v: a Tuesday, October 4, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE OVERCOAT WEEK IS NOW ON In accord with our idea that the Men and Boys of Heppner deserve the best to be had, we have prepared for Overcoat Week ' a display sure to meet with the enthusiastic approval of all. The prices we have them marked are representa tive of our policy to provide the most for vonr money at all times. $25.00 to $50.00 Lloyd Hutchinson ll1ire "THREE-DECKED" CAPE I )1r V I - ! , -A I:! tSffiBJ S 1 PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY WITH TWO BIG OFFICES PENDLETON PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before OUR SPECIALTIES Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, etc. We negotiate leases and rentals Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense Portland Office, 14X. Second Street, Portland Or Pendleton Office, 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN EASTERN OREGON WITH CONNEC TIONS IN PORTLAND Use Our Rest Reviving the long riding cloak of Revolutionary days as an early au tumn wrap comes this model from Paris. The fine black serge is thrice banded with broad strips of fur, one of them edging a small overcape and the other two simulating similar capes. NOTES IN STYLES OF PARIS Our store invites you to make your headquarters here Ladies, you are always welcome to make our Rest Room your resting or meeting place Spanish Onion Peel Color I New Shade Separate Coat and Skirt Becoming Popular. A variation of apricot which may best be unromantleally described as Spanish onion peel color Is a popular new shade. The separate cont and skirt Is be coming popular. Of course, there are many simple tailor-mades In navy, black or white serge coat and skirt of the same material but the ten dency is to have the skirt plaited for choice of one material and color, while the coat is entirely different. This is specially the case where Ureton jackets are concerned. Double wrist frills are now being worn with Ilreton coatees, which boast pagoda sleeves, double frills, finely plaited, one up and the other down, with a narrow band of black moire ribbon on between. A rather fantastic model had (lie skirt made of black satin and the coat of leaf green faced cloth with a turnover collar of black bieitschwartz. This idea of wearing a bright-colored coatee over a black or white skirt Is gaining In favor. Nearly all the new dresses and blouses are comfortable. China is playing a prominent part In the dress of this season. We have been coquetting with Japan and Spain; but we have finally decided to take China seriously. We have mandarin sleeves mandarin coats of the correct outline, and we have a quaint loose blouse very like those worn by Chinese workmen. 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 '51 Grocery Company Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. Peats Able U Travel Far. truest! gat loon bare shown that cer taia klada of malaria-bearing aaql toes oaa tj ir four artlaa. Exeeptlena. Thf Is tome eieirs for nearly ew.rtnm eacept fulgarlfj and Drew fatrltjr. tcbVoa Glofc. .j." hk;h school oteh a 44 M (By School Correspondent) Friday evening was the sceno of a great deal of enjoyment and fun for the entire student body of Heppner HI, when the three upper classes gave a reception to the Freshman war- and aJso In honor of the other new students' coming In. Some of the students came attired in very becom Ing costumes. Including every thing from babies to cowboys. A few clever programa were staged In the auditorium, every one- cf which wa short and snappy and enjoyed by all. Refreshments were then aerred down aulra and orerrone felt that ths Teniae be well tnsat FALL FASHION BRIEFS Halted flounces are used on sleeves, as side panels and as tunics. Hands of glugliam may trim a smart sport costume of wool Jersey. Perfume balls are worn around the neck on ribbon and bead chains. Frocks of crepe do chine are worn with long circular capes of the same material. Japanese sleeves with linings of bright georgette are a feature of ad vance fall models. Leghorns are being shown again In a variety or liroad ami meoium brimmed effects as well ns poke shapes. A frock of pale pink organdie, with a yoke dbck arm tront rormen oy nww smocking. Is r smart addition to the wardrobe of the tiny miss. Gray and brown, which yon used to believe you could not combine, sre being romblned now In some of the smartest of dresses for fall street wear. Long, rather straight lines are to oe adhered to. according to present Indications, with suit ronts many of them, at least long enough to al most conceal the skirt, and elaborate ly fu trimmed. Ladies! Read This f You want a good, first .class, up-to-date Suit or Overcoat step in and look over our samples and styles We guarantee full satisfaction with every order. Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop G. FRANZEN, Prop. Our Cleaning and Pressing is Always the Best QQ&& i rtum Custard. Bott some Hums In water nntll ten. der, then drain aod chop them. Put ene quart of milk In a double hotier and when Inkewtcrn add throe well bontsn egg, one-half enp of soger and two lewl tablespoons of corn starch moistened w"h a little cold milk or cream. Stir nntll It thickens and bolls for eight mlnntes, then re move from the fire. Add one tea spoon each of lemon snd vinilia ex tract and the plnme, stir well and serve when cold. Tailored Silk Hat , To wear with the afreet tailor nothing can fake the place of the trig, tailored jrtlk net trimmed with a stmpt ornament, or atM better, vdra a rtl. ' TVs proves " 'rrir" ata, wall as alecs. HitlW When food gets scarce -does the hen stop scratching? No, indeed, she scratches a darn site harder. IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll When limes are hard and no money in sight, Shall we go to sleep or continue the fight? We'll take a lesson fr (jin the hen and work the harder brother, We'll all mill together and help one another. And when the clouds have rolled away and the the sky again is clear, We'll scratch sonic more and cast away all thoughts of this bad year. Then our record will be clear, our credit will be good and the horrors of war and the deflation period will be forgotten. JOIN Gilliam & Bisbee In these thoughts and actions and the devil and all his Imps will miss us. I Lucidity Is Not Slmpllalty. Lucidity Is good everywhere, for all time and In all things, In a letter, In a speech, In a book, In a poem. I.uHdlty la not simplicity. A ludd poem la not necfiwurlty la ess one. Ainpm'lhe Blrrelt Had Oldar Acquaintance. Don and Hugh had been dlruftlng their father. An argument arose. To prove his point, Don exclaimed, "Warl I (new I ought to know, known r father nearly thte year Jon, '0 yoo kavai"