Tuesday, September 20, 1921 PAGE SIX THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ......j..'...A. Mr. and Mis. John M'Dfvilt, nf the I o no fount ry, w-rc fair visitors lust vcck r'f-'iKlcrcil at tin- Patrick. JudKe O. W. Phelps came, over from Pendleton Sunday to hold a short session of court yesterday Kd Keitman came up from his -wheat farm north of lone Saturday to attend the fair. Malcolm Chur"';, fonaer !!ip).nor resident is here frjni Hood Kivt r val ley visit infr fnenii . 1'OK SAI.K Air tilit wood heat er in Kood condition. inquire at this office. Advertisement. 21tf If. W. Grim and Mrs. I'n-il Picks of Irtit-'on, were in I'tiata'' of the fine exhibit, from that section at the fair last ttoek. Mrs. Ilu'h llr.'.n iiere for a few days visiting hoi !)r:ii;er a id sMts, J. O. IlaRfi- and Miwln i- tyA. 1). Mc Murdo ami ('.. M. !jih . ' Miss T,et:i Mat'li"Wi, of Ciesl air was here duiini,' the fair, the nuc-i ltr sisters, Mrs. John Wild' ran am'. Miss Pabe Maliliews. Al llenrii'ksen, a director of the Morrow County Fair Association, was pretty busy last week nettinj; and keeping things lined up for the show. Roy Wih'ox, former Morrow coun ty fanner came up from Kslaradn, where lie now resides to attend the fair. ftcv. Dr. Ci-ow I!. Van Waters was here Sunday and held service in the Episcopal church Sunday morn inn and evening. Miss Dorothy Hill has returned from Portland and will spend I lie winter with her mother Mrs. Kut,'cnc Ponland and allend hinh school. Itev. Livingstone went, to Portland Thursday to attend a nicotine; of the Slate Hoard of the Christian church of which body he is vice-president. tins Wilcox and family arc hero for a few days visiting with Mrs. Pruilt Cox and oilier relatives and friends. l OKSAI.i: Ford Runabout in tfood condition for unbroke horses. Fn qnire i f C. N. Fm.bcrt, Ileppn. r Ore gon. 2 1-21; pd Jake Vonnir, old linie wheal farm or of Fihliuile and laler resident ol Motor Vehicle Department, is here looking after auto licenses and other official matters. Mr. Campbell reg isters from Tillamook. W. H. Moore, Walter Duncan and Willis Stewart are leaving today for the John Day country on a deer hunt expect int? to be trone a week or so or until they bag the limit. W. H. has promised the Herald a fine big chunk of venison and he always makes good. Albert Peterson, p. .r.i.-nent mer chant, hotel owner and leading citi zen of T'kiah, was here attending tue fair anil served as one of the judges at the Pound-t'p an.", races. He is also president of Ihe I'kiah kounil Fp associat ion. filenn Wells, former prosecuting attorney of Morrow county, now prac- licing law at, Portland, came in Thusday to spend a few days with Ills broMierji .7. .., 1). C. and Richard j Wells. Clenn looks prosperous and says he believes in feeling that way. W. W. Smead left Jin:iay morn ing for the Multnomah f"oun:y rati' I at (ireshaiii, where he will represent Morrow county with an exhibit, of our products that will be pretty sure to lake some first money premiums. At h-asl that is what. Wallace usual ly does at the big outside fairs'. Mrs. Jacob Frail, of Portland, came out Thursday to attend the Morrow County Fa i rand will remain for awhile visiting friends. Mt, and Mis. Frad have been trying out Port land as a place of residence for the pasl year and like it so well that they expect to buy a home this fall a fid tie there permanently. C. C. Calkins, newly appointed county agricultural agent, has pur chased the Croshcn lot at Chase and August streets and started the exca vating for a new a-room bungalow. The house will have a Mi:; -;nsement 0, Cuyer, of Corvallis, who is Mrs. Calkins father, has the contract for the building. MAHARAJAH KAPURTHALA lloppner, came ill T from Aloha, Oregon resides. Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1 heir attending tin and Saturday. Sevi saddle holies in Hi were from Mr. Swag: I.. I!. DaPonle, of w alay lel'e lie III . .... .-- f ;r io X I - J : Program for September 21th to 25th Inclusive Wednesday and Thursday: "WHAT'S A WIFE WORTH?" A big question; A big picture. Also Comedv and Scenic Friday Alice Calhoun in THE CHARMING DECEIVER," , also Fourth episode of "FIGHTIN G FATE." The Maharajah of Kapurthala, sametime3 called the "Modern Solo mon," who has been divorced by his beautiful Spanish wife because he re fused to give up his harem of five in India. The maharajah is a colonel in the British army and was decorated for extreme bravery on the west front in the World war. Saturday: "A BEGGAR IN PURPLE." A mind stimulator. Also Comedy and Pathe Review. Reality Verqus Romance. Occasionally a girl may fall in love at first sight. Put more often the first time ti girl vpei ' man. she laughs. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sunday: Lon Chaney in "THE PENALTY from the famous story by Gouverneur Mor ris. "The Penalty," is a picture that more than meets your idea of real en tertainment don't miss it. Also another one of Booth Tarkington's two reel comedies, "Edgar Camps Out' i?t if. 0000000000000000000-: :000000f fair Fiu'.av nil of the fane a pa'ade lure ;a rl 's si ock farie . i'acoiita . at lornev for the Noi l hern Pacific llailroad Co was here Monday attending court Mr. DaPonle is inleresled in.the John Day district litigation. W. P. Dutton and Mrs. Dtitton ar rived from Portland Thursday even ing ami were guests at Hotel Patrick during Ihe fair. The Duttons were former residents of lleppner. Misses A mini Gropn and I.oir Hall, two former well known llepp ner girls, came out from Portland J ri day evening lor u wcck euu vimii with friends and iclatives. l" Miss t.eola lleniu'll left a few days ngo lor Wyoming whro lit expicts to make her home with her aunt, Mrs. Annie Neel. who went to that state to reside several months ago. Mis. Warner Reiluian is In from her ranch homo north of lone taking the teachers examination with a v to teaching in her home district the coming winter. W. il. IturrnU left for Portland Sunday morning to he present at a i 1 1 in; of tlr.' hicln.av commission Miss Peggy O'Rourko came up from The Dalles Thursday to visit her many friends in lleppner after an absence of about two years. Miss O'Rourko, who is a most charming and talented young lady, spent a year visiting frii nds'and relatives in Ire land since leaving llennner and she describes that (rip as a wonderfully interesting one. John Kirk, who left Morrow county two or three years ago to try dairy farming in the .Vsea country in the western part of Or- i on. blew in Thursday evening to git a whiff of "ooil old easti rn Oregon ozone and lake in the fair. Mr. Kirk adiails lhal lie may come hack her" tostay ms afler pailing dairy cows by h.nh ni lir.ht aiidvdin;- mud lo Hie h'trri can deck of his hip boots he thinks Morrow county mighl ,suit him just inc. LOOK'. LISTEN'- TA TH ATM 2 Weeks STAR TIN. G 2 Monday,' Sept. 26 , YOU SAVE if you learn the rates of Oregon Fire Relief Assn. Before you renew that Fire Insurance F.. R. Brown Agent for Morrow County Phone Office 642, Res. 29F14. lleppner, Or. -f ; . , in f tod. 1,1.1. k Ol wlo n hi 10. id .!! will luiud-i. 011. 'lied en a ll:iir 1 .1 n '.trail, f.o uier l.'.na.r polit I'm 1 1 si : ( 1 1:111 11 i si:i:d wiikat Pnli'ss your wheat in pre!ly cL'an if will pay you to consider good clean wheat for seeding and in doing so it it W'll be best (o purchase the c r tified seed. Many have slated that, it seems that wheat runs out in a few years. This la largely true, simply becau.-e we afe saving the seed from n'i the heads every year. If the ntt Ionian bred all his poor females as well as the good ones he too would certainly flnd his herd badly run down. Vn less an animal comes up to a certain standard she is discarded for broi fug purposes, and the wheat, ma:-, needs to do the same tiling. This selecting, however, can best he done by experiment stations and then the selected wheat increased. The Kai kov Turkey wheat which is ho.ir. g'oun in Morrow r, unity i-- one of those pure line seUvlicns. '.lie i.e. I'ortv fold w In at. a i-ia.'.H amount of v Inch was- hr uit'.iit into I'.is county was selected in the .-.ii'io v. ay. e -.vre i 1 1 in', in fuel, of 1.10..I of 1 he The Macy & Baird Comedians Tli ie PRESENTING best of comedies and dramas with classy vaudeville be tween acts Opening Play "Saints and Sinners" A Show 00GOO000OOO000 for 0 0 This Ticket and 5c tax your wile 0 children ami 1 admit one l.adv STAR THEATRE Monday, Sept. 26th FREE l.adv 0 t o Kverything mease nothing to of Auction Sale Purebrc FIRST TO BE HELD IN WHEELER CO. id PI 1 !i!i:..i .".1 no al heal .11 Mi 111 t o I ' only g-l v, Hires 1,,.; ; ;. 1 ; ill coi nit 1 'oiiniy 1' ' ' that is ft ! ir van, Prices 0 v.v ... .. ... ... ... ..i v.. .i. . i lend liille ol tne e '. ciiildr!:n 30c ADULTS 55C RESERVES 75 WAR TAX INCLUDED fossil, Or., Sept 30, 2 p. m, . . On Closing Day of Wheeler County Fair 35 Head Registered Beef Cattle 10 HEREfORDS 5 Bu!!s, 5 Heifers Consigned by Edward Bros. 25 SHORTHORNS 10 Bulls, 15 Females Consigned by Wm. Rettie This sale offersjpportunity to select choice breeding cattle from two of Oregon's representa tive herds. , - ... - ADDRESS Fred A. Fdwards, Fossil, Oregon For-Catalo& of Sale Wheeler Co. Purebred Li cstobk Breeders' Ass'n ATS ON SAI SUES ,E AT PATTERSON'S DRUG STORE "ST. T4 PIONEER EMPLOYMENT f.0MANY WITH TWO BIG OFFICES PENDLETON PORTLAND YV.. P. Cl l K'kl'.NS Dl'CKS In f.ui. all kiu. Is of ' Highest Pti. - .Tl'KKl'A'S - I'.KKSK are wanted Paid Call or Write ALEX C-')RNETT, Main 615 , Or See E. R. MERRIT, I leppner, Oregon. SPECIAL SALE Saturday, Sept. 24 On Ml t'aimeil (iixnls I h.ie U. a and :, i:;i.--t-rvies. Als.i I.-arherries in N,i. 2 e.m-'. :2 , . i'ut up by the Craws Cannery. till M UAH SWA V. TlU Iii: AIM: NOM". IlKTTKIl Will he sold Saturday. o'ie day only, at 20r; lii.-eount, in lois of 1 ean up- Will also s. i oatined peas, beans, tomatoes, coin, salmon, puinpkin. sau. i Uraut. pineapll'. hominy and pork nd beans at the same discount. 1st IVoi North of First National Rank ' DUNTON'S CASH MARKET U i.riM-.red to handle tne nu.-.nes. ot i-.a;lern Oregon belter than ever K-fi-rv OUR SPECIALTIES Farm-. -Mills, Camps.' lintels. C.arages. etc. We negotiate leases and rentals Wire RUSH Orders at Our Expense Portland Office, 14X. Second Street, Portland Or Pendleton Office. 115 K. Webb St., Pendleton Or THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN EASTERN OREGON WITH CONNEC TIONS IN PORTLAND 0 & O 0 & OS. 0 0 0 5 f . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 ' 0 1 if. J