THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday July 12, igzr. RECALLS OLD SIX-DAY RACES 'SOSS OOO0S$0SfOO00$OlS0006f- i-LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4. 4. .J. 4. .5. 4 PAGE SIX T. J.. Ayf-rs, of Echo was register ed at the Patrick last Thursday. E. M. Hulden, of Ulackhorse, -was la town for a few hours Saturday on business. Born Ln this city last Tuesday night, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Do little, a 7 pound son. T. Robinson, of Eighmiie was a business visitor hen' Friday getting ready for his coming Al Honrirksen, of Cecil registered sit the Patrick Friday even inK and ipent Saturday in town on business. Mack Smith, who is tending camp in the neighborhood ol' the Ilamil l in ranch for Art Minor, was in town Friday. Miss (leorgin. Shipley, of Portland . rived in lleppner last week where !,he will ipend I lie siiniiinT with her ;.unl. Mis. Jjicl; Wills. It was, a lively bum-h that started : loin I o i), hut we wi'l ai'i'i' a 'otmbiiut thai il was a tired bunch ijiat n-ached camp last night. "Tex" McKimiiiy, )ioneer citizen of this county bill lalely of the VVil .Linelle valley, is ill our midst look, ing al'ler biiiiiness matters. The Pacific firain Elevator Co. lias lost, three of their big warehouses with ronsiderabl wheat, in the vicin ity of Pendleton the past, week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Potter were spetnding a few days l:i lleppner last week recuperating after the Fourth. They left Saturday morning for lone. As a mere mater of precaution to the HObcrtcitizenship of the common wealth, it Is said to be a good plan to shake the mountain dew vigor ously from the huckleberry before eating the berries. Speaking of pugiists, we are wond ering if J. Dempsey woud take on J. Dexter at our county fair here in September. Ah a drawing card, and to the management we would in quire, could you beat It? About 15 boy scouts left lleppner at four oclock Monday morning umlei the direction of Scout. Master Living stone. Their hike will tennniate at llerrens Mill. They expect to remain in camp the remainder of the week It is a consoling- thing to be abb to report that the fire which de stroy ed some of Fred Lucas' wheat hai simmered down to about ten acre instead of the 40 or Gu acres, as at first reported. Some youths and fire crackers seem to have been at the bottom of the affair. After threshing we know not win will iiave the best sowing, but up In th!? time it is generally conceded that .lames Gentry and son Emery have uh good a prospirt for wheat as any to be found in Morrow coii'ily This Is on the old Slalter place which these men bought last year, and ap pearances lust now would Indicate at least a 40 -bushel to the acre crop No, you're wrong again. It was n't u pistol shot nor a bomb that hhook things near the Humphrey drug store Friday. That was a Ford tire that had been oer-infated and was made even more so by stand ing too long In the hot sun. That a-nd the periodical squealing of the fire siren throughout the day gave a fellow's nerves that bearing down feeling. Of course money matters are tir,ht just now, but il must jar the habitual pe.-.iinist 10 t:o over Morrow county at this present writing and look at the thousands of acres of r.oldcn j-rain, the fat sheep and cattle and the rival lields of rank alfalfa. In the last analysis (which is obsolete language) Hie people of a legion just like i his really don't know what hard linos are. The Middle Initial. With the cvoption of William II. Tuft. Senator lliudihg Is the llf-l President sunv Kiit luitiird I'., Mines, to use m.iiv than one l'lu;,ian name. ilnNor ( IcNehind. Illutlll McKinicy. Theodore K.ineelt and Wood row Wilson (who dropped Ins t) est Inline Thomas, early In the career) (jot along without middle names or Initials. Toe middle Initial. Incidentally, Is almost exclusively an American characteris tic. An l iiglNliinnii may call himself .loliu ,1'inies Siiillb, but practically nev er John .1. Smith. A Frenchman may lie baptised August Charles Jesus Mnrle lionrges lHipout, but lie will be know ii to the world an (ieorges lu I kii t . and prolialily w ill sign himself i. Pllpollt. The use of more tint it one given name Is pti.7.llng to H Frenchman. When Senator Lodge I mentioned In the French press, he Is never "M. l.od-e" hut "M. Cabot Lodge," or at inie prominent Paris dally write It, "M (' hot l.odk'C." The President Fleet i in li iit forward to be known on the t out in it us "President Oainallcl Hard-lug."- 1 lltorlal I'lgcst. Dsath of "Lcpper Hugh Brings Back Period of Sperta That One Hold Full Sway. The death a few days ago of "Lepper" Hughes, one of the old guard of the six-duy go-as-you-please races which were conducted annually In the old Madison Square garden, recalls period when that portion of the metro politan public which hates to go to bed before daylight pursued one of Its fads to the limit, remarks the New Vork Herald. These six-day grinds drew great crowds. Many persons virtually lived the entire week ln the foul at mosphere of the dingy old building and watched the men as they walked or trotted their way wearily round and round the area. Prize money was big find the contests had an Interna tional lluvor, the English champion, Charlie Powell, being a participant on more than one occasion, and the win ner of one competition Important from a prize money viewpoint. "Pepper" Hughes and Paddy Fitz gerald of Long Island City were In variably on hand when these so-called endurance tests were decided, and each had a devoted following. Both were tall and slim In build, while Unwell was stocky, and had a short, ipilck stride which rolled the miles behind him in a way which made it dillicult for his competitors to keep near him. England has long been famous for the tiinlity of her distance runners, and Unwell was one of her very best. i'he death of Iiughes will also re call to many the New York of the days when there was not much life after dark north of Twenty-third street and the out-of-town visitor eager to see the sights bad to content himself with what the Ilowery and Sixth avenue afforded. FURS NO MARK OF RICHES Even the Poorest Farmers of Rou- manla Wear Collars and Hats of Finest Astrakan. The poorest farmer ln the Near East can afford astrakan collars and bats; and the man without a good piece of fur on his overcoat collar or a whole fur lining Is almost always a beggar or a foreigner from America or west ern Europe, where these things cost money. Nobody wears more fur lining or higher astrakhan huts than the cab drivers. These men comport themselves with a dignity equaled by no single other class of men in the world, unless It be by the priests of the Greek church. A long black plush garment, tight at the collar and belted at the waist by a bath robe cord, envelopes them from heud to foot. Because It Is lined wllh fur, this garment makes a man look far bigger thau he really Is. And the high conical astrakan cap, like a curly dunce cap, adds to bis stature. Many of the drivers are said to be long to a curious religious sect orig inating In Russia, a sect Involving celibacy. They spurn friendship with women as likely to decrease their love for their horses. Whether this is true or not. It Is certain that the rah drivers are the most picturesque figures In Buchurest, outshining even the corseted and routed Roumanian army olllcers. Long Pigeon Flight One of (be longest pigeon flights on record will be attempted from Ed uioutou, Alberta, to San Autoulo, Tex. Arrangements for the flight have beeu made between the Edmonton Homing club in ul the San Antonio Homing club. The (list mice Is 2,Ut)0 miles. Between 40 and !H) homing pigeons will be shipped from Sun Antonio and liberated there by W. Lees, president of the Edmonton Homing club. The longest flight on record, accord ing to information, whs from Home to Liverpool, a distance of more than it thousand miles, ov.r dillicult coub trv. llrookl.N n Eagle. Fr.ince Testing New Roads. Contrary to past practice, composi tion road surfaces are being put down by the French highway authorities In the lthone valley. At Civois a lest Is being made of two miles of an Italian composition. This lias a ce ment basis and Is guaranteed for 1." .Neat's. The road authorities have ex piesscd their willingness to experi ment with competitive in pes of road material. Of olt.iXKl miles of roads 'ihal reipilred repairs at the lime of I he armistice. Pt.ii'.'O miles Iiiino been gieaily improved, and -,-PO miles have been coinpletel) repaired,- Compressed, r Mag: ,:.I,C. FOR SALE A fine paying bus iness in Heppner Best or reasons for selling. Address Box 98, Hepp ner, Oregon. Advertisement. 9tf. TWO TENTS FOR SAt.K One 12 x 14 wall tent. One 7x7 wall tent, 10 oz. duck. $10.09 each. Latour- ell Auto Co. Advertisement. 8tf. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING - Remodeling and Ladies' Tailoring Mrs. Curren, Church street. 27t. HE'S A GOOD STEWARD f Paris War Library. Over liM.UMi volumes and almost as many pamphlets, etc., have been col lected by the French government, and a hutldtiiK will tie erected having five miles of shelving. The future his torian will probably die in the first mile. The collection of manuscripts, photograph and war records Is appal ling us to numbers, and there seems to be no limit to the gifts of collectors. In this country Princeton university and the t'nlverslty of 1'alifornla are especially strong on war material. SeViitilk' American. Decorum. "When you mention that you saw a lady of jour acg,niiiu(nuce ou the street, does our wife ask you to de scribe what she wore?" "Certainly not," replied Mr. Meek tou. "These days It wouldu't be CVOr aldcrvd a proper question.." -Km '. ). ... Directors, department clerks volunteered their the I'linard steamships mriko of marine workers, terell. assistant manager Hard company, Is here seen nctlni a steward at Southampton on In p.' A'iu:iai::.. Morris Chair Fiie Escape. A morris chiir Are-escape, which is described In Popular .Mechanics Magazine, comprises a comfortable piece of furniture and ready means of safety In case of tire. By extend ing two brackets, attached to the back of the chair out of a window and stringing a rope, wound ou a spool under the chair seat, over a pulley Ucattd on a rod between the two bracket ends, a quick descent to the ground Is accomplished. A brake, con trolled by the fire victim, regulates the speed of the descent. 1 heads and services on during the '. E. t'ot of the t'u- g as )ard Fondness for Animals. "Hiram," ssld Mrs. Corntosscl, "the new hired man says he a feud of 'aorses." 'That mat be a help anj then It may not. The trouble with tl last hired man was that he u fond of hosses. Ouly he didn't cure about 'em unless they was on the race track." - ' . - joac00 ' -s 0 45 Heppner CI Hainan qua to