PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD ajn IN 13 EPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISQN, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice aa seeond-;la3s Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday.NovgfflbeT 8. itm ! ft. CECIL Mr. and Mrs. Osoar Lmd:i and f imi'j spoilt Sunday at the home of Mr. an-i Mrs. T. V. Tyl-r, n-ar Rhea T. W. May. of Star ranch, ac compan;! by hw brother L. D. May of Mwo, wr.j calUna: in Cf I s r riay. C-cil wi; represn''?! at I:-f-a Mmz school at aa crfnin;-f-nfertainnie-ir Ha'upJay f-v-nin :v-f-n by M: Edi:h SwkSc and i:--r pu-j I' -1 - - Every on report haunt: n i njoyabi rv-r..r.!i. i if. J. S'ri-..f,.r waa ninnin; a d-ii-' v--"y lHn Mor?aij an! I f l on and looked -!; r. - 1. r. - -r,-. ' : r;;.l Tton; oa ant his E---I r,w.i. t-'-r- r.adr? a h,,rt .-ay in r ,-;; IIstrikeJP I 'ANTI GAR ETTr g roasted IS I lit Notice this delicious flavor when you smoke Lucky Strike it's sealed in by the toasting process a w- .':!! of tr ,:ible. flr?t an,j -st a,-uj of r.' hmj h;s la i lady l,y,... r-fui to rid in i! T"aU'-r to th- county sr. Sx mv r-rv ""r so shaken that oouidn't drive and w heard that i: t.o!c him tbw days and ni;ht.s with (, it ar.y r- ,r to push bU car to Ocil. hre Bill was .soon r-siMitated and sent on his way rojoicin?. Mlss Annie Hjmd, of Rose Lawn. Sand Hollow who has b,-n visiting in Portland for a week or two visi ted her friends in Cecil during the we it before leaving on the local Sun day for Heppner V. ' ranch U the busiest man in Morrow county entcrtainin? his old time friend, Mr. W. Chandler and son, Oscar, from Nebraska, and buying sh-ep between times. Mrs. H. J. Streeter was visiting in lone Friday and was accompanied by Mrs. George Hardesty, of Morgan. J. M. Melton, of the Lookout, was visiting at Windynook, the home of W. G. Palmateer Wednesday. Mr Melton left Cecil Thursday for Pilot Rock where he will visit friends be fore leaving for Missouri. ft ft. t! Ed Bnstow. one of Ione's leading 1 Pa'ma,eer' teacher of -rchants. accnmn.n, k,. v. ..." Fourmlle, arrived in Cecil from Con- .'n.l family and Judge Robins ' ?.B. ThurS?ay whpr she had ,..,; t, ' '''King in tne teachers institute, st attorney at law, were ,,,M "" 1 ttn n w a.-i Lae scene or ida fo ri . . 1'in.e's frrate railing on thwr Cecil friends jj f-'! M.irtm. herd-r for many f-ir Hv nd Bro-i , ..f r,n t:. to. P'-rdi-'i'Ti h-r- h- vi:;i Hp-r. ''" '-" !f.arn;r t. wori f-t t.!e winter, A. Minor accninp.i-:-! hv- ' and Mr.c il A Thon, n. of ! p;'. in r, w. re t!... sn-ti f Mr. ,nd M,v i:"''r-'r' Kr-bs at th Last r .,: , P Mondiy. Cal-n Filkn-r i,nd- a : hort stay C'ccil dunn-r r.. ,-wit h..f,ir.. t.-j,.',,, ,ir Condoa h-re he will work dur ing the winter A. Henricksen. of Willow- cre.-v a large surprise party Friday even-in,-. In b-ing Mrs. Roy St-nder' birrh.liy. Oorz-r'ii orchi-stra sup. plied th- music and a merry time was -P'fit by all prs-ssr. I I ! ! I ! i . MKVVKD Fit !V" ranch north or' Tone, r-ne 2 - ear-old nlare mule, color brown , with bay points. Branded D f on left jaw. Suitable reward for re turn or information leading to her recovery. D WIGHT MI.SENFR, Adv. lone. Ore. 2 S M" c BANKING SERVICE Yuur lankiu rfqiiirenu-nts may !.e on Ir i-tvil tn 1 1 1 i hank with ecry mniulcnce th it f.trcful unl efficient service will he rendered. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 0 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" T 1 r- i 1 o November 5 to 12 If H 1 I TTTi oeraia d Week argam November 5 to 12 2 Big Events in One 2 Combining Sense and Sentiment in the. Greatest Newspaper Circulation Campaign Ever Inaugurated - in Morrow County While "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" is a good business proposition for any community it also involves a lot of sentiment, which is a mighty fine thing, too. It is a fine thing to spend a little time during one week in each year boosting the Home Town Paper that has boosted you and your community and your business interests and vour social affairs "lo these many years." ' ' ' The HERALD appreciates the work its friends have done, are doing and ascribe tor Your Home iown Paper Week." to extend its circulation and influence will do during co The HERALD wants a bigger circulation .mty and in oreer to heip us mends brmsr this Paper Week," it has decided to announce z It wants to go into every home in Morrow about during " Subscribe for Your Home Town Herald Week November 5 to 12 When a Full Year's Subscription Will Be Sold for urn 1 1 This sensational price will be withdrawn at midnight, November i? when the regular price of Sj.oo a year will be restored. 192 1 HOW Can We do thlS? ? papers wanting more circula- iiw" v." . T.. tion employ a "contest manager" who, by putting on a hurrah campaign and giving away an automobie or a piano bv the votine contest plan, induces a great number of people to spend their money for subscrin turns who do not want the paper but only subscribe to please some candidate or heln out some tnend. borne girl gets the auto or piano, the contest man gets most of the money and the news paper owner gets a lot ot experience. Others give away premiums with each subscription which cost at least one-half the subscri ption price, while others employ a regular solici -tor to canvass the territory his salary and ex penses eating up most of the proceeds. ' y Ail these schemes cost the publisher at least 50 per cent, or more of the price of subscription and that money goes to some tellow other than the publisher r subscriber " 11 By Our Plan THE SUSCRIBER BENEFITS By actually savin $r oa THE HERALD BENEFITS By increased circulation, influence and prestige. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS By a stronger, better supported newspaper. Don let this chance to save a dollar slip. Don't let this chance to help your home paper slip. HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY OREGONIAN-HEPPNER HERALD Clubbing Offer Between now and October 31st we make the following attractive offer. Regular Price , OREGON I AX (Dailv and Sundav) S8.00 HEPPNER HERALD Clubbing Price Sj.oo Total OR EGO MAN (Dailv) HEPPNER HERALD Total ORIXOXI AN (Weekly) HEPPNER HERALD" Total $10.00 $6.00 $.2.00 $8.00 Si. 00 S2.00 ?3-00 Both For Both For Both For $8.00 $6,00 $2.00 NOTICE! It you are already a subscriber to the HER I D nnH v,,- ...k raid in advance. PAY A DOLLAR v m-' ! t our subscription is tended for one full year. "ac uur "ipt.on ex- It you are behind withyour subscription, square up your account- to date and nav a DOT EAR more ior a lull year in advance. - u- BRINNDIN YOUR MONEY ANY TIMEBU-ORE NOVEMBER 12 Whpm BARGAIN WFPlf PMnc LK 12 WEN ft. ft. ft. ? r1 01 O ooooooooaoooeo 0005 ooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooeooooooo Mil AkJ