Tuesday. October n, igar PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, ' HEPPNER, OREGON - - t i I 2 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS .j. jt. -j. 4- - Dr. D. R. Haylor, f Eve Specialist, will be In Heppner October J7-18." Advertifiement. 23-24 Dr. D. K. Haylor, October 17-18 Advertisement. 23-2-r Mrs. Sarah L. Miller, who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Freeman, left f,.r Pr.rthind Thursday moraine to spend the winter. Mrs. Freeman and little Miss Marjory, accompanied Mrs. Miller to Portland and will vis it there for a week or ho. Charlie VauKhn went to Portland Thui-Hday for a few days business and pleasure trip. W. L. M' Kimmey, former resident litre, left for his .Salem home Thurs day morning alter a few days visit looking after his Morrow county in terest. ,nDAlJ& John V. Vaunhn, former business man in this city, now living in Port- j land, was a visitor here during the j weelt. I Fred Tash left Thursday morning on a trip to Walla Walla and Port land. The Heppner flyer Is doing some land office business thesedays. Wed- j uesday an extra engine had to be listed to help bring in the train from the Junction and Saturday a special train took out ten or twelve l.iads of cattle from the Int r or. About 40 cars of theep will go out around the 15th. MrB. Lloyd Hutchinson and daugh- ; tep Vent to Porthui'l Wednesday rt: a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mitchell, who liave been visiting irirndB here for a week or so lert for their home at Grass Ilange, Montana Wednesday. j J. W. Osborne, ranch owner of Cecil, was here on business for sev eral days last week. Howard Crawford and W. A. Wlrtz ofWalla Walla, were here during the ! week visiting the Tuin-a-Lum Co. ' yards here. Mr. Crawford as an of- i flclal of the company and Mr. Wlrtz Is traveling auditor for the company which operates some SO yards In ; eastern Oregon and eastern Wash- j lngton. I J. A. Waters went, to lone Wednes- , day to attend the funeral of his uncle, J. L. Kincaid. Mr. Kincaid was a pioneer of the lone country nd was 72 years old. lie Is survi ved by a widow and son and two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. McMurray, of lone, were visitors in Heppner Wednesday on a short business trip. W. E.llayden, former manager of the Tri-Slute Terminal Company! here, now with tho Seattle head quarters o fthat concern, was a busi ness visitor here last week. Mrs. Oral llenrlksen, of Cecil, was a guest at the Patrick for a day or two last week. H. A. Emory, who formerly whb engaged in the truck business here, came In from Numpa, Idaho, and spent a few days on bualneiui lant wek. Mr. Kiuery moved to Nampa about a year ago. lie nay Nampa la a good town but time are worse in that country than thejr are In Mbirowcounty. Dr. Ureuer, of Portland, Interested -with K. M. Hulden in a fine wheat ranch in the Illackhorsu country, was a visitor here for a day or tfo lujtt week, returning to the city Thursday morning. Louis J. dales, of The Dulles, rep rosenting the llousir interests, wheat WereanUi, was a business visitor here during the week. J. N. Malteson, who was In the Susanvllle country all summer pack ing for John Mi'Kntlre's sheep samp, has returned to town for the winter. Mr. MatteMui and his brother, Kdgar, were together in the mountains and each one got a big hear that were try ing to make Inroads on the sheep, before leaving the mountains. Mr. McKutiro had offered the boys $10 a head for all bear slain on his rangi and to show that they were nood l''l lows they brought tht' hides in and presented them to Mr. MiKnthe. fail Youut was In town from Ion Saturday telling his friends roo before leaving lor Cralginont, Idaho, whore the Yount family will mak their home In the future. They have been residents of lone for several Tears and have a w ide circle of friends In this county who will ex fond best wishes for their wotaie In Lhelr new home. Charley Irwin, who raises wheat south of lone and lives In Walla Wnl , was In town over Sunday. Char ley Bays everv thing Is O. K. at his place. He sold his wheat early , in the season for fl. U. A. Far .. and Mrs. Farrena wre In fion 1 htinlle yesterday. ' L. A. Kath if Hardman,. wat a Heppner visiter Monday. Sam K. Van VacUr went to Port land this mo ii ng on a business trip. ' P. K. Grim ii. was a paisfnger 'on hi morning'.' .lyr bound for Port land. Jacob Frad, who has been here from Portland for a few days, went down to Lexington this morning. Chas. H. Latourell was a passeng er for Portland this morning. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Chick left for Portland this morning in response to a telegram announcing the very ser ious illness of his father, Chas. H. Chick, of that city. C. W. Shurte was a passenger on this morning's train bound for Port land. LOST In Heppner last.. Wednes day, a black Moi rocco leather pocket book containing unindorsed checks and papers of no value to anyone but the owner. Suitable reward for their return to the Herald office. tf. The Misses Ellen and Emma Berg strom were Heppner Visitors Satur day from the Gooseberry country. What Women Think By Mary, the Girl Reporter Aunt Lucy thinks the reel thriftie wimmen is justifide in movin ever time the stile changes. They kin move cheeper'n they kin by new close an they alius no thairell be plentie uv material to malk the gar mint stilish. Paw he ses the wurld is glttln wurse. Even the trusted convlx in sing sing hev rote checks rur moar then I expec to maik in awl my life time writin for this here paiper. Wun of barnem and baleys skowts wuz doun to the dance las suterday nite lookin fer a kontorshionist as wun uv thers had tide hurself in a not she coodnt unty agin. A One Fall Match WITH A HENRY may consume less time than a finish match with a Rolls-Royce, but in either event, -we give our entire time and attention to the car that needs our prescription. When your car has been overhauled by us runs like new or you called us off too soon. We were Dorn with a monkey wrench in one nand and a transmission gear in the other. If you iet us fix it NOW, you wont have to get it fixed here or anywhere else- later. WE ITT THE SERVE Iff SERVICE Heppner Garage Machine Shop PATRICK & IaDUSIRE, Props. Phone 82 DOES YOUR SUIT SUIT YOU or is it soiled and seedy looking af ,ter a summer' wear in the dust? We know how to make it look like new because Cleaning, Pressing, and Repairing ARE OUR SPECIALTIES If you need a new Suit or Overcoat, drop in and look over our Woolens LLOYD HUTCHINSON Us hi sltule gurls orgunlzed a bals bawl teem las summer cut befoar we cood deside on who shood be the kapten, the seeson had klosed. Weir tryin agin. To of are naybors, wun of witch is us, hev kompromized on the kwestin of the line fents over witch we hev bin kwarrelin fur 2 yeers. The fents is goin to be bilt 2 eathire. Ted Young ses the reason so many of the yung people of tuday fale to reach the top of the laaaer is tecuz thay stop to think. : As a speshul feature at the sewin sosiety yisterday, Mame hopkins red when the swaller hoamward flys with a grate deel of feelin. A woman down in Lexington Is goin to get a divorce frum her husbtn becus he said she reminded him of a inkubator. She wanted to no why an he sed becus she was fcilt or wood and had sutch a big flock. Gess sne wont git enny allimohy as the husban is out of a job now. I bet ate sents with Paul Aiken Sattiday that I cud clime a rents kwickern he cood. He winned.. J forgot I had my blumers on an now maw sez I cant go down town next Sattiday unless she gits em fixt be foar then. Are teecher ses it is very indigni fide to ware roaled stockins but her peddle extremitys are shaped like a ise kreem cone an nune of us gurls have enny hard feellns tord her as hern are hard to keep up with Bpen ders. I had maid up my mind that to be stricktly up to dait wun must have ridden int airplain but I went out ca the bade poarch but cuddent se wun so hev desided now that I will wate until they get the wuns kOE pleated what has the ballune attacH-mint. Jason Biddle has sold off his farm ing Implements and livestock and leased his ranch and will spend the winter at his old home at Lafayette, Oregon. Mr. Biddle has no intention of leaving Morrow county for good,, but feels that he and his family ara entitled to a respite from farming and will enjoy a rest for a few years. He was in town for a few days last week saying hello to his friends. The Cause. Every reporter knows that the flat ness of his story is due to his falling down on It. Boston Transcript. STAR THEATRE 4& Program for September 21th to 25th Inclusive Wednesday and Thursday: "COLD STEEL," a tense and thrilling drama. Also Comedy and Scenic Friday Alice Calhoun in "PRINCESS JONES" also FATE." 7th episode of "FIGHTING Saturday: "HALF A CHANCE,'' a red blooded play full of big scenes. Also Pathe Review. 0. Tom Moore in "STUF Trim," This is line. Also aoom Edgar The Explorer : 0 O Tarkington's 0 Monday and Tuesday: Bessie Love in "THE MIDLANDERS asa $ Freeman Hammond' "Second Childhood" ' Declared to Be Classic of Modern Lyceum Diliaiub4 Youag Awirie ArtUt, Heading Frm Hammo pan?, to Appaar la LcaJ k-famitm ariM tm itmmr . .r.. ti Cwm- Mr. Kreenutn lliiininouil, one of the most promising young tirtlsts of the platform, has made u most enviable reputatlou for himself during the past two waxen . through his Intensely hunmu little sketch "Second Childhood." It Is said to be one of the finest and most artistic UuiersonatWns ever offered by any one. It will b given here In the near future when the Freemuu Ham mond Company iippt'tir. Mr, Hammond's eliaraoterUiitlons are splendidly done In his every effort. He work In rosuuncs and grease pulnt and does every one of his character with an van and iiaturulness tluit Is Indleatlve of a wonderful art. Wltb klr. Huinimuid appear two clever awilitlng artists lu dramatic and uiuaical num bers. a High School Auditorium, Fridav, Evenine. October 21 Management Heppner High School fh ere s no mis taking clothes tail ored to your exact measure by o o o clothes that in spire the question Minor - t ii if 0 A. & Goo I gooooooooooooeocoocojoooooooe0C3cao53soaooooft a .. O e .I lJ N