Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 02, 1921, Image 1

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The local committee of the Chau
tauqua, after settlement of all the
bills will face a deficit of nearly
$100.00. The share of the deficit of
the local committee was $130.4 5, but
the generous collection taken at the
! last session of the Chautauqua re-
lngim!' Grey Pleased With Prngress duced this about $30.00. Last year
Says Job Will be First- at Uie close of the Chautauqua 460
Class ! season tickets were subscriii
i If all these had been taken up by
"Highway work is gMsg along fine i those who subscribed for them, there
Morrow County Fair
Sepf 15-10-17
in fact better than I had hoped for,"
Vas the cheering information given
out by U. It. Grey, engineer in charge
of construction on the Oregon-Washington
highway between Lexington
and Jones hill, when seen this morn
ing by a reporter for the Herald.
Mr. Grey is well pleased with the
way construction is- moving along wild
says that he can. rssure tho people of
Morrow counly that, when finished
the highway will be first cln.cs
"That is what I am here for," contin
ued the engineer, "to see that the
work is done strictly in accordance
would have been no deficit this year.
The failure of some people to pay
for their tickets causes the members
of the committee to pay for approxi
mately two such tickets. Some of
the subscribers who did not under
stand this have indicated their inten
tion of paying for the tickets yet,
rather than having those who had the
burden of carrying' on the local ar
rangements pay for' them,. A num
ber of other public spirited citizens
who believe the Chautauqua was a
good .thing have indicated that the1
will contribute, something towards
the deficit, all of which is fully ap-
with the specifications."
Mr. Grey says the grading and ' Predated by the local committee,
bridges will be completed hy Novem
ber 1st and he expects the surfacing
will be well un icr way by that time
The work of putting down the
macadam can be carried along dur
ing the winter months and it is ex
pected that the entire mileage from
the Gilliam county line to J mos hill
will be completed between, now and
next spring.
IRRIGON, Or., July 30. (Special)
B. C. Bishop, of Brewster, Wash
ington, is here visiting for a few days
and looking after his interests.
Mrs.. Chas. Dempsey has her two
daughters visiting here this week,
Mrs. Wm. O. Shields, of Anniston
ns. iMia u. tsrannon, wite or Wes- j Ala., and Mrs Leona Lister and
iey w. crannon, or waroman, died daughter, of Portland Oregon. Mrs.
at Portland Wednesday, July 27,Derupsey has not seen Mrs. Shields
at we age or ta years, 11 .for 21 years.
- - . ...
CP OlS0l
J. D. Raiuuan, well known farmer
of the Lexington country, was in
town Saturday and reported having 1
had two I. W. Ws. working in his
harvest field for a few days last week
1 who claimed to be Simon-pure Hods, i
According to Mr. Bauman's account,
the men did considerable talking
about the intentions of their organi-
' zation in the near future, chief of
: which being the alleged intention of
Cecil l.ieuallcii Paint u!Iy Burned.
Chemical Engiine Proves
Heppner was thrown into a furora
of excitement this forenoon when a
j Tacoma and Seattle next winter. As I
soon as tne wonting season is oer;drum of isoliue b,.lnK transferred
I the men claimed, the Reds plan to i fn)m ,,, standard Oil delivery truck
j congregate in the cities named in , int(, ho st,Uf,(, tau jn Vl.ulU ,
such numbers that they will be able Ho,,,,1UT Garage in the heart of tho
; to take possession of the armory and , busino8!, sirtion, burst into flames
I other places where arms may be -'., ,. ., r,,w ,..,, threatened tho
cured and then' take over the city
government by force. Tho men
worked but a few days at the Bauman
place when they quit and moved on
and Mr. Bauman said he did not urge
j them to stay.
Morrow County Fair, Heppner, Ore., Sept. 15 to 17.
months and 9 days.
Mrs. Brannon had been in poor
health for several months and went
to Portland some time ago for treat
ment. The body was brought back to
Hardman for interment on Thursday
the funeral being held at that place
on Friday.
J Wr. Kirshner, of Heppner, spent
A harvest worker who recently se-
i cured employment at the Rood ranch
a coupie or days in irrigon survey- i wa hrm,ht . tn town drinc the week
ing out the various roads authorized and tnvestigated as suspected of be
ing Dr. Brunifield, the much wanted
The funeral of Mrs. Bertha Unian
hofer, who was found dead in her
bed last Tuesday morning, was held
Friday afternoon, churCh services be
ing held at 3:00 o'clock. Interment
was made at the Masonic cenietary
the same evening. Mr. t'manhofer
arrived Thursday evening from the
Willamette valley and was here for
the funeraL
by the county court during the last
year. W. R. Walpole and C. V.
Caldwell assisting Mr. Kirshner In
the 'work and were guests at Glas
gow's Friday noon for luncheon.
Rev. B. F. Harper preached at Ir
rigon Sunday in the absence of our
regular pastor J W. Hood who is at
present in Seatle
Roseburg dentist who has ben char
ged with the murder of Dennis Rusbbl
I oseburg. The man easily establish
ed his identity to the satisfaction of
the officials and admitted that hf
punt bear a striking resemblance to
the Koseburg man as he was investi-
destruction of the town. Quick work
on the part of the fire company in
getting the chemical engine into ac
tion, soon extinguished the blazo
with no loss' other than tho drum o
gasoline consumed.
Cecil Lieualleti, who drives tho
small delivery truck for .the SUuudard
Oil Co., was making some rush de
liveries during the absence of the reg
ular distributing truck at Lexington.
He was drawing gas from a drum
on, the truck into a 5-gallon can ami
transferring it to the storage lank
when suddenly the gas burst into
flames without warning. Mr. Lleual
len was enveloped in flumes for a
second and sustained painful bump
on his right arm, requiring the atten
tion of a physician.
The chemical fire truck piVved its)
worth on this occasion by quickly ex
tinguishing the blaze, which had it
There are richer men, perhaps, in
Oregon than either Robert A. Booth,
John B. Yeon or W.. B. Barratt.
There are men, perhaps, of greater
learning along given lines; bat thre
are no men who in the measure of
service which they are giving to this
great state, are greater than these
Fortunate indeed is Oregon that it
Mr. Hood expects ; gated at Hood River and has !. n
to leave us soon but we have not yet i more or less shadowed all along the
heard who is to replace him. line from Portland as he came 10
A frieght train, west bound, the! Heppner.
other day set several fires along the i
track near Irrigon and narrowly ! BARRATT
escapPd burning a couple of vacant
houses west of town. Fires were
however put out before any damage
W. B. Barratt, highway commis-
Mrs. Nora Castle returned Friday sioner, who arrested a man for driv
from a visit to Evanston, Wyo., where ! ing while 'ntoxlcated in the low?r
her son Ray is conductor for the
Union Pacific system. Mrs. Castle
does not expect to stay however, as
Columbia riier highway, says that he
intends seokin;; to have the drivel's
license revoked. The driver passed
she has a fine position awaiting her i Mr. Barratt on a rune at 40 miles a
at Seaside. hour and struck a tnch:ne being dn
The watermelons are now ripe In j ven by Mr. Barrett's aephew, and al
abundance. Not vej-y many have j most killing a road foreman who was
yet been shipped at this writing but j standing on the running board of the
truck loads have been taken to var- nephew's machine. Before this nar
row escape, another car forced Com-
(Telegram Washington Bureau)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Prof
essor G. F. Warren of Cornell uni
versity has been especially requested
by Secretary Wkillace to serve as coin
suiting specialist to the chief of the
h'lreau of markets and crop estimates
during the reorganization and con
solidation of the bureau. Professor
CECIL, Or., July 30. (Special.)
Mrs. Roy Scott and Miss Violet
Hynd, of Butterby Flats, were visit
ing with Mrs. George Krebs at the
Last Camp Saturday.
Miss Esther Logan, of .Fourniile,
was calling on her Cecil friends Sat
urday. Master Ellis' Montague, of Toppen-
ish, Washington, is visiting friends got into tho frame building and oil
in Fourmile. soaked garage adjacent, would havo
Cecil Allen, of Portland, has been j bo,!n h,inl t control,
visiting for a few days with his sis- j Ciy Unorder Hughes was standing
ter, Mrs. Roy Slender, of Seldomseen. , wltin il rw e,'t ' lne ,n"'k talking
. ,, ., , . , , I to Lieuallen when the ignition occur-
A. Henrtksen who has been busy i , , , . , .. ..
..... , ,, ,, ,,, , , ed and he is positive that, there was
with his hay on the Hamilton ranch i ...
' , . ; no match, cigarette or other firo
returned to Cecil W ednesday and is ! , ,
., ,., , ,, 1 within reach and that the blazo star-
now busy making the hay lly in all ! , . , ,
,. , , i ted spontaneously. A rubber hose
directions on his Willow creek ranch. , ,
I was being used to cary the gas from
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garlick who have j the drum ,nlo the can nnd ,, aro
been spending a few days with . of tho opiniorl Ula, ,ho. filetioii to
fr lends in Portland returned to Cecil , .,,.,,. uhh, tho vti-m i,...i rr,..,.
Wednesday, leaving Friday for Mor-
Warren, has acepeted the position j gan where Mr. Garlick will haul
and has been granted leave of absence gravel for Oregan llassam Paving Co.
the sun caused the trouble.
from Cornell until February 1st,
1922. He will enter upon his duties
at an early date.
Mr. and Mrs. W Cr Myers and son j
who have been residing at Rock- ;
icliffe during the gruvelimg of the.
I). O. Justus and W. VS. Howard
shipped out sixDD cars of Iambs ti
ious places. Mrs, R. S. Lamareoux
went to Arlington Monday and others
have gone to Umatilla and Boardman.
missions Barratt to drive out on a
shoulder of the highway to ewjipe
has three such men who are f reely j Cantaloupes and muskim ins should ; being smashed into. "The high-
giving to this state an exhibition of
be ripe soon but there is not a great I ways are built for pleasure," declan s
rare Integrity, high ideals and prac-i qluin,"y m ,mm- u""(1 cook ing u.e uiucu., aim we.e i.ui u.n .u.
tieal application of business principles anP'es can bp ha,- in "MiUon to the drunken people to go racing at ex
tn the attainment nf tw supplied last week, from W. A. cessive speed, imperiling the lives of
In studying the reorganization he .highway, left for Morgan camping I Omaha market Saturday niorn-
will give special attention to the dl- grounds Wednesday where they will
vision of the bureau which will deal 1 take up their abode during the grave
with the agricultural competition and j ing of the new road,
demand in foreign countries. j d. Kropn and son, Joe, of
Professor Warren, who is one of '. Portland, arrived in Cecil Wednesday
the leadimg'agricultural economists in i leaving for Morgan Friday. J. 1).
the United States, is the author of a ' has the contract for hauling the gra
nuniber of books on agricultural sub- vol for Oregon Hassum Paving Co.
jects. He has been connected with Messrs. Misner, Logan, and Dean
Cornell university for a number of ! are busy haulimg wheat Into Minor
VPnrs nnrl Tina curvprl nrfiffmunr nf ' f- n ,i i t ii, .,:,,!. ;
. , ' , w.u. u. .,...., B ,, ,., wMn ,,, aro again
mm.ui.uir IV..111IIIUH un.i nil III man- I jMlsIH't' IS 1110 lll'Sl OHO lO IIIIVO Wtll'al
agement sincet 1911. I shipped out or Cecil, (wo car loads
The bureau of markets and crop j leaving for Portland Friday,
estimates of the United States depart- Mrs. Roy Scott, niece of Mrs. .lack
ment of agriculture maintains a Sep- ; nyd, left llutcrby Flats Wednesday
arate division in its organization to i for Granite where she will join her
handle its co-operation with the var- husband who Is camplonder for llynd
Mrs. Wclllm (,'ombest who luis been
visiting at the home of J. M. Melton,
manifested in the work of the high
way Commission. Ontario Argus.
Do you know
you can roll
SO ood
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one bag of
Ford and good roasting ear corn can innocent people. If these crazy dii-
be had from Ford's and Hendrick's. vers would kill themselves it would-
; We list these so 'as to assist those n't matter so much, but they menace
coming in with I heir cars to find all others on the highway."
these things, and locate them with
ious states. With the consolidation
of the administration of the ofice of
farm management under the chief of
this bureau, it Is planned to streng
then, the co-operative relations with
state Institutions. It Is desired that
the work undertaken by state, and
federal workers will be based on
defiiiiite projects as has been done for
the p;isf two years III the office of
ing. The stock was in prime condi
tion and should bring a good price.
This is Mr. Justus' second shipment
to the east this season he having tak
en a shipment to Omaha In June.
Much to the relief of the fnivelir
public the Hotel Patrick doors wci
iigain opened to guests Monday morn
available to the tired dusty ones.
The diming room Ir still closed nnd
no announcement has been made as
to the intention of the management
regarding that, department..
Judge II "u Lindsvy, the noted ju-
at The Lookout, had the in isfort line ' ven ile jurist, whose remarkable wis
Monday night to lose her footing and j dom In the founding of the jiivonilo
fall into the basement Her face and (Court and the lia lulling of boy case,
head were badly cut. Dr. Donnely, ill the Denver court has made liini a
of Arlington was noon in at lenda nee I world famous figure, has now hepotrm
Keep after the rabbits. They arf
j'ill very numerous and' seem to be
coming in from the face brush hack
some distance. They have done consid
erable damage to ,ome of fli" water
melon patch' s In face of all the poi
soning done.
The North Morrow County Fair at
Boardman this year lias to be a suc
cess. Tie- Iirigon committee attend
ed a joint meeting at Boardman
Tuesday evening and drafted nib',
methods of display and price lists.
Abo selected a number of names
; who will be a .-Iced to act as judges
for the various departments. The
members of the Irrigon committee
attend, d this meeting were Mr. and
farm management.
Flth which is two days before the
county fair. The committee me!-!
ing was held in the dining room of i
the Boardinari school and the u.-ii ll
alter business least served, ron.-b 1 -
ing of fried chicken, cakes, n-.ind-wich.'H
and col fee. The com in in .
reports ha ing had a fine time and
most cordial treatment at all i! "
meetings, and this means succe-s ,i
any undertaking.
Mr. Bolander and Gordon Holn..
the ferryman, came over from Pat!. :
son Tuesday wlb their teams lor lim
ber from the local yards. Mr.
Holmes reports similar bustiers in
sight Irom a number of sources on
the Washington side.
Mrs. J. W. Warner's mother, .Vt-;.
Mrs. C. E. Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs.
Fredrickson, Mr and Mrs. Ricks, M. E. Railsbock and her two .-.v
Hugh W. .Grim and N Seaman. Chas tern, Mrs W. M. Fowler and Mis. 1.
! Powell, of the finance committee, was C. Bade, of liozeman, Montana at it
'unable to attend and Mrs. H. C. ved on. the Spokane train Wedn. I,iy
Wolfe is in Portland, but Mrs. I morning and are visiting ft Warm is
who la assisting her in the canning: for a week or ten days. They 1 . it
department, acted In her behalf. The the.train at Umatilla and took a jit-
fair will be held Tuesday September ney to Bailey,
I!ei.:ein ch work in farm manage
ment, cost, of production and
marketing, methods and practices,
etc., will be undertaken cooperative
ly with the state colli gen and experi
metnl station whenever s.'it e !:n t or
arrang' inents can be made to v.ot l;
togelh er.
llas.-d on in forma t ion gained from
these investigations, the . d uc.-i t imia I
work will be carried on in co-op. i a
tion with the extension s. I VI.e of the
Slate colleges. The service WOlk,
which covers in a broad way the mar
ket news and the in i. d ion work of
the bureau, will usually be with the
state departments of agriculture and
the state bureaus of markets, con
forming in this r. ganl to the divi
sion of labor agreed upon in the
and dressed ihe wounds which r.
quired 1!:! stilcli.'H. Mrs. f'onibest
was taken to The Dalles hos-pilal,
where at the time of writing she was
osl of progressing well.
I. eon I.ogan, ol I oiiniiile was a
I. il -in.-'---caller in Arlington Saturday.
Mrs. ii. .1. Logan-- and dang liter,
Mi-h (dive, ol Portland, who have
iie.-n MMHiig I rietid.; a round Cecil lor
sew ia I w "i I- ; ret ii i ne. I to their home
-'iinday. Mis. I... ran
H'l! by her nephew
a screen a. tor. No l. arn should bo
entertained by legal circles', an n re
sult of this announcement, however,
for the noted jurist lias not laid asldn
his work in lhal di relet ion. Never
'"'less, he may now be laid to be ;i
M'i.en ador, and his wit,. lieu
l.inil... y, al-o, as ih. y both appear in
several sc. in s in the new I.'e.il.irt
: f son oF Leon Logan, of
Roy Stamp was lined f 2 50 and
Lon Iteid paid $3u0 In Judge Cor
nett's court last week alter pleading
guilty to bootlegging.
v.as a.'colnp
.lolin. ounw
Mr. and Mrs. George Hard. -sly
and lamily of Morginn spent Sunday
wiih Mr. and Mrs. II. .1 Street. at
Mis-; Iltlth May, of The Lone Star
ranch was a allr in Cecil VVeilnes
liill Tlionir.on and K. Canlwell uho
hav.. b'-en joyriding around Portland
made a shoit call in Cecil Wednesday
b.foie leaving for their homes in
The many Cecil fi lends of Miss Ha
z-l Mcliee, daughter of L. E. Mcli. e
late of Cecil olf.-r their best WiohfK
on the occasion of her marriage Sun
day, July 24, 1921 at Seattle, Wash-
I ington, to Mr. Gold Robert Kenyon.
ins Miown at Hi
day. The pirl in
Ill's and i he ju.tr
ly in III"' scenes
hasn't had a lair .
fot si. a I ii)g.
1 1 1 of
" St.i'-
' i'l Hie
" I ll'llf.
W hete
e.'Hi," ,e
" i ' r i l-'ri-oi
v ol boy
o ot i i 1 1 . ii I -
He hoy mIiii
i broiit'lit up
Th. y v. ill be al horn. alt. r A i i t
r.lh at Still H '1'hii teeni h ,... ;;(!.,
A large paly ol ounr p.np!,. sl r
pi isi d Chllord llenrik'.en at Ihe Wil
low deck ranch Wednesday nirM, it
being hat 2:iui l.liHiday. N,, ,,,'.,..1
saying a merry i,m.' was sper.t. Con
stiHtle John holds a wanaiif d, ar
rest Ihe guilly paity who. a.i,. t)l(t
chocolates and refilled . ,,,K w,a
lo. k, which -i,.-d Tin, later j t;
evi ning presented t.i his ai.,.ht Ud
love and Tlretj rim lr,, Flr,. be.
told to-well ,;ttt isaiil koow