) o it l I J 1 Tuesday, October 18, 1921. THE HKPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE AMERICAN LEGION' ORGANIZES FOOT ALL TEAM The American Legion are out or ganizing afootball team this week, which they say will have no equal in this p.trt of the state and they say that all men who would like to try out for the team sh uld get in touch with Cecil Lisuellen before next Sunday when they will have thir first signal practice. DOES YOUR SUIT SUIT YOU or is it soiled and seedy looking af ter a summer' wear in the dust? We know how to make it look like new because Cleaning, Pressing, and Repairing What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter ARE OUR SPECIALTIES If you need a new Suit or Overcoat, drop in and look over our Woolens LLOYD HUTCHINSON We Don't Use a Lifting Jack or a Crowbar When we are doing repair1 work on the finer and more intricate parts of, y"ur car, we have tools fos that purpose. We are -fully equipped with tools, trains and experience to keep your auto in the pink of condition. It is much less expensive to KEEP your auto in good running order? than it is to PUT it in repair after you have let the troubles get big. Open Whenever You Need Us Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATRICK & LaDCSUlE, Props. Phone 82 Sems like thers a lot of married cupples that are not sattisfide with life. Maw she sez to paw the other day she sez she wisht he was a dollar bill sos she cud get him changed. I have started to taik lessuns by male on how to run a fase manikure shop. In 1 plaise it says whair aige has left its marks on the vicktim, the lines of the faise must be titened up so I will start my shop in a garrage. A lot of wimmin here had maid arraingments to enter the bewty show wich is to be held next munth but when they fowned out thet 3 ise men had bin choosed as the judjes thay withdrue thair entrants paipers. Doctor McMurdo refoosed to give an antiseptic to 1 of the boys who is in my class the uther day becus he sed ho coodent tell when the eather had beginned to taik affeckt. The ladys Ade met with maw last Wensday to tye sum kwilts for the disaibled youkalaly players of this city. Thay got to tawkin, about wim- mens rites an thay caled a speshul moetin for next Wensday agin. T nt link In tup the uther dav if he cud give me the korreckt. diffin nishim to the word "no" and he sed he cud. He sed the wurcl "no" wus what kep him frum gittin marryed an he tride ate times. Maw ses the autto is talking the plaice of the bath tub an paw he ses foaks are gettin to up to dait for a bath tub an thay are awl gittin dry kleaned now. Currier, who is very absinthe minded sed thair wus 1 thing he cud dent forgit and that was his kole bill. He ses he thinks thay uzed a magni fyin gass when thay added up the figgers. The Heppner debatin sossiety is going to begin opperashuns sune. The kwestin to be discusted is: "Re zloved that Marys lam shud be slaw tered sos the kost of livin cud be re dooced." The footbawl skwad has thair new helmits and armors but they havent desided wheather to use soards or pistils on the eneniie as yet. Ant Lucy ses thair is just as mutch munnay in the kuntry as thair ever wuz onlie the bute leggers hav got most of it now. Maw and Ant Lucy and me went. down to lone to vissit last Satiday an Sunday an paw dident mirk the cow. He sed he found the kan oapener an the kanned milk, and besides he hod forgot wheather maw milked the cow two times a day or three times an he wussent goin to get her into no bad habits. Gess thhe buteherll buy her tho. The Tangled Skein Untangled by the Herald Bell Hop HALLOWE'EN IS COMING You Need BALLOONS, LANTERNS AND MASKS We Have Them Come In Kiddie and Let us Fit you out for the BIG NIGHT THE CASH VARIETY STORE his L is what you make it AND IT IS MADE UP LARGELY OF EATING That's what makes us wonder occasionally, why some people don't take more pains in choosing a "steady" in the grocery line. A dependable grocer is one who sells dependable groceries and when you stop to think, youdon't want groceries that are not dependable. No chance to mention all the delicacies we handle in this ad but you coud come and take a look at the trade marks. You Eat to Live-So Eat the Best We have heard a lot about "Mary's", Little Lamb," but no one ever saw it. Speaking of "Mary's Little Calf," well that's altogether different. The bankers of the country who were anxious to loan all their money out while times were "flush," are having a new set of rubber stamps made which read, "Insufficient funds." Harry Cummings says the Klu Klux Klan is strictly a secret organization and they positively refuse to admit women as members. During the late summer months a large number of us were tickled to death to get corn on the cob. Tln cooler it gets the more anxious wc are to cet corn out of a bottle. The undertaker is still busy. We have often wondered whethei or not any of those 500,000 men who are now out of work in (lie United States were among those whorefusod to earn the salary they were gettin when money and work were both plentiful. Too many of the prospective, inheri tances are not to be relied upon and our advice to the bov or girl, man or woman who wants to get a start in life is to take that start by start ing a savings account. If money is too scarce to make the start, educate yourself to it so when the time comes that you have an extra few dollars, you know what you are go ing to do with them. Pd. Adv. Our idea of an optimist is a man, who when he is so hungary hehasto put knee pads on his spinal column to keep it from rubbing holes in his stom;;cli can make himself believe that it la being done to give his stomach a vacation. You have noticed that it is n easy matter '. a man to get Into the no. tion of thinking he ls.!cwn and out. And a man is just exactly what he thinks he is. A fighter is a man who hasn't quit having confidence in himself. An exchange says it renures exer- ton on the part of 6 5 muscles of the face to produce a frown while only 33 muscles are taxed to produce a smile. No wonder so many people have their bosses charged up with overtime. Lew Bisbee says that he has always noticed that the town which is popu lated with pconle who believe they are located in the best town on the map, some way have a fv.nny faculty of making strangers who come into town believe it. Everything that goec up must come down. See where dame fash ion says Bhe is going to make skirts a trifle longer so they must haro reached tho limit. . , Santa C'.aus will not be as busy this year as Kisual, but they say a how he is making arrangements for a grand rush next year. Well most of us can play that waiting gam. anywaV. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY WITH TWO BIG OFFICES PENDLETON PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before OUR SPECIALTIES Farms. Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, etc. We negotiate leases and rentals Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense Portland Office, 14N. Second Street. Portland Or Pendleton Office, 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN EASTERN OREGON WITH CONNEC TIONS IN PORTLAND Good News The Well Known Universal Tailoring Co. is now offering 10 per cent off on all suits overcoats or an extra pair of trousers for price. and half We guarantee full satisfaction with every order. Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop The Shop where Ladies' and Men's Clothes are Made, Cleaned and Pressed the Very Best G. FRANZEN, Prop. Miss lone Holmes, representing Northwestern Division of the Red Cross has been doing some excellent work among the ex-service men since the Clean-up squad was here. S. K. Notson, chairman of th oral civil ian relief committee, lias been assis ting her In the work, and the un finished work is left in his hands. XOTICK OF TAKIXtt VP AM) SALE OF ESTRAT Phelps Grocery Company Notice Ik hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the State of Oregon, have taken up tne animalB hereinafter described while rnnnlne at larsre on mr premises, In Mnrrnv County. Oregon, about two miioa mnth nt Tloardman. Oregon. 6n mtrn. about five years old, no risible brand, weight about 1100 One blaek two-year-old, branded T9 nn left hlo. One black yearling no brands vis ible. That I will, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1321 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fnrr.nnnn r,t uflld riaV .unless the same shall have been redeemed, at my ranch about two tulles south of TJoardirian, Or-iron, in brM county. said anirnalt t the l.is-V Wl for ca'b in ban.!, for t, l'!rT"' of paying for the w i.f a!:inv sp. hiMine arw! y.-llinf '! ! !- " gel be r villi n u,r,: M' damav''-- f'T the injury earner! by f nl running at. ian-e m lil ivki. . M. C. MA l: -HALL Dated and fir' publ'-'i-d on this ISth day of October, 1 D2 1. Adevr- ' Seeding Time W Mj ti IV Vif VU W A b A Seeding time is here again and to get the best results you will need the best you can get in the way of Drills and Harrows We will supply you yith these or any other implements you may need at Prices that are Right sell Every thing in Hardware and Implements iniiuniiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiitt "We Have It. Will Get It, or It is Not Made." Gilliam & Bisbee - tisement. 2-2fi 1 f