39-50 i 4 42.40 22.70 29.30 33-40 ;6.8o Fabric 3 x 3 10.95 30 x34 . 13.95 32 x ih 19.17 31 x 4 22.05 32 x 4 27.43 33X4 2b.uS 34 x 4 27.36 32 x 41 33 x 4 34 x 4 35 x 4 3'' x 4 35 x .4400 l 44-30 4545 33 34 x 4 Cord 19.66 29.12 37-04 38.16 39.16 .41.7S 42.84 4()-55 54.40 4 ' 44-00 35 x 4 4519 3 x 4 45.46 33 x 35 x 2.16 54-66 Coon A uto Lo. ft . . : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S0O0OOO00OOS0OOs$:eOOOOOOOaG5OOCOSSOOOOOa$OOS5O0000OO XJL 0 0