PAGE FIVE Tuesda ... rrm-1 T" - i"N 1 .. T1 c tA,t. T Tf uffPPMK.I? HKKAtiUt nr.rrxr,i v i t " : IRRIGON Harvest Time Necessity A Good Water Bag We Have the Original MANY INDUSTRIES TIED TO TOBACCO l 1 lit? BVtUIIU VUlliiin Prohibition of Weed Would Mean started over the district on num- .j. 4. 4. 4. .5. 4. 4. .5. .j. 4. Th second cuttlnsr of alfalfa has Big Financial Loss to Allied iraaes. iWHO USES THE MATCH? The Smoker Mainly Aleo Reeponelble for Spending Hundred! of Millions Annually for Licorice, Sugar, Coal, Cigar Boxee, Tin Foil, Etc. 1 and 2 Gallon Sizes Quality the Best. Prices Right ber of the farms and by another week, will be well under way by most of the farmers. The crop is usually heavy and clean. Apricots are beginning to color and a few scattering ripe ones can be found. The crop Is not heavy and the bulk of the crop has beten sold in advance, is not oversold. Frice this year Is 7 ce.its per pound at or chards or $2.00 per crate f. o. b. Ir rigon. Mr. J. V Warner has purchased the H S. English estate sonsisting of ten acres adjoining Mr. Warner's ranch to the west. This makes a nice ad dition to Mr. Warner's ranch. The Ideal was closed by W. R. Walpole, local real estate dealer. I Dr. A. C. Froom arrived Thursday 'and is again camped in the shade 'on Eighth street. Ho lias been do- ing considerable, dental work for the Trrienn noole and expects to re main for several days this time. The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. H. C. Wolfe, Wednes day, transacting business of the society and had a good social time. Practically all the members were 'present and light refreshments were served. Quite a surprise party was given at Mrs. C. E. Knights Thursday even- E. Knight, being her Phelps Grocery Company By GARRET SMITH "Got a match?" now inanv times a day Is that ques tion asked In these United States! How many more times Is the question unnecessary because most pocnetB ar kept well supplied with the useful little article? Anyhow, inasmuch as It Is estimated that there are do.uw.uuu tobacco users In the country, we would guess that the answer to that question would run Into the nunareas 01 um lions. I For if It weren't for the smokers In these days of electric lights how many 1 matches would be used? A pretty j small proportion of the number of these "sticks of blazes' produced in th eonntrv everv year. Abolish to bacco and the match business would be shot to pieces. LSut the match business Is only one of a dozen or more allied Industries which derive large revenues directly or Indirectly from the tobacco trnae anu would suffer heavily If nations pro- , q( Mrgi C hlhltlon of tobacco were to go mo, ( occasi(m effect as some or our reioru.crn have It. The annual sales of tobacco , " - products, based on retail prices. Is es- , arranged tor ana a .K ,. tlmated at $1,937,000,000. Of the cost pared consisting of ice cream, cake of producing and selling this quantity and chicken sandwiches. All report of cigars, cigarettes and other forms having had a fine time. of the weed, some hundreds or mmiou Vm. N. Hatch, one of Boardman s dollars are paid out tor other things prominent ranchers, motored up than the raw tobacco and labor oi T, d wi(h nis aon for cherries making it up. and other irrigon fruits. He reports $25,000,000 a Year for Boxee I everything lovely down his way. For example, the tobacco trade con- i Cuvrin, traveling freight .times each year 45,000,000 pounds ot; & N c drop licorice, 60,000,000 Wr, R u.,,ms F SZs'V'ltd ,day and was shown about the project that the value of wooden cigar Boxes ay me locai ugem. v..... .j u iasooo.000 a year, quite an pressed very much surprise at find" Item to the lumber business and wjing so many different crops gtowinf nnufacturers or tne ooxes. , so uiCcly while not very mueii was In making these boxes OoU.uw visibl(1 rro , 1he jr,.. currin pounds of nails are employed. Other g pal.ticularly interested in the It large Items used in maaing nu v,v i . , . ,)0 lm(, paring tobacco for sale are tm ana ! lead ton, paper ior van mm 2 tiM&cmLimr wm?mmm 1 y The Romance of the t JtMwSW'U' InJinn Blanket I -iS t,miTVfS -3 Vi CITT 00L HILL! Si 0 o o 0 o o A WOVEN chronicle of Indian lore-of myths suggested t by the setting sun, the rippling waves, the geese flying southward. There's interest for everyone in these impres sions preserved by the Indian squaw in her weaving-now carHed on by the Oregon City Voolen Mills where her crude handlooni ceased. These Indian Blankets are so true in design that most of the tribes of the West wear them. Jacobs' Oregon City Indian Blankets serve a score of needs-tor The symbolism of their designs add much to the.r interest. They are dyed in the wooi uicir v v Come in and let us show you the newest designs in Blankets. "Oregon City" Indian Minor & Company ,-inth tnr fnhncro Dags, IB bels, coupons, etc., Involving the print ing trade extensively. Then hnildlne contractors snn mami facturers of machinery are largely in- terested. Investments In plnnts and machinery employed In manufactur ing tobacco are estimated at iik:,iiiu,- 000. Replacement, up keep and inter est on the Investment make no small sum annually. i And let realty men note there are approximately 325,000 tobacco farms In the country, with a total estimated valuation of $160,000,000. Of further In terest to real eRtate men Is the fact that there are 700,000 retail establish ments selling totmceo, Involving a total rental and up keep Impossible to estl hoi,!i.u he Inrce amount of of- IliaiC, uiniu.o . a annce occupied by administrative branches of the general business. The Insurance men, too, nave tneir share of the pickings. The tonacco bus'ness pays out annually $j,!n,uw In premiums in tne un inl w nre the rnilrnnils wno reap revenue from 2,210,000 tons of tobacco products every year. 1 As for the advertising "' here ngnln It Is Impossible to inrm any estimate of the enormous annual outlay. , The prohibition or tonacco woum knock a good-sized hole In the receipts of the United States government. The Internal revenue receipts irom tobacco for the fiscal yenr 1020 amount ed to $2t,St)!),3.rri.44. Customs dutlei provided an additional If'-WXMi.ix) in round figures, making the total revenue return to the government 11120,000,001). Influence on Popular Sentiment T l ihla Interlocking of the tobacco bus'ness with si ninny other Interests and the vnst b mount of financial loss that would be Involved In the nbolltlon of tobacco that Is one of I lie most se rious aspects of the proposal to pro hibit the sale of tobacco, a proposal, :inPr. which hss little support tiy public sentiment If the newspaper edl- i ors of the country are correct In tneir Butlrnnte of thnt sentiment. 1 In a noli of the editors made recently 1 by the Tobacco Merchants' AKsnclHtlon ! of the'Unlted States, through the I'ress , Service Company of New 1 ork City, 95 per cent of the 7.R47 editors who replied expressed the opinion thst the people of their commun ties were op posed to any Inw sgulnst tobacco. As these editors represent some WMMsyMi readers the results form r pretty gen eral test of national opinion. In their remurks acconipsn) Inif tneir replies many of the editors exposed It as their opinion that the oppo tlon of their communities to the sliolltlon of tobacco was based to some extent lit least on the damage sin-h a cluiniie would do to the business Interests ot the community. This was particulars true In the tobacco growing stales an renters where there were large toburre plants. Rut when the extent or tne nusines Involved In the n'HH Interests of the lobneco trade Is ronild.Ted, as above briefly oiit'lt.ed. If Is Hear that then? is hnrdlv a section of the country that would not be affected directly or In directly by uholisbliig tobacco. ises us another visit later when th melons are ripe. We shall see tha he is notified when tney are ready to eat. Mesdames W. O. Kinjr, L. V. Knut zner and D. K. Mulkel molored Irrigon from Boardman Monday for fruits, now ripe, and made arrange ments with the different parties for other fruits later These ladies are 'all boosters for the norm Morrow county fair and we feel sure I hat .their exhibits of fruits and hand work, will be among the leaders In the September show. The writer is boosting too, and why not? We can beat the world for variety in the space we h.'ve. Quality never questioned. Dewberries and red raspberries are also ripe and have been selling lo callv for a week or ten days. Mrs. C K. Glasgow has the largest patch of the red berries and they are the very best. I Th local lodge of Neighbors of Woodcraft are planning on some sort of doings for the fourth. The matter will be taken up at the Friday evening regular meeting and arran gements will be made for some kind of amusement or doings either her in the groves or ferry across over to Patterson. 0 (Too l.nlo I' or I.nst Wee!) The annual sehom eieclion Mon day turned out the lagest crowd for a number or years. Three candi dates F. C. FredrlckRon, Merril K. Doble and A. II. Allen were put up lor director and Mr. Frccli -lesson was .locUd by a majority vole. M. F. Wadsworth was re-elected clerk for the ensulne year. The special ela tion was held Immediately follows the annual meeting and vote taken on construction of a 12 inch pipe, line from lateral 16 to the school grounds and carried by a big major ity. It is somewhat of a shame that this was not done las,t year even re fnre the new building was construc ted as the grounds look barren or very much like a building without a mnf or a coat of paint. We havf eight acres in the school grounds and the people have a light to aeman-i that this be taken care of since it has been purchased. The school board has hired rroi . F. H. Grover, of Monmoutn as pi.n- cipal for the coming term, who comes highly recommended an we tiope tt have a very successful year. Anions; the other teachers already wred n:t Mrs. W: T. Eggleston and Mrs. J. w . Warner of Irrigon. Oscar Doble, son of L. A. Do'no spent several days visiting his father and his brothers and sister last wei -. Oscar was graduated from the Al bany college June Sth and has been lected principal of Florence Orecon high school with a salary or ' for the term and his ve assist nu principal with a salary of $1150 '. the term. A few months ar," tm-y offered their services to the Bonn! of Foreign Mission of the Tres-byte. -ian church S3 missioaries to Indi i This board requested that they fire: obtain some experience in tcachinu, rhii, iu the work they wil take v.,i in the foreign field. The board has not yet acepted Mr. and Mrs. Dov.e ,ut it is practically understood this would be done when they finish their term of teaching In tho high school at Florence. Oscar will b pastor of tho rres-byterlan churcti or that place which has been without a. pastor for Home time. Mrs. Hay Lanirrcoux rorurn.-.i omTlaker Tuesday where she has been visiting her mother, Mr. J. K. rby, bringing home a biff origin. girl. Mrs. Lamareoux and Mrs. Dayton amaieoux left Friday on Number for Tortland, but expects to move n Trrlcnn in me near imun-. Dayton Lamareoux will also visit her mother and falucr at scnoiiem, v- gon on this trip. Mrs. V.. C. .Helniick and dauEhtei. or Pendleton and Mrs. K. TteynnU-s and son or Tacomst, Washlng-on, spent several days at the MarKtuims last wee'le. N. Seaman and son have been ping new potatoes by express to var ious points during the past. week. County Assessor Wells and County Clerk Waters spent several day.' around Irrigon last, week checking u up. We should worry, 01.7 . charge us anything until next sum mer. The ferry at Holmes landing :. again in operation. Mr. Holmes has seemed an expert boatsman to help him net next to the handling of the ferry so that ho will not. hao any fur ther trouble. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. llaUcnprr, o- lioardman were among the crown or people in search of Irrigon fruits Tuesday. It. has been a Bleany stream, especially on StiDilay and our people like this method of delivering fruits. It saves considerable worn boxing and delivering for shipment, just wait until about the first of Aug ust and watch them come, for the sweet watermelons and the Irrigon musk melons. h. W. Lancaster and family were iiv Irrigon Monday on their way home to Spokane in their neatly equipped car for camping and touring or the eoniilrv. They went- from Spokane to Seattle and down the coast. While coming through here they Inspected 1 heir property a mile and a half west r- Irrigon. This is one of tho choice ttncls in the district. Mrs. Patterson and daughters or Athena have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. I-i. W. llenefleld during the past week Mid returned to their home Tiiesday. Where you get service and workmanship combined Lloyd Hutchinson TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing 1 ! 1