Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 09, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    mtTn iTr.nr,iir.T, Ttnn A T T4 U17DDMFP OTJTTP.nM
Tuesday, August 9, J9L
I B-f B t 1 w 1-1 B- Ir-1 M t-T i-ft I I 1 I .4 I 1 !. U1V. Val A
i i
" . . ! ....'I
?- I 1
Miss Kaye Tiftchte was an lone .
pasenger on Sunday morning's, train. !
Mrs. Karl Milled, of Lexington, and J
her cousin, Miss Phelps, of Coos j
County cue in Sunday evening for a j
sliort visit, in Heppner.
M. W. Hammer, who lias been on
the tiifk list for tonic time went to
Salem Sunday to visit ii-lativs for a
wciik or t'ln days.
Misses Kdytlio Iloyd and Alma De
vin, wlni have l.'.'cn attending normal
M-hool at lvtidlclon for n-vclial
weeks, 11 id : il Sunday Hiiii
. V 11! Cider apples and
windfalls d di vei ed .-if lei y. 1 0:1 's Cash
Market n x t. door lo first, National
Hank. 1'lione. Main !:!, Heppner,
Ore. ir.-is pi.
The Heppner library I'lMiliy re
ceived J 01) ))!(( bool;;i e-jn. Iim flat"
i'braiy at Salem and aiso have pur
chased 25 new volumes lalily placed
on He slndvi;s.
W. '. Mahoney drove lo Tori land
Sunday being ncconipa 11 ied by liis
two young ncices, Kuili and .Margery
Mahoney, wlio have been visit inn
hero for some lime. 'K. .1. ('arsner
also made tho trip with Mr. Mahoney.
Thomas 11. GrilTith and Miss Tliel
ma 11. Clianey, both of I. one, secured
a marriage license at the county
cletrk's office? last .Saturday and later
were married by Itev. Livingstone
pastor of Hie Christian church.
J. W. Stevens was in town Satur
day from llard.'iii'.n and re. oi ls tin;
crop,. gool out II at way end about
ready to harvest. Mr. Stevens and
Pis brothers will operate a combine.
tiiis season, harvesting '.heir own ajid
Several of their neighbors crops.
Mrs. Moore, of Spokane, who lias
been visiting her son, Waller K.
Moore, of this cily for the punt month
left for her homo Sunday going via
of Arlington and tins North Hank
route. Her son accompanied her as
far as Arlington.
I'rof Howard M. James and fiaiily
have returned from a pleasant vaca
tion spent at l'orlland and on the
coast. While in l'ortl.und they visi
ted with bis aged mother who re
cently arrived there from California
and whom lie had not seen for several
Mrs. Floyd Tolleson, and children,
Floyd jr. and Lelah, left Saturday1
iiiiirn in l' for their former home In
Oklahoma where, the will visit
friends and relatives .'or r. couple of
i-.iont.hu. They traveled via. Kansas
City and expecletd lo visit for a few
days In Springfield Mo., enroutc.
Cliff ltugg was in from Rugg I!ros.
ranch on Khea creek SuUirady and
Uroporls Hint they finished harvcstiig
Saturday afternoon. Their princi
pal crops are alfalfa and rain hay
and beardless hurley. Their crop was
heavy this year but as they hae not
yet threshed they do not know jusl
what the barley will make per acre.
Harry llrown, one time black
smith but now rancher in the Lena
country was arm, ml to. 11 Saturday
Vlth his eye in a sling looking us
"Beautifully Simple and Simply Beautiful"
Says Alden Sedgeuick, famous critic
A drama of family life in the Kentucky
hills with a suspense that amazes
and a romance that surprises
with May McAvoy and Bruce Gordon
STAR THEATRE, Mon., Tues. Aug. 15-16
Saturday, August 1 3
fX A A k 9.8
Friday, August 12
Carl Laomrrle offt-J
In an enthralling
drama of a doctori
wifs? and the other
i'-''o'ii wife Y,'
rnMAN, nro yon nfrnld that
your IniHliiiiul Ih sIlpiiiiH!
nwav fniui yuu'.' lu you
kinw tin Mins tlKit menu you
haw tst your ability to hold
lilui? If you do or do not, don't
full In Sim' this Ko'llt hlllniin
pliotoili'niim of u doctor, Ills will)
and the other woman.
Mrs Josie Jones was a passenger
for J'ortland Friday morning where
she will visit for a few weeks
E. N. Gonly, shoe merchant, went
to Portland Thursday to have a
glance at the tail end of Buyers
Dale "Watkins, of Irrigon, was here
Thursday wilh watermelons. Ke ex
peels to make regular trips during
tiie season.
Mi::s Violet Hynd, of Cecil, who t
was the guest of the Mahoney sis
ters for several days last week re
turned home Thursday.
Minor, Matlock & Thompson ship
ped out three cars of beef . cattle
Thursday morning The stock went
to the Portland market. I
J. A. alers ana family leit on
Wednesday morning for a vacation
trip with their objective point Taco
ma, "Washington, where Mrs. Water's
mother resides.
John Jenkins, of Iloardman,
whose official duty is to jolly the
sandy roads of that district along
during the dyr eason and keep them
ill passable condition, was a businelss
visitor at the court house Thursday.
Heppner was treated to an electri
cal and wind storm Sunday evening
that made a lot of fuss but did r
ing in the way of bringing rain or
tempering the heat. A sprinkle of
rain fell but when the gale let up
the heat was still with us.
County Commissioner George
Bleakman was here attending counly
court Wednesday and Judge Camp
bell complains that the commissioner
overworked him by failing to vole
to adjourn until nearly midnight.
Bleakman defends himself with the
assertion that his time is worth $35
a day trucking wjieat to market and
as that is more than his salary as
commissioner amounts to he as de
termined to .wind the county bus
iness up pronto and get back to work.
hero of
Made Wv V:-T
Tr-Am lV) TmneQ -'-. 4 I
sbe play by
t TH0MA5
Wi- it T! I
pan Al's if
Heppner Herald Want Ada
George Cook was a passenger on
the flyer Saturday morning, "Going
down the line aways." ,
Mrs. Frank Glasscock and ehild-
i ren, of Hadnian are the guests of
Mrs. W .0 Bayless this week
E S Ackerman, publisher of the
lone Independent, spent the past week
on a vacation at Lehman springs. He
returned to lone Sunday evening.
'Mr .and Mrs Chas, Latourell re
turned from Greshaiu Sunday where
they attended the Fordson demon
stration "It was some show," says
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Smead are
here from Portland visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smead.
They went out to Ditch creek today
for a camping trip.
Bob Thompson and Bill Matlock,
who look a shipment of cattle to
; Portland last week, returned Sunday j
! evening. The market was rather otf,
Mr. Thompson says
Burrell Gurdane returned from
Portland Friday evening and reports
that his father, D. C. Gurdane, who
lias been seriously ill there for some
time, is improving '
G. B. Langdon, forest ranger in
charge at Tupper station, was in town
Friday during business errands and
getting supplies. Tupper station is
located five and a half miles east of
Parkers Mill and is on the route of
what is known as the west road, a
forest road which, when caompleted,
will extend from Ukiah to Lone
I Bock. Wliile but little work has
! been done on the road as yet, Mr.
(Langdon has already registered ?5
travelers and recreationists who
have traveled the route this summer
and when the season is over he will
make a report of the amount of tra
vel with a view of encouraging the
department to make a further appro
priation for completing the road. Mr.
Langdon reports that the huckleberry
crop Is a failure in his district, the
berries having been froze by a heavy
frost which fell late in July. So far
this season there has not been a fire
in the district under Mr. Langdon's
supervision. ,
Sunday, August 14
i i -
aiont Knowi
her name so ihey ,
tagged her with a
number. Yei'the unknown
beauty triumphed where 1
ell others Failed. See
In a grea-b heart
gidtuid of Treachery
nd Tears and Triumph
Dlrec-bod by Kirg, Bajiget
Heppner Kcrald Want Ads bring
home the bacon.
Weds., Thurs. Aug. 10-11
(w. Y
f Pi f f.
or mi
i n l"oibm iiclur
i. ol how i wenun'i white !
la'iicloi up tlnce live until tt
emit, I if tlx would
uttt b t(ilecnfvi ou: A
toty Uitl in Kol.ien loot
hilU ul Calitoiitx autonit tinv
lc, utu'.ei itnivUl'l iicolc hutv
gty lof hpi'tn viy
hunun drama lull ot hrtithlfsa
nuiinema m wlinh di latla
buy and a i.i!td u ilay
ri i. y .M t jut c ii t j 1 r
!.' 1 1 .d f t . a !' 1
l.m .y t .'i.Ki e. I'' " '
li.i.e k i t ' i't t
though he had ben trying to pick a
row with some country editor. Ho
disclaimed any such thing as the
mime nf his trouble, however, which
he attributed it to an ulcer on the
Jacob Fratl. roriner auccePsful
rainier in the Hlack horse district
now relired and living at Portland
came in on Sunday's train loeo Just
how hot it can get up in this country,
and expects to remain about, a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Krad have been trying
ou! the Portland cliniale for the lasl
year and are so well pleased wilh it
that they are contemplating buying
a home near Portland and settling
there periuunelilly.
W. 11. Thompson, a former resi
dent and business man of Heppner
was here during the week visiting
old friends and acquaintances. Mr.
Thompson was at one time engaged in
the drug business here and later op
crated a stage line neiwcen in i'i'
ner mid Canvon Oily. He is now l
resident of Prairie I'ily.
('. l liuuton. a recent arrival
Sherwood. Oregon, has leased a pur-
lion of the Prophet building adjoin
ing the First National Hank and
will onen a sweet cider shop am'
r t .mil ve..,.t:i) e market, wr
Piiiilon has rented the Helen Rood
house and mined his family
it,, u :i brother ol Mrs. I- rani.
Hard, of llalin Fork.
Ail' tin Smith, v.u) hn-'-ses Hie etlilov
.ui.iind I lie Herald office, returned
V.ondav from a week's ovilinn in the
lllelllil.tlllt hero '' fii'
1 . ; 1 1 j ; eed lime. II' AuMi!l br
,ii' v. une laws he said
:l.,.ul it nor did he display any in
imiiiatliig e idi nee in the shape o
. in mi haunches or pheasant lrMt
K. polls reached heie this 11101 niii'-:
that two trawling men, r'roeiiiii
the " I 1 1" I'iciri He, were lulled b
U.htniiii; while inn clmg near Prairi
it M-steiilay.
U hile isiling at Ihelr old home
near l.oue Kin k recently. Mr and Mrs.
lleiinelt, of this city, were given 1
eel ion of wootl taken from a balm
ree which had been cut on the plat
er firewotHl, on which their son
Horace, now deceased, had cut his
1:11110 and the date 21 years ago.
riie lelteis were completely covered
y the growth of the tree and wort
mly discovered when the log wiu
plit open. Mr. and Mrsr. llennct'
rought the r.lah home with tr-ce
nl i'l'v.irtu it ur a. iiuLiJiJ vf
c , r . u a
TWO TK.NTS l'OIt SAkk One 12
x 14 wall tent. One 7x7 wall tent,
10 oz. duck.. $10.00 each. Latour
ell Auto Co. Advertisement. 8tf.
Pioneer Employment
G. A. Hurley. Mgr.
Single ami Married Farm Help
Write or Wire Your W'ants for
Quick Service
14 N. 2nd St., Portland, Oregon.
Phone Broadway 2278
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
50 acres allin alfalfa. Good water right, good new house. One
and one half miles from school 96,000. Easy terms.
180 ncres 4 miles from town, 50 acres In alfalfa, balance farm
( and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery,
and euipment included at only $10,000. Ensy terms.
Better See Me At Once About These Fine Bargains
Sam Hughes Co.
HAT approximately $700,000,000 is required by
the public, utility companies of the country to pro
vide service for an additional million inhabitants,
is one of the interesting fact. brought forth in the
recently published report of Senator Willard M.
1m' an
uol hiiii;
., 1 Ti.....t!.,n
i',i,i.,. v I'limtnitiee on Reconstruction aim """"""
Alter a searching Inquiry into the various conditions bear
ing upon the housing situation and the country's indusl r.al I re
duction, the Committee finds that the business of public util
ities has outgrown their plant facilities owing to 'he inability
of Iht" companies to finance Improvements and additions nec
essary to lake care of llie increased service demamls.
"Prior to the war," states the Com.VtUv. "it in estimated
that Hie normal annual reiieiremcnis of clcitrie railway, gas,
and elerl rie light and pewer companies for extensions, better
ments riid improvements was about f r.OO.OOO.OOO, p report !n-,-d
as le'ews: Kleetric railways. $ ? ' il.mnl.c00 ; gas com
panies fl-' .-..000.000; electric lip!t nr.d V- ''t.t.ipani.-s
1 :"..Oeil.,IOO.
The feiiuuittee has been informed that for four y.-rs not
.ner ' 1" r cent of such betterments 1 as been made, leaving
., il(.,.,r,-,ulatitn of about I1.2u0.0H0.0im). If this sum is ad
ded to - Ted 0110 000 required alone for new lesideiuial hrild
i'iiks h'M in abevanee, a total of nnpi oxii.iat, ly ?.0OO.(m0.,Mi0
s,vms ssaryj'or the public utility program in the immedi
ate till lire.
The question of placing these businesses on a found
financial basis 111 order that credit may flow to (hem is tho
same questun which confronts steajn railroads ?nd housing,
but in Hie case of public utilities the case is more difficult be
cause there is no central body as now provided in the rase of
steam railroads which mi.Uit adjust rales in prt per relation
lo op. rating costs and capital Investment. The utilities like
wise siiller in their effort to secure new capital for necessary
extensions of service by the almcst insurmountable difficulty
of having to compete for such capital with municipal, state rnd
similar tax exempt Hecuriti.'H. Vntil these problems are sol
ved the public should reunite this underlying reason for
much of the faulty service and for the failure to provide the
additional facilities urntly demanded to mee; community
needs. IMid Advertisement.
American Legion
Smoker ahd Dance
Saturday, August 20, '21
Boxing-W resiling
Several good matches have been
Ladies are especially invited
Good Music Assured For
City Wai Imprtgnabl.
The ancient city of Ntueveh wti
right miles wide and fourteen miles
one was surrounded by a wall 100
feet lo height and wld three char.
lots could be driven abreast oa la
Canada's Big Game.
Throughout Canada from 1000 to
1.300 moose are killed annually, bat
the game are protected and are hnat
td under certain retrU-tiona that ara
rlgldly enforced, so that there is De
fter of tleir n:.-troo.