PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 6, 1921. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF S KTT I.EME -V T OF I I S A I. ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, in the rnatt'-r of the tstate of Joseph .Strixr.'.-r, deceased Notiee, is hereby given that Fran (is Wilson, administratrix of the -!.ate of Joseph Strixner, deceased, bas rendered and jjresented for final h;. ii:ent and filed in said court 1 1 r Final Account of her administra tion, or said estate; and that the 6th , : y 0f September, J!21 at 10 o'clock !. c ; said day court l.o;::-' at the couit room o! in :-;ud county has the time t of ai'l ,U:i: lor 'he ::.T and the ,-i,d i.etil.nn, ; smy p.-ro.v e may a;. I'eai L' Ot aid re- j i..: and : ;ich t::i.e -ted in J-RAN'CI.-! WILSON". Il-.-daioii'i, On t;on. V,. II. Iagt'ftt A t '.orre ! Admibi. i at: ,, 14-18 notici; mi: im i;i.h atio.v .rtmont ,r the interior, U. S. J.;,. (J I, Hide, Oiegon. July 1G, KilH. .N';: is l'1"1' JOHN C who e ro;-t ol I let y e;v n that ihKM'IItK ddie-s in Hi-ppner, (i,...;, did, on the 1 1st day of July, VM, f'le in this office Sworn State ment and application. No. 010734, to purchase the K KK t,i , SK't NK , , si;(;i;i.n 15, Township 4 .South, Range 2H Fast, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provi Mons of the act of June 3, 1878, and ;i-tn ainenda.tory,.known as the "Tim ber ami Stone Law," at such vaue as miKht be fixnl by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber th'n-on have been appraised, I370.00 the timber estimated 270,000 board feet at f.50 k. ?1.00 per M, and the land 1 20.00; that .'aid applicant will ofn-r final' proof in support of his application and -.worn statement on the 30th day of plemlx r l'tl, before Fulled el,;1' I'Oltliill.'riil IKT, r.t Ileppl'U !', III. h i i i; a I. plil'i !,; e ,, rly to pro eat i v or in- )1 I.I cunt' t at any time i- i-y ;i I, nit in C: eMiee, ii, di v o,i!d ii. f. at li C. .;. Jd'.vw l; n;: nil y Milll II I OK I'l HI l( I ION I) pai-limnl of the Interior, V. S. Land olfice nl l,a tliande, Oregon. July 16, 11121. Notice is hereby uiven that JIMA McF.NTIKK whore post olfice address is Ileppner, (irei'oii, did -)ti the 23rd day of June, i:i20, file in this oldicc sworn til.ite meul and npplicalion, No. 020B'.U, to pniebase (be K'iSW',, WijSH'i Sellout la, Tow lie hip -1 South, limine li.isl, Wilhimeite Meridian, and the limber Ibeieou, under (lie pmvi- or the ,n t of June 3, 1S78, and amendatory, known as the Tim aud Stone Law." at sin h value acta ber us miiht ho livd by apiiraiseiii.nt, jmd Hint, ptHMiunt to such iippliea- (ion. hae the land and timber thereon la . ii appr.ih i d ai $ .". 1 e."o. (be ! e limated I',"'). mill board feet ale .,, f ;,o I on per M, and th l.i ml s I Co di ; I bat said apple-ant will offer tin il pioor in supi oil of In,, al , I 'M and sWi" II s' it. (Oelit on ii, 3 'il!! d.iv Sepleieb, :. I'.lM, j i i int. d .-,1 it. i Con li. a- mm r, " I I ! ",-Oo I , ( in'.'mii. ! A , pc i eo j., al Idea ' y to 1 l.i 1 , p n . :,a.e I- "le emu . i i: j H i, i,. a ml t. I at : lit s I . pal. ol i - 10 by 1 dm., a r-.i ri-boi j t. d i'i'l'liUit ill tins ollli'e, Itiiri'lH.: I laa! . ttlneb. UO'iel del, .,! Hie . oil V j ('. S 1'1'NN, Uia:;. ter. j il( i; Ol Mil nil i s In (he Circuit Couil of I be State of (iiei'.on for Multuonuih County. Hurt Ilichitrdj, riainttfi vs. Frank la Croiian, John K. Cro n.iu, I,. W. Crotian, and J. K Ci o nan, Defendant. I'y virtue of an at Uchenient exe cution, judsment order, and order of rale Issued out or the above entitled Court ill the above entitled cause, to me due. ted and dated Ihe HHi day of July 1931. upon a Judgment ren dend and enteied 111 said Court on ",, 1 '!i day of April 1921 In favor of liittt li.. hards, plaintiff and against Frank U. Cronmi. John F. Ct email. 1.. W Cioiian tttid.1, K Ctotiaa, de findaiits for the sum of $3ii0 19 Mltl interest a( tlu rat.' of 6 per cent per annum from the 15th day of April 1921 and the further Mini of 1350 00 with Interest at the rate of 5 per etnt per annum from the 15th day of April 1S1, and for tho fur Indian Name Restored. The Cnited States geological board has restored the ancient Indian name to the Cataract canyon and creek in Crnnd Canyon National .ark. This Is Ilavasu. the Sky-blue Water. Havusu canyon. In the western sec tion of Grand Canyon National park, is destined within a few years to be come one of the seenic points, which visitors to the national park will de sire to see. In its depth there is a primitive Indian tribe living. They are the Havasupai, the people of the Sky-blue Waters. Less than 200 Indians live in this blooming garden where old fis or chards yield enormous crops and corn grows 10 feet hi'h. The tribe has Just held its own for many generations. Profitable Interference. "A I .'. ;. -j miii'J your own business," "'.v a wd'er, "It due-n't pay to get mixed up In other people's quarrels." Noti-enve! Tint's how the lawyer his living. Heppner Herald Want Ads bring home th" bacon. ther sum of $03.45 eo:;ts and disbur sone nts and the costs of and upon this vi it commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: North Half of the South We.-t Quarter (N','SW',1) and Sou'ii East Quarter of South West Ceiait.,- (SKiiHW'i), Sec. 10, and' the North Fast Quarter (NEU) See. 4, Township I, N. Rant'e 24 E. W. .'u'., also the North East Quarter (NK'i ) Section 30, and the East Half of the South East Quarter (E SE'i) Sec 32, and the North East Quarter (NEU) and the North Half jf the South East Quarter ( N . SjE U ) Sec. 3 3, and the South East Quarter (SEU) Sec. 34, and the South East Quarter (SEU) of Sec. 28, all in Township 2 N. Range 24, E. W. M. and the South West Quarter (SWU ) Sec 28, North Range 25, E. W. M. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturady the 10th day of September, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in ileppner, Morrow Counly, Oregon, sdl at public auction (subject to re demption), to the highest bidder for f-aidi in hand, all the riuht, title and iiio rest which the within named de fendant Jet, ph K. I'ronan had on the 27t:i day of November 1 920, the dale of Ihe filin:; of the Certificate of AC taeiiMCht lu rein or since that date had ia and to the above deseiilo d pie,, riy or any part thereof, to sat-i.-.fy i-aid ey, ciiiion, judainejil order, ii' i, t, cost-, and accruing rc; is. CEOUCE McDFFF EE, Sheriff of Morrow- Counly, Oregon. By T. E. Chidsey, Deputy. Dated this 8th day of August 1921. First issue Aug. 9th, 1921. Last Issue Sept. 6th 1921.. vol IC -'Oil I'l lil.K ATION' Department -of (he Interior, V. S Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon August 10, 1921. Notice is hereby given I hat Ralph I). Jones, of Ileppner, Oregon, who, on October 5, 19 16, made Homestead Entry, No. 0lfifi82, for SK'4 and SW'i, Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 27 Fast, Willamette Meridian has I .led notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, belore t'leik of Circuit Court, at I letipmT, Oiemm, on the 4th day of i October. 1921. I Claimant names as witnesses: .Slot i'i an Sbaw, ('. W. Acock. Suow 1 ilea Kite, Norman li. Florence, all of i lb ppin r, Ore-am ! r S, lil'NN. UeL-ister. Pioneer Employment Company C A. Iltnbv. M:;r. isinule inn! M.ui ied I'anii Help 11 u; i sr 11 wns u M'CCI i 1 v Write or Wire Your Wants for Quick Service H N. 2nd St.. Portland, Oregon. Phone Broadway 227$ uotAt Oirgon Ihthrr Institution ol TECHNOLOGY KijM Schorl; Seven') tVpittmf nit FAI L TIRM Oi'lNS M i l. I". Oregon Agricultural College l.OKV All'S A Humoritt Born. Western Paper Mr. nd Mm. Hron ion n rpjololng In the birth of a laughter. Boston Transcript. s , '-a w r m 7 vi ni Expediting i , X I K Sv , I ? ! ) if v v W, '"Vv ' f" kY2 7TS-''; ti Lml.-r tne eyes of Postmaster General Ha vs. 1'iwtmag-er K. -M. Mor.'sm of New York, mid other high olitcai! l ew lae.bod ol tra.'i.-ferriiig ocean mails at Ne'.v ork was , into operation. The plan expedites foreign and co; v im- tmul, from J. to ,,') horns. In the past such mails have been held no until the passengers bad been him I n qoeiitij meaning delay of a day or more. Inder ihe new-system the New orl; Central railroad will operate clal mail boats to which the mails will be delivered as soon as t!?P vessels arrive at quarantine. The mail be will rush the matter to the New York post office and to outgoing trains. GREATEST IN PLAINS STATES Matter of Farm Risks Established by Records Kept by the Depart ment of Agriculture. Risks In the production of three great staple crops corn, wheat and oats are greatest in the plains states, extending from Texas to North Da kota. This general fact is established by the average deviation of the yield per acre from the average yield, com puted by the bureau of crop estimates. Department of Agriculture, for these three crops for each state from the records of 50 years. On the oilier hand, the North At lantic and the western states are re gions of comparatively low risk, or deviation of yield per acre from the average, for wheat and oats, and the entire Atlantic coast and the west for corn. The great corn belt, with Its enor mous production and surplus above local consumption, is, after all, prom inently subject to risks of weather, in sects and disease in the production of crops, and, while it would be going too fur to say of this region as a whole that the results of its agriculture are either "a feast or u famine," yet there is a tendency In this direct Um as the area covered by the a-erae becomes Inure restricted to county, township and individual farm. Peoples the Ocean Mails Transyivama Silkworm Culture. Silkworm culture in Transylvania, which was Highly developed under the lagyar regime, but which declined luriiiK the war. is acain engaging at tention, and the department of agri culture has taken steps to forward the Industry. According to Hungarian law, still effective in this district, the prod ucts of this industry must be delivered to the government for a fixed amount. It is estimated that loO.OOO kilos of silk cocoons, representing a vaiue of ltd, can be purchased this year. DUNTON'S CASH MARKET O C. Dl'NTON, Prop. Next Door to First National Bank SWEET CIDER Made Daily a Specialty Canned Fruits and Fresh Fruits Direct From the Willamette - Valley POTATOES, ONION'S, ..ECIGS AND HONEY Look over my goods and get my prices Open 9 to 12 A. M.; 2 to 6 P. M. Saturday evenings to 9:00 House Phone, Main 93 Buy Your Wagons at " " I,, f I 1 II j ! i! I nun ijajea ...i.y yipnsrim -1. 1 hi it r " 1 rgy-aB Sp w? irs&wM Special Low Price 3, 3 1-4, ANDT M ALSO 3-INCH WINONA WAGONS At Right Prices at New York j English Sparrows Eat Dandelions. i At h-a-t one jrood mark may be set down fur the English sparrow, so com- ; monly regarded as a pet. He Is fond of the seeds of dandelion, and when the llowers have given place to the fuzzy ' "blow-balls" spends much of his time cleaning them from the lawn. In this country, as in England, the sparrow is also fond of young peas, and often 1 ruins the early crop by picking off ; Mowers and leaves. In some Chicago suburbs it is now impossible to raise peas without protecting them with a j net. Whether the sparrows' good of fices in ridding, the lawn of dandelions will offset his attack on the peas Is a problem. Science- Service. ardware 3 1-2 inch WAGON .4..1... 4- 4 i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 4. i. A. . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DF.XTIST Permanently located In Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAW Y Kit Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone JIain 66 5 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. Go, On