PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, July 5, 1931 vLOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. L. Freeman wont to Portland Sunday for a few days visit. Mrs. C. C. Chirk is visiting friends in Portland this wtetk. It. H. I.ane was in town from Lex ington Friday night registered at the Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Crego wtent to The Dalles Saturday morning to -pend the Fourth with friends. Dr McMurdo spent last week at Portland attending a medical con vention in .session there. He is ex pected home today. Iiurrol (Jtirdane went to Portland Saturday to be with his father who is in a hospital there. He Is reported to he improving. Miss .Mary Pattoison arrive-; from Portland last. Thursday :in! is the ;;uest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. t). Hager. l'OK SAM-: A fine paying bus- ness 111 llepiiner lies) or reasons ;or selling. Address Box OR, llepp ner, Oregon. Advertisement. Inf. TWO TEXTS i Oil SXt.r One 12 x 14 wall lent. One 7x7 wall tent, 10 a., duck. 110.00 each. Latour ell Auto Co. Advertisement. 8tf. Mr. and Mis. C. L. Swede had as their g'n sis Captain and Mrs...!. V. Cook :it Cieir Milliliter camp on up pcr willow creek diiriiiR win wee: ( ml. About 40 frinds and neighbors of the Wighlmun boy.- enjoyed an old fashioned neighborhood picnic at the Wight man ranch ' miles below town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd ITutctilnson spent the Fourth in lone am! report i targe a splendid time. There was crowd, plenty of good entertainment and excellent oi'uor. Mr. and Mrs. W'iliud Heiri-n and daughter Dorothy. Mrs. S. R. Notsor. and daughter, Margaret and Dorothy PatliMin made up a pleasant t i:'c Flirty on the upper waters of Willow creek Monday F. C. Oxmali, senior member of the firm of Oxiiian & Harrington who have the grading conlracts on the highway in this and Umatilla counties was an ou'bound passenger on Fri day mornings local, Dale Walkins was over from. Irri gon with a truck load of etarly po tatoes Saturday. He says the pota to crop Is closli) to a failure in the Irngon district this senpon, tho tu bers having not set -well on the Plants. IO.NT On Willow creek road be tween Dexter ranch and Heppner, handbag containing ladies dress, child's dress, pocket book with $10 bill and small change. Leave at this office. K'.OO reward. Advertise- Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer,' Mr. and Mrs Kennith Mahoiiey, Mr and Mrs. (live Rasmus and Tom liren nan went out to Peiiland prairie Sai nrd.iy evening where they spent th" Fourth, reporting a splendid outing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Whltels spent the Fourth at their summer camp on tipper Willow creek, going out Sat urday uvuiing. A large number of folk troiu Heppner ami tho surround ing country spent Monnny on the upper creek almost every available camping spot being occupied. Prof. M. James, accompanied by hiu two daughters, Mercedlth and Vivian left for Portland Friday mor ning to spend their varatoM. Their departure was Mimewhat hastened by the Illness of Pi of. James' aged nioth-M- who resides In Portland. Prof. James and Mercedlth may take a hik ing trip to the coaj.t before, return ing. Mark A. Cleveland publisher of the Slautield Standard, the lloardiiuin Mirror and also a paper r-ir no town "f 1'matilla, was a visitor In Hepp tier last Tuesday. Mr. Cleveland Is an affable gentleman and an aide newspaper man. lie m,.r. ntso lie MMiitlliini: of a financial wizard be ing abb- to kei p three cour ,ry Hews papois roing lhiougli tnerp parlous tunes and still be able to wear goori eli. Hi, s anil a pleasant smile. Itow ei s a ShaM'i . w ell drillers, have jusi completed a well lor Carl Jb-igstroui in the Ihe noseliorry Motion. This well is MIO feet deep, contains litl feet of water, which con tinuons pumping fails to lower. Two Wi lls had prc lously been driven Hear by without showing a trace of Water. Mr. Iletgstroiu has onleicd a Samps-tut w indmill trom the Kngi I nan lldw. Co, and as soon as it Is Jiiiiiiping he will hae a plenttrul sup ply of water on the ranch lor all pur poses, lone Independent. A. Wilkinson and family, of The Dalles, inived in Heppner today in become re-idi ots here. Mr. WilUln H'li has taken the position of braUe liian on Ihe Heppner blanch ami , v Jo-el to remain here for some W. IV Malmmy and faiuuy retain ed f i urn an auto trip to Portland Saturday where they w lit fcivctal ilas proious. Mrs. Ma PORTLAND STOCK MARKET NOT SATlSKACTOKlf TO UROWEIUi . (M"K'iilan) Ultimate fons-.iii ers who patronize the corner butcher shop, should give articular attention ( this very true experience f Hugh Smith, of Fossil, Or. Mr. Smith, who is at the Impe rial s 'n the sheep business, and there! ore to be commiserated. He nr.edod a Ct'tain sum of mony for a purpose which need not be mentioned Naturally, the way to raise the money was to sell some shee; to he proceed ed to do so. From his flock he sel ected some lambs and some ewes. The ewes were not of recent vintage; in fact they were somewhat passe, but had reached the point of finding their way to the marltet. A carload was made up and Mr. Smith chaper oned the sheep to the yards in Port land, figuring that from the carload he would raise the sum necessary to liquidate Ihe obligation which was on his mind. For the lambs he receiv ed a fair price. Hut the ewes! For the ewes, which two or three yars ago would have been worth $15 each, he received 1 cent a pound. The weight of the ewes was 80 pounds, so for eacli one he was paid 80 cents. The transportation and other charges against the ewes amounted to 40 cents so that for each whole ewe he sold he received exactly 40 cents. Of course these sheep are not Jiable to be sold by the butcher as lamb chops although there is no telling but they will be sold for mutton chops, and when the ultimate consu mer buys Hie chops from these ewes he will not get them for a cent a pound nor anything like it. The ul timate consumer will probably pay for a mess of chops more than Hugh .Smith received for the whole sheep. No more fliers in stock will be tak en by A. L. Demaris, of Milton, Dr. He has been effectively cured for all time, he declares. Mr. Demaris puts In most of his time as a wneat farm er, but for years he fussed around with livestock in a speculative sort of way. Recently Mr. Demaris thought that he would take a shot at a little speculation, pick up a car load of cattle and play the market. He browsed around and liad little dif ficulty in finding a stockman willing to accomodate him. Mr. Demaris bought a carload at a price so low that he was almost ashamed to take the critters and almost wept when he thought of the force of circum stances which compelled the grower to let go of the stuff at such a ridicu lously low figure. Now here comes ihe punch. Mr. Demaris brought tne carload to market and sold it. He took the proceeds of the sale and sent them to the grower, out In addi tion he had to send his check for $4 8.50 in order to make up the amount I hat he had agreed to pay tlie grower for tho stock. When Mr. De maris reviewed the transaction his sympathy switched from the grower to himsvlf, for after all or his trouble he was out $18.5(1 as a result of his little flier. Mr. Demaris Is at the Imperial and is not wearing a necktie. The absence of the necktie isn t the result of the disastrous speculation, but is constitutional with him. Thomas Palmer, of Fossil, Is In tne city with n carload of boif cattle. H; !s returning home yvKIi tr.a suspi cion that tho people of Portland are vegetarians. arm a ttd nn Wednesday and Thursday, July 6 & 7 Anita Stewart In "The Juggernaut" By the Chester's A thrilling tale of modern life. Also JIMMIE AUBREY in two reels of SPRINGTIME. A strong combination ATR Friday, July 8 th Saturday, July 9th "The Stealers" In this picture you will see . The Country Fair Extraordinary photography The Secret of Happiness The Soul's Most Beautiful Truth The Most Dramatic Portrayal of Prayer ever Shown Why the Greatest Enemy of Mankind is the man whose Mind has been Poisoned by Hate A Truly Remarkable Picture NHSIIlfllilB! !!!; ii I n !ll Wit Si nnr li'.fl "I i, ic V Vl"jfV In ill'l 'mm TARRING ILYW LO AND Sunday, July 10th Rex Beach's great drama of the north "The Girl From The Outside" A Drama of the Trail of the Yukon o SAY I It may lie ill right far friend to ask you and the girl you love to imperionate himself and hit wife for an evening so that they can make a million but youll feel after wards as if that million ought to be coming to you. Come and see a couple that doubled into all kinds of trouble. Also News Weekly and Comedy JK2 1'IKST VAH XKW WHKAT 8HIPPKD The first car of new wheat to go out over tho Heppner branch was shipped from. Lexington last Friday by Dwight Misner. The wheat Is said to have been strictly a So. 1 and brought $1.15 in Portland which would net about 9 5 cents here. honey, who has been in Seattle for some weelss. where their daughter, Miss Vera i com ly graduated from thi' I1, el' W., joined tho other's in H bind i'.-! returned home, with Ibeiii While north Mrs. Maboncy i", joyed a tr ,i through Hauler "a-ti' Pant Vera will sp.'i:.! the siioun. r in S'-atle where '-.he is lak :i.;; up see,,- special work ,u the Vni v i rsity Ultll Met' .school. Mr. and Mis. VV. u. t'ronk refiru ed Horn Portland Saturday evening where he was under treatment for seerul iniMiffis m tho Open Air San itorium and his many friends in Mor row county will be rejoiced to know that he returns Willi health com pletely restored. Mr, Cronk was able to leave ;i.e saiiitorium svveral months ago bin remained in Port laud to continue the treatment. Mrs. t'ronk joined him at that time and they took an aparteieiu in tho city enjoying a real acation. Mr. and Mis. V Kan are h.-e ibis ,vek from Tacoma wheie tin are engaged in ihe poultry business on a large .,-.ilc, Mr. Kan formerly totnlintrd a gar;, re at Hard man. n f iiff icsr iLTiyr- Ktxj . ... ... ... WBaaaSMMMIMMSSSIWWHMaBMMlMjjjtf W Tiff Tfgt lljfi . ... . . . I'W OKTjAHO.MA lSAXKEIlS FAVOIt CO-Ol'KKATIVE MARKETIXQ Bejutitul Bock. The world Is a t catitifiil hook hm at little u-e to him who caunot r-d It. Ooldoal. Many people in Morrow county will be interested in nn article in the Country Gentleman of July 2nd, BpealunK of the Oklahoma Cotton fowcrs. This organization is or ganized on the same plan as the Ore gon wheat growers. The following is quoted from a let ter by the secretary of the Oklahoma Bankers Association: " The agricultural committee of theOklahoma Bankers Association has given careful consideration to the security of bankers who made crop mortgage to the members of the Oklahoma Cotton Growers assocla tion. This investigation has been made both at the request of the cot- , ton association officials and members of our association. The members of the agricultural romiuittee are unan iniously of the opinion that under the plan proposed by the Cotton associ ation the bankers security of crop mortgage loans will be greater than it is now for two reasons: The amounts received from cale of cot ton by the association are likely to be larger than they are now. Second, because the local banker will look to the association for the payment of crop mortgages of all members rath er than as Is now the case, looking to the Individual grower. We believe that there is no q u os tion whatsoever regarding tho sivur ity of people loaning money to farm ers under the Oregon Grain Growers contract. JIM S1.KMS TO HAVE (X)MMIS SIOX 15llFAI,Oi:i From force of habit James S. Stew art came to Portland from Conallis to attend tho state highway con. mis sion meeting. As a" of the John Day highway in which he was inter ested has lieen located and Is i,i her built or about to bo placed under contract, Mr. Stewart finds bin self like Othello, with his occupation gim Nevertheless, when Commissioner Harratt saw Mr. Stewart in tho room yesterday he suggested to Chan man Hooth that they adjourn before Mr. Stewart could ask nn apvropnation for some road or other. Orei;onian. makiu vtiK i.ici:si:s Licenses to wed were issued within Ihe past fw days at tho county cierk'a office 'is folows: Karnest I.. Howell and A!'a Vc Huberts, both of Heppner. H.isil K. Harrison, of MoiHM,;ent, and Grace Kobinson, of Heppu, r. John A. Krne, of Parkers Mill, anl Kloreuce M. Christian, of Minneapolis Minnesota. Heppner Cliautaoaiia uly 21 to 26 0 00 Do you ever long for real up to the minute entertainment? Something above the movie class? Since when did you take the wife and children to hear a real good lecture? "Oh! Not since last season's chautauqua." We thought so. That is why we wanted them back again ourselves. We are in about the same boat. Don't forget that the wife is just as anxious to hear it as you. You see more people than she does. HOW ABOUT THE CHILDREN? DO YOU THINK THAT HIGH CLASS LECTURES ARE GOOD FOR THEIR MENTAL DIESTION? Come One, Come All Come Great, Come Small Remember That The Season Tickets Are a Real Money Saver. $7.15 for $2,75 to help the guarantors. TRY IT ONCE GET YOUR SEA'SON TICKETS FROM E. M. Shutt A. S, Akers A. L. Cornett . Mrs. L. Shurte Wm Haylor - t j . ' - - - - i 4