PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, August 9. 1Q21 Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, PoHtoffice as second-class Matter Terms of Subscription One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months $0.50 TWELVE-DOLLAR HORSEPOWER 1 T I, fy I.( I." 'I1 I 1 l f . 1 1 1 in, (nr,iv j 1. iv 1 iw 1 01 ine nyaro-eiectnc power generated and used in the province ol Ontario is publicly owned by the provincial government and distributed tnrough the I lydro-Mectric Power Commission of Ontario A project called the Queenston-Chippawa power devel opment at Niagara J' alls, now Hearing completion, will pro duce 5oo,ocx horsepower at an estimated cost of S60.000- oo. This will bring the total power investment of the pro vince up to $2io,cxx),ooo. The total electric energy pur- naseu and generated by the commission amounts to about 440,000 horsepower. The tola) capital invested in its present going plant is Sl35 It horsepower. J n t he new plant the investment will be $125 per horsepower. This would mean an annual cost per horsepower of S12 as compared with ?6o to $70 for .steam generated power. J t is proposed to sell surplus pow er to American consumers until Canadian customers' dc jnand the entire output. The development of power in Oregon can probably be done as cheaply as at Niagara. The Celilo project it is esti mated can produce 800,000 horsepower at a cost of less than ioo per horsepower. Jt this can be done it should hr rip livered in Portland at much less than $20 per horsenower I t is estimated that power can be taken from the Deschutes river at Jess than this initial cost. Oregon is talking about its waterpowcr while Ontario is developing and selling its power, and by its use is increas ing us home industries by leaps and bounds. If electrica . I,.. .1. I! t . m.. uin in; uenvcred at uregon lactones for $20 or less it is inexcusable waste of resources to let it run idle to the .sea. Portland Telegram. Stories of By Elmo Great Scouts wlL, Florence Oil Stove Asbestos Wick Bakes Roasts Boils Toasts Cook in a cool kitchen Peoples Hardware Co. Is Gone Wrong Something 9 a Next time some thing goes wrong with your Auto TractorTruck Stationary Engine or Motorcycle don't fume find fur.s nround dinning this thing and that Muming everyone from the manufacturer to the garage man. BRING YOUR TROUCLE TO US ProK.Wy it is inside whi rr you can't see it when you stand Still you cun t heur it but the minute you stirt you cuii feci it. Perhaps Your Compression Is Bad Poor compression in nn engine i caused by scored or worn cylinders. It cnusrs more trouble more annoyance more profanity and a greater loss of time ijasolinc oil and money thaa any other one thing. We I lave Equipped Ourselves to Render Service Our Marvel Cylinder Ke boring Machine No. 5, is the lutest improvement tor scient itkally satisfactorily, and economically re-boring engine cylinders mid when we lit iucui with Marco Oversize Pistons it makes your engine ;oh1 as new. Come in and see us let us tell you just what is the trouble and what it vill cost to tu it. HEPPNER GARAGE MACHINE SHOP Countryman & Marshall, Props. . Western Newspaper Unldp. THE EXPLOIT OF PIONEER SCOUT ANDREW POE Andrew and Adam Poe, two broth ers, were scouts In the pioneer day "urn. une aay when the I'oe brothers were leading a party on tne umi or a nana of Indians who bad raiuea the settlements, they left theli men to try to locate the savages. The oromers became separated. On the nan- or a river Andrew came upon a giant Wyandot chief and a smaller Indian who were standing with their nnes cocked but looking In anoth direction. Poe's rifle missed fire when he shot at the chief and the Indians at once discovered him. Before they could snoot, the scout sprang upon them seeing ootn around the neck, 'i'he small Indian jerked loose first and while the chief held Poe, his com panion tried to get in a death blow with his tomahawk. Andrew allowed him to come close. Then with one mighty kick he planted his foot In the Indian's stomach, hurling him back ward and knocking the hatchet from his hand. When the little Indian got his breath back and recovered his tomahawk, he advanced to the attack again and suc ceeded In wounding Poe In the arm. A second later the scout pulled him self from the grasp of the chief, seized one of the Indians' guns and shot the warrior as he advanced to attack him a third time. Poe was no longer fight ing against odds and he immediately attacked the chief. The ground was wet and slippery. In another moment the Indian and the white man, locked In each other's arms, fell Into the water and each be gan trying to drown the other. Final- ly Poe seized his ehemy by the scalp iock ana held bis head under waiter until he believed the chief was dead. When he released his hold, however, the redskin renewed the struggle. By this time they were fighting in deep water. Seemingly at the same time both thought of the one loaded rifle on the shore and both started to swim t& get It. The Indian was the better swimmer and reached the bank first. As the chief picked up the gun, Poe turned back in the water and began diving to avoid a bullet. The chief, however, had picked up an empty gun, the one with which Andrew had killed the little Indian, and before the Wyan dot could get the loaded weapon, Adam Poe, who had heard the shot, camp running ta his brother's rescue. ue fired and the Indian feU dead. Cigarette To seal In the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. It's Toasted , Two cars a day are shipped out from the Morgan plant of the natural hard surfacing road material which was discovered there last winter. The material seems to be a mixture f sand, alkali and cement and when mixed with the "hot stuff" used for the top dressing is said to add greatly o its wearing quality. One hundred and fifty thousand tons have been, contracted. XOTICK OF SHERIFF'S SALE Jim Carty was in town today from his Juniper Canyon ranch. Jack Hynd, mayor of Cecil was in town today. Misses Helen and Marie iCurran have gone to Ooldeodale, Washington where they will spend a few weeks vbiting friends. G. U. Krebs who formerly opera ted a big stock ranch on uppper Wil low creek and Halm, Fork, but who has been living near Portland a few years, was rn town a day or two dur ing the week shaking hands with friends. Mr. Krebs has been spend ing some time with his son on the Inters ranch near Cecil. Alfalfa, sheep and cattle still have a pretty strong pull on Mr. Krebs' interest. John McNamee waB in from his summer sheep camps near Starkey, Oregon during the week and reports the sheep are doing fine this sum- 'All as fat as butter," says In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. Burt Richards, Plaintiff vs. Frank E. Cronan., John E. Cro- nan, L. W. Cronaii, and J. E. Cronan, Defendants. By virtue of an attachement exe cution, judgment order, and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated th 14th day of July 1921, upon a judgment ren dered and entered in said Court on the 15th day of April 1921 in favor of Burt Richards, plaintiff and against Frank E. Cronan, John E. Cronan, L. W. Cronan andj. E Cronan, de fendants for the sum of $3460.19 with interest at tne rate of 6 per cent: per annum from the 15th day of April 1921 and the further sum of $350.00 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 15th day of April 1921, and for the fur ther sum of $63.45 costs and disbur sements and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: North Half of the South West Quarter NSW) and South East Quarter of South West Quarter (SEUSWi). Sec. 10, and the North East Quarter (NE) Sec. , Township 1; N. Range' 24 E. W. M., also the North East Quarter (NE) Section 30, and the East Half of the South East Quarter(E6 SE) Sec 32, and the North East Quarter (NE4) and the North Half. of the South East Quarter ( N SE V4 ) Sec. 33, and (lie South East Quarter (SEU) Sec. 34, and the South East Quarter (SEVi) of Sec. 2i, all in Township 2 N. Range 24, EL W. M. and the South West Quarter fSWU) Sec 2i, North Range 25, E. W. M. Now Therefore, by virtue, of said execution, judgment order, and order of sale and in compliance with the commands ot said writ, l will, on John, "but the price is not what it hould be." Mr. McNamee waa about to ship a few cars of fat lambs to the Portland markett but after getting returns from a friend of his who re- Saturady the 10th day of September Unfa'r discrimination. Klchln vtched tils papa give hla Greass Man. two older brother money for earfiir ; Leonardo da Vinci Is considered h and money ter the collection at church. several competent judges to have the Me wanted to so to ch'iroh also, but j strongest claim to the title of the his papa Mid liliu he would have to greatest man In history, lis was the s'sy at home, lie Immediately said: f outstnad'ng genius In the golden age i "A'hy dto'i you make thetn kids stay of genius. th age of Shakespeare, j NinieT They is (he ones what always j l-'M her, Krasuiu. Cervantes, Michael cently bought a band of weathers in the same section, at $2.75, shipped them to Portland and sold, them for $2.10 thus netting a loss of 65 cents plus all freight and other expanses, he decided to let his lambs stay on the range. L.. A. Hunt, for the past two and one-half years the efficient, county 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in. Heppner, Morrow County Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to re demption), to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de fendant Joseph E. Cronan had on the 27t.h day of November 1920, the date uBent of this county, who reeetntly ol- Aw nling of the Ce,.tificate of At- iroitiiit-u nun position to accept the ' t imimiKetneiu or the Oregon Hav t! rowers Association, is busy closing up his affairs here preparatory to taking up his new duties Mr. Hunt's family have already moved to Her mistou which will he their home in the future. Mr. and Mis. Hunt have made many warm friends during their sojourne in this county, all of whom will join in best wishes for their future welfare. achment herein or since that date hd in and to the above described property or any part thereof, to sat isfy said execution, judgment order, interest, costs and accruing costs. GEORGE McDl'FFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By T. E. Chidpey. Deputy. Dated this Sth day of August 1921. First i-sue Aug. Sth. 1921. Last issue Sept. Sth 1921.. w ants' the nickels ' AHeio, Titian and Kuptiuel. DUNTON'S CASH MARKET O C. M'.VrO.V, Prop. Will open about August loth. Next Door to First National Bank SWEET CIDER Made lily n SpH-liilty Canned Fruits and Fresh Fruits Direct From the Willamette Valley mr vrw s. unions, ..k;;s and honfy Look over my goods and get my prices Open 9 to 12 A. M ; ; to 6 P. M. Saturday evenings to 8:00 House Phone, Main 93 A Member of the Federal Reserve iid"!M M- M I SIS When You Think Summer Vacations Then you think silver ware and valuable pa pers. It is cheap insurance to place your valuables in a safety deposit box, when they can be stored for $2.00 a year. For absolute protection you think of the Safety Deposit Vault of the First National Bank of Heppner A Member of the Federal Reserve Hay and MACHI Harvest NERY 1 n WE Carry the Famous .C.LIN Mowers, Rakes, Headers, Binders, and Threshers, Better look up your repair needs Now and avoid costly delays after you start cutting. GILLIAM & BISBEE "We Hive it Will Get it Or it is Not Made" ; 1 - - - - " Champion Bird Swallower. The cnwrT liu a reputation M a clmmplun swallower. Owing to Its IihIiH of swallowing st'Wer. and other hard suhstnnce to alst Its digestion, some wonderful store have been told of its pdwers of gluttony. Rsnoviting a Lantern If the Iron surface of yonr lantern has become rusty rub off an the nst with the fine glasapaper or other pol hint material. When th amooth ron la eiposed glre It a coat of black lead, or some similar preparation. I