Tuesday, June 28, 1921 PAGE SIX rrryr- UT7TJ AT.TY HEPPNER. OREGON V. VL,; !(1h,15hDcr acre. It m ' II IB IL II IS II 114 U H iff" IM . A ? A A A . v I ,.. El f M II m El II II 111 111 II II II 111 VI I U 1 I"! M 1 llUilL iL JLUJLi S A LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr onrt Mrs. I). F. Sorenson furnetd from an (astern rp Thurs day during -which they visited vari iuib BoiBls in Minnesota and the Dak ,,.0 Mrs fiorenson w at Mayo !ros. hospital at Rochester, MInne tola for several weeks and Mr. Sor ..nn mnt cut In accompany her 1hev visited friends In dirrerent lo ealities including "is former home In Dakota. Me says crops are more i .tiuarii hark there than in this c ountry and times are none too good W. O. Dix left this morning for T'ortland on a combined business and pleasure trip. Miss Juniata Matlock ,of Portland who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs i 1 I'ulleison. left for her honif t s morning. Mrs. George Conser, former resl (tent here, who has been visiting hei lister, Mrs. Josie Jones, and other friends and relatives, returned to l:er rortland home this morning Mrs. Kd liood, of Portland, who 'aft been visiting heri; for several 'iiv. was a. imsse tiger on the west bound train tins morning. lleiMilar nreiichintr services at th "ederaied church next Sunday morn UK at I I :(I0 o'clock. I'nion servici jih the Christian church will b( !:eld in the park in the evening. Mr .-intl .Mrs. Frank Drown, of An aconda, Montana, left for their home this morning after visiting then .ousins the MeCollough brothers foi r.everal days Dwight .Mlsner, extensive fanner in the country north of lone, was in town Saturday with Mrs. Misner gel ting ready for ljarvest. Mr. Misnci ',hk three sections of wheat which lit .stimales will make an average of tr. bushels ner acre. He expected to commence cutting yesterday mom ing with two combines. The crop Is of first duality because of plenty nf moisture and no hot winds ti... ii..,n,..iir will cut. the Fred V III . i "" ' n IjUCJis crop at LexiHRlon before star t.fr i,;u nwn run of 7000 acres to make a tood yield. Lee I'adberg, former county com .......!..... In town Fridav on 'lUnniwii' i , business, lie drove up over tlx biEhwav now under construction but i,. ...in iw.i clu it tiL'iiin until ii i u, riniuiiiiil It is In nreltv i in' i in in i - noor shape. Tkliuo Certrndo l.ee. who has beer. teaehinir at Haywood, California, tin oast year, arrived Thursday evening and will spend the summer with hei sister Mrs. Howard James J. It. Olden, well known Rhea t. ,.i In town S:i I II n;:i v. cieen iiiikimi, - Mart IlTakely, well known sheep man of Shiinicko country was a bus iness visitor here Friday and Satur day. Henry (lay, who farms and frui grows on Kbea creek was in town Saturday scouting around aiming: t his numerous friends. Harold Cohn drove over lo l'endle ton Friday returning Saturflay. V. U. Moore, proprietor, of the Willow creek sawmill, formerly Slo cuin Mill, was In town during the week and roporlB having a good Mason's cut well alons. Asked : the oulloek of the lumber business was Mr. Moore replied: "Well 1 have been ma'king lumber for n great Tfliiiiy years and I've made a lot or it In that time and I've got none of it now enlv what I'm making this Hummer, to 1 guess thin will sell too. There's iiothing to kick about In a country like this." Cilliuin .V Hishee had II demonstra lor of l'erfeciion tlltio Flame (HI Moves here last Thursday showing all inti re ;lei! .lust Itow to operate the Verfect i.n lo get the best results. The be; black cloud that missed up llerpiii'i 'aH Wednesday hit Walla Will hi a i nnslderable wallop, almost itpproacaiii'I the pruport'n oT : evebme Many line sliartc trees wc- I. low n down and wires put oil! of l'lisint-s flit joi uiuatels' nobody w as Inn t. llM'-.-On Willow r..l road be tween 1 iev i r ranch and lleppn. r I,..' .'..niain.nir ladies dii-:" cluKi's duss, poiki t book with $l"i bill and . mall e'l.ini.e. Leave at this j d Tic, . i I. o) u ward Advert ise- men.. I'1- l'(K .il l' A line paying bus iness '.ii li.ppotT. Hest of reasons for rel.nu: Address Uox PS. Hepp Iici , ilie.in Ad el I iscinent !M f Miss Cwelidolyn laibee left Mon day morning for llridal Ve;l where Khe will spend the Fourth with friends later visiting in l'ortlaml. 10. M. lluldcn. who was in from 1 Is lllack'.i' rse ranch Motu1a morn ing reports the wheat enr n 's neighborhood very pi oiuising. He lias 1000 acres coinlne and Ins club wheat has been estimated at belter than 35 bushel per acre. His harvest will not coiniueiu-e until about July l.'.th. Mr. and Mis C.eoiKO Pvkslra left Monday, morning for Shepheid's Springs where they will remain for Nome time while Mr. Dykstra takes the hot baths there for rheuniutisiu. lo 9 lo lo Andy Rood jr. reports a woneer ful crop o his Heppner flat ranch fr. .Rood has 50 acres of white Win ter hulless bajrley that he believes will make 70 bushels per acre. It a new variety he shipped in last fall and in order to get it introduced he will exchange seed for an equal amount of ordinary feed barley, Mrs. Arthur Smith was called to Portland a few days ago by the ill ness of her daughter, Mrs. Annie Webster, who was suffering from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism She was much improved when her mother reached her. Shelley Baldwin has opened a carpenter and cabinet shop in t he Garlgus building on Main street and renorts eood business tor the yen ture. . Orve Brown, and George Steven son were unloading gravel m the rail road yards the other hot morning and Orve was worrying himself nearly to death for fear they would run out of gravel and he would coot off too quick. Miss Mai garet Crawford left for Tortland to visit friends for a few weeks. . TWO TI'NTS FOR S.1T.F One 12 x 14 wall tent. One 7x7 wall tent 10 oz duck. $10.00 each. Latour el' Auto Co. Advertisement. 8tf Miss Ruth Van Vactor left, Friday or Pondli'ion where sue will attend the summer session of normal school taking the teacher's training course. Mrs. Spencer Crawford and little daughter, left Friday morning for Berkeley, California, to visit, her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Glthens. Mrs. Jo'.-.n Fulford, of Pendleton,, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mis. F. D. Cox, her sister Mrs. 13. C Watkins and oner mencs, returned to he- home Flifla Miss Kdythe lioyd and Miss Alma Devin left for Pendleton Friday mnrninir where they win attend the summer normal school for the next iix weeks. Mi'B W. O. Dix and lite daughter left Friday morning for Monmouth where tl.ey will spend several weefcs while Mrs. Itix takes some special work in tea .hers' training work at the Oregon Normal summer school Mrs. Kit McCarty, of the Dalles who has been visit ig her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Campbell for a couplo of weeks, left for her hotm Fri.'ay morning accomjmntcd by her mother woo will visit at -rne Dalles for some time. Mint King arrived from Portland Wednesday and will spend the vac ation with bis grand-parents, Mr. mil Mrs. James I.uper .filling in time by working in the harvest iiems lie is a student in Franklin High school, Portland, aud will complete his course next year. Rev. and Mrs. Van Marter are here this week from Alaska visiting their son. I,. 10. Van Marter and family. Rev. Van Marter has been doing nits ui.niiirv inuli In Alaska ror me T.IetTi odisl Kpiscopal church. Me will oc cupy the pulpit at l lie reueraieti church next Sunday morning and evening. Arthur Campbell who recently completed his junior year at the University of Oregon, returned to Heppner Tuesday evening and will spend the summer holidays with his invents Judge and Mrs, Wm. T. Oempbcll. lie iii latur.s It ' course in chemistry at the university and has already had a flattering offer of a position on a big sugar plantation In Hawaii as soon as his course is completed. Jim Hal t and son Harvey came out from Portland Wednesday to spend a few davs ill HeiiPtier Mi Wednesday, Thursday, June 29-30 Priscella Dean and Lon Chaney in "Outside the Law" 100 per cent entertainment Saturday, July 2 Harry Carey in "Hearts Up" A new treatment of the age old query : Whether to be an "old man's darling or a young man's slave?" - 9 For you stay-at-homes, while the rest of the family are celebrating, we have a very unusual line-up for your entertainment. See these pic tures and you will-be quite well satisfied to have remained at home, refreshed, instead of celebrat ing arid being all fagged out. Summer Holiday Feature Program Every Evening Sunday, July 3 Basil King,s "Earthbound" Here is something distinctly different one of the specials of the year. Monday, Tuesday July 4-5 A Brilliant Comedy-Drama, "Fickle Women," Adapted fronr the Saturday Evening Post story, "Sitting on the World," by Sophie Kerr. Fickle Women" is a story so real, so fujll of good old fashioned Americanism that Mark Twain in his palmi'-ist days would have been well'satisfied if he had written it. 48f 00O B" Harold Colin drove to Arlington and return Wednesday and reports having Been several combines and headers in operation along the way. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H Latourell re turned Wednesday from a fishing Iron tt skookum creek, a tributary oft he John Day and which flows in to that stream svveral miles below n,n nw.ulh of Ditch creek. The only mv ,rt in there is with Raddle and nack horses right through the mountains and regardless of trails Thev found fish a-plenty and had ii wonderful trip but were somewtiai disappointed that their camp was not invaded by a big bear and that they were not attacked while Wishing by any ferocious buck deer. Mr. and Mr O. T. Hobiuett accompanied tlicm on the trip. Heppner Coanta iiqua uly 21 t 26 I..(iKAXlK TVIIX8 DOWN WOMAN SCHOOL mUKCTOH ideriiig a proposition Ironi a hotel in Walla Walla and may decide to go ere. He and llarevy want to take a camping trip to me nioiiimuu, however, before leaving Heppner. c.,t senator Colon U. Eberhard ,wi A f. Hill, incumbents, were re ..i.,...,,.! ni. tr, of the LaGrande Hart is con-! rh, ml district Monday, over Mrs v,,i C. Schilke. the candidate 01 ine group desiring a woman on the school i., ,-. I Tlie vote stood: Kbt'tharil, 4 13; Hill, 410; Mrs. Schilke. !T 11 U' Notice to the Public Nut ice is hereby given that our places of lnis s will reinain-elosed from Saturday evening, jihI until Tuesday morning, July 5th. ; your gasoline not later than Saturday even- Lntourell Auto Co Heppner Garage Colin Auto Co. Universal Garage ing. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Get Your Season Tickets Now And Save $4.40 Adults only $2.75 Children $1.10 Ticket Sales E. M. Shutt A. L. Cornett Wm Haylor Committee A S. Akers Mrs. L. Shurte Watch This Space 0OOOSOOOOCOOOOOO0SOOOOOOO0OO0OeoOOOOO$0$ooo O & & - 9- -" . vjf- o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V