Tuesday, September 20, 192 1 THE HEPPNEk HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE ill i " A Use Our store invites you to make your headquarters here Ladies, you are always welcome to make our Rest Room your resting or meeting place Phelps Grocery Ij II " : ncit fi i c ! i I II H ' ' 1 (-1 1 Of 'In- fc y'.i ,ii;;ir cinit-i Greaje Spcts on Wa"pa-!?r. To clean vmiH:T "i - -!"'. tillv cm i.n,.... i f -oiv (!' store and make a thick p:isv. App:y to the en,fs and allow to remain on over night. In the m-mlfur rnl "It ; with a clean cloth. It makes the i.er like new, removing all the spots. , sD ress In the very latest of fall clothes miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu111" '""niiiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniii We have the niitv bell bottom trousers for the young man, the more conservative models for older men, but all with the same distinctive qualities of high grade tailoring. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl Don't forget that The kind of cleaning, dyeing, pressing or repair ing that You want is the kind that We DO. Our Rest corn Company Ston?3 Swallowed by Elephants. The 1 of wsi'l";:,2 "tope iij.. 1 ''- "!"'" l.r.t:li iMi-niai ' 'ii ' "f '"). a v. "r'"'i"-' ""' "f lo t' egg. all ; l:''"'" fr""' ""' """"' of Afrl- ehphant. , "7 ion nson Supfst.tior.s Auout Lf.V. L. 'I'!.- J,.,. , , I hi I .. ),;!, j, geri Wil. il on.. ,,,,-, ,., (; tr,, ui.oiit ii. ton-,. i,,.r,. , ,.X , of some gi.-at Ii;,.j,ii,..., ciion.- t li.mite. L, ,,!,,. ti,,,,., n. ,.,.k duj.jh.s,.,! t k,.,.,, unci,,., u.wiy. Wil'l Ition . the Villi The . LEGION (Copy for This Depart mm t Supplied by tne American Letrton News Service. ) FIRED FAST, HIT THE MARK Auditor of Legion's National Finance Division Made Record With Field Artillery. A record for fust tiring mul direct hits with field artillery, may be far removed from keeping records and account in expenditures. lint the American Le gion considered this recommenda tion when it chose William X. I ay, (treat Falls, Mont., as audi a' of na tional tinanee divi sion. He is si ill scoring bulls-eyes. Iv.cnt.v-hvc minutes to one minute was the reduction Pay's battery, "F" of the H(ith Field artillery, made in the time experts required to train fl inch lilies on a target. A (Senium train, sighted on the St. Mlhlel front, was hit by Day's pun on tlie third round and completely demolished on the eleventh. With shells of all cali bers dropping on his battery every half-minute for more than two hours, the battery came through without a man wounded and with three guns In action. Mr. Day says that he finds the ad dition of a column of figures almost as exciting at times as the bombardment of im enemy. Meeting target. THE SOLDIER AND STATESMAN Texan Is Newly Appointed Director of the Legion's National Amer icanization Commission. "lie can tell you about nn ordi nary baseball game In such words and expression that you will be grief stricken," is what they say of Alvln M. Owsley, Texas, newly appointed director of the American Legion's national Ameri canism c o m in I s sion. Mr. Ows ley, who left off being assistant at torney general of the largest state in fcik. ,ki.-.-.Z-ifl,A the Union to Join the. Legion organization, has become a "soldier and ft statesman" of national prominence at the age of thirty years. In the West, the Texan has long been known ns a speaker of unusual ability. When he went Kast anil had as his field Americanism, Its origin ami Its purpose, Mr. Owsley began deliver ing addresses of such, eloquence and Inspirational context that he became lu colistnnt demand and his repute as a master of diction naturally followed. Overseas Mr. Owsley commanded n battalion of HOth Division Infantry un til his promotion to division adjutant. As head of the Legion's legislative committee In Texas, he obtained ft $2, OO(UKX) hospital for service men at Kerrville, Tex. BEAUTY AS "MISS LIBERTY" Seattle Legion Selects Charming Miss to Serve in Recent Patri otic Exercises. "Talk about the beautiful French girls unci rave about tin) dark tresses and Hashing eyes of the Italians and Spaniards we've got the 111 beaten to d e ft t h with our own Americans," de clared the Aiter leim I-eglon of Seattle, W ft H h., In selecting Miss Helen Worthing ton of their city to represent "Miss Liberty" In patriotic, exercises recent ly. Heituty experts with Marled, expe rience In the A. L F. were culled tiin for their opinion and they held Unit ".Miss Liberty" had even the hcnrt bii'iikers of the Latin countries lushed to the iiinst, not excepting the painted fines lu the- Louvre nt 1'i.rls. Mi-'S Wortliihu'loti s a homo girl and .li.nrrsi I i.l Hi.' ho.' i rc 'l upon I or -1 i '. ." t III ol- ,ii!. alt.'i' I cr Posts in Foreign Countries. 'II." rai,'- ,C Hi.. Aim'-imhii Legi-n j l a e bei-i, ...t,.,.!.., t,i ..irl j e..'lt:y Co, in: I y v Mil 1 1." r.' ! III.I- 'l-'tl of a p" ! Ill I '..i4l.,t;i....le i AO I'""' are S'.il.g ill i.T'!.l'l., ,.'l','c.. Inill w i 1 1 1 tl.i . in- I!.,,) r i-' . I ; !,'! '!,( Ate .'K.-aii I '.: g-i Triole .ri!r;..li nr.- o' cj, i, ,. , i, - i!,,. sin'iiiio "i- i. A c'.i.iier r.'.i i,t ;.v i - to a le-w po-l l'i iiia, Span -ii lloiii'iru. innki-s a tot i of '.'.- ,(,-t In 1!) foreign countries. M" 1' I ' f fit I . '.'Us 2 A GKKAT SHOW IX XOVK.MItKU The preliminary clarification for the Facifie International Live Stock F.xposition has just reached this of fice. It is to be held in North Tort land November 5 to 12. The exposi tion management has increased the prize money in almost every classifi cation. The total money offered by the exposition and stock association is more than $70,000 for the winners down to tenth place in some instances Among the new features of the show this jvar is the Winter Foultry Show of the Oregon Poultry and Pel Stock Association, which is to be held in conjunction with the other live stock. Milk goats form a new class, with $500 offered as prizes. The An gora goat people give a thousand dol lars for champions alone this year. One of the most interesting and im portant features is the dairy products exhibit, under charge of J. E. Dor man connected with the dairy exten sion of the federal Depaiinii'iit of Ag riculture. The display and competi tion in butter, cheese and other dairy products this year wil be better and keener than ever before. The horse show is always thrilling and attractive, and more horses and a livlier time is anticipated this fall than ever. The Pacific International Live PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I have fo rlhis season secured a hig assortment of Goods in Worsteds and Serges To be made in my own shop at $45 to $70 CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' and Men's suits and overcoats Now Only $1.50 Heppner Tailoring, Cleaning Shop G. FRANZEN, Prop. 0 0 0 0 0 When food gets scarce does the hen stop scratching? No, indeed, she scratches a darn site harder. 1111111111111 nummi nufi 1 1 j ii iniiiji Minn iMiiitifiunimiiHri When times are hard Shall we go lo sleep or continue the fight? We'll take a lesson from ile hen and work the harder brother, We'll all pull together and help one another. And when the clouds have rolled away and the the sky again is clear, We'll scratch some more and cast awav 11 1011! I s " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii miiiiiiiii iiiiinmnH iiiiji linn him iitiHiimiiiit mi mi utiiiiiiiiu mi Then our record will he clear, our credit will be good and the horrors of war and the deflation period will hi forgotten. JOIN Giiiiarn & In these thoughts and all his Imps will miss Stock Exposition is the largest live stock and dairy show in America to out last year they were inclined to be a littl patronizing until thy saw what we had. Then they were amaz ed, not only at the number of entries, but at the remarkable quality of tha stock. As a matter of fact, the west coast has as fine examples as can Te found of the great beef breeds, the four great dairy breeds, the sheep of all classes, the fie commonly recog nized American breeds or swine and the four heavy horse breeds. Last year there were over 3000 in dividual animals, each the pick of the west, at the show. This year indica tions are that there will be many interested in livestock. This is an opportunity to see and study your favorite breed, and a wonderful chance then1 will be to compare doz ens of the best with each other. Seek Employment Worth While. Let your employment lie such as may become a reasonable person; and not be a business tit for chilchvn or disiracleiL people, but lit for your age and uuih rsianding. For a man may be very idly busy, and lake great pains to so little purpose, that, in his labors and expense of time, he shall serve no end but of folly and vanity. There aro some people who are busy, but it is, as Domilian was, in catching Mies. Jere my Taylor. 0 0 READ! ALLWOOL SUITS TO YOUR MEASURE $26 TO $65 taade in Chicago mtit ii n imiti imnHMiiiHint mni- rm uirHtf n n and no money in silit, ill of this had year. isbee actions and the devil and us. ii Hi.