Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 12, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, July 12, 1921.
arvest Time
A Good Water Bag
.We Have the Original
1 and 2 Gallon Sizes
Quality the Best. Prices Right
s Grocery
t. Vh t i f " - v JN.
e Romance of the
Indian Blanket
A WOVEN chronicle of Indian lore of myths suggested
by the setting sun, the rippling waves, the geese flyin?
southward. There's interest for everyone in these impres
sions preserved by the Indian squaw in her weaving - now
carried on by the Oregon City Voolen Mills where her
crude handlooru ceased.
These Indian Blankets are so true in design that most of the Indian
tribes of the West wear them.
Jacobs' Oregon City Indian Blankets serve a score of n-- for
motoring for traveling for home use-especially to those p!op'e
who enjoy out-of-door pleasures. Their brilliant, barbaric beatry and
the symbolism of their designs add much to their interest. They a-e
dyed in the wool their colors are permanent.
Come in nd let us show jrou the newest deiins in "Oregon City" Indian
Minor & Company
v -:
Thp Fourth has passed without
any mishap, a real sane and safe
celebration. Here and there a small
firecracker could be heard but due
caution was used and none fired
where fire w-oull be liable to start
or cause injury to any one, yet all
report having had a rtno time. Mr.
and Mrs. Glascow, Genavie and Mr.
Mrs. W T Eggleston motored over
to Prosser, Grandview and Sunny
side Washington, via our ferry line
and whilet in Prosser visited Mr.
and Mrs. V. H. Strampher, and other
I'riends around there. The member?
of the Neighbors of Woodcraft and
families had their picnic at Patterson
Wash, being the quests of Mr. Jacob
son, the pear king of that partof the
country. All the automobiles that
could be had, were mustered into
service and a big feast had been pre.
pared by the ladies and the ferryboat
applying between Irrigon and Holme
landing was kept busy from early
morning until late in the evening and
as many as seven cars were taken ov
er at a time. The feast was spread in
the shade of Mr. Jacobsons orchard
where they had tables all arranged
for the guests and a most enjoyable
day spent. Mr. and Mrs J A Graybeal
entertained a big crowd on their
lawn the entire afternoon and even
ing. Among those present being Mr.
and Mrs. MaCoy and family, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Berryand family, MrandMrs
D. C Brownell and family, Kev. J W
Hood, and others. Mr and Mrs. H E
Henby and family of Hermiston spent
the day wjth Mr. and Mrs. H C
Mr. andMrs. Duncan and son of
Umatilla motored down the river view
boulevard the afternoon of thefourth
and had their picnic dinner in
the shade at Eggleston's at the
west end of the Boulevard. Miss. E
W. Chappell and six otherswere In
the party with the Duncans.
Mrs Jones and children of Kamela
Oregon were visitors at Brays dur
the past week. Mrs. Jones reports a
big crop of huckleberries in sight.
Mr B B Lewis has been tmpoyp(J
by the O W. R. & N. company as
signalman and is relieving Mr. C. D
Albright at Messner. Mr. Albright Is
being on a vacation bacw east at this
Mr. W 11 Pierce and family of
Chehalis Wash, are camped in the
shade on Seventh Street and are try
ing to make some arrangements to
hire some one to improve their place
and get it. into alfalfa this fall.
Mr and Mrs Otto Coets nnd fam
ily of Ogden Utah, who are motoring
through to Condon where tTiey expect
to live in the future, camped in Irri
gon a couple days last week.
The Umatilla Ferry Boat spent
one night at Irrigon last week visiting
me irrigon ferry. We hope thev donot
cultivate to close friennsTilp and get
to running back and forth visiting to
much of the time.
(Ferries are too numerous anyway.)
Mr. George Cauldwell had his car
wrecked on the evening of June 301 h
by a party travelling in n speedy road
ster under Idaho license. They struck
from behind taking orr one wheel
and turning the car completely up
side down. George was driving the
car and had his fathi r and Ernest
Fagerstrom with him and how they
escaped with their lives cannot be fig
uied out. None were injured except
for a few bruises.
George telephoned to Arlington
soon as he could pick himself up
and the party was arrested there and
their names and license number taken
but later e.-fcaprd. They hope to trace
the license number up and have par
ties brought back for trial.
Mrs. E F Fagerstrom and child
ren left Wednesday for Oak Grove
Oregon to visit Mr. Fagerstrom." peo
ple and be gone a couple of weefcs
while Mr. Fagerstrom completes their
new house during hi? spare moments
Mrs. J W Hood and children left
Wednesday for Seattle to reside titers
with her folks until Rev. Hood know
where he will be transferred to. Mr
Hood is expecting word aa:-y where
he Is to go.
Dale Wit kins (frove over to Ilep
pner with a load of n''W potatoes ror
M. B Dottle Friday, returning the
following day.
The Commercial Club at its reg
ular monthly meetings had only very
little ItUKite'SM tr, t l a n ri. The r"g
ular meeting night was changed
I from the fir.st Friday to second Fri-
lay owing to the hall 'e ing oi-r-upi' i,
on tin. i,ht Fridays in the funue.
M. K. Dolile has t n eper!i,ien! -ing
on something that is ;.iua'.je to
the farmir.i of tins project and the
whole west lor that matter, and that
U tiO.:;ofiing rabbiU tins time of yar
He places one ounce of poison in five
or six quarts of water wim a couple
cups full of sugar and some satt and
and soaked new small potatoes
; in this liquid and spread them where
i the rabbits seemed to b thickest and
the first four days buried 156 JacK
rabbits. In doing this he tityy used
very small potatoes and did not cut
them. They should be put out of the
reach of stock and very few In a
T. Taylor, who has been visiting
with his old school pal J. M. Melton,
of The Lookout, fo ra few days left
Tuesday for his home in Weston.
Miss Zella Kelly ,of Tardale was
the week end guest o: Mr. and Mrs.
George Krebs r.t the Last Camp.
J. W. Osborn made a busines trip
to iho county seat (Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Yoakum and Mr. and
Mrs. Funk and children made a
si.ort call in Cecil Saturday beforte
leaving for Wasco where they spent
the veek end.
W. G. Palmateer, of Windynook,
Walter Pope and Robert Lows were
visiting at the home of A. Montague
in Eightmile Sunday.
Through the kindness of Mr. and
Mrs. George Krebs, of the Last
Camp, the residents of the Cecil com
munity were invited to relehrnln nn
jon their beautiful lawn the Fourth.
(Alarge party was in attendance.
Games and amusements of every de
scription were thoroughly enjoyed by
everyone present. The ladies served
dinner and supper from well filled
baskets. Mr. George Henrickscn, of
Strawberry ranch was the orator of
the day, and he was ably supported
by the village constable John.
The first wheat of the season was
brought into Minor & Hynd's ware
house July 8th by Fred Manikin
from his ranch near Cecil.
Peter Baurnficnd left on the local
Friday for Heppner where he will at
tend to some business maters before
leaving for his annual vacation to
Rltter Hot Springs.
Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Herbert
and daughter Miss Violet left Sun
day to join the mayor at Rose Lawn,
Sand Holow, where W. G. Hynd join
ed the party all bound for Uklah and
the springs to enjoy a few days va
cation. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wait, of Tent
ville sept the week end with friends
in Can by
George A. Miller toolt a rtost from
his labors in his harvest fields at
Highview Wednesday and paid Ar
lington a visit.
Mr. Clarence Winter and family
pased through Cecil on thetir way
to Crater Lake when! they will spcr.d
their vacation.
Mesdames Johnson, Myers ami
Mis Georgia Summers w re passen
gets on the local for lone Wednes
day. Mrs. Roy Garlick and Mrs. A. C.
Ayers ,of Tentville, accompanied br
Mrs. N'ic Schnarter and children of
Rockcliffe, were doing business in
lone Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter an t
family spent Monday visiting their
friends in Morgan.
Mr. J. H. Crane, of the Oregotv
llassam Paving Co. of Portland, w;s
in Cecil Wednesday looking after
his company's interests. The rock
closed Saturday as that work Is com
leted at Uic Cecil end of the road and
arrangements are being made to
transfer all machinery etc. to Mor :i
as quickly as possible.
Mrs. E. J. Logan, of Portland ar
rived in Cecil Wednesday accompan
ied by her sister Mrs. Weltha Corn
best. They intend visiting for soni-
time among their friends tn Morro -county
before returning to the city
Mr. Everett Logan and daughter.
Doris and Danna, of Falrview were
callers In lone Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. George Henrickscn
and daughter, Mildred, of Strawberry
ranch were visiting at Willow creek
ranch Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk and
children of Morgan were calling in
Cecil Thursday.
Mrs. Edwin Fanshiers nnd friends
of Four Mile wore making calls in
Cecil Sunday.
Brown Coal.
Germany expects brown coal tomn'cn
her rich again. The beds of this new'.v
discovered fuel ure only a few feet
below the surface of the ground, so
that the material can be taken oat
with dredges. No shafts will b re
quired; no timbering, no costly ma
chinery, and no explosives. Of couisu
"brown coal" Is only coal In the mak
ing, with about one-third the heatlm
value of bltumlnoiiH. It contains muea
less carbon than the latter, mora ash,
and a good deal of water.
Important Experiment
Domestic production of chnulmoogra
oil, long used In Asia for the treat
ment of leprosy. Is made possih1
through a consignment of seeds of the
Hydnoiarpus tree, sent from Slam IK
the bureau of plant Industry. They
will he experimentally propnuated In
Florida, I'orto Ulco and Hawaii. Thi
oil formerly was obtained only from
Beeds of another tree grown in Burma.
Notice To Hotel
The Motel Patrick will be closed after July 10
in protest to the unreasonable charges made for
lights and water and other commodities necessary
to the operation of the hotel, and will remain closed
until a fair and reasonable adjustment can be made.
Hotel Patrick
Pat Foley Prop.
Where you get service
and workmanship
Lloyd Hutchinson
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing