Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 01, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, November i, 192 1
Something That Is Cheap.
The .director of the American Mu
seum of Natural History announces
that mastodon bones are a drug on the
ir.arket and prices are down to nearly
nothing. If you have been delaying
Tour purchase of mastodon hones, now
1s the time to lay In a supply.
The Wise Man.
The wise man is equal, readv. but
not officious; has In even- thing an
ve to sure-footing; h offends no
body, nor Is easily offended; and is
always willing to compound "for
wrongs, If not forgive them. William
Trouble and Triplets
Come in Bunches
We don't pretend to know any more about triplets
than as mentioned above, and your troubles will be fewer
and farther between if you will let us CLEAN, PRESS
and take care of your soiled garments.
"Efficiency" is our first name and "Service" is our
middle name.
You look, feel, act and ARE clean when you let us
work on your clothes.
YOU aren't a knocker Why let
your engine be one?
We are none of us in love with a "knocker,"
whether it be man, woman or the motor of your automo
bile. At the first sign of a knock, bring the car to this
"fix shop and let us give it the "once over." There may
be nothing seriously wrong but just a little wrong soon
makes a big one.
We can give satisfactory service at all times and we
just do the work in our line we repair, install new
parts, and get an auto that wont hit even on one cylin
der to working like a charm. ,
Come in without knocking your car goes out the
same way.
Heppner Garage Machine Shop
Phone 82
What Women Think
By Mary, the Girl Reporter
Paw and Maw have been, arguin
for the past to months as 2 whitiN
kind of an ottomobile they was goin
to git and they jest reeched a decis
sion yisterday. They aint goin. to
git enny.
Paw was tellin the uther day how
good he got along in skule when he
was a littel feller and ant Lucy sed
that if hot air wood buy bacon an
eggs, that paw kood get an offle big
salarie as a misshunary.
Herd some fellers down town
talkin munday an 1 of them sed they
was goin to have a liberty loan drive
in a cupple of weaks. He sed that
was the only way to get a loan now
Sum of the boys in are room was
makin fun of 1 of the gurls who was
puttin henna on her hair and she sed
it looked like sum of the boys was
puttin henna on there fingers as
thay was about the saim color.
A fue of the boys was sworn in as
police for Hollowean night and the
mayir sed they had full authority to
act. From the way things looked in
sum parts of the town this moriiin,
they used thair authority.
Us girls organized a antygum chew
in sossiety to weaks ago but I see by
the papers that some of the gum fac
tories are still worTtin a nite force.
EVerbodie tells me that pracktis
makes perfeckt an I have been prack
tisin now for oaver 3 niunths, an was
goin to supprise the girls in my class
but cant spit throo my teeth yet.
Gess it setems like my face was in
the way.
The girls in are skule are ritin
down al lthothings they have to be
thankful fore an they are goin to
show it to the techer the day befoar
Thanksgiving. The skeam will pro
berly be to deap for her to figger
I think gogerphy is the best study
in skule. I was reedin a note that
Vic Groshen thrue to me yisterday
and when teacher came along and ast
to see what I was readin she looked
at itat it and sed she thawt it was a
very good digram of the rivers that
runned thru this state. Geography is
by fur the best.
Uncle Ike lie hassent been to are
plaice sints the day he set down on
my kitten and squashed its poor
young life out. He isent expected
You've Eaten the Rest
Now Try the Best
We never tried to kid ourselves into
ing that any old kind of groceries will sell
We found out, early in life, that one eats to
so if they eat the best, they live to enjoy it
much longer time.
And the pure food law has no terrors
and when the inspector comes in and takes a
slant at our display he knows he has no business
hanging around here. We have the kind of gro
ceries, canned goods, etc., that you want and
we do not ask a higher price than you want to
Phelps Grocery
Are teecher sed subtraxion was the
;wickt-it rool to learn in matthemat-
ticks bm even if it is it takes a long
time to sutrackt the skule weaks as
thay go by. He be glad when I can
say 1 weak frum 1 doant leave nuth-
Maw ses the preecher is discus
sed with me. He ast me Wensdav
what 1 was goin to be when I gowed
up an I sed to him I ses if I have
anything to say about it I am goin
to be the muther of a prize fiter.
Then he ast me if I knowed whair
prize fiters went and I told him it
didnt make so mutch difference
whair they went as they alwavs tried
to come back.
The Tangled Skein
Untangled by the Herald
Bell Hop
1 1 1 1
for a I
for us.
The bankers came out to the coast
last month, to talk over conditions
and the qublishers went them one
better. They went to Honolula. They
saw more ami only paid Honolula
Now that the Christmas season is
approaching nearer, the astute girl,
who wasn't afraid of corn bread,
hominy and bacon, is going to have
it all over her sisler who wears the
lead pencil size stockings.
There will probably be something
doing in this burg on November Jl
but there's no chance of the same
celebration being staged as there was
three years ago on the same date.
Ten years ago a fatal automobile
accident would make a good scare
head in the metropolitan papers.
Now they go down in the lower right
hand coiner and a decrease in the
rates of lights or gas takes their
There are any number of people in
this country that are worried almost
to distraction for fear they will find
something to be thankful for.
There are plenty of men In busi
ness who wish they were in the posi
tion of the laboring man who thinks
he is unfortunate because he is out
of a job. But a man isn't whipped
till he quits fighting.
Some of the corn growers of the
central states are worried, thinking
the cotton growers have figured out
(tome way to make hootch out of
their product because why else
should the price go up.
Men who spenu tlieir evenings
"out", nuike the claim that this is
going to be a hard winter because the
uiuc-nens are rooming nign and they
should know.
"There is no great loss but what
mere is some small gain." A lot of
us wont have to worry about the in
come tax man this year and that
helps some.
The money that is spent to see
football games on Thanksgiving day
would save millions of lives in for
eign countries but some of the fans
are certain that going to see the
games will save their lives too.
If automobile manufacturers had
seen fit to put the price of their cars
down to the present price two years
ago, we'd all have cars and wouldn't
need to worry about the decrease of
salaries unless we wanted to eat
Some of the smaller countries-
among thenr Greece, and Turkey
think disarmament there would have
the same effect prohibition has in the
United States.
When the U. S. troops were on the
border In 1916-17, word came that
Germany expected America to pay for
the war and a lot of fellows in this
j little old land of the free and the
I home of the bootleggers, are now
i willing to admit that Uncle Sam is
; l aying the bill and tin y are on as
South Carolina newspaper say.s
there is one American hook that Is
right popular In Europe now and
that is the American pocket book.
K:' if .
it v"
Antaalo vlnoanta Solar y Roya,
apoatollo vicar In eharg of aH Cath
ollo missionary work In Colombia,
South Amorica, who vlaltod tho Unltod
BUtaa on hit way to Romo.
Stamped Towels, Pillow Slips and Night Gowns
CLOTHES BASKETS 75c $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
KIDDIE KARS $2.00 and $2.50
DOLLS 5c to $3.50.
Asbestos mats for the Table at
Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern
Oregon better than ever before
Farms, JMills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, etc.
Wc negotiate leases and rentals
Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense
Portland Office? 14N. Second Street, Portland Or
Pendleton Office, 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or
Seeding Time
W aV A Jb tV Uf WW lfc b tfc ifc
Seeding time is here again and to get the
best results you will need the best you can get in
the way of
Drills and Harrows
We will supply you yith these or any other
implements you may need at
Prices that arc Right
Every thing in Hardware
and Implements
Gilliam & Bisbee
'We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made.'
For Our Own ( hum)
We aren't trying to argue at any
time that there are no larger print
shops in the world than the Herald
has, tint we want to say right now
that th size of a print shop lias noth
ing to do with the tj tialil y or work it
turns out, neither docs It make any
difference as to service the printers
Our shop Is large enough to taTe
care of the needs of this community
and if we had a lot of idle machin
ery standing around, well, there'd
be depreciation on, that to almost as
great an eatent as there would be to
the machinery that was working.
But we do want to Impress up
on our readers that we are equipped
to do anything In the printing line
that cornea our way. And when we
Bay printing, we do not mean that we
will throw a handful of typo Into the
chase, daub some Ink on the press,
and Jerk off a Job that looks like It
has been done by a cider press. Win n
we say we will print a Job of work,
no matter how large or small, we will
use our very bent Judgment In get
ting out. a well balanced Job one
that Indicates on the face of It, with
out UHing the Imprint that It wan
done at the Herald ithop.
We don't want to do all the print
ing In tho world, but we wa.nt to do
all the work we can do, and so long
an we continue to Rive firt clans sor
vice with a quality of work that is un
eicelled, we wont need to worry. All
we want to do here In keep you re
minded that we do It.
You may need some envelope, let
terheads bill heads, booklets, cata
logues, Kali! bills, cards, blotters,
checks, etc., etc., and II' you do, let.
its show you the kind of work we. can
Notice Is hereby given that I, the
undersigned, under the lawB of tho
State of Oregon, have takea up tho
animals hereinafter described while
running at large on my premised, In
Morrow County, Oregon, about two
miles Bouth of Iioardman, Oregon.
One mare, about five years old,
no visible brand, weight about 110O
One black two-year-old, branded
13 on left hip.
One black yearling no brands vis
ible. That I will, on
at the hour of ten o'clock In tho
forenoon of said day , tiniest) tho
same Khali have been redeemed, at
my ranch about two miles south of
Iioardman, Oregon, In said county,
sell nald animals to the highest bid
der, for cash in hand, for the purpose
of paying for the costs of taking up,
holding and Belling such animals, to
gether with reasonable damages for
the Injury caused by said animals
running at largo on aald premises.
Dated and first published on this
18th day of October, 1921. Adever
tlsement. 25-2