Tuesday, July iq. 1921. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE I THE BRICK I McAtee QX Aihen. Props. We Are Exclusive Agents in Heppner for I Normans Ice rream a WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SUNDAY I SPECIAL Mj Special for Sunday July 24 r resh Raspberry The Finest Product on The Market SPECIALS EVERY WEEK Band Features Descriptive Numbers T 1 i 1 rm : n n i , xveat inruier on wnaut uqua Program. "I 1 Li 3s. i-',:, - 4 1 i& 31 1 , 50 acres allin alfalfa. Good water right, good new house. One and one half miles from school 06,000. Easy terms. 180 acres 4 miles from town. 50 acres in alfalfa, balance farm and grazing land. Good Improvements. Stock, machinery, nd euipment included at only $10,000. Easy terms. Better See Me At Once About These Fine Bargains ROY V. WHITEIS Where you get service and workmanship combined Lloyd Hutchinson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing Hi ill III !! Ill Two Of The Outstanding Reasons For success in business are court cous- ness and the exercise of sound busincs.- jirin-cijile,-. These have marie many succes-es ' with the aid of tn.oil L;;!:kim.r oi;nvc:i'T.. Vv'c rentier our cu-tcmcrs the be.-t service lios-ible. Their .-ucce i i .-.tcs. Farmers & Siockgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. An Old Dominion Philosopher. The road dowuv.uitj n ihe lw place ': i i-r,.. de-l. Tli road jpwu'J t. the land i if "milk a.vi 'mney" lius plenty of elbow roou. for ail nt the iself-deii) tig people who i.ave decided to go that way. Kith moud Planet. - 4 if .V 1 w r.i! Mi To Remove Tar or Grease. A very sure ami s.,,-,, fo r(j f"1' tar y '-h stain, from o.lor.,1 Kitl!!i,aim is ruf, into the po' frh lard. Ut It lie several hours; then aih In warm soapsuds. All spot win comtf t easily. Bland s Orchestral Band which is the largest musical organization to visit the Chautauqua this year is noted for the unu.sual, dramatic, de scriptive, comedy and feature num bers it plays. Mr. Bland builds his programs with worlds of dash and variety. His bands are composed en tirely of Americans and generally col lege educated men, so that he can se cure much more effective entertain ment than would be possible from foreign musicians. A concert by Bland's band isn't just a slow sleepy succession of marches and overtures, but a rapid fire mix ture of colorful stunts and entertain ing novelty. Each evening this company pre sents the great descriptive war scene, "The Battle of the Marne" with gor geous electric: effects. This num ber is probably the most thrilling at tempted by any Chautaqua band in the country and could be played by few if any organizations except maims uano. Anotner feature is Hie comedy sketch describing "the vil- laif,e orchestra rejiearsing for a Fea tine l ilm. I he Baud copies the dif ficulties of the small town musician to a "t." It is a scream. Mr. Herbert Nonnoman. the direc tor, and .Mr. Burdette Bailey, xylo phone soloists, are two of the most accomplished men in their lines in the country. Mr. Bailey's solos on his xylophone are one of the high spots ot the whole Chautamma In the afternoon prelude, one of the mosi interesting numbers is the "Hunting Scene" in which all m- tha miises and calls and effects of the iorest and the hunt are brought out. Besides being artists in thni k.,.! work, and many of the men doubling or uiree auterent instruments there is an excellent male Quartet! two or three vocal soloists and sev eral singing choruses. The appearances of Bland's Orches tral Band has been greeted with wild enthusiasm on the largest chautauo.ua systems of the east for the past fif teen years but the band Is making its first western visit this summer u s coming will be a real event. Electrical Wizard Coming m t hat T-N , . . . wicnu u. mums uemonsxrates inventions. One of the most interesting de partures in this season's Chautauqua will be the appearance of Glenn L. Morris and his assistant in two uni que scientific demonstrations. The world has been movine forward so rapidly of late in the matter nf nnw inventions that the Cadniean System has secured this brilliant young scien tist to present in a popular manner the most interesting and tninortant developments of recent vears nml in dicate the lines of experiment along winch the great students and inven tory are now workinctfor fuiinp iliu. varies. Mr. Morris" demonstrations are chiefly concerned with nWtricltv that marvelous force about which so little is known. He carries a mass of apparatus which completely fills the stage and performs some almost un believeable wonders. Thus he stands on a metal plate electrified a hundred times as powerfully as the electric chair, he lights lamps and welds metal through his body, produces thunder storms, lights candles from running water, discharges guns and unfurls flags by wireless, shows cir cles and discs of fire and other, won derfully beautiful rimy spectacles. Mr. Morris will appear at Chautau qua bo.'h afternoon and evening of the fifth riav. 7 THOUSANDS WILL GO W 1 IP8 This Summer Because of the Low v Rouiici offered by the big cross-continent railroad Union Pacific System Serving the transportation needs of the Great Pacific Northwest find giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt Lake City Omaha, Kansas Ci.y, st rvul. Minneapolis and Chicago on Uu;se two strictly first class trains. Oregon-Washington Limited and Continental Limited Tickets on Sale Daily Until and ineludin,.; August. 15th. Return limit 90 .days, but not later than October 31st Chicago $106.80 Memphis $111.60 Pueblo $77.40 Denver 77.40 Minneapolis 87.60 St. Paul 87.60 Kansae City 87.60 Omaha 87.60 St. Louis 101.40 8 War Tax to bo Added Proportionate reductions to many points East. Stop-overs at pleasure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellowstone, Zion and Kocky Mountain National Parks For complete details as to routings, train schedules, side trips, sleeping car rates and reservations, and other travel informa tion desired, call on or telephone C. DARBEE, AGENT, HEPPNER.OREGON Wm. MrMiimiy. General I'assenijer Afrpnt Portland, Oregon Florence Oil Stove Asbestos Wick Bakes Boils Roasts Toasts Cook in a cool kitchen Pcop Hardware Co, r n , ' '. ' til X-4 p5Q . i t. , r : ,. 'e. ,i " - ,. - " '., ScrjH during the burning of the naval militia training ship Onmite state 10 the Hudson at New York. The vessel was commissi ,. y s navv frigate In IMH. was In service In the. Civil and Spanish-America,, wars, und was used aa a receiving shirr during the World war. A Bad Crash. Peters I hear IUridull t binuj out of the house when he asked old waiters for the hand of his daugh ter. Was he hurt mm-h? Poiser Yes. He reckons he ,nu out so fast that he collid'-d with him elf going In. An '.vers. London. In Any Trade. "A dresn Jli'slgner." savs a mn. Tile street drcs-nwiker in tl... I.,,,,. Ion Ne, "must be l,(,rn."' iv.. l. ways think thl l an advan t'jnch, Loii'Joa. al- Old Fort Still Useful. I.es thin, half a century iigo n o-.t every Amerliiai, coimiiiiiiliy nest "' ine .Ml'siss.pj,i wu ij-oei iua:,ist Iiidiiu, ru.'U hy a fort or . Mo-f of (he--.; kiriK-tiiri i li fallen in1., ilii't, v "I'i'tilev M:i;':,zli,e, In -i n.-r. I. M ''ii as I'm,. '(,vt " ' -li Ht the ; I. a : Mor-Jnoli u ;il "'ae of per-fi-i'l ,-(. ' 11 '"'I in fa-t. as a ho'.-l. i I o.u:ar ; em I'lah. I i -' n,.'l u: e. .J.I. ' , 1 ; it ; a 'Win ' ! i ' ' 1 1 V ' II WWI "'II I "V Fresh Pure Lard We render fresh, pure lard three times a week and have reduced the price to 20C A POUND Order a Strictly First-CIass, Heppner-made Product Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. 0 Lore Saii'Jity to iltituiy. ii, i I. no- ";iii. . .;.-i-ury. Ahoiit ,ian s il, e M,- of our lu-xui. li in a more sulid I ody than thft eurlh. welching uh miii h a u spi,e,e of lead f e rj j u I tiUlK. Harmony, What orn" mei, uouH like fn liijcv 1-1 why, If girls never put on lon dresses now when Ihef grow up tlief houldii't keep on wearing hair rii buns. Koston Trttiucrlpt,