Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 06, 1921, SECTION ONE, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, September 6, 1921
J. H. McDaniel, of Hardrnan, was
t. J!a business business visitor here Fri-
. i Mrs. S. A. Pattison and daughter,
Miss Dorothy, returned from Port
land Thursday evening v.here they
spent a couple of weeks vacation vis
iting relatives.
Mrs. A. Wilkinson and children
: I
Mr. and V.r. J"'iti Putnam, of Fos
Fil, are lnp' .d;iy the guests of her
sister, Mrs. V. P. Scrivner.
jack u.Neni came oui irom i-on-!w,.nt to The Dalles Wednesday for a
land Monday i-nd will remain until short vifllt with frI(mdg and pn Frl.
after the Fair. ; day Mr. Wilkinson joined them at Ar-
Miss Georgia Shipley has taken lington for a trip to-Salt Lake,
the school at Social Ridge and enter-1 Shey jjaIlwin who recentiy gave
ed upon her iluUr. Monday. ,Up the carpentery business here for
E. Kcithley r;:e in from The the delights of farm life near Lex-n.-illes
Motel, ly -t.ing to visit friends ington, came in Thursday evening to
in Kighlmile. j see if the bright lights were still
Flowl Toll. o" is moving this week .burning on Main street.
to lh
r.eiiool 1'cui
the winlei
Mr. ami
day ana
n in'raiu property on the hill j if. J. Kiddle, extensive wheat far
JsiH; Myn'l I :sideneo near the 7)(r of the lone section, was in, town
hwire he has leased for Saturday looking after business or
der, j rands and visiting with his many
Mi-8. ,M','NTamer spent Sun- inencis. mr. utduie is marketing
(iii '.'.y at lone where Mr. his wheat through the Cooperative
MeXanier e!oeil a. deal with George vvneaigrowers Association ana says
he is well pleased with the plan and
the results promised.
I Miss Virginia Fitzherbert, of Do
,ver. New Jersey, arrived in Heppner
Friday evening and went out to
Hardrnan Saturday morning where
she has accepted a position in the
Hardrnan schools. Miss Fitzherbert
is accompanied by her mother,, Mrs.
W. T. Fitzherbert and two younger
sisters. Another sister, Mrs. Blanche
Fahy, of Eugene, Oregon; also accom
panied the party to Heppner. The
liitchie for the sale of the lone mar
ket. He also sold his residence pro
perly to H. C. Woods closing out his
entire interests in lone.
W. n. Ban-ait and family returned
from Portland ii.nd the coast Friday
where they spent a six-week vacation.
They were accompanied home by the
Misses Olga and Kdna Plog, of Hood
Kiver, who are schoolmates of Miss
Helen Hurra! I. at O. A. C. The young
ladies returned to Hood River Monday.
ladies seemed to be delighted with
Miss Anne Roberts, a former Hepp- . their long journey into .the golden
mr girl now residing with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts, at,
Pot land, was an arrival in Heppner
Thursday evening. Miss Roberts
will teach the Lena school the com
ing term.
W. K. Corson, who his friends all
rail "lillly," registered at the Pat
rick Thursday night from Ditch creek
where lie spent the summer with a
band or (wo of sheep In which he is
interested. "Hilly" reports that bus
iness is good with him and rapidly
growing better. He is an optimist
and says pessimists are like some
Kheep run over a lot of good grass
with out stopping to eat just because
the flies are bothering a little.
Miss Rulh Van Vactor spent a few
days last week visiting her sister,
Mrs. Kllis It. Minor, near lone, retur
ning Thursday evening. Miss Van
Vaclor renw.iol her duties as teacher
of the lii ilniaii school, north of lone
yesterday morning. The school has
been standardized for the coming
year which rpc ::ks well for the thor-
our.hnes of M
(here last year.
(). .1. Cm-; wm ill from Lexington
Saturday ni.d reports everything lov
ely in Hint bailiwick. Mr. Cox raises
wheat and other products of the soil
down there ami is of the opinion thai
Ihiiil'S are decidedly lou'lum; up. lie
sold hia wheal aoiue time ago through
the Cooperai i association receiving
70 per cent i a : h on a price basis of
$l.o::. The other SO per cent he
figurea will cnue in handy next sum-
west and anticipate an enjoyable win
ter here.
Troy MeCraw arrived in Heppner
Sunday evening to spend a few days
visiting friends. He Is now study
ing commerce at the U. of 0.
Crochet hooks, needles, laces
lingerie, tape, finishing braid, tat
ting shuttles at Cash Variety Store.
Just then a lot of wreckage came
from the ship; the whole upper deck
came off and floated around us.
"I caught hold of a few boards
with each hand and drew them close
to us and we both held to them. Af
ter we had floated for awhile I ask
ed her name and she told me she was
Ruth Hart, from Pendleton, Oregon.
"She was hopeful all the time. She
behaved nobly. She made no trouble
at all. There was a man a short dis
tance from us taking on; he was
screeching at the top of his voice.
Miss Hart spoke up and said to him,
'You just cut that out; this is no
place for that kind of work."
"We were together several hours,
it seemed to me. We quit talking.
I don't know which of us went 'to
sleep first. I was picked up between
thre and four o'clock in the morning.
Ivvas unconcious when picked up.
They told me I had been on the An
yox about two hours when I woke.
Whim I got to the hospital I inquired
for Ruth Hart.
The nurses tried to look her up.
They brought me one paper that had
her listed saved and another, lost,
alterwards they said she was at the
Vance hotel. When I got out of the
hospital I went to all other hopitals
in town and then to the telegraph
office and inquired if there had been
any inquiry about Ruth Hart, of Pen
dleton. The operator said yes, and
gave me a copy of the message from
hr uncle. I was hoping to find she
was saved. . Later I understood
her body came to San Francisco.
"I do not think she was in a life
boat. I think she stayed with the ship
until it went down. The crew did
not seem to understand how to get
the lifeboats off."
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The follawing letter recently re
ceived by Mrs. G. W. Phelps, of Pen
dleton, from G. W. Owen, a survivor
of the Alaska disaster, and who last
saw Ruth Hart alive will be of inter
est to .many Heppner people who
knew and loved Miss Hart when, as a
child and young girl she-was a resi
dent here. The letter was recently
lied in (lie Fast Oregonian:
The bravery with which Miss Ruth
lit Pendleton girl, met her death on
Van Vaclor's work the steamer Alaska is told in a letter
received here by her sister, Mrs. G.
Vi . Phulps h orn li. W , Owen, one of
the survivors of the wreck who was
Willi Miss Hart when the boat went
down. Following is the letter, which
contains the first delails of the death
of Mi';s Hart, received in Pendleton:
"When I first, met Rulh Hart she
was in the water, as soon as the boat
went down. When I came to the sur
foce she asked me if I would help her
get her head up. I told her I would.
mer at the end of the wheat selling J She was trying to float with her feet
season to pay his harvest expenses on top of the water. I got her head
for next year, i up and told her to let her feet down.
Hugh E. Ban, formerly with the
First National Bank of Heppner, and
who left here three and one-half
years ago to accept the presidency of
a bank at Toledo, Washington, has
disposed of his interests in that in
stitution to accept a flattering offer
from an eastern banking house. Cur
ing the time Mr. Bran has been at
Toledo he has more than doubled his
bank's business besides erecting for
its exclusive use one oj the finest
country bank buildings on the coast.
Mrs. Bran was formrly Miss Sibyl
Hager a well lenown Heppner girl.
Program for September 7th to 13th Inclusive
Wednesday and Thursday: sessue Havakawa in "the first
BORN." A novelty of Old China and the Golden City based on a tremendous
human theme. Also Central Oregon Scenic and Comedy.
Corinne Griffith in "IT
jtilm of spectacular splen
I dor and amazing situa
tions, and a . veritable
iashion show in which
Miss Griffith wears a'
score of latest creations
of Dame fashion. Also
William Duncan , and
hdith Johnson in FIGH rlNG PATH the amazing story of a man who routed
a powerful clique of crooks single handed and in doin so cleared his own name of
a blot put there by the pranks of circumstantial evidence.
ON TIME. Pictures will start at 8:02. After the picture starts the price goes
up. e are going to till the house this night, so come early and get a seat.
Everybody, big or little, occupying a seat must hold a ticket, and if you want
in for ten cents watch the town clock and be here by eight o'clock.
Saturdays. B. Warner in "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE." It's
'a drama of youth. It's a romance of the joys and follies of the heedless age.
It will make boys and girls laugh with appreciation. Men and women will -smile
with understanding. Also "Don't Rock the Boat,". a real laugh comedy. .
v 1 tsa
,0 TflHUSfltf o
Sunday: Will Rogers in "JUST CALL ME JIM." The love story of a
bashful man and a pretty milliner of a backwoods town. The picture that
will warm the cockles of your heart and tickle the tip of your funny bone. Also
Comic and Pictorial.
Monday and T u e s d a y: Aiiene Ray in "honeymoon
RANCH." A thrilling romance of the Western plains. This is" the first pic
ture we have had featuring the little be-dimpled, golden haired Allene Ray. She
is a typical ranchman's daughter from Texas, and you should see her ride!
0 t S .
During the 3 days of the Fair we will have a bunch of Gloom Chasers that
will make you forget your troubles and some features that you cannot afford to
miss seeing. See announcement in next week's papers.
(Jsc Bus & Transfer Co.
Vc Thank you for past patronage and solicit a
continuance of the same. Our best service is for
you. Leave orders at Case Furniture Co. or
Phone Main 844
f 7m
ir. T-rt N i 1
fresh Pyre Lard
W : render fresh, pure lard three times n week and
h we reduced the price to 20C A POUND
(il;r n Strictly Fitst-CIass, Hfppr.tr-r.ir.ee Product
Central Market
C. W. McNAMER, Prop.
Big Reduction in prices
Effective at once, the following extremely
j low prices are quoted J
ill CHASSIS $295. ijl
j ! RUNABOUT 325 J
TOURING 355 jjjj
! TRUCK - 445 k
COUPE . - - - 595 jjjj
SEDAN 660 j I
Self Starter $70 Extra. Demountable Rims $25 Extra jjjj f
TRUCK - 445
Self Starter $70 Extra. Demountable Rims $25 Extra
Buy a car for tfie Morrow County Fair
Latourell Auto Company