PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 25, 192 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Ht-ppner, Oregon, l'ostutfice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 IRRIGON The Cmuiir-rrii.! Club '.vr-nt on r'i'iinl for livr- mill tux l"vy at its romiUir i?ii"'tinc Fiiiiny nitrht and tin- Farm Hunan post d a not ioo for a S'porial nic'iih S;i I'irday i f" Dim,', Octob' 1 2L'nd, for the tmrnosn .f cleoidin;.' how the fiiml.s shall bo xnond'd. Iivi'ihoily H ini'Tt-xifd in roads and nhould I'lrn on! to i-x-jr'ss (heir views. Tli" w f'Ckii of Jilanliii' trees around tin- sohool Kronnds is roinin up sr "ial al the next regular ni--tin f H'li" rom tioTcial lub, Friday, Novoinbi r 11. Tli- sen-clary lias lien inMniftort to Vvt l oiifi's to this iToft and uso vry mians to p'-cplc to t'irn ml. to this no'i'iinr. Tli" hiKli sdiofd slmh'nls a:'1 Imsv ! miniili- i It"; r wly for !!-fp-at ll.illou'e'ui :i: nival. o h' Kivii in tho old i-rhool build-I I')'-! Saturday, October !t t ir. I lie T , 1 1 ! i i ; i lt i-i ii"in;5 arraniri'd !or tho nc 'asion. fait Minns liiivc a ! f -a i y been faiui) out and bnolhs will tje fixed up lor arious liallnwe'en anniso tnonls, Ktudi as fortune iHIiiiK and other lhin."S wiiioh arp appropriate for ;t llallowo'i'ii proi;i'ii)i. Tliere will also bo an t'KS tlirnwiiiK contest at a real live Hinder ontsid'o. A asli prize of $1000.00 i.s beinn of fered for the niRger square. In "he. rye tbreo consecutive tHnies, and liimtllcr prizes for hits on the top oi the head and ears. Somesix cases of rotten m'Rs have been socued for this contest. The Kils will sidl pies, -altos, candy, popcorn, coffee and varioili. Hallowe'en novelties, while ihe boys will handle the other work in contii'Cl'ion Willi the pnitrrani. The s.timiMdon will be len cents to all -lull they will probably I'iia i';;e one dollar lo p.el out. The Carnival i.s Jieinn held for Ihe or-rpose of rnii-'-in); money for bashet lir 1 ei;uipinetit v.'liich promises to be the -. i 1 1 . 1 i sporl. lor the Hi udciils, when the i-.ehool buil-liniA ha.s been coiuplcti iy icarraiiKed and equipped lor lis.' mIIiii1, The affair is heiii'- 'd in liopcn that, uoine visitors from Umatilla, lioatdinan and nliier placet liiay come. A cordial InvllUtion i.s extended to all. it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor 5 I J 1 Pi r V 8 O U ' ra as4H Harry Lester, of Seattle, Is home visiting his mother, Mrs. :e. E. Les ter and Is expected to stay for some time. A IjJk suprise party was made up Friday evening in ho.ior of C. K. i (llasKov.-, IHie occasion beini; Mr. I (HasKowV birthday. About twenty of the lending card pb.vers, including: Mr. and .Mrs. V. A. Fonl. of I'liialilhi ini'L at .ir. liiiin s anil an went to- f;eillier, I'ir.diiiK M.-. (ilasgow just ; linisliinr; his evening chores, Cards! were the order of Ihe evening until! Hi, .(about midnight when refreshment,.! ' rt is- I were served wliicli had been arratig- o 'It ( (1 by Mrs. Clasgow and Mrs. Kggles t on. After refreshments much sing ing ami other amiiscmcnlli made up j I 'nil I ill IX't oil Five) Bank Your Own Money it! Viv spciulim all you earn you are per iniltin the oilier fellow to hank your money I'm- vim. And in a few years he will he inde pendent ihrouo-h careful saving of your earnings. P.cgin by hanking your own money opening a savings account here. v Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S ' HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. iO o is o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" November 5 to 12 .era Id Bargain Week November 5 to 12 2 Big Events in One 2 Combining Sense and Sentiment in the Greatest Newspaper Circulation Campaign Ever Inaugurated in Morrow County While "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week" is a good business proposition for any community it also involves a lot of sentiment, which is a mighty fine thing, too. It is a fine thing to spend a little time during one week in each year boosting the Home Town Paper that has boosted you and your community and your business interests and your social affairs "lp, these many years." The IIKRAIJ) appreciates the work its friends have done, are doing and will do 'Subscribe for Your llome Town Paper Week," to extend its circulation and influence. during The IIKRALD wants a bigger circulation. Tt wants to go into every home in Morrow county and in order to help its friends bring this about during " Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week," it has decided to announce a November 5 to 12 When a Full Year's Subscription Will Be Sold for This sensational price will be withdrawn at midnight, November 12, when the regular price of S-J.oo a year will be restored. 1921 How can we do this? Some newspapers wanting more circula tion employ a "contest manager" who, bv putting on a hurrah campaign and giving away an automobic or a piano, by the voting contest plan, induces a great number of people to spend their money for subscrip tions who do not want the paper but only subscribe to please some candidate or help out some friend. Some girl gets the auto or piano, the contest man gets most of the money and the news paper owner gets a lot of experience. Others give away premiums with each subscription which cost at least one-half the subscri ption price, while others employ a regular solici tor to canvass the territory, his. salary and ex penses eating up most of the proceeds. All these schemes cost the publisher at least 50 per cent, or more of the price of subscription and that money goes to some fellow other than the publisher or subscriber. y By Our Plan THE SUSCRIBER EENEFITS By actually saving $t 00. THE HERALD BENEFITS By increased circulation, influence and prestige. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS By a stronger, better supported newspaper. Don't let this chance to save a dollar slip. Don't let this chance to help your home paper slip. HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY OREGONIAN-HEPPNER HERALD Clubbin g Of f er Between now and October 31st we make the following attractive offer. Regular Price ORKOONIAX (Dailv and Sunday) HHPPNKR HERALD ?8.oo $-'.00 Clubbing Price Total OREGONIAN (Dailv) HEPPNER HERALD Total OREGONIAN (Weekly) HEPPNER HERALD Total $10.00 $6.00 $j.oo $8.00 $1.00 $2.00 $300 Both For Both For Both For $8.00 $.00 $2.00 If you are already a subscriber to the HERALD and your subscript laid in advance. PAY A DOLLAR NOW and have your subscription ion is subscription ex- iivi ivij paid tended tor one full year. If you are behind withyour subscription, square up your account to date and pay a DOL LAR more for a full vear in advance. BRING OR SEND IN YOUR MONEY ANY TiME BEFORE BARGAIN WEEK ENDS NOVEMBER 12 WHEN OOOOOOOoo:OO0OOOOOi3OooOooO0 , tt tt o tt tt r