Tuesday, September 27, 192 1 THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE JANE'S SHARK 0 0 1 !!! et Us Dress mxaWtakffiti' 1 wmim-' ' 1 aS& Fid TH ' rr.'I iJiiiM " " 1 " Our store invites you to make your headquarters here To B Don With Discretion. "If you want to be really poptihir with Wen," says Mr. Arthur t'emlenys, "become a widow." Thin, of course, may be all right, but few husbands can really leam to love wife who makes a practice of this sort of thing London I'uucb. In the very latest of fall clothes miiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiuiii mniiiiinM Wc have the nifty bell bottom trousers , for the young man, the more conservative models for older men, but all with the same distinctive qualities of high grade tailoring. Don't forget that The kind of cleaning, dyeing, pressing or repair ing that You want is the kind that We DO. utc Use Our Rest Room adies, you are always welcome to make our Rest Room your resting or meeting place Phelps Grocery Company Benefit of a Good Laugh. However, the laugh began. It Ik a recognized fact that a few healthy "ha-has" form one of the best tonics Imaginable. It gets plenty of fresh air into the luDgs, ad generally tones one up. Also, It eases the nerves. Yon Si a us si St. Elmo's Fire. The fine.1t displays of St. Klmo's fire are not wen on the mum and spars of vessels at sea, but on high mountains, where they have sometime been observed to last as long as eight hours. They are especially comiuoa (luring snowstorms. By MARY A. MURDOCK. 1921, by McClure Mewsimper Syndicate.) June's glance triumphantly swept the long stretch of deserted beach. Not a soul In sight ! For nn hour at least she might confidently expect to keep all this wonder to herself. Glee fully she visioned the chagrin of Tom, not to mention her half-dozen other satellites, when they should have dis covered her to have already taken her morning dip, without their ubiquitous ministrations. It was live o'clock, and half an hour before sunrise. Jane waded out to wards a nut distant sand bar, her eyes fixed mi the eastern sky, where the gray mist was parting. t reveal hid den color treasure of orange and gold. She fell suddenly awed. How big ev erything was! How tiny her hands seemed, luioyed in front of her on the surface of the water. At lhat mo ment site hall' wished for a chance to snub the owner of a certain steadying if presumptuous arm. then shaking off the weakness and determined to glory In her new found freedom, she plunged, squealing irrepressiltly, into an on coming wave and swum with an even, sure stroke for the bar. Once there, she turned to glance at the hotel, oddly somnolent in the half light, (hen with, a superior sniff, In tended for its lazy inmates, site stretched luxuriously on .the sand and gave herself up to the enjoyment of the spectacle to the eastward. For a full half-hour she watched and mar veled and dreamed. How trivial now seemed yesterday's prep'oxitics and Intrigues! Her unaccountably poor showing at the tennis tournament, that cataclysmic error which had caused her partner to view her In stunned surprise bow little such things real ly mattered. She remembered with a certain sense of shame the tlirtations which bad marked her stay at this most popular of beach resorts. What poor sport It was, after all. Hence forth she determined to repress the eternal Eve in her and to save her smiles for hlni. And a delightful speculation gripped her as to who he might be. A cold tongue of water lapped her bathing slipper anil she jumped up, shivering. The tide had risen. Jeal ous waves were already trying to edge her olT her perch. Site fussed wilh her cap in preparation for the swim back, pausing for a last look at the King of Hay, now well over the rim of the world. For 11 while site slooil there, a charming figure, in her modish sea suit, eyes ngleain with youth's love of life, curling tendrils of gold whip- i plug her creamy throat. Suddenly she stiffened and u sharp cry escaped her. Cradled between two of I he larger overlapping waves she had espied j something sinister and white, a gleam- ing mass that moved ami glowed in 1 the long rays of the morning light. A sort of numbness seized her, as through her mind then! Unshed till the stories she had heard recounted of the white-bellied terror which many of the hotel habitues were reputed ; to have glimpsed thereabouts, always from the asylum of a dock. June viewed despulringly the fast dlmlnisblng strip of sand. Ten min utes at the most, and she would have to take her chances with the thing In the water. On the verge of faint ing, she yet managed to find her voice. At llrst thin anil weak, desperation lent It strength. A favoring breeze I aided her, and the cry which roused ', half a hundred sleepy vacationists from their beds was that of "Tom;" j Tom heard with the rest, and not one of the wondering watchers saw j anything grotesque in his pajatna chid figure, as it Hew to the water's edge, "(let a boat, Tom." Jane screamed, then toppled and fell, j I lilt Tom didn't go bark. A few ' minutes and lie had in his arms it ' sirangely docile Jane, who could only j whisper faintly, "Tom, darling Tom," 1 mid who clung pilcoitslv to him. As lie swum back to the beach, now Ihloiiged with half-clad people, his S precious burden bold close, lie was j too deliriously happy to wonder why j Jane, conceded the best swimmer In I the crowd, had not dated negotiate the short distance. Time enough for explanations later for the present life was very sweet, with that soft "Tom, darling Tom" In his ears. Through a haze of joy, be was con scious that one of bis vigorous strokes brushed away something which felt like seaweed, but which was apparent ly a white satin petticoat, and he won dered from whose clothesline it was missing. Movements of tht Earth, Th continents stanii at an average night of about 15,000 feet above the ocean bottom and their weights caus ing a pressure of 15.000 to 20.000 pounds per square Inch on their bases Is supposed to be causing a slow creeping of the land Into the sea against the S.000 pounds of pressure by the water at the bottom. The rocks of mines are observed to creep under less pressure. In recent ex periments, two hemispheres of rok were fitted together by plane surfaces, and a cavity was ground In one or a steel washer was laid on It and the hemispheres were then forced together by hydraulic pressure continued for sionths, at room temperature. It wss demonstrated that a pressure of Ml'stO pounds per square Inch will close even mt'.l cavities In granite, busalt, ob sldieo or limestone. STAR THEATRE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 miiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE MACY & BAIRD COMEDIANS WEDNESDAY "MARIAN GREY" THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Classy Vaudeville Ask Anyone i t v V ' " f i. ' V i W k 000000000000000000000000000000 0 PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 v. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 I have fo rtliis season secured a big assortment of Goods in Worsteds and Serges To be made in my own shop at $45 to $70 CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' and Men's suits and overcoats Now Only $1.50 Heppner Tailoring, Cleaning Shop g as G. FRANZEN, Prop. 000000000000000000000000000000 & When food gets scarce does the hen stop scratching? No, jndeed, she scratches a darn site harder. iiiiiiraiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiHiiiM When times arc hard and no money in sight, Shall we go to sleep or continue the fight? We'll take a lesson from the hen and work the harder brother, We'll all pull together and help one another. And when the clouds have rolled away and the the sky again is clear, We'll scratch some more and cast away all thoughts of this bad year. hhi.iiiiiiiiihi,ui., iU,,..,-, r-rrrt ifiiiiii iihmwmwiiimh Then our record will be clear, our credit will be good and the horrors of war and the deflation period will b forgotten. JOIN Gilliam & Bisbee In these thoughts and actions and the devil and all his Imps will miss us. Levee Quickly Constructed. Only seven weeks were required to throw up 24O.0OO cubic yards of dirt In building an emergency levee on tho Mississippi river. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "KEEP TO THE RIGHT" "WAY DOWN EAST" "TOBY THE DETECTIVE" Between Acts " V " V V 4t V t " & v t W VV V.V 1f VJt V WW? yr. fflii e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALLWOOL SUITS TO YOUR MEASURE $26 TO $65 Made in Chicago 0 0 0 Hardly. No, Maud, when Longfellow anld, "Olve us the mini who sings at his work," he did not tneiia the undertake er.