Tuesday, October 25, 192 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE D I.VMBEU BARGES AVILL FLOAT DOWX KIYEli sound the river, going as far as Ce- lilo. Plans are under foot to ship barges ot lumber from Clearwater, On Thursday two men stopped in Idaho, to Cecilo where ii will be Boardman at the Highway Inn. They j transferred to steamers and shipped had a veryunusual trip, having come I east, by way of Panama Canal. Thus down from Lewiston, Idaho in a j far the shallowest water found was row boat. Their purpose was to I four feet. Boardiuan Mirror. DOES YOUR SUIT SUIT YOU or is it soiled and seedy looking af ter a summer' wear in the dust? We know how to make it look like new because Cleaning, Pressing, and Repairing ARE OUR SPECIALTIES If you need a new Suit or Overcoat, drop in and look over our Woolens LLOYD HUTCHINSON What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter We Don't Use a Lifting Jack or a Crowbar When we are doing repair work on the finer and more intricate parts of yur car, we have tools for that purpose. We are fully equipped with tools, trains and experience to keep your auto, in the pink of condition. It is much less expensive to KEEP your auto in good running order than it is to PUT it in repair after you have let the troubles get big. Open Whenever You Need Us Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATUICK & l.aPVSIKE, Props. Phone 82 The preacher said last sundy that waiges had been redooced all doun tlhe line excep in the matter of sin. The waiges of sin is still deth. Are teecher ast how menny of the boys wood stand gard at the skool house next Monday nite it beein hol lowean. Every boys hand in the skool room went up an teecher doant no eksactly wether to beleeve the boys or not. A girl in my class told her paw that she coodent go to the hi skool dance becawse she diddent have en nything to ware and her paw told her she would have to git sumthing to wave becawse their fambly cud dent afford to go into sossiety. Paw was arrested las weak fur parkin his car two long in 1 plaise. Paw pade the fine an sod lied ruther do that as to let P. Devnie no that hed forgot how to start it. He jis bot the car to wea'ks ago an that wus the first time hed been able to git it away Irum. home. Ant Lucy had her fust ecksporince with a osoopath yiterday. The osteopath is in the hospital ..yet but his wife ses he will git well. Ant Lucy sed there cuddent no man rub her vertebniys together like that an git away with it an the ostopaili ses when he gits well ant Lucy will have to apollygise. One of the gurls who is in my Sun dy skool klass ses the men she mar rys must have plenty of munney so I supose she will be runnin. after the buteleggers an the krooks. Ime go in to be sattisl'ide with any kind of a man. The editor of the Herald rote me a letter an sed coodent I find moar news outside of our fambly an I roat rite back an sed I wassent to blaime if everything that happened to hap pen happened in our fambly. I ast paw for 50 cents to go to the lyceum last Friday night an paw sed I shood save the 50 cents and stay home an heer maw. The ladys ade sossiety met as pur kontrackt last Wensday but they did dent have mutch more sucksess than they did the weak befoar. We wus tawkin about a rich wid- der over at lioardman las nite and paw sed if she cud keep a secret as good as she cud 'keap everything else shed maik a mighty good politishun. Maw wants me to be a politician. The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop his LIFE is what you make it AND IT IS MADE UP LARGELY OF EATING That's what makes us wonder occasionally, why some people don't take more pains in choosing a "steady" in the grocery line. A dependable grocer is one who sells dependable groceries and when you stop to think, youdon't want groceries that are not dependable. No chance to mention all the delicacies we handle in this ad but you coud come and take a look at the trade marks. You Eat to Live So Cat the Best A man is as old as he feels. When your clutch begins to slip, try some thing you know will stop it or else do some experimenting. An optimist is a man who has gone without eating so long that his garters are too large and makes himself believe that the rubber in his garters are giving out. Clair Hopper says there is nothing strange about the average woman and Webster defines "strange" as being something never before seen, heard or konwn. If a stranger knocks let her in. Thanksgiving day is drawing close and Slewfoot Pete says he has at least one thing to be thankful for and that is that he won't be dissnppnint ed it Santa Claus don't call on him this year. "Fatty" Arbuckle says he is going back on the stage again, but if he does he should take the position of stage carpenter. We paid the other day that we had heard of every kind of an insurance company, from the company that in sures one against loss in case of an auto wreck to the company that in sured fairs and entertainments from incurring a loss, but had never heard of a company that Insured safety for bandits and other law breakers. The minister was standing near-by and said he represented that company. There is some consolation in learn ing that where a murder would be committed for $35 in 1919, the slug gers demand an average of $6 5 per murder this year. Money being scarce, murder should fall off con siderably. Moving picture makers are discon tinuing the practice of holding leg shows because they have so much competition in every day life.., Looks like the high school and col lege girls are going to ruin dame fashions decree that rolled stockings and see-more petticoats should be worn. A cook book says, one can discover a bad egg by its odor," but when a frugal housewife goes into a store to buy a couple of dozen eggs she don't feel like breaking them open to see if they smell good or not. An exchange says the powers that be, have started to use a pruning hook in Washington, but they are not running any chances of hooking themseles. If the silk worms had been left at tached to a lot of the silk Bhirts that we were sold two years ago, sonieof of the boys would at least had bait so they could have gone fishing. When our boys first went into the service, spiral puttees were worth $6 a pair to them. After a few months in the service they wouldn't pay 69 cents a pair. Conditions do change.. New Cootie Game And Games of all kinds at the THE CASH VARIETY STORE PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY WITH TWO BIG OFFICES PENDLETON PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Kastcrn Oregon better than ever before OUR SPECIALTIES Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, etc. We negotiate leases and rentals Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense Portland Office, 14N. Second Street, Portland Or Pendleton Office, 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN EASTERN OREGON WITH CONNEC TIONS IN PORTLAND Seeding Time fe ttV 6 tfcW WW k b b b Seeding time is here again and to get the best results you will need the best you can get in the way of iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiini Drills and Harrows We will supply you yith these or any other implements you may need at Prices that arc Right naiHuiiiiMiuiiiuta Every thing in Hardware and Implements Phelps Grocery Company IHIUGON the time until about two o'clock In the morning. Everyone reports a most enjoyable evening and wishes Mr. Glasgow many more happy birth days. Mrs. F. H. Ricks has a purse full of money now days. She tlook so many blue ribbons at the North Mor row County Fair at Boardman and the Morrow County Fair at Heppner I that1 she has enough to make a fancy pillow. The ribbons were from 'chickens, various farm produce, can ! ned goods and fancy work. She pro ! mises even a greater exhibit next ! year and hopes to Hecure enough blue j ribbons to make a table rover. Sunday School will hold Itally Day Service Sunday October 23rd. Rev. Harper will be In Irrigon for thvo or three days the last of theweek to work up Interest for the occasion. There will be a short program and an Interesting hour Is promised. Everyone Is cordially Invited. Rev. Hlllla will also be here for Sunday evening service, October 23 rd and ex pect to hold protracted meetings for a week or two. Mrs. E. F. Fageratrom and Mr. H. T. Walpole ar organising a women's chorus and 'reports good progress. It look as If considerable religious work will be undertaken and Rev. Hlllls will llkelr take the Irrlgon Boardman field, recently made va cant by the resignation of Re. J. W. Hood. Several have made repeated exper intents poisoning rabblth with the formula so successful early la the summer, namely, application of pois on paste mixture on cedar sticks and all report no success at this time. It would seem that rabbits would not tVtke to salt at this time of year and the poison should be ap plied In some other way now. In the spring rabbits even gnaw the ties on the r nil road track where the bait h'.K run riff ref rieerator cars land we should plan extensive work with sticks next spring. Other poisons should be used In the mean time. wi in i ni i itntn i mni mui Gilliam & Bisbee 'We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made." SOTK'K OK TAKING IT AND HAI.K OK KSTHAY i'AKU HIMIMllKS wniire Is hereby given that I, Hie undersigned, under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up in la hereinafter described while running at largo on my premises. In Morrow County, Oregon, bdoui mu miles south of Boardman, Oregon. r. mare, about five years 010, no visible brand, weight about 1100 pounds. Ona black two-year-oia, oranaeu 19 on left hip. One black yearling no brands vis ible. That I will, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER B. 1921. at the hour of ten o'clock In the fnrenoon of said day .unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch about two miles south of Boardman, Oregon, In said county, sell said animals to the highest bid der, for cash In hand, for the purpose of paying for the costs of taking up, holding and selling such animals, to gether with reaori.ble damages for the injury caused by said animals running at largo on said premises, M. C MARSHALL Paled and first published on this 1 8th day of October, 1021. Adever tlsement. 25-26 Pretty Childish Fancy. Billy, unlike most children, Is not afraid of thunder. One dny, while plHjrlnc with some of Ills friends. It started to thunder, frightening them. Hut Hilly soothed them by saying, "pon't be afrnld, that's only it play Ins his organ." As the ewes come off the summer range it Is a good time to cull them. Sort out all ewes with udders spoiled by caking or injured teats, ulso all "glimmers" and thoso with spread teeth such that it will bo hard for them to stand the winter. With sheep prices low, this Is a good tlmn to pay attention to general conforma tion in culling and thus build up an attractive uniform flock. Select ewes having s-trong, straight backs and good coverings of wool. COUNTY TnfcA.Sl KKJtS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that all Morow County Warrants, registered up to and Including February, 21, 1921, will be paid upon presentation at mjr office.. Interest ceases after November I, 1921. T. J. HUMPHREYS, County Trasurer 26-27 Advertisement. It AM f OR HAfE A fins lot of Ramboalfittm, Carrl dale, Llsaola, Shopshlre and Merino ranis Just recslved and for anlo. Call writ er phone t. A, MINOR, Hepip r, Oregon. Adv. 24-2 Vi Meteorites Cool on Journey. Meteorites are never very hot when they strike the eanh. They have fallen Into liuyMak, burns, etc., without setting them on fire. No baking of the soli or charring of vegetation Is observed where they have struck Uia gruuud.