Tuesday, October n, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE ' V V V t .4. orO Week We will give FREE with ' each Pound of ROYAI One big 5c stick of Candy Phelps Grocery Company J : ' i i I At the Barton Place in Blackhorse, 6'4 Miles North of Heppner on Saturday, October 15, 1921 I will sell at public auction to the HORSES v ; I- Bay mare, 4 years old, j 650 lbs. I Team sorrel geldings, 7 and 8 years, 1400 lbs: each. 1 Gray gelding, 6 years, 1600 lbs. 1 Gray gelding, 8 years, 1300 lbs. I Gray gelding, 8 years, 1300 lbs. I Sorrel gelding, 5 years, 1200 lbs. I Bay gelding, 5 years, 1300 lbs. I Sorrel mare, 6 years, 1350 lbs. I Roan gelding, 4 years, 1250 lbs. 1 Bay mare, 11 years, 1300 lbs. 2 Draft colts, 3 yrs, 1 Draft colt, 2 yrs. 5 milk cows, 3 giving milk, 2 coming fresh. 2 fat heifer calves. FARM MACHINERY t 7 1-2 Studebaker waeon. I 3 1-4 Bain Wagon. 1 16-foot wheat rack. 1 12-foot wheat rack. I Iron wheel wagon and header box. I John Deere plow, 3 bottom, 12-inch. I 2-bottom, 14 inch, Syracuse plow. I Oliver walking plow, 12-inch. Sale Will Begin Promptly at 11:00 A. M. BIG FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE All sums under $20.00, cash; 5 percent discount on all cash sales- sums above $20.00, bankable notes will be accepted at 8 per cent interest and due October 1st, 1922. EARL BARTON, Owner 1 v- - F. A. McMENAMIN, Auctioneer. F. R. BROWN, Clerk. 11 nly One CLUB COFFEE h ighest bidder the following HI- , -m . I M $ n y i li n ij n I n 2 Kimball wecders. 1 Iron harrow,(4-section. i" Superior drill. '1 John Deere disc, 8-foot. 1 Dccring harvester in good shape. 3 sets butt chain harness. 1 set leather lead harness. , ... : 1 set of breeching harness. 9 good collars. 3 log chains, different lengths. 3-and 4-horse double trees. 1 6-horse evener. 1 Q-horse evener. Shovels, picks, pitch forks, sledge hammers, wire stretcher and other things too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 4 doz. chickens. 1 home comfort range 1 good extension table. 2 Dressers. 1 economy separator. 1 Commode 3 Bed steads and springs and two mat tresses. 2 rocking chairs. 1 Edison Ambrola and 24 records. I 1900 washing machine. CECIL v .- v v v v v v v Mr. and Mrs. A. Henrksen, of Wil low creek ranch, who have been vis iting friends in Tortland returned home Saturday with a new Hudson Super six. Mr. and Mrs. George Hardesty and family, of Morgan, and also Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter and family, of Cecil, spent Sunday at the Willows. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, of Morgan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs at the Last Camp Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hen ricksen and daughter. The Cecil writer was the party who informed the Heppner papers that it was Mankin Bros., of lone, who had bought the 1900 acres of wheat land from J. W. Osborn l'ecently. With all due apologies to Mankin Tiros., we are at time of writing asked to state it was Halferty Bros., of Morgan, who are the purchasers and not Man kin Bros., as the writer was informed last week. Drs. Kistner, Jones and Joyce, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd at fiutterby Flats. These medicine men declared that the mayor had the game well trained on his land, not a bird was seen dur ing the visit of these noted shooters, who, nevertheless enjoyed the tramp on, Butterby Flats. Jack Hynd made a business trip to Boardman Thursday, going from 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 there to (he county seat. Messrs McPherson and Frazer, of Portland, were visiting in Cecil on Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed their days sport with Herb Hynd at Butterby Flats, hunting for tne game which the doctors missed earlier in the week, but which soon were bag ged by Mike and Pat. A large band of sheep belonging to Mrs. Pat Farley, of The Willows, passed through Cecil Sunday. Babe Montague and George Shane, of Arlington were doing business In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We the Cecil vicinity Saturday. Otto Lindstrom and son, Albert, made a short stay in Cecil Saturday before leaving for Arlington. George A. Melton, of The LooTcout, made a trip to the County seat Sat urday and his broher Ed also took in the big sights of lone during the week. J. E. Crabtree, of Dothoboys Hill, made a trip to Heppner Friday. J. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. is still under the doctor s care with his wrist which was injured sometime ago. . Charley Blackert, who has been working for A. Henriksen for several months, left Wednesday for Kellog, Idaho, where he will visit with his sister for some time. Miss Flossie Stender who Is a stu dent at Heppner high school, spent the week-end with her brothers at if5 Sehlomsren ranch. W. G. Palmateer returned to Win dynook Sunday and is busy looking for Walter Pope, whom ,he lost In Oregon City last week. . . Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen and daughter left Cecil Tuesday for their Hamilton ranch home above Heppner where.they will reside in the future. . , . ' Mrs. Jack Hynd, of Butterby' Flats, left Tuesday on the local for Hepnt ner where she will visit her daughter, Miss Violet, who Is a'student ifi Hepp ner high school. Mr. and Mrs'. George rtenrlkseri, of Strawberry ranch, and also Mr. ami Mrs. A. Henriksen, of WllTow creek ranch, were visiting at Butterby Flats Sjunday. Mrs. Weltha Com best, of Cecil, left Friday for Fourmile to visit her friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. L. Montague, of Eightmile, were visliir.- with J. W. Osborn Friday. STATEMENT OK OWNERSHIP Statement of the ownership, man agement, circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of Heppner Herald, published weekly at Heppner, Oregon for October 1, 1921. State of Oregon ) County of Morrow ) , 88. Before me, a notary public In and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared S. A. Pattlion, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he la the editor and publisher of the Heppner Herald, and that the fol lowing Is, to the best of his knowl edge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24r 1912, em- bodied in section 44 3. Postal Lawa jand Regulations, printed on the re verse of this form, to wit:, 1. "IJiat the name and address ot the- publisher, editor, managing ea (tor. and business manager Is: S. A Patllaon, Heppner,. Oregon. 2. That the owner la S. A. Patti aon,. Heppner, Oregon 3. That the known bondholder, , mortgagee awLother aeeurity bold er owning or hcldla 1 per eeat or Goo eaor ot total Atoouot.cf pd, jrt- PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY WITH TWO BIG OFFICES PENDLETON PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before OUR SPECIALTIES Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, etc. We negotiate leases and rentals Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense Portland Office, 14N. Second Street, Portland Or Pendleton Office, 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN EASTERN OREGON WITH CONNEC TIONS IN PORTLAND 000000000S000000000000O00000O0 0 News The Well Known Universal Tailoring Co. is now offering 10 per cent off on all suits and overcoats or an extra pair of trousers for naif price. guarantee full satisfaction with every order. Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop : The Shop where Ladies' and Men's Clothes are 0 Made, Cleaned and Pressed the Very Best G. FRANZEN, Prop. 00000000000000000000000 "3 ';----r When food gets scarce does the hen stop scratching? No, indeed, she scratches a darn site harder. iniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiin When times are hard and no money in sight, Shall we go to sleep or continue the fight? We'll take d lesson from the hen and work the harder brother, We'll all pull together and help one another. And when the clouds have rolled away and the the sky again is clear, We'll scratch some more and cast away all thoughts of this bad year. mmmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmKmmmpmmmmmmmmmimmmmmm Then our record will be clear, our credit will be good and the horrors of war and the deflation period will be forgotten. JOIN Gilliam & Bisbee In these thoughts and actions and the devil and all his Imps will miss us. page or other, aeenrltlea In; W. n. Narrate and Sam E. -Van Vactor, Hftppner, Oregon, and B. E. Lee. Canby, Oregon. i ' . 8. A. FATTISON. Editor apd rufrlliher. Sworn to and subscribed beforo me this Hth day of October, 1921. - SAMUEL E. NOTSON Notary rublte for Oregon (My eommlaaton expire Doc. 13. in . . . """ 0 0 0 0 0" 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MM