PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 30, iQ2r iUiUVH I liliW--MWiN 1 1 ir li I 1 1 11 11 I I I I I H Mill I I I W .lT.LJ-f lVWdlkt:m: -1 -' 1 1 I II I A. ' tff V AjKS - v hile Visi o o n J' AO Foreign Exchange to any part of the globe Travelers Checks make travelling easier and safer Drafts for the safe transmitting of funds Morrow County Fair To Avail Themselves of our Banking Service Thirty-four years of con tinuous service has enabled us to build an organization to fulfill your needs. We offer you the use of our modern banking facilities and extend to you a cordial invitation to make this Bank your headquarters during Fair Week. tie rirs Telegraph Funds to all parts of the country Safe Deposit Boxes to protect your valuables and securities Collections handled promptly and efficiently atiooai Ka n Heppner, Oregon Resources Over One Million Dollars :tl V