PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 6, 192 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher mmQ Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 ' Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 1'OIM) HI NTING POOR IX LANE COINTV Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Latourell and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. liobinett, who went, to Hie coast section of I.ano ronrity a couple of weeks ago on a hunting trip, have returned and re port burning poor in that section. The patty were unfot tunate in go ing into the locality wliere a party of ('orvnllis busin"s men had preceded theni and who v. ere aricsl'd ;:I)d tak en out hy ga Willi dogs t, vallis men h; ne ivni'uiis lor hunting I killing doe;'. ''," Cor i a hi;: pack of hounds in tin- wood:- and had chas- d all the d"er out (,r the coui'lry 'r jnio the eli;-'i. I Uei.el s will re I i.y r S.;!i!m liiildi n, making limit in :r in any urflio- lux manner useless. Tiny are r.iiid to heve li'w I'fuial'' e in' in fhir pas t's, ion h"n arrest' il and paid lines :f;;i'fiiliiiK $7.i. Tli:t did not help Air. Laiunrell ;md his party out J111.V in having a successful hunt so they soon hio'Ke camp and came home. They say (lure are situs of (leer being plentiful in that section :ind had the name hogs slaved away they would have had a different story to tell on their return as well as more meal. deafening noise. The weather was fine on the mountain and they all enjoyed the trip. Mrs. Waters and Wilbur stopped in Portland where they will spend the winter, Wilbur being a student at Hill Military Academy. it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor or visit i:Mi:it national imkk J. A. Waters returned to Heppner last Tuesday and is it gainut hisdesk in the county clerk's office after a delightful vacation spent hy himscf ;tnd family at Tacontu and Kanier National Park. Mr. Waters says the pnik is well worth a isit, being a real beauty spot. They slopped at Par inlise Inn which is as far up Iho mounlain as Ihe stages run and from there mail" excursions o places of interest higher up the mountain. They got high enough to lie able to loo'k !" n on 1 he bin glaciers a ml found much Interest in watching the gr tit Mocks of ice hrca k ol f and fall with si (itiKsrs iMTitoi i:mi:nt IMI.ACK IIOTJX ( OKNKK Kdilor Herald: There ha b"en much talk about cleaning up (he Palace Hotel corner. If there is no prospect of a building! being put. tin on that corner within ' a reasonable time, it might be pos-i sihl to get. 1 lie corner improved in I this wiiv: tlie Oily Government I or the Commercial Club secure some j sort of a lease on the lot for a term of years. Then let the I!i,y Senilis I and other boys remove the brick from t!ie basement. The basement, could then he easily fixed to hold water j and could be used as a swimming pool. A fence or screen could be ; built around Ihe pool. I think the I corner would be improved in appear- ances, ant: I am sure the boys would j enjoy the pool during tho summer months. CHAKLKS NOTSON. , TO THE I'KOl'I.K OF HKI'l'NKIt whi;i:i.i:ii corvrv has niav niii:i:iit C. A. Johnson was appointed sher iff of Wheeler county, at Fossil, last Tuesday, taking the place made va-, cant by the resignation oT Sheriff Oscar Kelsey whose resignation was , requested by the county court as a result of Ihe report of Crandall & Roberts, expert accountants, stating that the sheriff's books showed a shortage or $ 1 !),!)73.82. Mr. John-' sop. was the fifth man to whom the court offered the position, the others declining because of (lie $1000.1)0 salary being deemed not sufficient for a man lo live on and keep his' books straight. Mr. Kelsey has been sheriff for several terms. ; Believing that the coming meeting of the Morrow County Fair will be the biggest anfl best ever held in the ! county, and at the request of the Fair Board and many other citizens, I would earnestly urge all business 1 men and citizens to decorate their buildings in honor of the coining fair. E. G. NOBLE, Mayor. Mom: STOCK TO MAKKKT PORTLAND HER REN Latest Styles in Millinery iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii Gossard, Henderson and La Princessc Corsets Corset Accessories Maurinc Toiletries Popular Priced Jewelry iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiituil MAKE USE OF OUR REST ROOM AND CITY LIBRARY Considerable slock went out from the local yards Sunday and Monday de stined for the Portland and Seattle markets. R. J. Cat'snor sent out Iwo cars of lamb--, Sunda ymorning and 8 cars of weathers Monday, part of which were expected to go to Seat He. I'illard French, of Gurdane, and Joe M. Hayes, of Butter creek, sent out two cars of caitle Sunday for Portland and Minor &. Matlock sent four cars of lambs. ?x it i'.-i x.'t t'X fif. ... 9 Coming FAIR WEEK Coming 3 World Champions 3 SEPTEMBER 151617 Under the Auspices of the American Legion "Denver Ed" Martin ex-Colored Heavyweight Pugilist Champion of the World Ad Santal Light Heavyweight Champion Wrestler of the World Ted Thye Middleweight Wrestling Champion of the Yorld These men will he matched each day of the J "air in handicap houts with local talent and are ready to meet all comers. MATCHES AT FAIR GROUNDS AT 1 :3o P. M. EACH DAY PROGRAM FOR FIRST DAY " BOXING Jake Dexter, Champion of Morrow County vs. "Denver Ed" Martin, ex-champion cf the world In a 4-Round Bout WRESTLING Glenn Hadley, of Hardman vs. ' Ted Thye, of Portland Thye agreeing to throw Hadley 3 times in 60 minutes AD SANTAL will meet any three local heavyweights agreeing to throw all three in 30 minutes. . FINE PROGRAM OF LOCAL TALENT EACH DAY eeoa i?x fix fix fix fix fix fix fix fix fix fix A A fix t& A fi fix fix fi fix fix rx fix fi fix ?i v i H ig; w v v v w v v v v$ v v v s? w v w v fix fix fix - z Vit i HEPPNER GARAGE tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii United States Tires Buick Automobiles Goodyear Tires Everything in Accessories Vaughn & Goodman Heppner, Ore. Phone 213 James I la 11 n a , a wheat, maji from The Dalles, came in Thursday even ing on a short business trip. S. II. Boardman. prominent citizen of the live town that bears his name, was a visitor in lleiipner Thursday evening. Kev. and Mrs. UvitiKstone return ed early last week from a pleasant vacation which they spent at Seaside listening, no doubt, to what the wild waves were saying. KnclosiiiK a check for advance sub scription to the Herald, J. W. Vaughn former well known resident and re spected citizen of this city, sends his best wishes to all his oldfriends In Morrow county. Mr. Vaughn Is op erating a fruit ranch near Kxeter. W. H. Cronk returned Thursday evening from a businea trip to Walla ! Walla where be was in confernce with the officials of the Tuni-a Lum i I. limber Co. Mr. Cronk w ho ha be, district manager for that company in this county for a couple of years Mil'- ' fered a severe breakdown in health several months aim 'ami in order to find 11 more salubrious climate the j company has decided to transfer him ' to Hood Kiver where he will make his ' homo while looking alter the com i l'.ny'.- interests in that nvtlim. Mr. , and Mrs. t'rmik !iae made in, my friends in tlii-t county during their residence in lone an.l Heppner all of whom will regret their having v. hilt 1 w it-hit';: tie in a full 1 .eastti e i health and prosperity in their new home. They will leave for their new home wi.tbin a lew days. XOTlfK lolt PI Itl Jt A I IO Ilenartnieiit of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Dirtnn, August 27. 1!21. ! Notice is heieby given that ! HKNJAMIN K. SVAi;i;.i;T ! of Lexington, Oregon; who. on Sept. 27, l'.Hli, made additional home- i Rteiul entry, No. 014SS7. tor X'jSW 4. SKXV,. NKV,SV,. Section I 12. Township 1 south, Kaiige 2ti east, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make three year I'mof to establish claim to the" land uboo described, before J. A. Wctets, Clerk of Court, at Heppner. Oregon, on the Hth day of October. 1921. Claimant names is witnesses; Pax id Uynd. of Heppner; Dan J Vu. of i.tAinglon; A. J. Miller, ef l.eMngili; 0. 11. Swagtan. of l.( ington. II. KliANK U0rCOCK, ltcgister. i 16' o I fix 9 o fix fix O O o Between the Local Fuel Dealer and the Consumer Is the only way to avoid a serious Coal Shortage and attendant high prices Next Winter ,lllll,lll,lll!1"f"lw,"ll:"111""11111"11 1'liniiNiniiiniiilluiiiiiiEiiiiiiii i llillilliiniiii;ii!ii;;: , u,m (,il(mmill!l , , We can liantlle coal direct from the car to your hin at this season while the weather is fine and the streets are solid cheaper than we can from our storage platforms next win ter when mud and snow and cold will interfere with traffic ahd make delivery cost twice as much. imiwturoiuiiuiM Save Money, Worry and Discomfort your winter fuel order NOW l)V fillim We want to co-operate with YOU Will you co-operate with US for your own benefit? Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co SHOW GOOD BUSINESS JUDGEMENT BY ACTING NOW ' . Pi fix . & GO a goooooooooeoooooooocsooooooooooooooooo Zfi',fifi'.fi' -