Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 30, 1921, SECTION ONE, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Tuesday, August ,n,:92I HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAYAITfllTST
Uncle Valfe
Closing out all white rubber sole
Shoes Oxfords and Pumps
For Men Ladies and Children
Prices $1 and $2 per pair
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store
11 sjiw VVS
iij 1 makes his
Si-.SSSi..y lhen when
McAtee (EL Aihen, Props.
We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for
Norman's Ice Oream
Special for Sunday August 28
Frozen EggnOg
The Finest Product on The Market
rii ' ' I
III! t
Cash Variety Store
We have many splendid bargains in Granite,
Tin and Glassware, Hosiery, Underwear and
Notions for your inspection
Our Specials During Fair Week
Will be
Well Cooked Food, Neatly
Served, at Reasonable
We Bid You a Cordial Welcome
M"LD SInglefoot is coins to cele-
brate his golden wedding to
morrow, saia rne assessor; "we are
planning to give him a surprise party,
and would like you to 20 almi?"
"You couldn't drag me there with a
team of govern
ment mules," re
plied the village
patrmrch. "About
the meanest trick
Jou can play a man
i to spring a sur
prise party on him.
Of course the ma
jority of surprise
parties are fakes.
'1 lie v i c t i m has
been informed in
advance that he is
goin.c; to bo am
bushed upon a cer
tain date, and he
preparations accordingly,
me visitors arrive nt his
abode lie pretends to be immensely
astonished, and says lie never dreamed
ot such a visitation; but the fact that
he is wearing his -Sunday shirt, and
has his hair parted iu the middle,
gives the lie to all his protestations.
"There is no serious objection to a
surprise party when the victim is
warned in advance, although
shown, it encourages skullduggery anil
hypocrisy, for no man can be thor
oughly honest who pretends amaze
ment over a visit he has been plan
ning for.
"But the genuine surprise party Is
an outrage, and people who resort to
It should be severely punished. There's
nothing more humiliating to a self
respecting man than to have a whole
neighborhood blow into his dwelling
when he isn't looking for it.
"When I am at home I sacrifice
everything to personal comfort. I
take off my shoes and collar and neck
tie, and roll up my shirtsleeves and
slip my suspenders down over mv
arms. I don't care how I look if I am
feeling at ease. If I am expecting
Visitors. T en tn mu lin,i! .,.i !
myself up so I look like a bridegroom.
My wife has theories, similar to mine,
and doesn't believe- in hetn.r nrr.in,i
in purple and fine linen all the time.
i!Ut she wouldn't he seen i..f,L-i,,n
slouchy for anything.
"Some months ago mv wife rnimiit7
remarked to a neighbor that mv birth
day would occur on the. fniwi
Wednesday, and that neighbor, being
i-unurmeu uusyDody, got busy and
organized a surnrise nnrtv. T novo.
received the faintest hint of the
bcnemnea catustronhe. nnrt n th
evening of my birthrinv T WAS lvlnrv rtn
the floor of the sitting room, with
aoouc a nunared newspapers around
me. My wife was wearing an ntrt
wrapper, ana was nonnlncr nnrn t,
siienen stove. There was nobody else
in uie nouse, ana we had no idea visi
tors would come, for It was a bad
Aoout eight o'clock. Just when I
was thinking of going to bed, there
was a Knock at the front door. My
wue uiougnt It was Home hw .
errand so she went tn tho a
atovehook In one hand, and the corn
popper in the other, and she ,
frlek of anguish when nha Rnw tha
mass meeting on the front porch. The
unnuie tne floor was open all those
ueiegates pushed themsplvoa in ,mii
ing and giggling as though they were
uu.ug sometning mighty funny.
uur house hadn't been in snrh rtta
order In twenty years. It looked as
rnough a couple of amateur teams had
been playing basketball in it. My
wne ana l hetran annloi? zinc mul v.
plaining, as people will do under such
conditions, although they know that
nonouy will be eve what tiu.-a .
the guests assured us thnt it ina uii
right, but I could see them squinting
around and making mental notes for
ruture rolerenee, and inside of a week
the story was all over town that our
nouse was a fright, and no respeetabl
cow could live in it.
"That was the most rnlsm-nhln v,.n
Ing I ever spent, my friends, and I
have never forgiven the people who
iuok part in that unrlslnz. And von
may be mire I'll never treat another III
man as 1 was treated."
To Be Picked With Care.
"Pleanares," ald Uncle Ezra, "am
much like muhrnoms. De rlKht kind
tm fine, but you has to be 00 (to look
out (oh toauntooU."
Uaea for Platter of Pana.
Oypnuru or plaster of pari Is unci
for wall plaaters. tile, wall board
iental work, Portland cement tm,u.'
racture, modeling and aurjlcal work.
Defense, Then Prosecution Rests.
Mr. Shanlgan Inserted hi w.v nniof.
ly; walked softly, undressed silently
ana crept into bed.
All his precautions wn in wtr.
Mrs. Shanlgan had been awake lis
tening and wait na for htm st, ni,i
mm she supposed he had been u-nri.
ing at the office aznln: that aha ,iiri
not believe that storv or anv nil,.. h
had ever told her; that she did not
nave to put un with him; tht i,.
could have a career; that vn .,,,
the committee was waiting to nee If
sue would accent the nomirmtlnn tnr
mayor; that she had been warned
against him; that she waa not now
me foolish sentimental girl she wai
when she married "him, and then a
deep gnore showed ,that
The defense rested.
Now everyone knows the prosecu
tion should rest first; no Mra. Hhanl
pm Jabbed Mr. Shanlgaq with her
elbow; shook him; fussed, fumed,
colded and wept; but It was no use.
He slept 00, soundly.
The prosecution also rested. Kath
erlue Negley, Id Jud.-e.
i $f I ;
Again Reduces Rice
extra Si
Firestone first made the low price
?J $1-95Ion the Standard Non-Skid,
May 2. Unusual purchasing power
through big volume cf business, and
the great efficiency of its $7,000,000
riant No. 2, manufacturing exclu
sively 30x3: size, made this possible,
c. VJ Production of the Extra
fcize 30x3)3 tire has been transferred
to Plant No. 2. This permit the
price reduction on this tiro from
$16.65 to $13.95. Nj such v-X-w. has
ever before been offered trt users.
If your dialer hasn't the Fxtra
Size in stock ask for our Stand
ard Non-Skid type at the sama
price. You will sttll be fiettjng an
unusual tire value.
Cords That Don't Blow Out
You feel secure on Firestone Cords. venr- 10 000 15 001) 0,1 in
Because Firestone Cords don't blow miles, a nd 'the tires Zl i
out. Your repair man will tell you strong s4 vour VhLZ ! if, 4
he hasn't seen a blowout this past today NmcfcXw
Firestone Cord Tires are belr.f, sold at bnvest prices in cord
t.rC history: 30x3-,-$24.50 32x4-6.31, 3 4.4-151.99
School 0
onday Sept 5
Remember we have the usual
large assortment of
Tablets, Pencils etc.
ality the
Phelps Grocery
I in