J I PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, PoKtoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 i Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 4, ifj2f "American Child Is a Greater Puzzle Than Is the American Adult." Ily W. I.. GKOrtGi;, Iirilisli Novelist. A- Tin1 Amcnnni chilli is to inn a prenti'i' puzzle (hail the .A iiii rican adult. I cannot see how the cmo- 1 1 : ,'11 . . 1 . . ! - 1 f-3 noiiai . 'lii.'i lean, (loiaiii,': ti'U iiv moral mipius's, ue- e!oi- nl' the shrewd and hard American child. It i. iiiir".-t inhuman. It hates to he fondled; it seldom ki.--es an adult; it whollv di!!'ers from the emnliunal, fiithu.-ia-1 ;c J-hiudish child, which hurls itself upon the ieoee it likes and inflicts upon them sticky embolics. It does not jrive itself; it knows what it wants and take- it with strange hrutalitv. If this applied onlv to f male children, I could understand it, for some thing of Jli is sun iy -: i.a the American e;irl, h d'nn; marriaw and misfor tunes have turned her into a human heine; hut the male American child shews oidy the hanlne.-s of the American man, not the 'jeiillenoss and tenderness which make him so at t rai t ive. This may come from the close contact hclweeu the American child and ils parent; it lives with them, is of them; it is treated seriously; therefore, it does not look upon' (lie adult as a 1. Xotahly, in the well-to-do classes, there is no children's hour, say 'i :.'I0, when the anxious pris oners of the nursery are allowed, tremhline; with excitement and awe, to cnler the holy presence of the frrown-iips. ' Jt is no fun being an American child ; one throws up without idols, and one must make some for one's self, since mankind at all ajres lives only by error. The hard child suggests the hard home, which is characteristic of America. I visited many houses in the United Stales, and, except among the definitely rich, I found them rather uncomfortable. They felt bare, untenanted ; they were, too neat, (00 new; they indicated the restaurant, (he theater, the cinema were often visited; one missed the comfortable accumulation of broken screens, old fire irons and seven-year-old volumes of the London Illustrated News, which make up the dusty, frowsy feeling of home. The American house is not a place where one lives, hut a place where one merely sleeps, eats, sils, works. You will say that makes up homo life, hut it docs not; IIktc is something else, which can arise only out, of a compound of dullness, boiled mutton, an ill-cut lawn, a dog, a cat and some mice to keep the cat amused. 1 cannot explain it heller than that, and Americans may not understand what I mean, although any English nerson will It9 toasted to seal in the delicious Burley flavor I ! 45!. 1 I I ! ; : : ; . : Department of the Interior, U. S. Iand Office at La Grande, Oregon, September 30, 1921. ( Notice is hereby given that Willie Ruddy, of Lena, Oregon, who, on September 23, 1916, made Homestead entry, No. 016541, for ENW, . E2SW, Section 34, Township 1 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and Lots 3, 4.SNW, Section 3, Township 2 South, Ranee 29 East, W. M has filed notice of intention to make final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Heppner Oregon, on the 2!)tlv day of November, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Francis McCabo, Philip McCabe Edd Dolierty, Tom Gill all of Lena Oregon. 2 530 C. S. Tlt'XX, Register. .NOTICE FOR I'l HI.ICATION o o Oil mr s There's no mis taking clothes tail red to your exact measure by clothes that in spire the question ff Si : a ' 1 , i i .; j ; ! rooiic AT THE WM. HENDRIX FARM ON HEPPNER FLAT 4 MILES SOUTH OF HEPPNER t I WILL OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING: 25 Head of Horses 1 Bay gelding, wt. 1650, age 9 years. 1 Bay gelding, wt. 1550, age 8 years. 1 Bay mare, wt. 1300, age 8 years. 1 Bay mare, wt. 1350, age 8 years 1 Bay mare, wt. 1300, age 12 years 1 Brown mare, wt. 1400, age 6 years 1 Bay mare, wt. 1425, age 8 years. 1 Brown mare, wt. 1400, age 8 years 1 Bay horse, wt. 1350, age. 7 years. 1 Sorrel mare, wt. 1200, age 6 years. 1 Bay mare, wt. 1200, age 5 years 1 Bay mare, wt 1200, age '6 years. 1 Black horse, wt. 1550, age 12 years 1 Bay horse wt. 1400, age 11 years. 2 3-year-old draft geldings. 2 3-year-old draft fillies. 3 2-year-old draft mares. 1 2-year-old draft gelding " 11 S3 13 II 3 H2 1 1 -year-old draft colt 1 Black Percheron Stallion. Machinery 1 12-foot McCormick header. 3 header boxes; 1 Superior drill. . 1 Peoria Drill. 1 4-section steel harrow. 1 5-section steel harrow 2 Jones weeders, one 3-section and one 4-section. 3 3-bottom gang plows; 2 Olivers and one Vulcan. 1 Chatham fanning mill. 3 good wagons 6 Sets butt chain harness 2 sets of chain harness. 1 set of breeching harness 2 sets of leather harness. iiiiiiijiMMiiii)iiFiru:i(citiHiiiiHiuituiniiiuutHiHi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHJiiimMnHi iititUNiiiiMiMUtifitttiiiiMUititiitiiiniiMirutuiitt tiin tiiMMdiiiHU ti riiifiiiii iHiniiitiiiiiiriiiitiiurriti nuiintiHii luiruttiii iiuHtvamtitiiiiiiiiii unit Sale Begins Promptly at ten o'clock f REE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale ALL SUMS OF $20,00 AND UNDER, CASH; SUMS OVER $20, ONE YEAR'S TIME ON APPROVED NOTES AT 8 PE RCENT INTER EST. 5 PER CENT DIS COUNT FOR CASH ON SUMS OVER $20 ' " ' . F. R. BROWN, Clerk F. A. McMENAMIN, Auctioneer RAY YOUNG, Owner Nolle 111 hereby ICien that I. the undersigned under the law of the State of OreKoo, havn taken up the nlml hereinafter described while running at large on my premises, in Morro Countjr. Oregon, about one mile south of Heppner, Oregon, to wit: One light colored Jersey cow about g years old. with stub horns, no vis ible brands. i That I will, on O 1 SATCRDW. OCTOBER 15. 1I1. O at tha Boor of 10:00 o'clock In the OCOOOOOOOOOOOOO0rOOOOOCOOt5OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO forenoon of said day. uale,. tte Mi inor c Oo XOTICK OK TAKI.X1 11 ASD SAI.K OF KSTKAV same shall hav'j b . redeemed, at my ranch about 1 mile south of Hpppner, Orerou, in said county, sell said animal In the highest bidder, for cash in hand, for the purpose of pay ing for tli' cavils of taklnj; up, hold- cutrfc of the eeute of Nancy M Meek, deceased, aad all persons har .b .i.oi against said estate herehv mnniMu . I . , ,u yieaem me same, with prop ouchers to said eiecut- ru at the office of her attorney, W. a are ln and sellin such animal together Trill, in Putncra BuUdlne with reasonable damages for the. In jury caused by said animal running at largn on said premisvs. F. R. DROWN Dated and first published this :7th day of September, 1921. Advertise ment. ' 22-23 xotice to nmuTuiu Nolle hereby glrwo that the undersigned has bn appointed ei- Vnnail Wheeler County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 4th, day of October. 1921. ANNA L. PUTNAM, Kiacu trii of the estate of Nancy M. Meek, deceased. Poet offiea address, Foasil. Oregon. , 13-J7 Star Theatre ; r o