"PAGE TWO THEHEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, September 6, 1921 GREEK SO'iTilEIGN LAUDS 30RK OF Km EAST RELIEF Cables Thr. ii Lives S 4 .3 for Christian ! in "Beautiful of Mercy "work done b organiziiiion tOUS Ol 111' 1 tirou i' iKjiii o;iuea:aa ha lion mi .:; Mi P ' I Hi The wonderful Near Fast, Relief ;! villi; tin; lives of i is of (;hnstiaris Iinor and Iraus .vtl signal rneogn;- slowed bv Ouocn M a oablegrui.i ins- : sovereign to Or 1. Chairman, and ". nncrr'iai-v. ot I Ik; r t-w"rw! v ' - ". ! ' ....lli'lidi. king 01 cux op ciiuswK Near Fust Iddief organizatioi:, 1 MmliHoii Am . Now York City. Tier iiit'SMUgo je.ul.;: , "liceply luiii lioil youp groat, kind lioss lowanb. SI rails Area : otl all niosl in ' Al tin cent In r ( i . ' man of I li" i too, fur J, ii'.. via. I oU war Kiillorois in i- siu .Minor, Thank a oicly. SDI'KIK." M.io, the Creek (in'n it lir. Hart on, ( hair- Fast. Relief t'omniit fruiitB an a contribu e termed the "beauli !'i "ding, clothing and i' o than 1 1 0,0(10 lit.ll" i.ivn come under the ir Kust liellef during lion lo fill work" i I housing 1 1i'- i.. children who care of Ihe .'i I ho past ye :r Besides "11 Sophie, Ail mi: 111 1. ((iiindoni him, of tho Jtoyal Hellenic Navy, who was regent of (Ireeeo fol lowing Ihe lieaih of tho lal.o Kili Alexander, on October LTi, hint, hasi al:fo cabled to cxpross tho grul.it iul! of (ho (link people for the aid fur nished the riiruitiau populations of Turkey by Ihe Near East Kelief. .Morn than S J i! 0,000.00 waa raised ainoui; the ; rucks of Hie United St a tea, in tw aeks, and sent, to the Near Ihi: t. I:y (he Near Kant Holier, to be used in liei'iiiiK the widows and iirphan.l leaibieil destitute by the continual !. i if disturbed conditions in til" loin' : (Etonian Umpire. The Vuii'Ih of t'..o Near lOasl Itcllef are K.Hlieioil dy ( rlv'Hln HuliHrriptlon not only ai nai: : A i.ierlcaus, lint anions tho Anaeaians and (i reeks ill the I'niled SI i '. whose countrymen in Turkey as.-t Tr;!!iHfiiiirania lime been I hr.ili.-li la !, -,, Tillable iiulTering. la i.a n i.il report to Charh'S V. Vickie. I . ! ll .Seen 1 0 IV of th.' Near I .... i ea , r, Miss (lb'" I last I in;.-", of . . ; .,,, describes t he pill I ! l" : di. : of tells of Ibousand i of i i . i ; i 1 , a v i li e, 1 1 : 1 f- mi keil i a I'll .. '. i1 h i a from I heir homes in d bii.b ihcir b; d ia die art 1 be mlv canal rv a; cM-epl SlUpcliei! ;-1 lilies uaeii and SHOPLIFTING DEVICE , -y, r"V i1 -f " l : '"Us AVlien two woiuen were arrested in fhicnyo store for .shoplifting the other day, It whs found that they were provided wilh a device that was new lo the police. H was an Innocent looking box wrnped In paper, find Its bottom was lifted wilh a spring trap door, through which stolen articles were pushed. At the time it con tained .$.'i)0 worth of wearing apparel. Nautical Terms. Cross tonnage Is obtained by dlvlcl lug the whole cubical capacity of a fillip by KM), that ninny lOngllsh cubic feet representing a ton. Net tonnage Is tbe gross tonnage less deduction for machinery, crew and other spaces no used for passengers or cargo. Oead weight tonnage or loiinnge cupacil) is Die number of Ions which can be carried in ihe holds when the vessel is charged lo Ihe load-water line. His placement tonnage used wilh reference to warships is the actual weight ol sea u liter displaced by the vessel when charged wilh all its weight to the load vMUer line. Stories of Great Scouts By Elmo Scett Watum Insect Powder From Flowers. Insect powder, which is made by grinding the bower heads of certain species of pyrel brum contains a vola tile oil which ucls upon insects by asphyxiation. It Is harmless to the highler animals, Including man. The workmen who make it suffer no more Inconvenience than do millers or others engaged in dusly trades. The plants lire fed to horses and other stock utter the Mowers have been gatliered. . Western Newspaper Union. SACAGAWEA. "THE BIRD WOMAN" SCOUT . In the Portland (Ore.) city park stands the statue of an Indian woman. A little bnhy Is strapped on lier back and her hand Is outstretched to the west, toward the Pacille ocean. The statue is that of .Sa"agawea, "The Bird Woman,", the sixteen-year-old girl scout unci guide who led Lewis and Clark over the ".Shining Mountains" to the "Kveryvvliere-.Salt-Water" toward which her hand points. When Lewis and Clark visited the Ilidatsa Indians In North Iakota on their great exploring trip west, they found a Shoshone girl living with that tribe. At the age of tive she tiad been captured from her people by a Ilidatsa war parly.. When she was fourteen years old, To'.issaint Charbanneau, a French-Canadian trapper, won her from her captor in u game of "hide-the-bone" and married her tiie next year. The Bird Woman wished to return to her people and Lewis and Clark engaged Charhonneau and his wife as interpreters to the Indians they would meet. During the winter of 1S0T Saea gawea gave birth to n son, whom she called Baptiste, and this tiny papoose, went with Ids dauntless mother through all the hardships which the explorers afterward endured. He was strapped on Sacagawea's back one day when the clumsy Charbanneau upset one of the boats containing the precious instruments and records of the party. The Bird Woman at once sprang overboard into the inuddy stream and rescued tlietn. More than once Sacagawea proved her value to the explorers. Far up the river when the forest and snow baf fled her companions and they were lost, the homing instinct of the In dian girl led her on and she guided them safely to her people. The chief who welcomed them proved to be Saca gawea's brother, who was overjoyed to see his lost sister again. He sold the white men much-needed horses and would have stolen them back, had not the Bird Woman betrayed the plot to Captain Lewis. Sacagawea remained with Lewis and Clark until they reached the I'a citlc. On their return journey she stopped with her people, the Slio shones, and there she spent the re mainder of her days. She died on the Wind River reservation In Wyoming April J), 3894, almost a hundred years of age. Forgot the Rules. A Greek who had been in this conn try four years and heard many stories about hunting rabbits, decided he wished to go hunting. He found an American who would take him. The Oreek thought it great sport. He played dug and "senred" out the rab bits and the American boy shot them. After a while the Creek wished to try his luck at shuotim;, so the Ameri can showed him how to handle the Miotinm. They seared up a rabbit; Ihe Creek Hit the gun to Ins shoulder, but did not shoot. The American .exclaimed: "Why don't you shoot?" The Creek replied: "I forgot which eye you have to squeeze." Archbishop Hanna Preaches to K. of C. Rope and Telephone Wires. Hope from ships that have sailed the seven seas that 1ms been tied to every port in ihe world ends its ca reer by iruarding the nut ion's tele phone conversation., From junk rope is made the high grade of paper which insulates every wire In a piece of telephone cable. Over la.OOO.iidd pounds of old rope were fed to the giant vats which tore, cooked, washed and beat into a pulp the makings of 7.()iM),fXK) pounds of cable paper used by the Bell Tele phone system last year. ' y..'1 C',-'j', , ',1. J -yx i"! t " , ' - , , rc A -- -1 - Archbishop llimna of San Francisco delivering the sermon at solemn ponti fical mass in the grounds of Notre Dame convent before the Knights ot Columbus, in convention there. Seated at the left is Bishop Keane. Public Funeral for Two Heroes of Washington tiiiT;!i?ifkw ti ff T . IfMi.f Pip ' ' 'I f i. i. ','' i Crowds at the Sylwm theater on the monument grounds at Washington, when the public funeral was held over, the bodies of Vincent I!. Costello and Hiram E. Cash, in honor of all Washington heroes who died in the World war. The services were attended by Vice President Coolidge, General Pershing, the district commissioners and other gov ernment and city officials. : lis ll a u a 11 :f ! 1 a 0 u SNVITF mm 3 V ;vS.my llie I. cry. cl lie hour, colic; w tune a cube.: c e i a C...I-. '. t,i i a : e 0e,e I V I'll II ho.Ys a w a , n i ai1 Trea:. ol k b i id an dial are I lue d. an. I to., One family on a bare tUoue "lie thin, rarged half 1 it one room several '.. ling away wilh t ulier an ilher are Nome nevero i Uuliiig two young blind i i e no one in the world in. The overllow from a live in a wooden tilled ' ;s and lloorH gaping w ilh (lie wood has rotted a lenls improvlaed from s of carpi t." . tdo appt al Is hoini; i : on tlu w in k, checks in Ceelatld 11. Hodge. I Madison Avenue, New u. s. ;.:y head A- KS AKMF.NIAN AID w. 1 : '"i. Maj-ir General lartoial, recently ap r.il I'e; -lung's asslsduil ' . Ii.i ij' on record in " w oi 1, of i be Near l-'a.-i x ineiii.i. He saj s, in a Near l a, I l!"a-f-''' h. ai 1 In eakini; ,a( ,-o: , .'I other eouauies, 1 be he Near Fa:,! situatioii appeal to our charitable re are ui.ui thousands . a orphans children o! i' -uls in a Moslem laud, '. i" helped by our people i ' to sun ie. Th, Ar ,,:' I'l e-aa their race : ' I and Ha.eir l.i .,. a i.a us of d i ress fur over a I !"iirs. They aie woiihy 'ate than lo nensli .,. 1 I He e ih.it ill be their due wilh out MibM.uitliil financial and moral l epli ' I I'oni the gooil iieopli) of our t on u : ; , . "J. o. ha it noun, "M i.lor General, I'. S. Army Cenetal Harbiird is one ( i !n trusd .s of the Near Fast Kelief or r'i .!: ! hi. now niakitiK a gcneml p peal (ei- funds to continue its Mori, nuio'u: tim dtvtitute of Itible laud la pe ot ( b w ! t a o '5 To make u lesr neaoquariersaurm lor '5 AT THE Winch ester THE LARGEST AND FINEST Store air Week 99 Hardware and Implement: Establishment In Eastern Oregon WETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR JUST LOOK AROUND AND GET ACQUAINTED, WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE GO fi am 8i Bisbee Pioneer Hardware Merchants "W EHAVE IT, WILL GET IT, OR IT IS NOT MADE.' With the Approach of Cooler Weather thou- . ( a I Our St i' oves ano itanees May Interest You 0 m ' O & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0' 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0T' 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOO0OOOOOOOeOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOO