Tuesday, August 16, 19 2 1 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE ft Good Things to Eat THE IMPERIAL VALLEY Has a well deserved reputation for CANTALOUPS HOOD RIVER VALLEY Is known to produce the finest APPLES While it is an open secret that IRRIGON, OREGON Produces the most lucious WATER and MUSK MELONS We have them all in stock and they are GOOD AND FRESH Every Ifrigon watermelon we sell is guaranteed to be ripe or it costs you nothing helps Grocery Comp any Our New Fall Samples Are Here From Showing a wonderful assortment of materials in dec orated worsteds, cassimeres in newest colorings, domestic and imported tweeds, ever dependable blue and black serges, cheviots and unfinshed worsteds. Colorings In Most favored greys and browns in variety of shades, includ ing the new Oxford brown, heather mixtures, herring-bone weaves, pencil stripes, checks and plaids. Highest Quality Tailoring That Inspires the Question GISTE0 IN JU PAT ff 'tt j - V- PHtCt CO. Minor & Company THEIR MISTAKE By MILDRED WHITE. 1$21, We.terD Ntwapaper Union.) Arden-by-the-Sea, July 8. Dear Nell: The Ambereromble for tune Is In ruins, and the last of the Ambercrombies starts out to make one anew. It was some dilemma planning how to do It, and where to leave mother. Mother Is so mistakenly attached to me, that she can't bear me out of her sight, and I couldn't make our Joint fortune, sitting on the front doorstep. So we sold that uselessly impressive furniture dear old father loved to hoard, and from our past grandeur I saved only the biggest tour ing car, with a purpose. To make the long story short, I am installed at Arden-by-the-Sea as public chauffeur, or "bus driver"; and my big pet car may be hired by guests at "The Bluffs" for a dny's excursion, or It makes regu lar trips to meet trains as happens to be most desirable your humble friend acting as driver. Mother is, for the time being, making her home with Cousin Tilly, and later, of course, when I return with the spoiVs, we nre hoping to winter together. This stunning an nouncement will be all I feel that you can bear for the present. So I am always lovingly, PEG. Arden-hy-the-Sea, July 20. Nell Dear: I am glad that you look so sensibly upon my adventure ; your sympathy Is encouraging. Of course there is romance in niyi istory, but ro mance, I fear, of a poor order. For while I have for the very first time In my life fallen In love (yes, It Is sadly true), the object of my affection Is palpably unworthy. So I shall only have to try to "fall out" again for my pains. The trying Is the hardest ef fort of my life. You, see, Don Is really so big and dear and engaging, that one enn't steel one's heart against him, and here Is the way It all began : I drove down to meet the train one eve ning as per schedule, and some of the chatty society young women who stop at the Bluff rode with me for pleas ure. These girls are so kind and friendly thnt I have to remind myself forcibly thnt I am a "hireling"; and they confided to me merrily the secret of the young fortune hunter. A man friend of this Mr. Donald Benton's had told a certain young woman of Mr. Benton's purpose In coming to Arden. He had, It appeared, Invested and lost all the. money his father made In oils and left to him, and he was traveling around now where heiresses might be located, In hope of regaining money through marriage. Miss Olive O'Nell, a recent guest at Arden, Is a very great heiress Indeed, and a democrat ic one, as well. My Informants laugh ingly said that they could "giiess why Mr. Renton had selected the Bluffs as a stopping place." Then, they pointed him out to me at the Btatlon, and de parted, preferring to walk back to the hotel. Mr. Benton did not signal my car, as I expected, hut after giving It and me a long, Interesting scrutiny, he handed his hag to a boy and start ed to tnidge along. At an opening be yond the wood I came upon him later; he looked wenry; the walk that long way about, was tiresome. And as I slowed down to ask (professionally) If he would care to ride, he Intercepted me, hat In hand, to make Just that sug gestion. He was, I thought, unneces sarily apologetic about It, but as we rode along I forgot everything but the frnnk charm of his manner, and the nice look In his eyes. You can see, Noll, It wns love at first sight, unmis takably. And the wonderful thing seemed, thnt as days passed, my love whs as promptly reciprocated, We 'met often, and quite by accident here and there, and I was joyously nnd se cretly thinking how the girls had wronged Donald Benton In their sus picions, when my awful awakening came. Pan you guess It, dear friend? Donald had mistaken me for Olive O'Nell the heiress, whose favorite car happens to be nf the same make and model as my own. Olive O'Nell, who prides herself upon severely tailored cut clothes, who answers in a way my own description ns to coloring and size.' Ills stare of consternation as I announced my true and humble Iden tity wns enlightening. I .spared him further embarrassment, nnd myself further p'Uri, by an abrupt good by. Your unhappy, I'KO. Arden-hy-the-Pen, Aug. 1. Dearest Nell: A hasty note. Itather a contradiction nf all I have lately written, and a sort of paean of Joy over events that are. I'm rather In coherent, but I am engaged and to Donald Benton. And. Nell, being Just I'eg Ambereromble, arid not Olive O'Nell, makes tin difference to the man I wrnngod In thought. In fact, he's glad that I have no money at all, he cause he has so much. That was a Joking story regarding his unfortunate Investment. Don says certain friends enjoy circulating It, In order to save h I in from match. tanking mol,er-. Any way, be Is saved now. 'ell, ato! we are to be married .'-oon. I will write .you about It. Your happy . i'V.fi. Teaching Job Made Secure. California' state assembly tins passed the teachers' tenure bill, which provide that after nerving n probationary term of two years school teachers shall he classified as per manent and can be removed only after charges have been preferred against them and are sustained In open court. In various parts of the state teachers of acknowledged competency have been dropped without opwr tunlty to defend themselves. I THE BRICR I McAtee (EL Aihen, Props. y We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for $ Norman's Ice f ream I WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY I SPECIAL y Special for Sunday, August 21 f Butter Scotch Pudding The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK Where you get service and workmanship combined Lloyd Hutchinson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing I NOW I Now is the time to begin to save. These are your years of production. Make them insure your later years in comfort and se curity. Open a Savings Account here. It's the best start you can make. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. "Just Between You anil Me" says the Good Judge Here's genuine chewing satisfaction for you, hook ed up with real economy. A small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much long er than a big chew of tha ordinary kind that's be cause thc full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chjv will tell you that. Put ufi in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a shr rL cut tobacco Case Bus & Transfer Co. We Thank you for past patronage ;,n ! mlieit a continuance of the same. Our best . r ice for you. Leave orders at Case Furnii :: e Co. or Phone Main 844 BAGGAGE. EXPRESS. I '"'GUT. COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING 1