Tuesday, August 9, 1921 PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LEGAL NOTICES yoiKK v si:tti.i:mi:.nt or U N A I, AUCOUXT In the County Court ol the Slate of Onon for tho County rpf Morrow, in iho mutter of the e-tate (Jf Jos' ;li Si rixm-r, deri-aserl ;-.itjr-.- i - ), y n I i-.:,t I'i .;- ; ,',!. r,,i . . 1 . 1 : ,; 1 1 ,,(., (.1 .10 ' i'. ' ' ' ' ':. ALFALFA AS A REFRIGERATOR Planted Around Farm Houses It Has Been Found to Reduce the Tem perature Materially. Itefrigersitors Indoors nre common enough, but It took the farmers in the Southwest to devise one for ouliloor use. A fjtrmor who ti!ii'ein 'l fo plant a It. field of (llfillfil S.Mitll of the :";i! ":l .1 li'i!!.-' : flri'lM' till- ll'.t sntJl- ! e-- :' f..;;...i'..,t th.! I : - !';,. rly 'I'm 'i'.t V r I'n.a; !!:e 1 ... s ifl Ihe I- s 2 J !$! 4 4. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 4. 4 4 DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DF.XTIST Permanently located, in Odd fellow's Building n::Pi'.ER, Oregon ; VI M 1 ion. r:: v 1 h wir. 'ox, j : -if i ;i ii-i , ( :;.,n. i!. l),-.,".:;eti j 1 1 01 ii' .v for A-l :. i nl. tni 1 1 i :;. IMS XO'l'K 1; It HI It I1U A I IM Depiirlineiit ol' Hie Interior, U. S. J. anil office nl J.11 Ci.iniJe, Oregon. July 10, 11)21. Noliee is iH.'ieliy niven (hut. JOHN C. McKNTIKK' whose pout office, uddress in lleppner, Oregon, did, on the 21st d;iy of July, 111)20, file in HiiH ol'fiee Sworn Slate nieiit anil application, No. 020734, to imrchaso U10 KV4SH14. SKUNK '4, Section 15, Township 4 South, Ilani;e 28 Ka.it, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provi Hlons of the act of June 3, 1X78, and acta amendatory. Known as the "Tim ber and Stone Law," at such vatie aR might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, Ihe land anil timber thereon have been appraised, $3 70.00 the timber estimated 270,000 board feet, at $.50 & $1.00 per M, and'the land $120.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In milM'ort of his application and sworn stalement on the 30th day of September 1921, before United Slates Commissioner, nt lleppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry or in itiate a contest at any time before patent, issues, by lilliu; a corrobora ted affidavit in this office, aliening facts which would defeat Ihe enlry. C. S. DUNN, Keglster. NOTICF, l'Olt PI IH.H ATIOX I,..'. I- I ! 1 . , ... ;., 1' ,. (J, ;,!.. .v. ... '. . ..!' ! ol' ..;;,.!- ) i nvrr liTi.V , 1 1 I ! : is li ill Ihe ) 1. el .'li.-m.;.' : ijre, I !, .". i: i. ..;.: i. ;ii ..I' u I. Vii i-."li.'.'s 1 iie leni- litre o!' tin. u'r iii'd I. --ens liie ; i:::.:ner 1 ; . :. 1 ii. I i;e mfjoiuf J;;.r html ov.-r Which ft W-v.s. 'I he siU':"-.-i len new is f..V fanners Hull ui.-h to profit from Ihe presence mid Ihe hoard money of summer va cationists to coinhiiie the irolit and inilil.v of alfalfa wilh higher rates from hot-weatlier boarders allrucled by Ihe coolness of the ten acre refrig eralor around Ihe house. Utile' by lit tic men are beginning to learn how to utilize the means pro vided by a good Creator for their com fort and well-being. DR. A. D. McMURDO J'HV.MCI.VX. :ndSl i;.i:o T 1. -phone 1C2, Of! '.: Tir-' ei - ji's Jjruf? ?'''. f. jiiiiT-xioit, oi;:.con HE HAD LEARNED SOMETHING F. A. McMENAMIN 1, A Villi Office Phone M1 6 13 -Residence Phone Main CG3 Roberts Building HEPPXEn, orixon S. E. NOTSON attokm:y-at-l.vw Office in Court House HEPPNER, OREGON Department of the Interior, V. S. Umd office nl I.a Grande, Oregon. July 16, 1921. Notice is hereby given that JIT.IA McI'lNT I UK whose post office addiess Is lleppner, Oregon, did in the 23rd day of June, 1920, file In this office sworn state ment and application, No. 02tlli'.ll, to purchase Ihe 10 '-SW WVjSK'i Section 15, Township 4 South, Rang" i!X East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber theieoii, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, I K 7 S , anil nets amendatory, known as the Tim ber and Stone Law," at such valine as might be lived by appraisement, and Hint, pursuant to such applica tion, the land and limber thereon have been apiirnisi il at $515.00, Ihe timber estiniati.il 390, OOU board feet nt $.50 & $1.00 per M, and the land $1 ill). 00; that said applicant will oiler r.nal proor In support of Ins application and sworn s'alenient nil the 3iHli day of September 1921, beluie I'mleil slates I'omiii issioner, at lleppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro test this puichase belore entry, or in -ill. He 11 contest at any time before patent I -aiies, by filing a corrol.i. ra ted affidavit ill this oll'ice, alleging tads which would defeat the entry. C. S. IM'NX, Register. NOTIi II I'DIt PI 111 H'A IION isoi.vn i Tit ut (.Public Land Sale) pepartnient of the Interior, 1". S l.aud Olfico at i.a C.ramle, (.iregon, June 4, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that, lis di verted by the 1'oiiiiiii.t.iniver of the Oeneral Land OH ice, under provis ions of Sec. 2 4 55, R. S., pursuant to Hie application of Horace M. Yoakum lleppner, Oregon, Serial No. 019821, Me will oiler at public land Nile, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.2 5 per acre, at 10 o'clock A !., on the ltilh day of August, next, nt this office, the following tract of I .lid: NW'SW'i Sec. 21 T. 4 S., U. :i E. W. M. The sale will not be kept open but v ill be declared closed when those 1. resent at the hour named have eeasid bidding The person mailing the highest bid will be reiiulrcd to immediately pay to the Receiver the sur.ount (hereof. Any pcnamn claiming u.Kersley the ubovo described land are advised Christmas Incident That Shows the Way of a Modern Maid With Her Victim. He was a very nervous yonug man, hut he was rather nice, and Elsie thought he was worth encouraging. She ullowed him to take her to tea, she deliberately chucked the slipper In his eye at "Hunt the Slipper," and she gave him a dance or two. Once or twice she sat down under the mis tletoe, bul he didn't seem to notice that. At. last when they were alone In a corner of a room, she stood long and insistently under the mistletoe hanging from a curlaln pole of the bay window. Then, very nervously, he pecked her face. She, of course, protested mild ly ; hut as they seated themselves once more, most respectably on a couple of eliairs, she kept the conversation on mistletoe. At length he ventured: "It Is er ft nice Christ inns custom, hanging up mistletoe, hut I wonder why they al ways hang It over doors, windows or chandeliers?" "liecause It's not hecessary to have any out on the stairs or In any other dark places," she murmured softly. FOK SAI.K Oil TltADK Have 470 (51111am county wheat ranch, 270 acres In culti vation, 140 in wheat this year, balance In summerfallow, loca ted 6 Vi miles S. YV. of Rock creek station. Is assessed at $7200 with '$2X00 school loan on It. llulldingt are fair. For valuation or can use up-to-date lleppner home in the deal if priced right. Write giving par ticulars. 0. C. CAI.KINS, Moro, Or. Advert isemeiit 14-16 WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNE-R, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORXEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Bidg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON F1HK INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. IIICYCI.E FOR SAI.K $Mt tiooil $55 value. Has been used only 1 year. All accessories Included. In quire at this office or phone Main 613. Advertisement. to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the tituo designated for sale. C. S. PPNN, Register. 11-16 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. Oregon' Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY Eii;ht Schools; Seventy Departments FALL TERM jOPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 For information writt to iht Rfidrar Oregon ARricultural College CUUVAl LIS Let Borneo Keep It. Widows and widowers v ho weep twice a day for a year, and who nre allowed to cut only u every second day of a month, figure In the funeral ceremonies of the headhunting na tives of Ilorneo. Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly First-Class, Heppner-made Product Central Market C. W. McNAMER, Prop. Everything for QUALITy nothing for show THAT'S OUR IDEA in making 4 1,3 the Quality Cigarette. jt izy It's the be:.: packing cigarettes flavort 11 u 1 I. iVrii nt.-.ij cpfirp tni ran Til .1 Uvisci io keep fcr vbur taste. ii inside revenue stamp ever the end to seal tlie pack age and keep it air-tight. And note this! There's nothing flashy about tha Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels, who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly' blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga retty aftertaste. ' Camels are made for men who think for themselves. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wiiuton-Salem, N. C, & 3iYV wMew STAN DARD vAJ2w' NON-SKID- 11 n The Fastest Selling Tire In America The Increasing popular demand for the Firestone Standard 30x3' Inch tire over a period of years ha i given us bifi volume. Our 1'lant No. 2 devoted wholly to this size tire with a capacity of 16,000 tires and 20.000 tubes per day cuts costs on every operation. T-ii t ix. itrnr.fi.1 mir nrlri tn 1 t Ct nMcwimV nn t ri tm i ..n ....... r ... , - - - - , v-.. ... nit; iuii benefits of this bi4 sales volume and this labor-savin;; plant. This tire h.'s been our standard for years lour plies lon staple fabric extra turn between r-lit.s-heavy nou-kid tread. The greatest value ever offered car owners. Insist en i u 'jtone. Our Cord Tire Values Firestone Cord tires are made exclusively in Plant N i. 1. Our procpss of double gnm-dippina each ply of cord ftives thicker insulatir,.-.. I :-e n . vsive mn-skid tread with extra thickness where wear is most severe, gives r- il e!Uca.encns in holding thi car against clipping and adds many extra miles or .s.rvice. Firestone Cord tires are sold at the lowest prices in cord tire history: 30x3,4. $J4.50j 3ix4. 546.30; 34x4.lj, $54.90. There are Firestone Dealers Everywhere to Serve You COHN AUTO CO., HEPPNER, f