PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, October 4, 192 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postotfice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 v IRRIGON Merrill K. Imble made u business 1 rip lo Heppner Monday. George C. Howard and Thomas 'lark lias ai ranged with I. vie D. Kill ing to 1 -v 1 a portion of tln'ir acre age under tli" new pumping plant system at the ferry landing.' They will have il sowed to rye this winter and early spring when the plant can he started, sow alfalfa and probably planleousiderablo acreage' of coi n and oilier crops. W. II. 1'ierce, ol liickleton, Wash., (pent several days in Jrrii.on during the. past, week looking after hi.; in tei'esls here. Dig hoy reporlf d to have arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siraclers, Satur day, October 1st. Mother and baby doing fine. W. il. VVul polo reports the sale of ten acro.H of land to Carl J. Caldwell of Umatilla. The tract joins his other holdings amnion between it and the old ditch. This make a very at tractive farm and Carl will make im mediate improvements on the land, probably getting out of it under cul tivation next season, A. II. Chaffee, owner and manager of tho Boardnian, Telephone company was In Irrigou Tuesday looking ar tcr tho possible prospects of putting in, telephone lines In the Irrigon dist rict and conncting with the Board man lines and central at that place. This however, does not appear very favorable! or possihl ejust at present time. Our fanners want to. see tlie money rolling in for their hay he fore getting in any farther. The Irrigon hoys motored to Her niiston Saturday afternoon and p;a d that team a game of football. Our hoys report having 1yd a good game and done as well as they could have expected, owing lo the fact that tncy had hut very lillle practice. The score being 20 lo 0 in favor of Her niislon. Kev. Halle of ll.iid, Oregon, preached at Irrigon Sunday evening, having spent tin; day lookni;r over field with the possibility of accepting the In igon- Bourdman pastorale but its ; 1 ,. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 13, 14, 15 V" . Notice this delicious flavor when you smoke Lucky Strike it's sealed in by the toasting process will not decide what he will do until after making a trip back east on var ious business matters. A number of Iioardman people accompanied Rev. Hailed to Irrigon and remained for the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Larsage, of Strabuck, Washington, and a lady .enc;, mot- j oring in their Chalmers to Portland, ' stopped over night at Glasgow's Sat- 1 unlay and are expected to return the ! latter part of this week to spend sev- ! eral days withMr. and Mrs. Glasgow, i Mrs.. Larsage Is a sister of Mr. Glas- ! gow. ; The Yager Family Shows have en gaged Wadsworth Hall for Tuesday,' 1 Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evcings and are showing moving pic lures, vaudeville, singing, dancing tc. A fairly good crowd turned out, Tuesday evening and a larger crowd is expected for the remainder of the week. A prize will he given Wednes day night for the best baby under 4 years of age. A prize will he given Thursday night in a Mdles nail driving contest and a prize Consist ing of 2 5 pieces of limlgors silverware Saturday evening for the most popu lar young lady in town. Votes are given with each ticket purchased. ! Bank Your Own Money ly srihuiil; all you ram you are -pcr-nulling I ho ot Iut t el low to hank your money for you. And in a lew ears he will he inde pendent through careful ' Miviny ot your t;u 'nine's, lie-in hy hanking your own money; by oi't'iiint;- a .savings account here. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. "it ' & Q V,. ! O 0 PURPOSE' TPI-fIT Ol A TJ us tie re8"lar Price for any item here advertised and we will sell you JLlTi another of the same kind for ONE CENT. This sale was developed by the United Drug Co. as an advertising plan. The Company sacrifices its profits in order to get a larger distribution of its merito rious products and you get the benefits. Take advantage of tlii3 unepualed opportunity to learn more of this splendid line of merchandise. Be sure to attend this sale. Hundreds of other articles, not mentioned in this ad. will be sold for ONE CENT. ' ' THESE PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE WAR TAX NVMOXD'S I COCOA It's mighty hard to "beat the Dutch" in making Cocoa BUT Symond's Inn Cocoa American process will corir vince you none r;ner can be found anywhere. Standard Price, One can 30c This Sale, Two Cans 31c PURE FOOD PRODUCTS 60c Opeka Tea, Black...... 2 for 61c V pound packages 60c Opeko Tea, Green ...2 for 61c pound packages 30c Symond's Inn Cocoa.... 2 for 31c -pound packages.' 40c Symond's Inn Van;:;a Extract 2-ounce size 2 for 41c 20c Soda Bicardonate 2 for 21c 1 -pound packages. GUM AM) CAVDV 5c Rexall Gum 2 for 6c Wintcrgreen, Spearr.-rep-perniint, Fruit Flavors. 5n Candy Mints , 2 for 6c Wintcrgreen, Cinnamon, Pep permint, Cloves, Licorice. KKXAI.L TOll.KT SOAP A splendid grade of hard milled soap. Does not become soft and mussy. A clean fragrant odor. ' Standard Price, One liar 15c 'ThlSnle, Two liars 1c , 25c Klenzo Tar Soap,. '.2 for 26c Fine, for shampoo. Large n 7-6unce bar. A Mi "0 P TOll.KT WATKUS - 3 Mi -ounce size.- A lasting odor in -Lilac, Ttose, Vio let, Wisteria, ' Arbufus $1.00 Trcflor Toilet Wa ter, 2 for $1-0,1. $1.00 Harmony Toilet Water. 2 for $1.01 4 ounce size in Wisteria and Violet. Tac Bouquet Toilt t Wa ter, 2 for 76c 2 'a ounce size IIAKMOW l.igi ll) SHAMPOO Just the thing you have been looking for. A won derful value of delightfully perfumed high grade liquid soap. Ouw used, always used. Standard Price, 1 Bot This Sale, ' Hot. 51c A 50. HOIOIKT KAMKK POWKKH COM P. Household Remedies and Toilet Goods PEHFCMES AXI) TOILET PREPARATIONS $1.00 Bouquet Raraee Comp. Powder, (asst. tints)..2 for $1.01 60c Bouquet Ramee Talcum (white) 2 for 61c 75c Syta Comp. Powder, (asst. tints) 2 for 76c Imported French Powder. 6 5c Syta Rouge (asst. tints) Imported French 2 for 66c 60c Violet Dulc Comp. Powder (asst. tints) 2 for 61c 25c Violet Dulc Talcum ( flesh and white) .....2 for 26c 25c Violet Dulc Cold Cream (in tubes) .....2 for 26c 65c Arbutus Compexion Cream (greaseless) 2 for 66c Contains peroxide. 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum 2 for 26c 65c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream... 2 for 66c Contains Cocoa Butter. 60c Harmony Rolling Massage Cream 2 for 61c Used for face massage 50c Charmona Comp. Powder (asst tints) 2 for 51c 30c Rexall Cold Cream, 2 oz. size 1 2 for 31c 3 5c Rexall Cream of Almonds, 4 oz. size 2 for 36c For rough skins. 3 5c Rexall Toilet Cream, 4 oz. size...! ?. 2 for 3fic For chapped hands 50c RIker's Ilasol (a wonderful hand and face lotion) 2 for 51c 50c Harmony Liquid Shampoo 2 for 51c Contains Emulsified Cocoanut Oil. 25c Rexall Violet Talcum. 2 for 26c 25c Ri'kers Antiseptic Tooth Paste 2 for 26e 50c Riker's Antiseptic Tooth Powder (large size) 2 for 51c 50c Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder (large size) 2 Tor 51c 25c Perfume (asst. odors, pencil shaped vials) 2for 26c HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES ASPIRIX TABLETS These are the genuine article. Each tablet contains five grains. Made m America by Americans. In boxes of two dozen. How many times do you wish you had Aspiria tablets in the house? Ours ore pure. Put in a supply. Standard Price, One Box 85c This Sale, Two Boxes 30c Also in larger sized packages 60c Milk of Magnesia 2 61c 65c Senna Fig 2 6 6c $1.50 Beef, Wine and Iron - 2 $1.51 25c Witch Hazel Salve 226 60c Comp. Mustard Oint ment 2 61c 50c Eczema Ointment 2 51 3 5c As-pirin Cold Tablets.... 2 36c 2 5c Phe'nolax Tablets, 36 s' 2-26c 65c Phenolax -ra .e;s, 100s 2 66c 50c Kidney ' Pills 2 51c 30c Headache Tablets..2-31c 25c Cold -Tablets ...;..2 26c 50c Neural Balm 2 51c 25c Liquid Corn Cure 2-26c 25c Little Liver Pills..2 26c 50c Golden Linament 2 51c 6 5c Mentholat'd White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup, 8 oz. bottle. 2 66c 50c Catarrh Jelly ....2 5ic 60c Effervescent Soda Phosphate, 4 oz. size.:.!.... 2 61c 6 5c Efl. Lithiated Laxative, 5 oz. size 2 66c' 2 5c Epsom Salts:::.. ..'.i-zbc 35d Aromatic Caseara'Se ' gi-ada :...:...; '2 sec 25c Alkaline Antiseptic So lution '...;'..;.- 2 26c 60c CASCADE POUND PAPER. 2 FOR 61c xtr1 -- Two-pound packages contain 192' sheets of folded note paper easy writing, smooth finished product in White only. There's true economy in buying paper by the pound. This fact is doubly important during this sale. Buy for the future no limit. 1 pound of corfee for 31 Cents. A surprising blend of mild coffee the acme of perfection. Special Thi Sale, One Pound A powder o tround that it finely 'H(yS&. ''ke part of the skin It !tV - i 1 '!(. The peiTum ;fUw-i i so skillfully with it, aa to nently retain its delicious fragrance Standard Price, One Box $1.00 This Sale, il Hoick, f 1.01 50c BOXES OF WHITE ENVELOPES TO MATCH 2 FOR 51 The same high grade stock as the paper. The two boxes contain 100 envelopes. Hundreds of boxes available. y as many as you like. There are no restrictions. STATIONERY v e wil1 have Kreat W different Stationary Items oa the aale that we are unable to put In this ad, due to space. The stationery for the sale is one of the largest assortments that we Pave ever been able to got for a sale. It vill pay you to look it over. ' 85c Medallion Liaen, assorted colors 2 for 86c 1 t jc r ernuaif uinen, unite only.... j (, re elings J5C Lord: Baltimore Linen,' assorted colors 2 or 6Sc All box paper 24 sheetsof folded paper and 24 envelonei Is 6fle Cascade Linen in 1 pound packages 2 frfr si blended 50c Cascade Krivelopes to match In Packages 01 50. ...2 for 51c perma- 25c Linen Tablets, assorted sizes f, oc j 10c Ink Tablets, assorted sites, pood srade 2 for 11c I 10c Envelopes, pood, grade, 6 4 In size, 24 to pkg 2 for He 10c erasers, Kleeusit. ! for lie. 5c Erasers, Kleanrite, 2 for 6c GOODFORM HAIR NET A hand made net of the finest real human hair. The hair ne: that is known for its uniform care ful selection. Standard Price, One Xet 15c This Sale, Two M'ts Kic SUNDRIES 40c Tooth Brushes 2 for 41c Good grade, assorted handles S5c Cloth Brushes 2 for 86c 7 rows black bristles 75c Hair Brushes 2 for 76c 5 rows black bristles 25c Powder Puffs h 2 or 26c Velour, white and flesh color 50c Hard Rubber Combs....2 for 51c 8-inch assorted, all coarse and coarse and fine 50c Razor Hones 2 for 51c Good grade, large size. 15c Goodform Hair Nets....2 for 16c All shades, cay shape. MAXIMUM HOT 'WATER ROTTLK The largest selling bottle lit the : world. The-, price everywhere is $2,75 each. ' Full two-quart capacity. - Guaranteed for year. MAXIMUM FOUN TAIN SYRINGE Same goods. Same Guarantee and Price niumiuru n ice 1 lUUle $2.75 This Sale, 2 Bottles $2.70 mm RUBBER GOODS $2.75 Maximum Hot Water 2-,qt., 1 year g'uarantee, : $2.75 Maximum Fountain 2 qt., 1 year guarantee, $4.00 Kantleak Fountain ll- - year guarantee, 2 $4.01 $5.00 Kantleak Comb. Syringe and Water Bottle 3 q., 2 years guarantee, 2 $5.01 Bottle. : $2.76 Syringe. 22.76 Syringe. BOUQUET HAM EE POWDER V dWightful pre paration, made of the finest Ital ian Talc, double bolted and purified. . Contains t h e combined p e r fumes of rose, jasmine, lilac and heliotrope. Standard Price ' One Can- 60c This ..Sale, ..Two Cans 61c . TALCUM P A T T E RSON & SON ; eir" '"HUM , o o o 8