. ( Tuesday, August 30, 1021 "if Vj." t 5Sf '& & HEPPNER. OREGON. TUESDAV ATmrrc ; T-mir nr. r ' ' Muol jU, il PAGE FIVE I 3 .... - . . ... ' I I 9 43S o si School Supplies mmmmmm Not only do we have in stock a complete line of school books, but also pens, pencils, ink, era sers, paints, crayolas, rulers, loose-leaf note books, tablets, Eversharp pencils and Waterman Fountain Pens. fliiiiitiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiii Eversharp Pencils 50c up Waterman Pens $2.50 and up Humphery Drug Co IRRIGON PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU READ! ALL WOOL SUITS TO YOUR MEASURE $26 TO $65 Made in Chicago I have fo rthis season secured a big assortment of Goods in Worsteds and Serges To be made in my own shop at $45 to $70 CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' and Men's suits and overcoats Now Only $1.50 Meppner Tailoring, Cleaning Shop G. FRANZEN, Prop. Our Home Made Candies are Fresh, Pure and Tooth some Just what yo: will want while visiting The Fair UHiaiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii Fountain of Sweets J. E. MAXWELL. Prop. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP EfSam Hughes Co. ! 4 h 4 4- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Grover and family of Monmouth, Oregon, arrived Sunday and are camped in the Mrs. Castle house for a month while the large Boeokly house near the school house is undergoing some necessary repairs and a general cleaning. When this is done they will move into it in order to be close to the school. Mr. Grover will be principal of of the school for the coming year. G. H. Coffin drove through from Mon mouth in a truck bringing their household goods over and F. H. Ricks loaded him up with watermelons for the return, trip Tuesday morning Garland Jeude, of Portland, is vis iting Lyle Seaman this week. He left Fortland afoot Thursday morning aud arrived in Irrigon at noon Fiday, ma king the trip in a day and a half.He did not make much success in walk ing, however, as he, was picked up by tourists who insistedupon deliver ing him to the very door of his desti- j nation. They were however, repaid by a watermelon feast. The parti.es j were people from Oklahoma and j treated the boy royally all the way through. Mrs. C. E. West, and daughter, of ' Grcybull, 'Wyoming, who have been visiting Mr. andMrs.A. B. Chancy for the past couple of weeks, returned to Greybull Sunday. Wait Rising spent a few days with F. L. Wait last week and returned to Portland Sunday. The Sunday School board has pur chased a $58 5 Smith & Barnes piano for the new school building through M. E. Shurtc.of Arlington,, See letter from seed house on po tatoes shipped to Irrigon and doVt forget to advise Mr. Seaman if you wish to secure any of this certified seed as adjustment, at the low figures quoted. Some have already booked their wants and the list will be closed early in September. The bulk of the watermelons have moved out. There are only about half as many going out now as there were up to the first of the week. This does not mean that there are no mel ons here for we can still supply the markets close by. W. W. Agee shipped in his flock of white leghorn chickens from McMin ville Friday by express consisting of 14 coops, and is going ahead with his plans of the poultry business on a large scale. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Saling and Mr. and Mis. F. F. Fagerstrom had a pic nic dinner with friends from across the river, on Blalock island Saturday. They al3ohunted Belgium hare which are quite abundant on the island. Requisitioned the Moon, When our (own was hist lighted with electricity the town council de cided not to have the street lights turned on when the moon was shining brightly. One evening our son noticed that the street lights were not on but that the moon was shining brightly, so lie came running in and said, "Oh, ma, they thought they would not turn on the electric lights tonight, so they Just urned on the moon." Exchange, Olive Oil in Babies' Diet. Dr. E. E. Graham of Philadelphia ecommeiids the addition of olive oil :o the diet of babies lu their ttrst two rears. It is digested well by most In 'ants and supplies thein with addl imiiil fat. Telephone to Deaf. The receiver of a telephone set for the deaf that has been Invented In Seruiany Is small enough to be hidden 'n a person's ear, while the transmit ter can be curried in a handling or 'astened to clotlilne. .ft Heppner, Oregon One Night Only September 5, 1921 Dave Williams PRESENTS HIMSELF AS If Ci- 1 ft 'V 'iV-; - ,.. iv- fc l" - , vv s I Ole IN THE FUNNIEST SWEDE PLAY EVER WRITTEN "Olc the Swede" iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiH Prices .50, .75, $1 PLUS TAX Curtain Rises 8:15 This! laughing success in ui rets aus ana tne dallies between aefs filled to the brim Screamingly Funny Situations ROAD SHOW NOT PICTURES SS spe are with , mm .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. j. .j. .J .j. ! CHXJKCH NOTICES ! ! ! I ! ! I I ' J" I" FKOKKATKO CHVHCU There will be preaching in the derated cli nch next Sabbath at 11 A. M. and at 8 P. M. i'raycr meeting' every Wednesday evening at S 1'. M.. Sum ;t School cv.;iy Sunday morning at 9:45. We ex tend a hearty welcome to the people of Heppner to attend all or any of our sevices. Short sermons and good sinking. Come with us and we will strive to do you good. E. L. MOORE, Pastor. The First Christian Cliurch. The usual services of the Church win be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion. Service and Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consiBt of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey- nnn ia cordially invited to attend these services. W. O. Livingstone, Minister. Slighted Heroes. The children were talking about a movie actor while eating their lunch eon one noon. One boy was graphic ally describing his actions and thrill lug deeds with his horse. Presently he turned to me ami asked : "Miss Mary, why don't we talk about him like we do about George Washington and Lincoln?" Boy's Lament, ailing mill obliged to i-IichiI. 1 Mm mother pre "mI for li i in iinil nursed Small Ernest was miss a dny In pared dainty f lilm in a ma t to his liking. Tlio next day as lie started to school ho was heard to grumble, "O, why didn't I have enough sense to stay sick? I just didn't know a good thing when I had it." Christian Science Christian Science services arc held . i - 1 1 .An every sunoay momms . .vv o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall, Sunday s,hnoi at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday vening at 8:00 o'clock at the home nf Mrs. Eueene Slocum. wi unv ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. -i 0 Headquarters for School Supplies A Complete List of Text Books, Tablets, Ink Rulers A large assortment of Fountain Pens and Popular Pens A larg'e assorment to choose from at Prices that are Right 0 a , Y our Hotel I'm hi Hotel Patrick Use . 1 I Patterson &, Son I GQ Q& 00i2-OOg i-ri