PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 23, 1921 SSI LEGAL NOTICES NOTK.'K r SKTTi.D.MKXT OV I'lVAI, ACCOIXT In the County Court of the State of Oreirnn for the County of Morrow, in ther sum of $63.45 costs and disbur sements and the costs of and upon this v rit commanding me to rnpke sale of the following described real property, to-wit: North Half of the South West Quarter (NSV14) and South East Quarter of South West Quarter (SE4SW), Sec. 10, and the North East Quarter (NE) Sec. 4, Township 1, N. Range 24 E. tn mailer or me estate ui jOSetm w M als0 the Nonh East Quarter Hi rixner, deceased (NE Section 30, and the East Notice is hereby piven that Fran- H;Uf f)f (he g h East Quarter(E u.son, auniuia-nnuiij. ul uiu CIS esta'e of Joseph Strixner, deceased,1 lias rendered and presented for final Fcltlenieiit and filed in said court lier Final Account of her adniinistra-1 tiou of said estate; and that the 6th J day of September, i'j21 at 3 0 o'clock A. M. of said day at the court room of j said court house in said county has been fixed and appointed as the time and place for the settlement of said account and the hearing of said re port ami petition, at which time and place any persons interested in said estate may appear and file his excep tion. FRANCIS WILSON, Redmond, Oregon. V.'. I!. Iiacpett Attorney fur Administratrix. 14-18 NOTH i; FOR PI lll.K ATIO.V )ep:irtiient of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande', Oiegon. July IB, 11121. Notice is hereby given that JOHN C. McENTIUE whose post office address is Heppner, Oregon, (lid, on the 21st day of July, 1!)20, file In this office Sworn State ment and application, No. 020734, to purchase the KSE,4, SE V4 NE Vt , Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Tim ber and Stone Law," at such vaue as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land ami timber thereon have been appraised, $370.00 the timber estimated 270,000 hoard feet at $.50 & $1.00 per M, and the land $120.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 30th day of September 1!I21, before United Slates Connnlsslt ner, at Ifeppncr, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test. Ibis purchase before entry or in itiate a contest al any lime before patent issues, by Mini.: a corrobora te,) affidavit in this office, alli'i'.iar facts which would deleat the entry. (.'. ri. Id'XX, Register. NOTICE I OR H ill, R ATION Department or the Interior. V. S. Land ollice at La Grande, Oregon. July 16, 11121. Nolicc is hereby given that Jl r.IA McENTIUE whose post ollice address is Heppner, Oregon, did '.in the 23rd day of June, J!I20, fib' In this office sworn state ment and application, No. 0206D4, 10 purchase I lie E . S W , W'U-tfE'.i Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 2 K.inl, Willamette Meridian, anch (he limber Iheieotl, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1S7X, and nets amendatory, known as the Tim ber ami Stone Law," at such value ns might be fixed by appraisement, and, pursuant to such applica tion, tin' land ami timber thereon have been appraisi il at $515. Oil, the limber estimated ",!0,liuil board feel nt $.511 $t.iii per M, and the l.ind $iiiill'ii; said applicant will nl'ler final pioof In support ol bis application and swein s' itcinent mi Hie '.Hull day of September 1H21. In-line Tinted st.U'S I 't i n 1 1 1 1 i -:sii in er . al Heppner, i vi.iiii, A ii p. i ,m U at Iibcrl y to pro I '".I tin-, pMl cll.lse liel ill e cut I . HI III 11 l.l I e a cell I , - t Miy Mm' It! Ol i p i I ' 111 I ' le i, b I .him n col 1 el.i l a I ' it .1 1 ! sl.l 1 1 1 II I 1 , i el : ice. s ' eM. 1 11: let, 1 ; ii I ; ,.i; .l.-l! .-I I c, i HI ! c. s. id , i;. m i. r. Mini i, (H Mil i;n I s si i: In (be Circuit Colin of the State of Oregon lor M ult iioniah Count). Hint Richards, riaiiitilt Frank K nan. 1.. Ct'onan, v s , John F.. t'ii W. I'loniui, and J. K. SE) Sec 32, and the North East Quarter (NE4) and the North Half jr the South East Quarter (NSE ) Sec. 33, and the South East Quarter (SEVi) Sec. 34, and the South East Quarter (SE) of Sec. 28, all in Township 2 N. Range 2 4, E. W. M. and the South AVest Quarter (SW) Sec 28, North Range 25, E. W. M. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturady the 10th day of September, 1!I21, al 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to re demption), lo the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within mimed de fendant. Joseph E. Cronan had on the 27th day of November 1020, the date of the filing of the Certificate of At tachment herein or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said execution, judgment order, interest, costs and accruing costs. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Ily T. E.,Chidsey, Deputy. Dated this 8th day of August 1921. First issue Aug. 9th, 1921. Last issue Sept. 6th 1921.. NOTIC E l'OIt PUBLICATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, August 10, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Ralph I). Jones, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on October 5, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 016582, for SE and SWVi, Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of Circuit Heppner, Oregon, on the October, 1112 1. Claimant names as Sherman Shaw, ('. W. Acock, Ifii Kite, Norman G. Florence lb ppiliT, Ore-oil C. S. IMW'W Register. Court, at 4th day of witnesses: Snow all of Pionoer Employment Company G. A. Hurley. Mgr. Single nod Married Farm Help HARVEST II A MIS u SPECIALTY Write or Wire Your Wants for " Quick Service 14 N. 2nd St., Portland, Oregon. Rhone Rroadway 2278 Sundial Really of Little Use. The h 1 1 1 1 1 1 it I In nothing like so efll cleni as u much. It never was very mull of nn nid to mini as n time In licalor. It never professed to do more linn lell the time of day, because It ni l.l not tell the time of night, mid mi old Mimlinls. as well ns on many new ones, Is this sentence, oflen In I. ailii : "I murk none but sunny hours," mi Hist on fng..y days, or on days of .loom and cloudy skies, the "gnomon," illicit Is that Iriiingiihir piece whose h.nlow points out the time on the dial, .i-ts no shadow. - J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 6 65 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON Stories of By Elmo C AS Great Scouts w S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. BK YCI i: I OH SALE IjjfSO-Hiood $55 value. Has been used only 1 year. All accessories included. In quire at this office or phone Main 6 1 3. -Advertisement. , Western Newspaper Union. DAVY CROCKETT, THE HERO OF THE ALAMO I "Be sure you're right, then go i ahead," was Davy Crockett's motto, i He fought for the right, then went , ahead to a glorious death In the AJa- i mo. Crockett was born In Tennessee I In 1780. He came of lighting stock I for his father, a tavern keeper, had j been a soldier In the Revolution, i Young Crockett's early years were I spent in roaming the Tennessee woods, hunting. -He became a re nowned bear hunter, a fame which he shared with his favorite rille, "Old Betsy." When the Creek Indians went on the war path in 1813 Crockett tossed "Old lietsy" on Ws shoulder and marched away to tight-the Indians. He served as a scout under Gen. Andrew Jackson and was in the great Rattle of Tobo pekn when "Old Hickory" defeated Weailierford's warriors. After the Creek war was over Davy returned to Tennessee and entered politics. From magistrate lie rose to slate legislator and next the renowned hear hunter and scout was sent lo congress where he served two terms. In February, 1S3U, Davy with 12 of his Tennessee friends arrived at the Mis sion del Alamo where Col. William Travis with a little army of less than 200 men was defying the Mexican dic tator, Santa Anna. Simla Anna bud a force of 5,(XKl men, and although the Texons had a chance to escape before this over whelming army cut off their retreat, they refused to do so. The Mexican general surrounded the rude little adobe fort. His demand for its sur render was met with scorn. Then he raised the red Hag which meant, "No quarter," and attacked. The long rifles of the Texans mowed down the Slexlean soldiers driven to the attack. On March 6 Santa Anna prepared for a grand assault. Twenty five hundred picked men were detailed to be hurled, against the fort. The first assault was beaten hack with heavy loss. A second failed, but In the third desperate attempt the Mexi cans broke Into the fort. After that the fighting was hand to hand. Travis went down and Crockett took command. Outnumbered a hun dred to one, Crockett with a few com rades stood with their hacks to the wall of the church. One by one his men went down. At Inst only Davy was left. "Old Betsy" fired her last shot. Then Crockett seized her by the barrel and swung her about his head. There was a short struggle. "Old Betsy" was knocked from bis hand. Bayonet thrust and sword cut w'ere rained upon him. A mass of Mexicans struck him. He went down fighting to the last. TUn M'imn vn history. a Trir fl KITCHEN ICABINET (. l2L, Western Newspaper Union.) Oregon's Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For information write lo the Registrar Oregon Agricultural College COHVAILIS Let Borneo Keep It. Widows and widowers v!:o weep twice a day for a year, and who are allowed to eat only on every second day of a month, figure In the funeral ceremonies of the head liuutlujj na tives of r.orneo. 11 V Villi! Villi, III, Jllil sale ceiled Coin I 111 t le me illlectcd of ,1'lly I 'I.' .1-1 I'll .11,1 I ti e I .Hi d.i r.uit 1; .., iv.i'ik !:. 1 I,. W. I'UHI frill. lilt'. 1 Willi lllleli llefelul.llltS. ' of an aM.irliciiiem e ment cm der, and 01 ,b 1 of j ellt el til"" 4l1.1t c el'l II led e alit' e flit 111,,! e.l It'-'', In I I lid ,.it. d Ihe I Ml .lav en a ,1 111 il:t vi r 11 ed .nut 'i : . .lol'.n II. i: Mill! c d Fresh Pure Lard We renJt r fres'i, pure lartl three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly l irst-Class, Ucppner-made Product t at the I'.de el 1'fi cut per .iniiiitii limn the l'i's d.. el' A I't il 1 ' -1 and ti c 1 in ' 1 '. htuu ( $ ; :,o il l with int. 1 1 t ;tt ihc i,ite et (', 1 1 . I cent jut a lll'.ll in Hem the I '. 1 1 1 illy of An 1 ,1 1 J I , and tel 1 1.0 lur Central Marke C. W. McNAMER, Prop. When soft winds stir the meadow grass, When butterflies flit over; When honey bees, all burdened, Beek The fields of fragrant clover; When siiiBlng birds and crooning brooks Seem blissfully in tune. And buttercups and daisies nod. 'Via June, dear heart, 'tis June. I WHAT'S IN A PIE? There are those who consider the tilling of a pie the most important part of It, but the best of rilling covered with a tough, unpalat able crust, will spoil the pie for most of us. As Hrowning puts It (though not in this connection), a good pastry is "a framework which waits for a picture to frame." Sour Cream Pie. Take one cimful each of sour cream, sugar and raisins, one egg, one tablespoonfnl tvf vinegar, one-luilf tivi-piwMiful of salt, the same of citiniiiiion and mil meg, om-foiirth of a t i'ii -1 11 e m f 11 1 of cloves, mix well and bake with two crusts. Custard Pie. There are sum,. cio';s who think n pie with less than four eggs Is not to he served on the lest tables. However, a very good pie may he prepared with three or even two eggs to a pint of milk, adding four or five tnhlospooiifuls of sugar Hlld such Havering as one likes. Where two ttgs are used a tblesHiniiful of Hour may be added mixed with a little of the cold milk and the pie will be very satisfactory, though of course the more eg-s used the preater the fond ruble. Date Pie. Cook one-third of a pound of dates In the top nf 11 double boiler. Put through 11 sieve, then add two e:-.s, a lew ratings of nutmeg, iiie toer'li te;is.ionfn of salt ami two eiec.ids of mill;. I'.nkoHiis a ciisianl pie. Cl'l I'.' m - foiir.h 1 1 Pis. T ke one cupful of 0:0 1 ppl'lll Ol' sll':l", "' p el of flour, in'viNl ,u tj,e in::ir, t' o ' o(', and a :: fill of hip i r wr.h two i. ' 1 , -.f.;U cf water, r. A m-cl mho.-: ai I turn Into a ii:i!.. ' ein-t. C,.i.t w ' a liH'iil'gue ma " I Ii the b 1 of two i'.'.-i aed to f" four t:il''e-'-o m .t'u ' s of SMi;:!f. 1 o- i:ll m H' .'- i-ifl.. s Hlld 1m-ow:i. the .tven e.! '-iin-aids may Im n- e f r t!ii !', t(s;iu 1. early A Member of the Federal Reserve 1 sj&r 1 ri (in!? i'H 5 B B S i-.tih!!? UIUIII U 3. M l i.-H V lf"v---i Mi-- k Friendly Welcome A friendly welcome awaits you. Here we study to please people, and our growth during; more than thirty years shows that we have succeeded. A helpful hank service is also at you,r command 'here. Much may depend upon competent help or advice in your business and money matters. Here you may always find it. Our customers are our friends. We will value your friendship also. May we serve you as a friend? Within our doors you will . find everything that goes to make up- your ideal of good bank service. First National Bank of 9 Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve P3" University of Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Literature, The Graduate School. Science and the Arts. The School of Architecture and Allied Arts. The School of Business Administration. The School of Education. The Extension Division. The School of Journalism. The School of Law. The School of Medicine. The School of Music. The School of Physical Education. The School of Sociology. Fall Term Opens September 26 m TtMffifr'A A fcfJ of culturml and ptobssteiMt scholarship- h become . vu.D.a,.u(,v maru 01 me aiete university, for a catalogue. tolders on the various achools. or for any information, write THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu8ene, Ore. Laura Bromwell, Champion Loop Maker ji-Mmimmuii., r i i iiiiii am WsAmtsmasm ! Miss I.tiuni l'.nm.H.'ii. tli tlrst n..i,::iii n. riM.Hv,. n IlvlnK Ihviise In Amor--Ion since the :ir. f ,.-,) n ,. r.-.-onl for women In liH.pinn the loop, hit i.oiik iMiiiiu. i-w nun;., nr.. Sll. .-.j.MVe onus. Miss lr,,.iiu .,tun,U f etignH In commercial ti lui in. INTERESTING ITEMS i Newly Itilil roticretw must he pro tected from the sun to prevent drying Mm; is siil ti. t.iint very quickly;1"" rrlHy. .f esi'i.'-cil in ir,.i uili.'iii. i The tlrst person to fly In Ettrnjie 1 nn n fill -r'.r- have hcen fouml In "as Saiitns-liiiiiii.nt, who on Octnher onil ": tlimi-iii'i's ni enr nlil. ' -' V.K',, covertil a di.-tniiee of 2l Tl e .rv i i '.' eaej mid the hny- , I vet. i. . f ili'U are n ar.lcd ns evil omens A hot little planet Is Mf-retirr. V e .lapa'ics.-. At.oiit three tUm's the size nf ruif A iiiaa nielli ollice hitlhlini; 3'it cem- in.'ii. It Is a more s.ilid hniiy than v tcil la I'c'ro't has in, .re than four 'be earth, w.-lhltn; as much R4 g i. lies of cnri'Moi's. t spl.ere of l.-ad of eiptnl lm!k. two cl'l'l'u.' I ". Qi. cklime for U.e Old Wall. I The Romance cf the Pearl. Tll ,.. ,,,,,,,,, .v ,,..., ,n The n-H::,.:,.. uV,, -ui' ( , M ,'i ! ,.f , M ,;, u!l Kir.t i.a-l Is as .,1,1 as 1,,-,.,'y. l-e.,,, pvi i ,. ,.M l...f!...l,!.l liulft ,.s,,,v,., ,! ;,n..., .e-!v!.. va'na a .. ml ..pen,.,,.; Kill .hi, ltli "r- i',""V ' 1 r "f A : Sir In e. a ' ! ,,..,,, ,,.,.r , ;lk r,,oa a (.,,, iim. H,,; i-h 1,'W iM d,,,,. ,!, .,,,. !h a Mirely mte.l !.'?:'.:!,. .I.-..U.,! a 1- :.rl u.-.r-U ,.,'..,,,,;,. ''',i. "i-.ilt:ii,t pressure ft-AM ,.al drank .,. ' ,; ,ftMlj ,,kv w iM "lr9