HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October ,8, igai THE HEPPNER PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD 3$oos 0 "Subscribe for Your Home Town Paper Week AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPLK S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher November 5 to 12 Entered at the Heppner. Oregon, Fostofflce as second-class Matter j 111 ... . . ..&!&l7tf&ifii?i&i!8l.& 1 1 TTft Terms of Subscription One Year Six Months $ 00 Three Months $0.50 THE REASON WHY j You don't liavc to ptop and think more than time or four tim-s to know why ttn- Herald job .shop 1? ;t-pt busy all the time with just a l,r athinj,' ii-Hoik-c In awhile, at the Very time the force is in good shape to stand the slump. Yes sir! You fuie.-sed riulit. It Is Ill-cause we ai e always- on tin; job, always liviiiu up t' h- i'l'oinise v. havc made you that efiicii ncy and ser vice ate our Ions; suits, always r -aily to help arnin!-'.- Die copy, always jirintinu it wlt'-n we M-'rc to jirnn, and ill .'a.i leady to d. -liver it win -ve -iKi-i--'.' to do so. H is 1 -)l "lib' I-"- '1' r"!il!i!!' jirinler who Mnaly fa ts tie l'-nK end id' imsiiiess. Anyone who do' s ex. .icily as in- au'n-.-s to i!o--and ai-rees 1u do something; '-u ry once in awliile is KoiHK to p t, the bulk or the work in do, and, all-T all, that's what we an- all lookiiu; for. We are not ready to leave this ab- of tears -not on. your chec'ked apron but if we an' later taken away, we'd rather have il said of up; There's a mmhlv 1.-001I fellow and .leaves 1,000 friends in this county," than to have it said: "There was a money (.'etter and left some$ 10,000" for heirs to spend trying to figure out which lawyer was right,. No Bir! We are hero to help you and wo want you to help yourself by lotting us do your print ing. Then, after our profits have been spent for new machinery so we can do a still better job of printin vo want you lo say: "He helped Ms while we were helping ourselves, and while ho was helping us he was aise helping himself." We "aint" trying to convince you that we arn't making a profit. The fact of the matter is that if we cant make a profit, we don't want to do your work, hecau: e if we can't make a p rot' i t . v.e wont he ready for the rainy day that is sure to conn-some t inn-. Any! liitlK .von want printed, let u help you get it ready to print, ami then let us print il. lis xllff PS 'it riera id o Week .- v m TV.' i .". I TO seal in the delicious Burley flavor Once you've enjoyed the toasted flavor you will al ways want it 1 2 '-if TKACHKItS' (leorge lletirlckson, of Willows, was a business visitor here during the week INSTITUTE THIS WEEK I The teachers of Morrow county will meet in annual institute Wed nesday morning and will continue in session throe days. While the insti tute is primarily for teachers, it is also of vital Importance to the pat rons and citizens in general. Make it a point to attend ite sessions whem ver you can. The opening pro grant Thursday will be one of inter est to all citizens. Keep the dat( in mind and go to the school l.uild 1 ing at !) o'clock. You will be wel- come at any and all sessions, and it will be an encouragement to me teachers, instructors, an. superinten dent if you will show your interest by attending whenever you can. O "tit . arcain November 5 to 12 2 Big Events in One 2 Combining Sense and Sentiment in the Greatest Newspaper Circulation Campaign Ever Inaugurated in Morrow County While "Subscribe for YourHome Town Paper Week" is a good business proposition for any community it also involves a lot of sentiment, which is a mighty line thinff. too It i, a " thing to spend a little time during one week in each year boosting the Home fo x n 1 apu that has boosted you and your community and your business interests and your social ailan s ip, these many years." The III R T D predates the work its fri ends have done, are doing and will do during -Subscribe for Your liome Town Paper Week." to extend its circulation and mlluence. The IIKRAT.I) wants a bigger circulation. It wants to go into every home in countv and in order to help its friends bring this about during Subscribe lor our Home lown Paper Week," it has decided to announce a Bank Your Own oney M By spending all you earn you are per mitting the other fellow to bank your money l',,r veil. And in a lew years lie will be indc-p-ndent through carelul .saving of your earnings. I'.cgin by banking your own money; by opening a aings account here. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. 0 Fresh fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OK FRESH FRUITS AMD VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP 8 November 5 to 12 When a Full Year's Subscription Will Be Sold for This sensational price will be withdrawn at midnight, November 12, 192 1 " when the regular price 0f.S2.00 a year will be restored. TT 1 ,1 O Some newspapers wanting more circula- HOW Can We CIO tnlS; tion employ a "contest manager" who, by muting on a hurrah campaign and giving away an automobie or a piano, by the voting contest plan induces a great number of people to spend their money for subscrip tions who do not want the paper but only subscribe to please some candidate or help out some friend. Some girl gets the auto or piano, the c ontest man gets most of the money and the news paper owner gets a lot of experience. . Others give away premiums with each- subscription which cost at least one-half the subscri ption price, while others employ a regular solicitor to canvass the territory, his. salary and ex penses eating up most of the proceeds. All these schemes cost the publisher at least 50 per cent, or more of the price of subscription and that money goes to some fellow other tlian the publisher or subscriber. By Our Plan THE SUSCRIBER BENEFITS By actually saving $1 00. THE HERALD BENEFITS By increased circulation, influence and prestige. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS By a stronger, better supported newspaper. Don't let this chance to save a dollar slip. Don't let this chance to help your home paper slip. HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY OREGONIAN-HEPPNER HERALD Clubbing Offer Between now and October 31st we make the following attractive offer. Regular Price OREGONIAN (Daily and Sunday) HEPPNER HERALD Total OR EG ON I AN (Daily) HEPPNER HERALD Total OR EG ON IAN (Weekly) HKPPNKR HERALD Total $8.00 $2.00 $10.00 $6.00 ?2.00 $8.00 $l.OO $2.O0 S.voo Both For Both For Both For Clubbing Price $8.00 $6.00 $2.00 NOTICE! If vou are already a subscriber to the liKivAI.D and your subscription is paid'in advance. PAY A 1HM.I.AR NOW and have your subscription ex- t ended tor one lull ear. . , , . .. . I behind wit by our ubcn n.ai. s ,';.re up you: at. count to uate and pay a DOL- 1 K n:. re tor a lull vear in advance. iMMvr op SKNl) IN YOUR MONEY ANY TIME BEFORE NOVEMBER 12 WHEN l.UNG U llN BARGAIN WEEK ENDS . , 3 . ' ' ' o o o o Sam Hughes Co. ' . v . .1. ... " -t f " '. f' f " u . ... ... ... . . , ,v ... . v , . O i v. v v..' V V V ... . ... . ... ... n. ... v v v,.' v , v.." V V V. V " V v V ., , ' i