PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday November r, 1Q21 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher $& j "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter November 5 to 12 Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 w Jhlera eek argam U a Hi) iOO 0 i -: IRRIGON 4 .J. .J- -2- -I- -I- 'I- -I- -I- -I- Tlii F;i rin Bureau lielii a Rprcial jiiOflinK Saturday night, and pctition ( (i tin; county court to designate an (lection day for til" purpose of vot ing on a live mill tax levy for road purposes as lias been agreed upon in former years. The money will be (xpendid on Hie Kiver View lioule vard, to complete one mile from old Fdiool bouse, tbencc anotlu r mile on Ihe Powell road, south to Irrinon. Sbould there be anything left from 1hiH. b vy, the balance would j;o on the M;u Icham-Hloeum road. The farm bureau also went on record for in Hallinf; wagon scales iniiiicdiiitely, unlers ll.e Tiim A-l,i:in Lumber Co 1e( id' to I 01 M once. T . r-'cretary was also insl i neted to get. in I Hindi with coin shippers in the cast and secure besl possible prices. lieKnIi.r monthly meetings will be beb in (lie future, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks and family, of I'rosscr, Washington, ac companied ty Mr. Alviu Davis, of Scales Mound, Illinois, and Mrs. Me fluire, of Oklahoma, a sister of Mrs. Hicks, went visitors at Glasgow's Sunday. They motored over from I'rosscr and returned in the after noon on account of Mr. Davis' trans portation would not permit longer flay. Mr. Davis is a brother-in-law of Mr. Glasgow, whom he has not wen for 2 2 years. Our ferry makes it possible for many similar jour neys and visits that would be mpos tibie otherwise. l'lol'. C. (1 rover motored to Heppner Wednesday with Irrigon m-Iioo teahcers to attend the county institute, returning Sal unlay morn ing. They report, tin' roads in very I.oer condition at the present time. Mr. and Mis. Gi'orge Hand and son Hat i" have id urned I run I heir vuca tioii tour of Hie country anil are now I. nme on llieir farm. Tliey traveled i limit 71)00 miles, going through "Yellowstone National I'arli on their vay east iiinl returning via. Califor nia. They say the lunch talked or California good roads must be clear down In the extreme southern part of the stale as they failed lo find any thing belter tlian the Oregon roads it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor on their journey In that state. The Hay Growers association has Roy liaker, of I'rosscr, on the job in this district, bailing hay for the as sociation this week, the first car is being loaded at this wiling. It be- j ing choice hay from the YValpoIe-Al- Ian cultngs. Mis. 11. ;. liiggs, ofl'eiiilleton, was Hie guest of her sister, Miss Anna j Mlcrteen u couple ol days (lie tirst of the ve, k. Cause of Rainbow. The rainbow is caused by the raya of Hie sun passing through drops of water anil being sepnrnted by these drops into ihe primary colors. A sim ilar effect can be obtained by placing a triangular pleii of glass before the eyes In (he sunlight. BANKING SERVICE Your banking requirements may he cn t rust i'd lo I liis liatik with every confidence tint careful and efficient service will lie rendered. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE IIEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP -Sam Hughes Co. November 5 to 12 Big Events in One 2 Campaign Ever Inaugurated ir Morrow County While "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" is a good Imsiness proposition for any community it also involves a lot of sentiment, which is a mighty fine thing, too. It is a fine thing to spend a4ittle time during one week in each year boosting the Home Town Paper that has boosted you and your community and your business interests and your social affairs "lo, these many years." The IJKRALD appreciates the work its friends have done, are doing and will do 'Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week," to extend its circulation and influence. during The IIKRALD wants a bigger circulation, county and in order to help its friends bring this Paper Week," it has decided to announce a It wants to go into every home in Morrow about during- " Subscribe for Your Home Town Herald. November 5 to 12 When a Full Year's Subscription Will Be Sold for This sensational price will be withdrawn at midnight, November i; when the regular price of $2.00 a year will be restored. 1921 HOW rail Wf fin tniQ? Some newspapers wanting more circula- 11UW L,ttll WC UU U11J. tion employ a "contest manager" who, by putting on a hurrah campaign and giving away an automobie or a piano, by the voting contest plan, induces a great number of people to spend their money for subscrip tions who do not want the paper but only subscribe to. please some candidate or help out some friend. Some girl gets the auto or piano, the contest man gets most of the money and the news paper owner gets a lot of experience. Others give away premiums with each subscription which cost at least one-half the subscri ption price, while others employ a regular solici tor to canvass the territory, his salary and ex penses eatingup most of the proceeds. ' All these' schemes cost the publisher at least 50 per cent, or more of the price of subscription and that money goes to some fellow other than the publisher or subscriber. ' " By Our Plan THE SUSCRIBER BENEFITS By actually saving $1 00. THE HERALD BENEFITS By increased circulation, influence and prestige. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS By a stronger, better supported newspaper. Don't let this chance to save a dollar slip. Don't let this chance to help your home paper slip. HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY OREGONIAN-HEPPNER HERALD Clubbing Offer Between now and October 31st we make the following attractive offer. Regular Price ORKGOXIAX (l)ailv and Sundav) $8.00 S-J.OO lll'PPXKR HF.RAI.D Total ORKGON1AX ( l)ailv) HKITNF.R HKRAI.'D Total ORF.GOXIAX (Weekly) HKITXKU 11 FRAUD' Total if I O.OO $6.00 $-'.00 $8.00 $1.00 ' $J.OO $3.00 Both For Both For Both For Clubbing Price $8.00 $6.00 $2.00 WfYTIfE! If you are already a subscriber to the HI-'R W I) -,nl vr,,,- 1 Ny,!!Lt;! . .-J'-lvaiKct'AY A DOLLAR NOW ..itlSS tended tor one full vear. If you are behind withyour subscription, square up your account to date and UAR more for a full year in advance. BRING OR SEND IN YOUR MONEY ANY TIME BEFORE BARGAIN WEEK ENDS ion is cnption ex- pay a DOL- NOVEMBER 12 WHEN 1 . 1 . . . . - , -a - 0 o o 0 000000000