Tuesday, September 6, 1921 THE HEPPNEE. HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE j THE HIGH-WA1STED EFFECT -rV It 1 fllPiffl wlWM if- 111! P If" IpiM ill 11 I? '6 Closing out all white rubber sole Shoes Oxfords and Pumps For Men Ladies.and Children Prices $1 and $2 per pair llliliiilllillllil SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY DONE E. N. Gonty Shoe Store T H I HI! J Ar.j I I 1 ir- u.ym i I i i . 4 1 I 1 " 1 I I J I h 1 x i I in X 1 in Cfl y i i McAtee CgL AiKen, Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Norman's Ice rream WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIAL Special for Sunday, September n, 1921 Creme de Mint The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK A harbinger of the falling leaf is this smart tailleur mode! from Paris severely cut of blue marine blue serge and stitched in self-color. The single button and high-waisted effect are the more noticeable features. GARMENTS FOR THE KIDDIES 1111 TO FAIR VISITORS at Cash Variety Store We have many splendid bargains in Granite, Tin and Glassware, Hosiery, Underwear and Notions for your inspection A CORDIAL WECLOME AWAITS YOU AT THIS STORE HELEN V. SMITH, Prop. Designers Have Outdone Previous Ef forts in Providing Winsome Attire for Children. Children's garments are more allur ing this summer than ever before. De signers seem to have outdone all pre vious efforts along that line. The shops are filled with pretty novelties that may he purchased all ready to wear, or that serve equally well as suggestions for the benefit of the mother who makes her children's clothes. Little kindergarten designs In the form of small sun-bonneted figures are appliqued on frocks and aprons to form pockets. These pockets may be made of the same plaid material used for cuffs ami sash, or match the dress and e-tnbroidcry cotton. There is a very pronounced fancy tills summer for bats and bonnets to match all frocks designed for members of the younger general ion. When the frock Is of the tailored type.'ti straw hat is often preferred to one made of fabric, but If the dress is at all of the lingerie type, then the preference seems to be for fabric hats or bon nets. Lovely organdie hats are often I rimmed with bands or appliqued mo tifs of checked gingham. Such a hat may he worn either with an organdie or a gingham trock. Many dainty lit tle hats are made of colored dotted Swiss, or of colored dotted Swiss In combination with plain color or white. The short socks carry out the color scheme of hat and frock. Many moth ers buy dozens of pairs of the little short socks, watching every bargain table that offers such merchandise, so that every outfit, whether green, yel low, red or other shade may be com plete and blend from head to heels. Our Specials During Fair Week Will be Well Cooked Food, Neatly Served, at Reasonable Prices We Bid You a Cordial Welcome ELKHORN RESTAURANT AneienU Measured Rainfall. Hegular measurements of rainfall ' were made In India In the Fourth cen tury, B. C and In I'alestlne In the First Century, A. I). A rain gauge osed In Korea In the Fifth century of oar era Is still extant. That' Going Too Far. A wornau may get up at a mother's onventlon and declare that she has the best husband oo earth, but sh lever govs o far as to say she ex ects to meet him In heaven. Cblcajo Dally News, STYLES IN NEW YORK Capes for practical use are often made reversible, one side dark serge, the other light canton crepe. A sleeveless sport coat of brown velours Is "bound on all edges with a bright shade of blue leather. A midsummer cape suit shows a skirt and cape of white flannel striped in green. The cape Is lined In green crepe de chine, this same material be ing used for the long slip-over blouse worn over the skirt. A smart sport skirt of wool striped in vhid shades is fringed at the bot tom and fastens all the way down the left side wllh buttons and loops. There Is n single Inure pocket placed very low at the right side. The wide sash Is weighted with wool fringe on the ends. Jabots of laces or organdies are worn with every strictly tailored suit. Very chic the red leather hat worn with the white flannel sport suit. Hod creK; de chine lines the short flaring jacket, the oval shaped panel on front of the skirt Is also worked In a red stltchery. What lovely battling accessories are seen In the New York shops! Have you already seen the charming sepa rate girdles made entirely of rubber flowers? They are really exquisite and would transform the plainest suit into a thing of beauty. They are love ly In color and as well made as the evening cordelleres. To 'Carry at the seashore, the lead ing houses show huge Chinese para sols painted In exotic colors and boasting exceedingly long handles. They are pretty and must be very practical, affording a real protection for the woman who doesn't swim as much as she parades up and down the beach. Have you sen the new checked oil gingham bathing suits? They are adorable. The skirt Is made of nar row panels that tie on as an apron over the trousers. The blouse has a smart sailor collar, turn-up cuffs and buttons of black oilcloth. The cap to match Is of checked gingham bound In black oilcloth. Camels are mad r 1 Think maae ror men w for Themselves ITURKTSH CDOMESTICW I BLEND 6l ; Such folks know real quality and DEMAND it. They prefer Camels because Camels give them the smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy because they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended and because Camels leave NO CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. Like every man who does his own thinking, you want fine tobacco in your cigarettes. You'll find it in Camels. And, mind you, no flashy package just for show. No extra wrappers! No costly frills! These things don't improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. But QUALITY! Listen! That's CAMELS I 1 ju Essp ill F. J. RF.YNOI.DS Tnk.tcoG W-Bitoo-Salcm. N..C, Sept. 1 5, 1 6 and 1 7 Of course you are all planning to be in town at that time. Our store invites you to make your headquarters here Ladies, you are always welcome to make our Rest Room your resting or meeting place Phelps Grocery Company 1