Tuesday, August 16, 192 1 PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LEGAL NOTICES KOTICE OK SKTTI.K.MKXT OK FINAL ACCOUNT tlier sum. of f 63.45 costs and disbur sements and the costs of and upon this vrit commanding me to innke sale of the following described real property, to-wit: North Half of the South West Quarter (NSV) and South East Quarter of South West I Quarter (SESW). Sec. 10, and In the County Court of the State of the Nortn Ea8t QUarter (NE V ) Oregon for the County of Morrow, In S(.c 4 Township 1, N. Range 24 E. the matter of the estate of Joseph jw M a)so tne N0rtn East Quarter Btrixner, deceased (NE Vi ) Section 30, and the East Notice is hereby given that Fran- Half of tne gouth East Quarter(E cis Wilson, administratrix of thsEVi) Sec 32, and the North East estate of Joseph Strixner, deceased, Quarter (NE14) and the North Half haa rendered and presented for final cf the South East Quarter (NSE'A ) settlement and filed in said court Sfi(, 33 and the gouth East Quarter her Final Account of her administra- (SE14) Sec, 34, and the South East tion of said estate; and that the 6th ! Quarter SEVi) of Sec 28j all in day of September, 921 at 10 o'clock Townf.hip 2 N. Range 24, E. W. M. A. M. of said day at the court room of and the gouth Wes Quartf.r (SWy4 Bald court house in said county has ' g(c 2g Nonh Range 25 E w M been fixed and appointed as the lime and place for the settlement of said account and the hearing of said re port and petition, at which time and place any persons interested in said estate may appear and tile his excep tion. FRANCIS WILSON, Redmond, Oregon. W. D. Daggett Attorney for Administratrix. 14-18 NOTICE 1 OK I'UIMCATIO.V Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon. July 16, 1921. Notice is hereby giwn that JOHN C. McENTIRE whose post office address is Heppner, Oregon, did, on the 21st day of July, 1920, file in this office Sworn State ment and application, No. 020734, to purchase the E SE , SE NE 14 , Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Tim ber and Stone Law," at such vauo as might" be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, $370.00 the timber estimated 270,000 board feet at $.50 & $1.00 per M, and the land $120.00; that said applicant will orfer final proof in support of his application mid sworn statement on the 30IU day of September 19 21, before United States Commissioner, at Hcppncy, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry or in itiate a contest at uny time before patent issues, by filing a corrobora ted affidavit in this office, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTR E I'OIl l'l lll-ll ATIO.V Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturady the 10th day of September, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to re demption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de fendant Joseph E. Cronan had on the 27th day of November 1920, the date of the filing of the Certificate of At tachment herein or since that date had in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said execution, judgment order, interest, costs and accruing costs. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By T. E. Chidsey, Deputy. Dated this 8th day of 'August 1921. First issue Aug. 9th, 1921. Last issue Sept. 6 th 1921.. Pioneer Employment Company G. A. Hurley. Mgr. SlngU) and Slurried Furm Help HARVEST HANDS a SPECIALTY Write or Wire Your Wanta for Quick Service 14 N. 2nd St., Portland, Oregon. Thone Broadway 2278 POLISH WOMEN FOUGHT WELL Department of the Interior, IT. S. Land office ill La Grande, Oregon. July 16, 1921. Notice is hereby given that JUr.IA McENTIRH whose post, office mid reus Is Heppner, Oivt'.on, (I il 111 the 2 3rd day of June, ;l!)20, file in this office sworn state ment and application, No. OliOl'ilM, to purchase the i: 1 .SW ' ', , W VjSK '.'1 f-'eitl'iu 15, Tow vi hip 4 SimiIIi, Range 2S East, Willamette Mi 'ii hau, and the limber Hhmcoii, under the piuvi- KilHU ill 1 lie ,I''l HI .1 ll" .1. 1 ' 'i. aim acta air.i'iii'.alu. y, li'-own ;m the Tim ber mid Mime l.iw," at such value 11s might be lix. it I y appraisement, and that, piiiMianl. In such applica tion, the 1 111. 1 and tiiii'T thereon have been appi'ai.ad at $515. (HI. the timber estimated S!M).0iMI board f. et. lit $.5i) & $1,110 per M, mid the land $1i'iU tiii; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of hia application and sworn s'atenient on the '.illih day of September 1921. before United States! Commissioner, lit lleppiur. Orceins. Any pir.,1111 Is lit liberty to pro test this pnichase before enliy, or in itiate a eonle.it at any time be I ore patent Issues, ly I'lliin; 11 coi inlana-j ted affidavit in this olfice. c.llej'.ini; facts w Inch would defeat the entry I'. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE Ol Mil KM I 'S SM I'. Famous "Brigade of Death Gave Good Account of Itself on Fields of Battle. The occasion of the demobilization of the women's brigade in the 1'oliBh army, which consisted of 8,000 fight ers, has led to the consideration of lls uctual services during the World wnr. The commander of this "death" organization expressed some doubts about her sex proving of much vnl tii! on the tiring line, but upon wlial lier conclusion was founded Is not In dicated. The records of th brigade show thut 50 wounin fighters deserted to get married. It tipty lie on tlii score thut Hie commander litis that their etliclency Is dubious. Waiving this one drawback, how ever, the discipline mid fearlessness ! of those women who had prcpiiroif j themselves fur active fighting lire ruth j er significant, in temerity and lu 1 liepiillty lliey probably could not bi outclassed or perhaps equaled by the women uf any oilier country. Tln 1 iiciiinl casualties of the brlsaile wer I imii more llian 1(H), hut even ibis 11 11 1 11 ! her liulicalcs that Its members faced considerable danger and the possibility I of death. To be able, to meet an j emergency, to he equipped mid drilled for combat, tunl to be prepured to die , on the liMitlellcld may not be what should he expected of women, nor ways In which tliey enn best serve, trot tl.e brigade has shown Its mettle. Knlckei'luickc.r Press. V V V V PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building HEPPNER. OREGON DR. A. D. MoMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON F. A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAVV Masonic Building HEPPNEJt, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. IWCYCI.E FOR SALE ;50 Good $55 value. ' Has been used only 1 year. All accessories included. In quire at this office or phone Main 613. Advertisement. 1 w1 Oregon's libber Institution of TEGHHOLOSY I.'ijht Schooii; Seventy Department! FALL TT.RM OPENS StPT. 19, 1S21 for infornmiKMi wriip lo Ihe Rccntrtf Oregon Agricultural College COHVALLIS Let Lorneo Keep It. Willows nil,! widowers v!:o wep tw ice a day tor a year, u;td who are ullowed to eat only ou every second day uf u mouth, figure in the funeral ceremonies of the hcttd-buntiug na tives ot Romeo. Ill the I'iicuil Court of the Stall uf Oregon for Multnomah County. Hurt Kiclianls, n. vs. Frank K. Clou 111, John E. Cro nan, L. V. Ciotian, anil J. 1'.. Cronan, lVIVnilants. lty virtue of an ill t achenient eve cution, Judgment order, and older of sale issued out of the nboe entitled Court in the alme entitled cause, to uo directed and dated the tiih day of July I'.ljl, upon a Jud.i'meiit ren dered and entered 111 said Conn on the lath day of April l'.'-l m f.nor of Hurt Richards, pliintiff and against Frank E. Cronan, John V.. Cionail. L. V. Cronan ainlJ. E Cronan, de fendants for the sum of ;U00.r.l with Intel est at (he rate of ti per cent per milium ft 0111 the 1Mb day of April lid and the further sum of Jaf.O Ot) with interest at the rate of fi per cent per milium from the lath day of April 1921, mid for the fur- Stories of By Elmo c Great Scouts , Western Newspaper Union. TOM HIGGINS' GREATEST FIGHT WITH THE INDIANS Tom Hlgglns was a noted Illinois ranger during the War of 1S12. One morning near Fort Hills the Indians ambushed Tom's company and killed several of them. As they fled to the fort, Hlgglns stayed behind, vowing that he would get at least one Indian before he retreated. He got his In dian, but Just as he was preparing to mount his horse, Hanger Burgess, who was lying on the ground wounded, called out to him : "You won't leave me to the Indians, will you, Tom?" Hlgglns stopped and attempted to lift Burgess onto his horse, but the frightened animal jerked the reins from Tom's hand and dashed madly away. "You'll have to try to crawl to the fort, Burgess," said Tom, "and I will stay behind and keep redskins off." As Burgess crawled away, liiggins ran In another direction to lead the appronehing Indians away from his wounded comrade. In a few minutes he was surrounded by the savages and they wounded him In the leg as he tied into a deep ravine. He was nearing the fort when three Indians rose up before him. One of them fired and the ranger fell, wounded for the sec ond time. With a wild yell the Indians rushed iit him with uplifted tomahawks, but Hlgglns rose once more and shot one of them dead. The other two then at tacked him with spears and toma hawks. Tom defended himself with his knife until he was knocked to the ground by 0 hlow from a tomahawk which cut off one of his ears. Finally the ranger tore a spear from the grasp of one of the Indians and thrust It through the body of the oth er. He was pulled to his feet as the savage fell. The surviving warrior re treated toward his rifle and Tom, un daunted by his wounds, staggered aft er blm. The unequal combat had been seen by the people In the fort, but they were afraid to come to his assistance until a brave woman, named Mrs. Pursiey, cried out: "I will not see such n brave man die !' She sprang upon a horse and started to Hlgglns' aid. Shamed by her ex ample, several men galloped after her. They reached the ranger just as a large party of Indians were ready to swoop down upon him. They threw Hlgglns, fainting from loss of blood, across a horse and carried him back to the fort In safety. Hlgglns did not recover from his wounds for many years, but In his old age he was given a pension for his heroic Oct and was made a doorkeeper In the statp nswnhlv nt Vnndalia. ike mcrm ju'3 ''jsa k 'PERFORMANCE COUNTS quality Appreciation Counts Most During the period through which we have passed recently, thousands of motor trucks were sold to conservative buyers solely on the basis of an early delivery date. The demand did not exceed the supply. The present is a different period one in which buyers are giving careful consideration to economies of all kinds. Buyers are looking at their truck operating and maintenance cost sheets as never be fore and the lowest achievable cost per ton mile is the aJ-absorbing topic. QUALITY is what makes low costs. The thought and attention now being given to quality equipment as related to operating'costs has never been equalled in American motor truck history. QUAL ITY IS KING. That is Why so Many Buy MACK Trucks Cohn Auto Company HEPPNER Friday, August 19th Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly First-Class, Heppner-made Product Central Market C. W. McNAMER, Prop. US), 19il. Western Newspaper Unlun.) Every spirit as ft is mora pure, And hath In It the more ot heavenly light. So to It the fairer body doth procure To habit In and make it more fairly diKht With cheerful grace and amtahle sight. For of the Soul of the body form doth take; For soul l liirm and doth the body make. Spenser, quoting Lamb. SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. Some time- for a luncheon or supper dish, try this tempting combination. Tomato Rare bit. rut two tu- blospoonfuls 0 f butter in a sauce pun, and when incited mill two tllbh'Sponllf tils of Hour, l'our on LTiulunlly three fourth.- of 11 cupful of thin crenin, ntid lis isoihi us the mixture is thickened. mid three-fourths of a cupful of Htruineil toinii'ocx, mixed with one- eUlitli of tt tenspoonful of soda; then mid two cnpfuls of finely-cut cheese. two etrs slightly benten, suit, nius. turd niul ciiyenne to taste. Serve lis soon lis the cheese Is melted on hot Ki'ulmm crackers or tons ed breiul. Ham and Noodles. I'.utter tin earth en bnklni; dish, put Into the bot tom n layer of bulled noodles; add a layer of cold boiled ham cut in bits, t lion number laver of noodles, repeat ing until the dish is full. Cover with buttered cnnn''S. dor with butter and bake In a moderate oven. Fricatelli. Crind pork tenderloin very tine throuuli a meat chopper. Season with salt, pepper, crated onion, and H bit of powdered ii (,''. Take half as much bread as meat, soak the crumbs until soft, squeeze dry and mix with the meat. Add one or two unhea on eccs to hind. Shape Into small flat cakes, dredge vUh tluir and fry. California Mince fie. l'our one cup ful of boilim: "liter over one cupful fach of apricots n 1 I prunes. Let stand three hours, remove the skins from the apricots and the stales from the prunes, cook In the water in which they j wcrv soaked until the water is nearly ! all cooked away. Mix the dried fruit with one cupful of raisins, one-half cupful of minced citron, the juice of an oruiiL-e, one-half teaspoouftil each of cinnamon, mitmeir and cloves, one fourth cuprul of walnuts, one cupful of suuar and one half cupful of al monds. Hake with two crusts. COMING SOON America's Foremost Trained Wild Animal Exhibition we IlaDANIMAla JVM-?. GHAS. FULTON BALL ROOM HORSES Featuring SUNBURST, AGREEMENT, K1DDO, DARKNICHT and DYNAMITE. Foremost Horse Act Ever Presented And th Magnificent $20,000 Gorgeously DARDENELLA S Loiiumfa, urrniiw jpctucuisr riptni int KUSb of tne ORIENT 3 v OA OnubU l.-gth .J OAB.8 Equal Is Forty Freigbt Ctrl Herd of Elephants and" Cameli 10 ACRES of Waterproof Tent 2 ELECTRIC L'GHT PLANTS Mine. GOLDA nd Her S 10 000 DANCINC I (1 K "White Pe-i-r Jit mm IWRDI ErthUrgel PACHYDERM STEEL AH 23 1ST A Off FUNNY 0 CLOWNS Finest Horses with any C'RCUS Hundreds of Educated I ANIMALSU, Mile. SILVERS Th Lady with th DOVES CHILDREN'S FAIRYLAND Per'orm:n? Hogs, Goats, Shetland Ponies. Monkavi Lf p;n(? Wolf Hound, direct from Belmond Kennel Toy 91ng's BICYCLE RIDING MONKEY "Tony" CapL JOHN HOFFMAN and HI Group of JUNGLE BRED ELACK MANEO AFRICAN LIOS ONLY BIG SHOW COMING eO. Two Perfomances Only, 2 P. M. and 8 P. M. RAIN OR SHINE r?i