THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, July 26, irjag PAGE FOUR , 1 - LEGAL NOTICES KOTICK lOK PUBLICATION' ' Department of the Interior, U. S. J.and office at La Grande, Oregon. July 16, 1021. Notion is hereby given that JOHN C. McKNTIKK post office address is H-ppner. Oregon, did, on the 21st day of July, 192U, file in this office Sworn State ment and application, No. 020734, to purchase the ESE, SKUNK1, 4. Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Tim ber and Stone Law," at such vaue as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, ii, land and timber thereon have been appraised, $370.00 the timber estimated 270,000 board feet at $.50 & $1.00 per M, and the land $1 20.00; (hat said applicant will oiler final moot in support, of his application and sworn statemeut on the r.nth (lay of September 1921, before United Slates Commissioner, at Jleppncr, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to pro ut II, i nnrrha;se before entry or in itiate a contest at any lime l.efon patent, issues, by tiling a corrobora ..,i .,ifi,ivii in this office, alleging lads which would defeat the entry C. S. DUNN, 1!' iister. Ql,Ur.Hl.e for the Herald and get nil tin; county news. Only $2 a year J. 4 .J. CHURCH NOTICES 4. V I : r" FEDERATED CHURCH There will be preaching in the Federated ch irch next Sabbath at 11 A. M. and at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at S P. M.. ?un; ay School eveiy Sunday morning at 9:45. We ex tend a hearty welcome to the people of H ppuer to attend all or any of our services. Short sermons and good i-inging. Come with us and we will strive to ''.o you good. K. L. MOOttE, Pastor. Tlie First Christian Church. The usual services of the Church will be held on Sunday, consisting of the Bible School at ten o'clock, fol lowed by Communion Service and Preaching at eleven o'clock. The evening Services will consist of the Christian Endeavor Service at seven o'clock and song Service and Preaching at eight o'clock. Everey one is cordially invited to attend these services. W. O. Livingstone, Minister. Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday Rshool at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meetings are held every Wednesday iveniaig at 8:00 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Eugene Slocum. All inter ested are cordially invited to attend these meetings. TAJLLEUR OF WHITE FLANNEL m,mmum':ir ?a wmm mm w I NOiK'K I"OR J'l'l'l .1 ATIO V Department of the Interior, I'. S. Land office at La Grand.', Oregon. July 16. 1921. Notice is hereby given that. Jl'r.IA McKNTlUK whose post, office address is lleppnor, Oregon, did on the 23rd day or June, 1920, fib' in this ofl'ice sworn state ment' and application, No. 020691, ( purchase (he K V: SVV '. , WViSK', cirri ion I 5, Township 1 South. Kange "X Last Willamette, and ,. limber Iheieon, under l!;.- p.ovi a. t ..I June i s . iry. l;no 11 ,e Law." I i . .1 .!' 1 1 Mull .-; art', amendaii ber and SI' b. T 1 u 1 va 1 111 .!. .J. .J. PKOFESSION'AE CARDS .J. I 1 1 1 r r 1 1 1- -1 1 1 1- DR. R. J. VAUGHAN It FAT I ST Permanently located in Odd fellow's Building IIKPPNKK, OREGON ami thai, lion, the have be. I limb, r ." at land l will off 1 1 1 1 I U I 111 hie1 Ippr.i i.neb 1 a an. n ; I I ' 1 " :' ' iini;.ie,i ;:' i4 p.' (I.i. 0; llial r final pre ml "1 . . 1 1 1 , ,ar.l 11, .1 ipph I lie I eel the ant. I ililbec a I I .1,01111 b M, raid ,r jn suptiorl of sworn s'. .t. 'a "'tit Sept ellllier 1921, ('(IllllUiaei.lll.'l', to pro bis applienl i"n .,n the llolli day i. I, el Tinted Slat ill. tleppner, Oiegiin. nv nrrsoll is III. liberty lest this purchase fcel'ore entry, or in lliale a contest, at any time belore patent Issues, by filing a corrobora ted affidavit, in this office, alleging facts which would defeat III ' C. S. Dt'NN, Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT i (Public Lund Sale) at not less 10 o'clock A Depart men! of the Interior. V. S. Laud Office at La Grande. Oregon, June 4, 1921. Notice Is hereby given that, us di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Sec. 2 1 C r. . It. S pursuant to the application of Horace M. Yoakum 1l,.pper, Oregon. Serial No. 01921. we will offer at public land sale, to i, bidder, but linj - .1,,.,, t:i ''f. oer acre, at M., on the 16th day of August, next. l this office, the following tract of land: NViW4 Soc. 21 T. 4 S.. U. 28 F.. Wr. M- , , The sale will not be kept open but will bo declared closed when those present t the hour named have eased bidding The person maldng the highest bid will bo reunited to immediately pay to the Heceiver the amount thereof. ny persons claiming ndversley the above described land are advised to tile their claim-s, or objections, on or before the time designated for Mile. 0. S. Dl'NN, ltegister. 11 16 NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. DR. A. I). McMURDO PHYSIC! imd SI 'lit. EON T. lepiione 12 2 Pa! i ei sou's liritg SI. n o HKl'PNKli, OllKGON on F. A. Mc MEN AM IN law I K Ofl'ice Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 665 Roberts lluilding 11K1TNKR, OREGON An interesting tailleur of white flan nel is stitched in navy and worn with a small quatrecorne of straw, swathed with blue chiffon. THE WELL-CHOSEN JEWELRY Decorations of the Sort Should Be Bs coming to Wearer and in Har mony With Costume. Whether one wears pearls culled from the briny deep and sold at fu!) ulous sums, or the fur more modest product of synthetic art, the intrinsic value of the jewels is as naught com pared with the fact as to whether or not they are becoming to the wearer, and in harmony with her characteris tics of costume, style and surroundings. an Indefinite je ue sals lie use of jewelry, whieli eel delicately and subtly. In. m use into ill. use. Since ss aiT. main in their hau-mioii'l-., ihey can be Worn al"r ,a!'ety ami good laMe asioiis, as ilieir soft sliecii I be brilliant pai ik- There is tpioi about 1 lian.l ThZ KITCMCN CABINET (. Lit21, Wwtera Newspaper Union.) Give what you have to someone; It may be better than you dare to think. Ixmgtellow. HELPFUL HINTS. Mildewed gloves may be hung In & wooden box In which Is placed a saucer containing ammonia ; cover tightly and the fumes In the course of a day will drive away the mildew. When a table cloth, used for the first time is soiled by a stain or spot, stretch the cloth over em broidery hoops and remove the spot. When dry,- press and the cloth is fresh again. Oranges, cut In smalj bits with the rind left on, are especially nice to give to a fever patient who needs something often to cool the mouth. If cracked ice is to be used in the sickroom, it will keep longer if a piece of cheesecloth is tied over the bowl and the ice kept in it. Cover the bowl with another and place a paper bag over both. This will save many steps to renew the ice. For the bed ridden who get so tired lying in one position, the following help will be greatly appreciated: Tie stout new cotton cloth strips on each side of the headboard or bed-frame, having a large knot in the end of each strip to hold. P.y grasping these supports one may raise up or change position easily. The knots may be slipped under the pillow when not In use. For tired feet, a mixture of baking soda and talcum, sprinkled into the shoes, will give great relief. For corns and callouses, keep them cov ered with adhesive tape, renewing as often ns the bathing of the feet re moves the plasters. This keeps the hard places soft. In applying adhesive plaster to a wound, use short strips with tapes fastened to the strips, which may he untied, the dressing changed and re lied without disturbing the adhesive THE BRICR McAtee (EX Aihen, Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for Normans Ice Cream WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY SPECIAL Special for Sunday July 31 Cherry Tortoni The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK slid 11 ii.'l ea.Ml pearls are I. lour than 'it: with the gre on many occm never olfen.N at E. NOTSON ,ttokm:y..t-i.av Office In Court House HF.PPNF.R, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK A ITORN F.YS-AT-I.AW Masonic Lluilding UK PPNE-Ii, OREGON SAM E. VAN VACTOR AITORFY-.T-I..V First National Hank Bldg. HEPPNER, OREGON WATERS & ANDERSON 1 Mil". lSl RAM K Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON DeLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. Case Bus & Transfer Co. Wo Thank you for past luitrotnse and solicit a continuance of the same. Our best service is for you. l,eae orders at Case Furniture Co. or Phone Main 844 13AGGAGE. EXPRESS. FREIGHT. COUNTRY TRIPS & GENERAL HAULING of the many luomK ruble ibis .Near- ample scope fanciful last laced irenis, such as lia ; and emeralds, models in jewelry lend to llie Iniaginal ion and s of the lovers of Jew ry, as semiprecious jewels, Unowu as cosliime jewelry, are to he had ill in- linite variety. I his consists ol stones f minor value, also many composi tions artistically set and vividly col ored. There are strings of even and variegated designs of vivid jade, amber, coral or Jet, usually worn with earrings to match. These fanciful sets are a boon to many women, since they offer so many Individual styles. If the Individual falls In the proper selection of the fitting thing, surely it Is not the lack of that choice that guides her earring taste, but perchance ignorance of the laws of taste, good or bad, In the line of Jewelry. Just as truly as certain gowns are distinctly good taste on (vrtain oc casions, Just as truly are there Jew els, be they ever so handsome, that are decidedly out of keeping at cer tain times and places. A simple method to clean silver blackened from use is to place the vijvcr in an aluminum dish with a li-ti spoonful each of baking soda and v:M. Oo not boil too long, for silver which is thinly coaled may be entirely relinked. One may use a piece of aluminum in a granite dish us the so liiiioti will roughen a good dish. Permanent Color Improvement. "Your face is iw longer Hushed with drink." "No." replied Uncle Bill Bottletop. "When they proclaimed prohibition I turned pale .and never got over It" Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND, Order a Strictly First-Class, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. SALVAGERS DID GOOD WORK Lincoln Statue in London. The statue of Abraham Lincoln prf (tented by the American to the ltrltish people wis unveiled July "S, I'.fjtt. In the funning Inclosnro. Westminster, London It l a replica of the Saint tiaudens statue. 1 An Abued Word. 1 A fhicngo profesor says some thought are not thought at all. We I ugive with him. Some of the alleged ! thought wished off on the public are ! merely br uastoi ins.-- fiucuiuati I'.u I q, wrcr. FASHION NOTES It Is not unlikely that the soft felt lint, untrlmmed except for a single large flower, that Purls Introduced for early spring wear, will be utilized all summer, for these soft felts are most comfortable for sport wear. The campus coat made of camel's hair Is a slip-on V-neck sweater that Is new and fast meeting with favor. These smart sweaters come In all the popular colors, are plain knit and In waistline length that makes them par ticularly desirable for wear under the sport suit. The knitted scarf dally gnlns In favor, for It Is the logical neckpiece to wear with the sport or general util ity spring suit. Scarfs of striped knitted silk give a delightful color note to the practical suit, as do scarfs of brushed wool designed In twiM'olor bl.H'k effect. Hii-check gingham Is a favored ma terial for little girls' summer play time frocks. Many of these practical little frocks are made ex.vedlngly smart hy a good-taste placement of embroidery done hi black; others are made very dainty, yet more or less tailored In effect by collar and cuffs, belt and pocket Maps of white pltpie. Many novelty effects In vei! are be ing used, and the long-made veil seems to be enjoying more favor than the square shaped veil, fhantilly lace veil are being ac.vpted to a greater degree than earlier In the season, and the veil with chenille and silk bonier done In contrasting color Is exceed ingly popular with smart women. Veils as part of the hat trimming were an early spring fashion intr.Mueoil by Krench milliners. Now separate veils are being worn In similar manner n ready-to-wear bats. drad to suit the wearer's ide of individual Recovering Disabled Ships During the World War Wat Matter of Highest heroism. Landlubbers link salvaging ships and cargoes to easy deals In treasure trove, but the skippers of the salvag ing ships would teii them that salvage is sweaty and poorly paid exertiou. Tney do not regaru themselves as ud veuturers of romance. They are divers of seagoing atubuiauces. They are marine surgeons, who operate ou sick or disabled craft, says the Spokane Spokesmau Keview. Salvaging before the war was a matter-of-fact trade, but during the war It became a business fraught with ex traordinary dangers. The maritime belligerents had to save every dam aged or sunken ship that they could, and the sulvager was almost as Indis pensable to winning the war as was tne mau-o'-war. At the Dardanelles tive vessels were sunk near shore, and yet all were sal vaged expeditiously by the Liverpool tirms. lu June of 11117 the salvagers recov ered tour good-sized steamers lu ten days that had been sunk lu the Knglisn channel. They salvaged lleattie's flag ship and the Britannia and the Asiu rias; tlif submarine K-13 alter its crew na.l been submerged two and a hulf nays; 1 be wrecks oft Usleud uud Zee brugge. The salvaging boats hud at one and t!ie same time to act as machine shop. power tioiix-, pumping statiou una lug. They worked in a single spot, where they were target tor every Ueruiatl submarine anywhere around. TUey snowed a heroism beyond praise. "There's Mbre Real Satisfaction" . says the Good Judge In a little of the Real To bacco Chew, than you ever got out of the ordinary kind. The good rich taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often that's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you Put up in two styles V-B CUT 13 a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco TWO RANCH SNAPS SO acres nllin alfalfa. Good water right, good new house. One and one half miles from school 90,000. Easy terms. 180 acres 4 miles from town. 50 acres In Alfalfa, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery, Mid euipment Included nt only $10,000. Easy terms. Better See Me At Once About These l ine Bargains ROY V. WHITEIS No Use For A ling Wife. The New York Medical Journal says: "Pr. l.bhtwardt. a medical mission ary, tells that many of the Persian sick women are obliged to steal away, during their husband's absence, to see a doctor. 'Honorable Sir,' says the Introduc tory note, 'please see me at once that I may return home before my tins band, else he will bent me severely.- "We should not think neurotics abound, for the husband often says to the doctor: " 'Well, let her die, for even If she reoiitre- i p,.t we !1 I'll divorce tier ami srt ft i men;. Considerably more color than Bt,w wife. I don't want a weak one usual Is seen In veils and veiling gen- ; jn mT house.' " erally. which makes for a pleasing I change. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables WE ARE HEPPNER'S HEAD QUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEG ETABLES. EVERYTHING IN SEASON WE KEEP Sam Hughes Co. to 9