J" rrr PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 30,921 LEGAL NOTICES "OTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, in ihe matter of the estate of Joseph Strixner, deceased Notice is hereby given that Fran cis Wilson, administratrix of the estate of Joseph Strixner, deceased. has rendered and presented for final settlement and filed in said court her Final Account of her administra tion of said estate; and that the 6th day of September, 11)21 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the court room of nald court house in said county lias been fixed ami appointed as the time nnd place for the settlement of said jicroutit and the hearing of said re port and petition, ui. v.iiieh time and placi- any pi r;-on.s iiiti'i-csC'd in said tvtnUi may ajii-:ir arid filu his excep tion. FRANCH WILSON', Redmond, Ongiiii. uwtt for Administratrix. 11-18 W. IS. in Attoni'-y NOTICE I Oii I'l.KMCATIO.V Depart menl, T.and office at. f the Interior, U. S. La Grande, Oregon. July 10, vri- police is liet'ehy Riven thiit JOHN C iMcKNTIRM whose post office address is Heppner, Oregon, did, on the 21st day of July, :i!)20, file in this office Sworn State ment and application, No. 0207S4, to purchase t he IS V 8K 'A , SK Vi NE 'A , Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and Hie timber thereon, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, Iinown as the "Tim ber nnd Stone Law," at such vaue as might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, thu land and timber thereon have been appraised, $370.00 the timber estimated 270,000 board feet at $.50 & 11.00 per M, and the land $120.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 30th day of September 1021, before United Slates Commissi' ner, at llepptier, Oregon. Any person lest this- purii Mint" a con let patent issues, led affidavit. Is it liberty to pro- . before i nl i y or in si at any lime In lore by liling a eorroliora in i his office, iilleging would detent I lie entry. O. ri. Dl.'N'N, Itcgmler. laetii which NOTICE I 'OH I'l 11I H ATION Department. oT Hie Interior, V. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon. July 10, 1021. Notice is hereby given that JHMA Mr KNTIKE whose post office address is Heppner, Oregon, did on the 23rd day of June, 1020, file in this office sworn state ment and applirHon, No. 020(i!ll, to purchuse the I'HjSWU. W(K!4 Section 15, Township 1 South. Range 2S East, Willamette Meridian, and tlie timber t hei eon, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, IH78, and acts amendatory, known as Hie Tim ber mot Stone l.nw." at such value as might be fixed by appraisement , and Hint, pursuant to such applica tion, Hie lam! and timber thereon have been npprnisid al $515.00. the timber estimated '.it'll. OUU board feel a! $ 50 .v $1,110 per M. ami the land $ Hill. Mi; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn s'.iteieent mi the 3"Hi day of September 1 0 2 1 . beloie Tinted Si lies I'oiiimissioner. nl II. ppner. Oregon. ,nv per;.m is al liberty to pro ihi, p. n . liase hot oi e en! ; . or in ili.ii,. a cent. .st at any time belore p.il.nt i !!.;., by filinc a eorniboi a -l, , all h!a it in tins "I fire, alleging l.i, ts w Inch w oul.l di'fent I he enti . C. S. Hl'NN, Register. M'l K I. !' Mil 'HI I 'S SALE In the Circuit Court of Hie State of Oregon for Multnomah County. Hurt Richards, PlaiiiHt't vs. Frank E. Croiuin, John K. Cio luiu, L. V. Croniiii, and J. E. Cronan, Defendants, liv virtue of nil nltarhomont exc cution, Judgment order, and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in Hi above entitled cause, tu jue directed and dated the 14th day of July 1021. upon Judgment ren dered and entered In said Court on Ihe 15th day of April 1!21 In favor of Hurt Richards, plaintiff and against Frunk E. Cronan, John E. Cronan. L. W. Cronan andJ..E Cronan, de fendants lor Ihe Sinn of $3460.19 with Interest al the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 16th day of April 1921 mid the further sum of $350.00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 15th rfuy of April 1921. and for the fur- Primitive People. The natives of St. Hilda, In the Hebrides, have decided to abandon a quaint custom which they have fol lowed for more' than a century, of electing their own queen. Hereafter they will take the natural descendant. They have deposed Queen Margot and will recognize Mary as their sovereign. This news co;nes as the first communi cation from the Island since last September and was brought to London by a vessel which delivered census papers at the Island. The natives there speak only Gaelic, but the census papers were printed In English. Otherwise the chief happenings on the island Include an Influenza epidemic, which caused many deaths. Persons iboard the ship who could converse villi the natives said the chief ques 'ion on the Island was whether t lie vnr had broken out again. " Vhat Every Woman Knows. When a woman aks her husband for 'a Utile money," the word that seems o Impress him must is "little." lios on Transcript. r sum of $6 3. 4 1? costs and disfour- n( ii ts and the costs of and upon this writ commanding rue to make lie of the following described real property, to-wit: North Half of the South West Quarter ( N M S Vr ) nnd South East Quarter of South West Quarter (SE VI Sv ) , Sec. 10, and Hie North East Quarter (NE V4 ) Sic. 4, Township 1, N. Range 24 E. W. AL, also the North East Quarter (NIO'i) Section 30, and the East Half of the South East Quarier(E SHV4) Sec 32, and the North East Quarter (NE'A) and the North Half jf the South East Quarter (NSE&) Sec. 3 3, and the South East Quarter (SEVi) Sec. 34, and the South East Quarter (SEVi) of Sec. 28, all in Township 2 N. Range 24, E. W. M. and the South West Quarter (SWVi) Sec 28, North Range 25, E. W. M. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Sattirady the 10th day of September, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to re demption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which Hie wilhiu named de fendant Joseph E. Cronan had on the 27lli day of November 1!)20, the date of the filing of the Certificate of At tnchincnt heroin or since that dale had in and to Ihe above described property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said execution, judgment, order, interest, costs and accruing costs. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Ity T. E. Chidsey, Deputy. Daled this 8 Hi day of August 1921. First issue Aug. 9th, 1021. Last issue Sept. Gth 1921.. NOTICE FOR I'l HLICA'ITOX Department of the Interior, II. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, August 10, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Ralph 1). Jones, of llepptier, Oregon, who, on October 5, 19 10, made Homestead i Entry, No. 010582, for SEVi and i SWVi, Seel ion 22, Township 2 South, j Range 27 Kiwi, Willamette .Meridian, i has filed notice of Intention to make Flail tliree-yeur Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of Circuit Court, at 11 ppner. Oregon, on the 4th day of O toher, l ;i 2 I . Claimant names as witnesses; Sherman Shaw, C. W. Acock, Snow den Kite, Norman tl. Florence, all of Heppner, Oregon C. S. Hl'NN. Register. Pioneer Employment Wlllfil G. A. Hurley. Mgr. Single and Married I'll I ill Help II WW I ST II ANUS a SPECIALTY Write or Wire Your Wants for Quick Sen lee II N. 2nd St., Portland. Oregon. Rhone Uroadwav 2278 UK Yt'l i: LOU SALi: ;i(l (iood .15 value. Has been used only 1 )cur, All accessories included. In- iiuire at this office or phono Main i 6 LL Advertisement. Uirtufl'i llighrr Inttiiuticn of TECHNOLOGY KiM Sihoob; Srtrntjr IV putmcnti FALL TV KM OffNS StrT. l. I21 Fot w(tMmiiiM (M ta ih Rtgutnr Oregon ARricultural College l.OKAU14 I Iff Ail Pi Mountain Solitude Lures Famous Men From Daily Grind of Business Cares I u V I mi Upper groirp: Loft to right Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edison, President Harding, H. S. firestone. Lower right: Horseback riding. The President, Mr. Firestone, and Mr. Ford. Lower left: Left to right Ed'sel Ford,. Gaorse B. Christian, Jr., and Thomas A. Edison watch Henry Ford try his luck as an angler. Center Insetr President Karding attacks the camp woodpile. f'CKNES from the uaiquo campms ''CKNES from the uaiquo camping J narty of the rear are shown party of the year are shown above, the principals being President Harding, Henry Ford, Detroit gen ius, and Thomas A. Edison, electrical wizard sad inventor, and H. S. Fire stone, tire raanuf acturcr. Tkoso famous men recently sought seclusion and quiet among the Mary land and West Virginia mountains, camping at one niglit stands, motor ing, horseback riding, fishing and resting ' from tlie strenuous duties Dense Vapor from Cloud. The tint top of Table mountain, Bout it Africa, is often overspread with a cloud known an tlie Table Cloth. It forms very suddenly, chiefly with Ktrong southeast winds, and lias been tlie cause of accidents to wayfarers on ilio mountain who have lost their way ivlien enveloped in the dense vapor. An-a - - Peoples which wcieli noon them during the remainder of the year. 1 q. . With Firestone, Edison and Ford theso camping excursions have be come an annual event. Formerly John Burroughs, the aged naturalist, was a member, but his death, last spring removed his patriarchal fig ure f'-'om the group. "By his asso ciates he was esteemed so highly they considered no less personage than the president of the United States could take his place, anu Mr. Harding accordiagly was invited tolaxe. Modern Problems No. 8. What happens when an irresistible alonde meets an immovable bachelor? Credit Where Credit Was Due. Jinny a mini who wakes up to find limself fatuous would have overslept if lis wife hadn't culled him. Wichita lieu con. Buy Your W at Ha Special Low Price 3, 3 1-4, 3 1-2 inch ANDT ALSO 3-INCH WINONA WAGONS At Right Prices take his hunk The president slept in a converted army tent,, as did the others,, and : proved an amiable and helpful' camp jng companion.. Despite the fact that a f ewr attend ants were with the party, he insisted on doing his- share of the camp chores,, as did the others, devoting most of his: attention: to- the- wood pile. ' Few persons have the distinc tion or eating' amner cookcq over wood chopped by the presidential English Poetry arid Prose. If there Is anything in literature as wonderful as English poetry it is Eng lish prose. Like tlie twin pillars of a mighty temple stand those two great hooks, tlie Bible of 1G1L the Shake speare of lfJi'i, and no otiier country can show their equal. George Samp son. agons rdware WAGON 4. PROFESSIOXAL CARD9 4. 4- 'h dr. r. j. vaughan DF.XTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER. OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO 1HTICIA.V and SUKGEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYEIl Office Phone Main 643 t Residence Phone Maia 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTOKXEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bldg. - HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C, C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. Co. On id X Si i