Tuesday, August 23, 1921 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE 1 . Good Things to Eat THE IMPERIAL VALLEY Has a well deserved reputation for CANTALOUPS HOOD RIVER VALLEY Is known to produce the finest APPLES While it is an open secret that IRRIGON, OREGON Produces the most lucious jT; WATER and MUSK MELONS We have them all in stock and they are GOOD AND FRESH Every Irrigon watermelon we sell is guaranteed to be ripe or it costs you nothing Phelps Grocery Com pany Our New Fall Samples Are Here From Showing a wonderful assortment of materials in dec orated worsteds, cassimeres in newest colorings, domestic and imported tweeds, ever dependable blue and black serges, cheviots and unfinshed worsteds. Colorings In Most favored greys and browns in variety of shades, includ ing the new Oxford brown, heather mixtures, herring-bone weaves, pencil stripes, checks and plaids. Highest Quality Tailoring That Inspires the Question off notap. y. rmcs. co. Minor & Company A BIT OF NONSENSE By JOAN M. GRAY. 1, 1921, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) "Sow; whore on earth did Xini get the idea?" Kink Spuukling asked Nim's brother, as they stood staring down upon .Nun's bohlied head, turned ador ingly upward toward the words which a long-haired, lanky individual was passionately pouring forth. "We three start off on a tramp as usual and she announces that a man with Uie most wonderful ideas ill the world Is com ing along and then she prances off down the hill with him and leaves us here without any Idea at all." "Oh, Nim's Xhn," Nun's brother said, uiirutlled, "and you are you. You let her walk all over you and only sputter when she steps off and trios her foot ing on someone else. If you'd only shake her once in a while" "Oh, for heaven's sake! You know how it is with me, George. I'd rather have Mm walk all over me than " "I know, nil right," snorted George, "and Mm knows. Listen to that," as Aim's adorable laugh iloated up the hill 10 1 hem. "That girl needs a darn good lesson." "This is the third time she's lugged that bird along when I asked her to come out here with me" "And Ids hands aren't overly clean, either" "I bet he's only got that one collar to his name, and it's celluloid at that." "IUnk, if you only had souse enough to do It! Listen. Get Madame Non sense on the line and play her against the Idea. Show NIm that you have an outside 'interest' and see what hap pens. Will you?" Nlm's laugh floated up to them at that moment, and Blnk swore that lie would. NIm, ready now to laugh with Blnk over the Great Idea, found Blnk In a sort of trance with Madame Nonsense. And he left with Madame, still In the same trance. But he came quickly out of It when he had left her at her door, and with a muttered "whew" of relief, returned to Nim's tea table. Once there he manfully raved over Madame's charm until NIm disdainfully left him for the upper regions. Thereafter Blnk talked Nonsense, thought Nonsense, and tfeslred Non sense only apparently. Long after the Big Idea had said good-by forever to NIm and hnd promised to still love her when they met again In the Great Beyond, did Blnk continue to worship Nonsense. "But what does he see In that frowsy old thing?" raged NIm to George. "She Is forty if she's a day." "Oh, well, we men like someone with experience someone who Is ready to please us and think of our comfort be fore anything else. ' Madame surely thinks of Blnk's happiness, all right, which Is more than you do." "Well, Is he thinking of mine? I mean " NIm could have bitten her tongue with vexation. "Heavens," she Rhrugged, recovering. "I don't care what he does. Come on, George. Dad's waiting out there for us." Madame was describing the vision of s departed Red Man, when NIm, hav ing left George and her dad behind, came swiftly Into view. Blnk, embar rassed, changed from he foot, to the other, dislodging M"adame, who was ratlif leiuilng on hjm, and Madame, slipping sifglYtly, sat down with thump on the edge of the hill. As Madame went down her wrath came up, and when Madame rose, her wrath went still higher. With her gold en hair hanging a little, to cue side, she lised words which her association with tliingg spiritual had not taught her to use. Then, feeling lonesome with all of them lost upon Blnk Hpauldlng, she stalked down the path, passed an open mouthed Mm, and disappeared Into the grove. "I hope she bumps Into a tree," mut tered a miserable, red-faced Blnk. But the worst seemed to be coming. for NIm, with a rush, was before him. "Blnk Spnuldlng, I should think you'd want to hide your face! Making love to a woman old enough to he your mother, ami a vulgar, swearing, rough, commonplace oh, Blnk, I think you're hwrld !" Blnl! wasn't ready yet, and (link had soon a suspicion tremble In Nim's udorable inouili. ".She NIm, how could I kimy. I " "Bingham, you don't really care for her? After" NIm was angry. If be thought he could have a flairs wlih nil the old per oxide hens for miles around, after ask ing her three times to marry him, he wan mistaken. She turned and stulkud away from him. "NIm, you come ba'k here and kiss me," said Blnk, appearing much braver than he felt, and NIm, so unusual was the command, obeyed. Fifteen minutes Inter she asked sus piciously: "Blnk, did you ever kl.-s that her?" "Ye gods!" cried Blnk. lift log his li'-ml. "Nonseiite! Wind do ,n.i think I nth? But what uboiii jour Iwld.-n' He" "lie's cruzy, mid you ..w It. Blnk l-HUlding, you ou'bl to kiio-v that if anyone but jou should trj to l.l-s Me " l.n.k was ready to t.i 1 k'uin, but not to be w -, "No luoie Big Mens uu THE BRICK McAtee O. Aihen. Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Normans Ice foam WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIAL Special for Sunday August 28 P Frozen Eggnog The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK TWO BARGAINS A small stock anil crock ranch about, two miles from Hopp ner. :5(0 acres with a number of fine sprint's; fenced and cross fenced with woven wire Vaiv improvements. A bar gain if taken at once, 20 acres of alfalfa land one mile from town, 7 aTcs in good stand, balance easy to put Sn, nil water rights anil taxes paid up. Price $1500.00 for quick snlo Have for rent a Rood cattle ranch, well improved and well watered of 1480 acres. ROY V. WHITEIS Now is the time to begin to save. The: e are your years of production. Make tin ni insure your later years in comfort and se curity. Open a Savings Account here. It's the best start you can make. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. "In Every Respect" says the Good Judge Q You get more genuine chevv s ing satisfaction from I'il- Heal Tobacco Chew than y, ever got from the ordinary ! ,' 1 !. The good tobaco ' - .t ; lasjs so long -a snr !! clr.;v of this class of tob.vo Ls's much longer than a ' i tK v of the old kind. TI it costs less to use. Any man who has kinds will tell you t Put ufi in two s.': "VV-IJ CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a sir ' 7W why both I on I ed im-r. -s I iii in on . .. ... "' ."... ...". .....",.,; t'": f, . "('l;i-uiii. And no .'..n i, e, oi'),T Ulnk." And IIH a little .Vril.-en nnd (i f,,-.v Mi lis. i-hun d .y t'.'i, r:in ie-i i,i I j ',!Ml H I'fti of woridc ml tldii, no I doubt I'.lnte hi,. I liU Nun ujuo stay luijipy forever ufler. ' i Case Bus & Trans la Co. 1 We Thank you for pa-t patrona; ; ,i ' ('ml imiaiiee of the same. Our In- ' you. J, cave orders at Case i'un, , ,. Phone Main 844 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS, r :-"h;;T COUNTRY TRIPS & GENER.L HAULING 1 : 1 1 ' t a V i , l". if C... 1,1-